Elizabeth - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Nitreye

Chapter 1

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Elizabeth is forced to find her true self. Her husband Roderick is in for a surprise. Her Mistress will mold her into the perfect trophy wife. Fetishes raining free, piercings, tattoos, leather, latex, bdsm, makeover, transformation, cosmetic surgery. Bimbofication trying to find realism. It's a long story building slowly. Many chapters to come and already set up and written, with your input they can become better. Enjoy the ride..

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Lesbian   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Enema   Exhibitionism   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Needles   Public Sex   Slow   Transformation  


Hello everybody, I’m a new author so show some cheers and help. I have many more chapters to this story, with images to match. I would love assistance to make this a really great story. Editors, image wizards and just creative people please contact or comment. I hope for a general enjoyment and a just fulfillment my story can bring.

The city of New Haven never seemed to sleep. Its towering skyline, filled with corporate ambition, cast long shadows over its streets. Amidst the bustle, in an upscale venue, an exclusive corporate cocktail gathering unfolded. The atmosphere was a heady mix of polished success and whispered intrigue, where power was traded over clinking glasses. It was here that Matt Hardgraves, the commanding figure at the helm of Hardgraves Enterprises, stood beside his wife Samantha, their gazes lingering on a young couple across the room—Rod and Elisabeth Stone.

Rod, tall and handsome in a sharp suit, stood quietly at his wife’s side. His 6-foot-3 frame should have commanded attention, yet he exuded a subdued energy. There was an air of hesitation about him, a perpetual shadow of doubt lurking behind his corporate smile. Matt observed him with a mixture of admiration and frustration, swirling his wine as he took in the scene.

“Rod has so much potential,” Matt mused to Samantha, his voice low, though heavy with meaning. He wasn’t one for idle chatter, and his words cut straight to the core of the matter.

Samantha, ever the sharp observer, followed his gaze. Her crimson lips curved into a knowing smile. “But it’s his wife, Elizabeth,” she remarked, her voice laced with a touch of amusement. “She’s holding him back.”

Across the room, Elizabeth, at just 22, stood with a mousy blond bun perched atop her head. At 5 feet 5 inches, she wasn’t the most commanding presence, and her plain dress, paired with modest heels, did little to enhance her appeal. But what Elizabeth lacked in outward sensuality, she made up for in sheer force of will. She was the one giving orders, and it showed. Her assertiveness played out even now as she bossed Rod around with a flick of her wrist, barely sparing him a glance.

“Get me a white wine,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Rod, ever the dutiful husband, lowered his eyes and dutifully complied, slipping away to fetch her drink. Matt watched, a subtle frown creasing his brow.

Samantha chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous sort of intrigue. “I’ve seen her at those charity events. A lovely girl, but far too bossy for Rod’s good. It’s like he’s shrinking under her control.”

Matt nodded slowly, his gaze thoughtful as he sipped his wine. “Rod could be so much more if he wasn’t constantly overshadowed. He needs someone to push him—not coddle him.”

Samantha’s smile grew darker, her mind already whirling with possibilities. “Maybe she needs a little shaping. Some guidance. She could be an asset to him if she learned her place.”

“Her place?” Matt raised an eyebrow, though his tone was intrigued, not skeptical.

Samantha’s eyes flicked towards Elizabeth, sizing her up like a sculptor considering a block of marble. “Elizabeth could become the perfect wife for him. Mold her, and you could unleash Rod’s true potential. She needs to support him, not boss him around. I could help her find that.”

Matt’s lips twitched into a half-smile. “You think you could pull that off? Turn her into what, a submissive wife who fulfills all of Rod’s needs? Give him the confidence he’s missing?”

Samantha leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Give me a few months with her, and I’ll turn her into the perfect partner. Rod won’t know what hit him. She’ll be everything he needs—obedient, attentive, and completely devoted to his success. A bit of dominance, some carefully placed pressure. Trust me.”

Matt chuckled darkly, the idea taking root in his mind. “And Rod?”

“I’ll leave Rod to you. Push him at work. Give him more responsibility, make him feel like he’s earning his way. If he starts seeing Elizabeth fall in line, it might give him the boost he needs to rise to the occasion.” Samantha’s eyes glimmered with a wicked sort of glee. “Together, we could shape them both into something spectacular.”

