Elizabeth - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Nitreye

Chapter 3

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Elizabeth is forced to find her true self. Her husband Roderick is in for a surprise. Her Mistress will mold her into the perfect trophy wife. Fetishes raining free, piercings, tattoos, leather, latex, bdsm, makeover, transformation, cosmetic surgery. Bimbofication trying to find realism. It's a long story building slowly. Many chapters to come and already set up and written, with your input they can become better. Enjoy the ride..

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Lesbian   Slut Wife   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   White Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Analingus   Enema   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Needles   Public Sex   Slow   Transformation  


As I stepped through the bustling airport terminal, my eyes immediately scanned the crowd, searching for Elizabeth. My heart pounded with the familiar rush of excitement, but when I finally spotted her, standing near the entrance, my breath caught in my throat.

She looked stunning—no, more than stunning. She was a vision of sultry beauty, and for a moment, I wasn’t even sure if the woman I was staring at was my wife. Elizabeth had always been beautiful, but this was different. Her honey-blond hair fell in perfect waves around her shoulders, gleaming under the airport lights. The way it framed her face, so effortlessly seductive, caught me off guard. And then there was her outfit—tight jeans that hugged every curve, accentuating her hips and legs in a way I had never seen her wear before. The leopard print heels, with their small platform, made her legs look impossibly long, and she walked in them with such ease, as if she had been born wearing them. Her leather biker jacket gave her an edgy, sophisticated look, adding a layer of confidence that seemed to radiate from her.

But it wasn’t just the outfit. Her makeup—flawless, expertly done yet sweet—made her bright blue eyes pop, and her lips, painted in a soft pink, seemed fuller, more inviting. Her smile, gleaming and impossibly white, was infectious, and I felt myself grinning just looking at her. She moved with a new kind of grace, her hips swaying effortlessly with each step, her long false nails catching the light as her fingers played with the strap of her bag. There was a confidence about her, something bold and captivating, but at the same time, she still seemed like my Elizabeth.

As she walked toward me, my heart raced faster, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Every detail—the bounce of her hair, the way her jeans clung to her legs, the gentle clink of her oversized hoop earrings as they brushed against her neck—was mesmerizing. She was a different version of herself, yet entirely the woman I loved.


Before I could even fully process the transformation, she was in my arms, her lips pressing against mine in a kiss that sent my mind spinning. It wasn’t the usual peck I had grown used to after a long trip—this was deeper, more intimate, her lips soft and slow against mine. The world around us faded, and all I could focus on was her—her warmth, her scent, the way her body felt pressed against mine. I didn’t care about the onlookers or the attention we were drawing; I only cared about her.

“You’re home,” she said softly as she pulled away, her hands still resting on my chest. “That’s the best gift in my life.” She said with a devotion throbbing my ego.

Her words washed over me, filling me with a warmth I hadn’t felt in a long time. There was something so genuine in her voice, so full of affection, that it made my heart swell. But at the same time, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted in her. There was a newfound sweetness, a vulnerability, but also a hint of something more.

“What’s with the look?” I asked, unable to hide my curiosity. She looked ... different. Sexy in a way I hadn’t expected, but still her.

She smiled, that same playful glint in her eyes. “Don’t you like it?” she teased, tilting her head slightly, her big hoops swaying as she did. “I needed to refresh myself.”

I chuckled, a little taken aback but also completely captivated. “You look incredible,” I admitted, unable to keep the admiration out of my voice. “I just wasn’t expecting ... this.”

She giggled, her fingers trailing lightly down my arm. “Good,” she replied, her tone light and playful. “I wanted to surprise you.”

As we headed toward the car, I couldn’t stop sneaking glances at her, still processing everything. The way she moved in those heels, the confidence in her walk—it was all so different from the Elizabeth I had left behind. But she was still her, just more. More everything.

On the ride home, I filled her in on my trip—the meetings, the people I had met, the potential opportunities for the future. She listened intently, her eyes never leaving mine, and I could see the pride shining in them. It made me feel good, knowing she cared about what I had accomplished. But there was something about the way she looked at me now, with a kind of admiration I hadn’t felt in a while. It made me feel ... important. Needed.

When I caught a glimpse of her hands resting on her lap, I noticed her nails—long, sleek, and perfectly manicured. They weren’t the practical, short nails I was used to. And then there were the earrings—those big hoops that almost grazed her shoulders. It was different, but it excited me in a way I hadn’t anticipated. She noticed me looking, and I saw a small smile creep across her lips.

“You like them?” she asked, holding up her hands to show off her nails. “I wanted to try something new.”

“I do,” I admitted, feeling a little flustered by how much it turned me on. “They look great. You look ... great.”