The thought hung between them, a tantalizing possibility. As they stood in their elegant world of power and control, a slow smile spread across Matt’s face. He raised his glass, his eyes locking with his wife’s. “To Rod and Elizabeth’s transformation.”

Samantha raised her own glass, her smile widening. “And to us, for being the masterminds behind it all.”

They clinked glasses, the soft chime of crystal against crystal sealing their unspoken pact. Little did Rod or Elizabeth know, the Hardgraves were about to set in motion a chain of events that would upend their lives.

Later that evening, in the luxurious Hardgraves mansion—a sprawling estate filled with art, wealth, and a sense of untouchable privilege—Matt and Samantha continued their scheming over dinner. Samantha, ever the dominant force in both her corporate dealings and her private pursuits, toyed with her glass, her mind already leaping ahead to the challenge of shaping Elizabeth.

“You think Elizabeth’s going to be easy to break?” Matt asked as he cut into his gourmet steak.

“Not easy, no,” Samantha replied, her tone cool and confident. “But that’s what makes it fun. She has a fire in her, but it’s misguided. She thinks she’s in control, but she’ll learn.” A sly smile crossed her lips. “I’ll trap her. Get her to make a mistake. The next children’s charity event will be perfect.”

Matt raised an eyebrow. “What’s the plan?”

Samantha’s smile darkened. “I’ll make sure she gets her hands dirty—something small, like stealing money from the charity. Something she’ll think she can get away with. Then, I’ll have her exactly where I want her. Once she knows I have that over her, she’ll do anything I say.”

Matt’s eyes gleamed with approval. “You’re wicked, you know that?”

Samantha leaned back in her chair, her gaze smoldering. “That’s why you married me.” She raised her glass again, her eyes sharp as a blade. “To our plan.”

Matt’s smile was slow and dangerous. “To our plan.”

As they toasted once more, they both knew this was only the beginning. The young couple—naive, unknowing—was walking straight into their web. And once caught, neither Rod nor Elizabeth would ever be the same.

I closed the door behind me and dropped my briefcase on the kitchen counter. The apartment was quiet, save for the hum of the city outside. Elizabeth was sitting on the couch, flipping through her phone, not even glancing up as I came in. A pile of dishes sat untouched in the sink, the remnants of the lunch I hadn’t had time to finish that day.

“Rod, you’re late,” she said flatly, her eyes glued to the screen. “I thought you were picking up the dry cleaning?”

I blinked, the weight of her words hitting me like a dull punch in the gut. It wasn’t the first time—her demands, her little reminders of my failures—but each one seemed to sting more than the last. She didn’t ask how my day went. She didn’t notice the hours I poured into work, trying to secure a future for us, for her.

“I’ll get it tomorrow,” I muttered, unbuttoning my collar and loosening my tie.

She sighed, an exaggerated sound that echoed in the space between us. “You always forget. I can’t do everything around here, Rod. I need you to step up.”

I swallowed the sharp retort that rose in my throat. What did she think I was doing all day? Every second of my life, I was stepping up—at work, pushing myself harder than ever, trying to make something of myself. And here, with her, it felt like I was stuck in neutral.

I could feel the tension building, a storm brewing inside me that I kept pushing down. Every day, I felt the pressure mounting. Elizabeth, with her constant demands, her criticism, her assumption that everything would just fall into place if I worked harder. I was already working as hard as I could, wasn’t I?

After a quick change into more comfortable clothes, I sat down at the table, staring at the blank space in front of me. The numbers from today’s meetings swirled in my head, but so did something else—Matt’s words from earlier.

“Rod,” he’d said, pulling me aside after the team meeting, his sharp eyes locking onto mine with the kind of intensity that could make or break a man’s career. “I’ve been watching you. You’ve got potential, but you’re not using all of it. You’re holding back.”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat at the memory, but his next words had grabbed me by the throat.

“I’ve got a new role opening up—Associate International Officer. It’s demanding. High stakes. It’s a lot of travel, a lot of responsibility. But I think you’re ready for it.”

I’d felt a spark ignite in me, one that I hadn’t felt in a long time. “Really?” I’d said, my heart pounding. “That sounds ... incredible.”

“It’s a big opportunity,” Matt had continued, a knowing smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “More money, prestige. And it’ll give you the chance to step out of the shadows. Show everyone what you’re really capable of. I know you’ve got it in you, Rod. You just need to unlock it.”

I sat straighter in my chair now, even as I recalled the conversation. It was like he was seeing through all the doubt and insecurity, like he knew exactly what was holding me back.

“Elizabeth’s a lovely girl,” he’d added, with a casualness that felt anything but. “But behind every successful man is a strong, supportive woman. You need her on your side. You both have to be on the same page for this to work. And for you to really step up, you’ll need her support.”

I’d nodded, unsure of what to say. The truth was, I wasn’t sure if I had that. Elizabeth ... she wasn’t exactly the encouraging type. She wanted things, sure, but I wasn’t sure she understood what it took to get them.

Matt’s eyes had narrowed, like he could sense my hesitation. “Look, Rod. This role—it’s not just about the job. You need to take care of yourself, too. Physical fitness, mental strength—it all matters. If you’re going to keep up with the demands, you need to be at the top of your game. Go to the gym. Work on yourself. You’re going to need that discipline, especially with the amount of time you’ll be spending abroad.”

Abroad. A surge of excitement had flooded through me at the thought. The idea of traveling, of handling international deals, of stepping into a role that mattered—it felt like a dream. This was what I’d been waiting for.

“More money, more travel. A chance to spoil your wife, too,” Matt had added with a grin, slapping me on the back. “You’ll be able to give her the life she deserves. Just make sure you’re both ready for it.”

Now, sitting at the table, I replayed the conversation over and over in my head. I felt alive for the first time in a while, like the future was stretching out in front of me, full of possibilities. But then reality crashed down around me, reminding me of the way Elizabeth had barely acknowledged my existence when I walked in. The way she made me feel like I wasn’t enough.

I needed to talk to her. I needed her to understand what this promotion meant for us—both of us. But as I glanced toward the living room, where she was still glued to her phone, I hesitated.

Would she even care? Or would she just see this as more work for me and less time for her?

“Elizabeth,” I started, my voice careful, testing the waters. She didn’t look up, but I pressed on. “I had a meeting with Matt today.”

She glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. “And?”

“He offered me a promotion,” I said, feeling a swell of pride as the words left my mouth. “Associate International Officer. It’s a huge deal. More money, more responsibility. I’ll be traveling a lot, but—”

Her expression didn’t change. She was still staring at her phone. “More travel? Great. So, I’ll be home alone even more.”

I swallowed, trying to push down the irritation rising in my chest. This was supposed to be good news. Our news. “It’s not like that. This is a big step for us, Elizabeth. It means more money, more opportunities. For both of us.”

She sighed, setting her phone down, but the lack of enthusiasm in her voice was obvious. “I just don’t see how you working even more is going to help us, Rod. You’re already gone half the time.”

The excitement that had been building in me all day began to fade. It was like she couldn’t see what this promotion meant—what it could mean for our future. For me.

“I’ll be working hard,” I said, keeping my voice steady. “But this is a chance for us to have more. To do more. Matt thinks I have potential, Elizabeth. And he’s right. I just need you to believe in me, too.”

She stood up, brushing past me. “I believe in you, Rod. But sometimes, it feels like you’re doing everything for everyone but me.”

As she disappeared down the hall, I felt the weight of her words settle heavily on my shoulders. I wanted to succeed—for both of us. But more and more, it felt like Elizabeth and I were living in two different worlds. And no matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t bridge the gap.

Still, Matt’s words echoed in my mind, igniting something inside me. This promotion was the first step. And maybe, just maybe, once I showed Elizabeth what I was capable of, everything would fall into place.

I just hoped it wasn’t already too late.

How could I have been so stupid? That thought had been circling in my mind ever since the phone call from Ms. Hardgraves. The second I hung up, my heart started pounding, faster and faster, like it was trying to escape the chaos inside me. How did it come to this? How did I let myself get caught up in something so reckless, so dangerous? I stole from a charity. A goddamn children’s charity. The words tasted like poison, burning every time they resurfaced.

When Matt Hardgraves’ wife, Samantha, had first reached out to me, she seemed so polished, so perfect. I felt like someone important. She invited me to events, complimented me, and slowly, subtly, I found myself trusting her. I never imagined it would come to this. That I’d be standing on the edge of a precipice, about to lose everything.