Her smile grew wider, a little too eager, as if she was waiting for that praise. “I’m glad you like it,” she said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that made me want to pull her closer.

There was a new dynamic between us, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. She seemed bolder, more confident, yet there was still that sweetness, that playfulness, that had always made me love her. But I couldn’t deny that there was something more now. Something a little ... heavier. It was like she was trying to impress me in a way that wasn’t just for show. It felt real, as if she genuinely wanted me to see her, to notice her.

As we pulled into the driveway, she turned to me with a look I hadn’t seen in a while. “I missed you,” she whispered, her hand resting on my thigh. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

The way her hand moved, slow and deliberate, made my heart race. And the look in her eyes—half playful, half hungry—sent a jolt of desire through me. Before I could say anything, she leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. “Let me show you how much I missed you.”

By the time we got inside, I was practically dizzy with anticipation. Elizabeth wasted no time, her hands tugging me toward the bedroom, her laughter filling the air. There was a joyfulness in her, a kind of enthusiasm that felt contagious. She kissed me again, deeper this time, her nails dragging lightly over my back as she pressed herself against me.

“I’m so proud of you,” she murmured between kisses, her hands already moving to unbutton my shirt. “You’re such a successful man.”

Her words filled me with a kind of confidence I hadn’t realized I needed. I could feel her admiration, her excitement for me, and it made me want to be the man she saw in me.

She led me to the bed, her hands moving with a slow, sensual confidence I hadn’t seen before. Her lips found mine again, but then she broke away, kneeling before me with a look that was both shy and eager. “Let me take care of you,” she whispered, her eyes meeting mine as her hands moved to my belt.


I was too captivated by the moment to think. She undid my pants, her touch gentle but firm, and as she lowered herself to her knees, her hands rested lightly on my thighs. The way she looked up at me, her big hoops swaying as she moved, sent a rush of arousal through me.

Elizabeth leaned forward, taking me into her mouth with a slow, deliberate motion that made my knees weak. It wasn’t like before—this was different. More sensual, more confident. She was using everything she had, every skill, every touch, to make me feel ... incredible. Her lips moved slowly, her tongue tracing along my length, and her eyes never left mine. The praise she had given me earlier, the way she had admired me, all of it came rushing back as she worked her magic.

I groaned, unable to hold back, as she took me deeper, her lips and tongue moving in perfect rhythm. It wasn’t just about the pleasure—it was the way she was making me feel, the way her hands moved, the way her eyes held mine. When she finally pulled back, her lips wet and glistening, she looked up at me with a soft smile. “You taste so good,” she whispered, her voice sweet and soft, as if she hadn’t just given me the most intense blowjob of my life.

And then she kissed me again, slow and sensual, her tongue slipping into my mouth. I could taste myself on her lips, and it only made the moment more intense. She cleaned me, her soft licks and kisses making me feel strong, desired.

“You make me feel so safe,” she whispered as she nestled into my chest, her hand resting over my heart. “I missed you so much.”

I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her warmth, her love, her need for me. And as we lay there, I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky I was. Elizabeth had always been incredible, but now ... now she was something else. Something more.

“I’m going to take a quick shower,” I said, feeling the need to freshen up, my body still tingling from the way she had touched me. I kissed her on the forehead, feeling a surge of affection for this beautiful woman who was my loving wife.

Stepping out of the shower, I felt the warmth of the water lingering on my skin, as though it had washed away not only the grime from my trip but the weight of stress that had accumulated during my time abroad. My workouts had kept me grounded, made me feel stronger, more centered. And now, standing in the quiet of our bedroom, I felt a renewed sense of anticipation for the night ahead. Elizabeth’s expert blowjob the moment we arrived home had worked wonders, unwinding the tension in my body and leaving me relaxed, happy, and—more than anything—craving more of her. My business trip had been a success, and I was feeling upbeat, ready to enjoy every moment with my wife.

I wrapped a towel around my waist, ran my fingers through my damp hair, and headed toward the kitchen. The aroma of dinner filled the air, but what really caught my attention was the sight of Elizabeth. She was standing at the counter, busy with dinner preparations, still in her tight jeans and those leopard print heels that had captivated me from the moment I saw her at the airport. My eyes traced the curve of her back as she moved with such ease and grace, the sway of her hips natural and confident. The heels clicked softly against the tile floor, and it was impossible not to notice the way they made her legs look even longer and leaner.


Her hair was perfectly styled, cascading in soft waves around her shoulders, and the heavier makeup she wore accentuated her features—her eyes, her lips, all of it drew me in like a magnet. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She looked incredible, almost like a different version of herself, but in the best way possible. The leather biker jacket she wore added an edge of sophistication, and there was something about the entire ensemble that screamed confidence and sensuality.