Her voice echoed in my ears—sharp, commanding, without a trace of sympathy. “Meet me at my house. Nine a.m. sharp. Don’t be late.” The words came through like a judgment, final and unforgiving.

What did she want? Why the hell did she want me at her house? I tried to steady my breathing, but I couldn’t stop the fear from twisting in my stomach, coiling around my spine. The consequences of what I’d done hung heavy over me, like a dark cloud that wouldn’t lift. I was afraid of what she might do. I was terrified that my life, as I knew it, was about to end. If Roderick found out—God, if anyone found out—I’d lose everything.

I was still lost in the spiral of my own thoughts when I heard his voice from downstairs.

“Hi, honey!” Roderick called out, his voice light, excited.

I froze for a second. Of course, he couldn’t know. He couldn’t even suspect. I had to act normal. Everything had to be fine.

“Hello, dear,” I called back, my voice tighter than I meant it to be. “Home soon?”

He was home earlier than usual, which only added to the mounting pressure. When he appeared in the doorway, there was a light in his eyes that I hadn’t seen in a while. Something in his posture, the way he carried himself, was different. I could see it even before he said anything.

“I brought champagne,” he said, holding up the bottle with a grin. “We’re celebrating tonight.”

“Celebrating?” I asked, forcing a smile even as my stomach turned. I was already on edge, barely keeping myself together. The last thing I needed was champagne to make my nerves worse.

“I got the promotion.” His eyes sparkled with pride, and for a brief moment, a flicker of happiness cut through my panic. “Associate International Officer. It means the world to me, Elizabeth. I’m getting closer to the center of power at the company. Matt wants me to be his special envoy for international deals. I’ll be traveling a lot, meeting all the big foreign clients, sitting in on important meetings.”

His enthusiasm was palpable, but all I could think about was what would happen if he ever found out the truth. The truth about the money. The theft. The inevitable blackmail.

“I guess I made a good impression on Matt,” Roderick said, pouring us both glasses of champagne. “This is going to change everything for us. More money. More opportunities. I can finally spoil you the way you deserve.”

I forced another smile, taking the glass from him. My hand trembled slightly as I raised it to my lips. Spoil me? How could he spoil me when everything was crumbling beneath my feet?

“Oh, honey, that’s incredible,” I managed to say, but my voice sounded hollow to my own ears. “I’m so proud of you.”

But underneath the surface, I was falling apart. My hands were clammy, my heart racing, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the gnawing fear that clawed at me. My life, our life, was teetering on the brink of destruction, and Roderick had no idea.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, his eyes narrowing in concern.

I shook my head quickly. “No, no, I’m just ... thrilled. And a little scared, I guess. You know, with all the travel and new responsibilities.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, taking my hand and squeezing it. “Everything’s going to be just fine. Just like we planned.”

I wanted to believe him. God, I wanted to believe that everything was going to work out. But I knew better. The weight of my secret was too much to bear.

Roderick kissed my forehead and stood up. “I’m going to bed early. Big day tomorrow. I need to be top-notch if I want to meet my ambitions.”

He disappeared down the hallway, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The silence felt suffocating. My hands were shaking now, my mind racing. I poured myself a whiskey, then another. I never drank whiskey, but tonight, I needed something—anything—to numb the fear coursing through my veins.

I sat there for what felt like hours, replaying every moment, every decision that had led me to this point. How had I let this happen? How had I been so careless? The whiskey burned in my throat, but it did nothing to dull the edge of panic.

Eventually, I dragged myself to bed, where Roderick was already sound asleep. I looked at him, his peaceful face, his chest rising and falling in steady rhythm, and felt a wave of love so strong it nearly took my breath away. But it was followed by an even stronger wave of fear. I couldn’t lose him. I couldn’t lose everything.

The next morning, I woke with a mild hangover and a knot in my stomach. The nightmare I’d had about falling off a cliff lingered, a haunting reminder of the perilous situation I was in. I dressed quickly, not even bothering with much makeup. My usual attention to detail was gone. All I could think about was the meeting.

Ms. Hardgraves. Samantha. The woman who now held my fate in her hands.