“Wow,” I whispered, mostly to myself, as I stood there watching her. She glanced over her shoulder at me, catching my stare, and smiled—a sweet, playful smile that lit up her face.

“Hey, handsome,” she teased, her voice warm and welcoming. “Dinner’s almost ready. Why don’t you relax for a bit?”

I walked over to her, unable to resist the pull she had on me. My hand rested on her hip as I pressed a kiss to her cheek, the scent of her perfume filling my senses. “You look amazing,” I murmured, my voice low and filled with admiration.

Her smile grew wider. “I wanted to make tonight special for you,” she replied softly, her eyes gleaming with affection.

As we sat down to dinner, the setting felt intimate—soft music playing in the background, the glow of candlelight casting a warm, flickering light across the room. Elizabeth had truly outdone herself. The food was incredible, and I couldn’t help but compliment her cooking.

“This is delicious,” I said between bites, genuinely impressed. “You’ve gotten even better at this.”

She blushed slightly, clearly pleased by my praise. “I wanted everything to be perfect,” she said, her voice almost shy, but there was a glint of something deeper—something more playful—in her eyes. “I’m glad you like it.”

I felt a wave of contentment wash over me. Having such a caring wife, one who went to such lengths to make me feel appreciated, was more than I could have asked for. And yet, there was something more to her tonight—something more daring, more seductive, that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.


As we finished dinner and moved on to dessert, I remembered the conversation I had with Matt before I left. His suggestion to “spice things up” lingered in my mind. I’d taken his advice and bought Elizabeth a piece of delicate lingerie—a gift that I hoped would excite her as much as it excited me. When I presented it to her, her eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement.

“Why don’t you try this on?” I suggested, handing her the small, elegant box.

Elizabeth opened it, her fingers brushing over the lace fabric inside. She gave me a sly smile, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “I’ll be right back,” she said, standing up and walking toward the bedroom with an extra sway in her hips that made my pulse quicken.

A few minutes later, she emerged wearing the lingerie—and only the lingerie. The sight of her left me breathless. The delicate fabric clung to her body in all the right places, accentuating her curves and leaving just enough to the imagination. The heels she wore lent her an elegance and poise that was utterly bewitching. My eyes followed the length of her legs, drawn to the way the lingerie hugged her waist and hips.

But it was the thick gold necklace around her neck that caught my attention next. It was bold, striking, and completely unexpected.

“Is this new?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Elizabeth’s smile was playful, inviting. “Yes, it is,” she said softly, running her fingers over the necklace. “I wanted to be sexier for you.”

Her voice was laced with a promise, a subtle invitation that sent a rush of heat through me. The necklace, though beautiful, felt like more than just an accessory. It felt like a statement, a sign of the changes she had embraced.

And then there was the belly ring. As she turned slightly, the small jewel in her navel sparkled under the light, catching my attention. It was bold, edgy, and utterly captivating.

“I wanted to be more ... daring,” she admitted with a shy smile, her fingers brushing over the piercing.

I felt a surge of desire, my mind flashing back to a conversation I had had with Matt at the strip club. I had admitted to him—maybe a little drunkenly—that I found piercings incredibly sexy. And now, here Elizabeth was, embracing something I hadn’t even known I wanted.

“You know, I’ve always thought piercings were incredibly sexy,” I said, my voice low with admiration. “A woman taking the pain to look good ... it’s a huge turn-on.”

Her eyes sparkled, and she took a step closer, her hips swaying seductively. “I’m glad you like it,” she purred, her voice filled with playful confidence.

As the night went on, I found myself completely captivated by her. Every movement she made, every glance she gave me, felt intentional, as if she knew exactly how to drive me wild. She was more vocal than usual, her words laced with a brazen confidence that I hadn’t seen in her before.

When she knelt before me again, her hands resting on my thighs, her lips brushed against me with a slow, deliberate motion. She took me into her mouth, her eyes locked on mine, and the sensation was overwhelming. This wasn’t like before. Elizabeth had always been good at this, but now—now she was something else entirely. She moved with a precision and skill that made my entire body tense with pleasure.

“You’re so big,” she whispered between slow, sensual strokes. “I love pleasing you.”

Her words, so sweet yet so blatantly sexual, sent a shiver down my spine. And yet, despite how close I was to losing control, she didn’t push me over the edge. She took her time, teasing me, building the tension until I could barely stand it. But she never let me cum. Not yet.

When she climbed on top of me, her body pressed against mine, her hips moving in a slow, deliberate rhythm, it was like she was claiming me. I could feel the intensity of her desire, the way she craved her own release, and when she finally came—her body shaking with the force of her orgasm—her cries were louder, more brazen than I had ever heard before.

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