I arrived at her mansion just before nine. The gates were already open, and the driveway felt impossibly long as I drove up to the house. The place looked ancient, almost gothic, with its tall windows and looming architecture. A chill ran down my spine as I approached the front door. There was no doorbell, just a heavy knocker. I used it, the sound echoing ominously in the morning air.

The door creaked open, and there she stood. My breath caught in my throat. Samantha Hardgraves was dressed head to toe in black leather. A short, tight dress, thigh-high boots, and a long leather coat that swept the floor. Her red lipstick gleamed, and her hair was pinned up in an immaculate style. She looked like something out of a nightmare—and yet, she was every bit as terrifying as I’d imagined.

“Come in,” she said, her voice cold and commanding. I stepped inside, feeling like I was walking into a trap.

She wasted no time. “You know why you’re here.” Her eyes bored into mine, unflinching. “You stole from those poor children.”

I opened my mouth to protest, to explain, but no words came out.

She stepped closer, her heels clicking ominously on the marble floor. “One year,” she said, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper. “You belong to me for one year. Every command I give, you will follow. Every desire I have, you will fulfill. Your body, your time, everything ... belongs to me.”

My heart hammered in my chest. “What ... what do you mean?”

She smiled, but it wasn’t a comforting smile. It was predatory. “You’ve already signed your life away when you made that mistake, Elizabeth. You’re mine now. If you don’t do exactly as I say, I’ll make sure your family, your husband, everyone finds out what you did. You’ll lose everything. Your reputation, your marriage, your life as you know it.”

I felt like the ground had disappeared beneath my feet.

Her voice softened slightly, but the cruelty remained. “From now on, your priority in life is pleasing me. When we’re alone, you will address me as Mistress. When we’re in public, you will call me Ms. Hardgraves. You will follow every order I give you without hesitation. Is that clear?”

I nodded, too terrified to speak.

“Good,” she said. “You will wear what I tell you to wear. No panties, no bra unless I say so. You will have permission to orgasm only in my presence. With your husband, do as you please, but when you’re with me, I call the shots.”

I stood there, frozen, as she slid a contract across the table toward me. “Sign it,” she commanded.

My hand shook as I picked up the pen. This was it. My life, as I knew it, was over. With a deep breath, I signed my name.

Samantha’s smile widened. “You’ve made the right choice, Elizabeth. Now ... let’s begin.”

And just like that, everything I thought I had control over slipped away. I was hers, and there was no going back.

I stood there, trembling as Mistress Hardgraves set out the rules that would govern my life from now on. Every word she said felt like a lock clicking into place, trapping me in a world I couldn’t escape. A deep fear gripped me, suffocating, as she laid out her demands. My heart pounded in my chest, my stomach churning with dread.

“You will do as I say, without hesitation,” she said, her voice cold and commanding. “You will ask for permission to cum in my presence. With your husband, you can come as much as you want, but I call the shots in your lovemaking. Do you understand?”

I nodded, the weight of her control crashing over me. I had no choice. If I didn’t follow her every order, my life—and Rod’s—would be ruined. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t destroy everything we’d built. But even as I tried to convince myself that this was the only way, my body was shaking with fear and disbelief.

“Strip naked,” Mistress Hardgraves ordered, her eyes fixed on me like a predator watching its prey.

I hesitated for just a second, but the look in her eyes made it clear—there would be no second chances. My fingers fumbled as I undressed, the cool air of the room prickling against my bare skin. I felt exposed, vulnerable, as I stood naked before her.

“Don’t be shy,” she said with a cruel smile, circling me like a lioness. “I’m going to see a whole lot of your naked body in the future.”

I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from breaking down as her gaze roamed over me.

“Hurry up,” she snapped, her voice sharp. “Come here and kiss me.”

My stomach flipped. Kiss her? I couldn’t believe what she was asking of me, but I knew I had to obey. My feet moved toward her, and I pressed my lips to hers, trying to keep it brief.

“Is that the best you can do?” she sneered, her hand gripping my chin roughly. “I said kiss me. Passionately. Use your tongue.”

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to picture Roderick instead of the woman in front of me. I kissed her again, this time letting my tongue meet hers, trying to mimic the way I kissed my husband, pretending it was him. But it wasn’t—it was her, and the shame twisted inside me like a knife.

“Better,” she murmured against my mouth. “Now suck my tongue.”

I obeyed, my mind screaming at me to stop, but my body moving on autopilot. I sucked her tongue, and it felt so wrong—like I was giving it a blowjob. My stomach churned with disgust, but I kept going, my fear of what she could do to me overpowering the revulsion I felt.

Mistress Hardgraves’ hand slid between my legs, her fingers parting me easily. “Uhh,” I gasped in shock as she slipped one finger inside me without warning.

“Stop sucking my tongue, slut,” she growled, pulling back just enough to watch me as she worked her fingers inside me. “Look at you, getting wet just from sucking my tongue. Pathetic.”

I bit my lip hard, trying to stifle the shameful moan that rose in my throat. I hated that my body was responding. I hated that she was doing this to me, and worse, that it was working.

“Say it,” she commanded, her eyes glinting with cruel satisfaction. “Say, ‘Thank you, Mistress, for sucking your tongue and making me wet.’”

I hesitated, but her eyes flashed dangerously.

“Say it,” she repeated.

My voice was barely a whisper. “Thank you, Mistress, for sucking your tongue and making me wet.”

“Good girl,” she purred, withdrawing her hand suddenly and stepping back.

I stood there, naked and ashamed, feeling her eyes on me, judging me, controlling me. Every part of me wanted to run, to escape this nightmare, but I was trapped. She owned me now. I couldn’t fight it.

Mistress left the room for a moment, and when she returned, she looked even more intimidating. She wore a black strap-on dildo, the thick leather straps wrapping around her hips like armor. My stomach dropped as I realized what she wanted from me next.

“On your knees,” she ordered, her voice like ice.

I sank to my knees, my legs weak and trembling beneath me.

“You’re going to learn how to give a proper blowjob,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “You’ll need these skills if you’re going to make your husband happy. Kiss it.”

I leaned forward, my lips trembling as I kissed the tip of the dildo. It felt wrong, humiliating, but I couldn’t stop. She was in control.

“Lick it,” she commanded, her voice firm.

I dragged my tongue along the length of the dildo, my heart pounding in my chest, each stroke filled with dread.

“Deeper,” she said, her hand wrapping in my hair as she pushed my head forward. I gagged as the dildo hit the back of my throat, tears stinging my eyes. “Hold it. Watch me.”

Her cold, calculating eyes locked onto mine, and I struggled to breathe, the thick length filling my mouth. I was gagging, nearly choking, but I had to keep going. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t.

“Better,” she said after what felt like an eternity. “But you can still improve. We’ll keep working on it.”

For half an hour, she forced me to practice. Again and again, until my jaw ached and my throat felt raw. She pushed me, made me gag, made me hold it until I was on the verge of throwing up. My eyes watered, and I was sure I couldn’t take it anymore, but I had to. I had no choice.

“Good girl,” she finally said, pulling the dildo out of my mouth and smirking down at me. “You’re getting better. Now, we’ll see how much more you can handle.”

She pushed me back onto the bed, tying my wrists to the bedposts. My heart raced with fear as I lay there, completely vulnerable.

“You’ll thank me after each punishment,” she said, her voice sharp as she picked up a whip. “This is for your own good.”

The first crack of the whip against my skin made me cry out in pain. Tears filled my eyes, but I managed to say the words she demanded. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Again and again, the whip struck, and each time, I choked out the words. “Thank you, Mistress.” The pain burned, but there was something else too, something deeper that confused and terrified me.

Mistress stood over me, her eyes dark and commanding. “Do you want me to fuck you?” she asked, her voice low and dangerous.

I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Beg me.”

“Please, Mistress. Please fuck me,” I whispered, shame and arousal warring inside me.

She smirked. “Good girl.”

The strap-on pressed inside me, and I gasped at the sensation. It felt overwhelming, all-consuming, and I couldn’t stop the moans that escaped my lips. My body betrayed me, responding to every thrust, every movement.

“Are you going to cum for me, slut?” she asked, her voice thick with power.

“Yes, Mistress,” I gasped, the pleasure building to an unbearable height. I couldn’t stop it.

“Then cum for me.”

And I did. The orgasm ripped through me, intense and overwhelming, leaving me breathless and trembling. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, how my body had reacted, how I had lost control completely.

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