Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 8: Of Tears and Chocolate Pt.1 of 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8: Of Tears and Chocolate Pt.1 of 4 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

The next morning she woke only a little sore from last night’s activities. Neither dildo made a reappearance in either orifice and she was glad she had her body under her sincere control once again. Dressing in a casual pair of black denim jeans and her favourite combat boots, with a black shirt under a clear, black crop top, and her usual Mohawk and long length of her purple hair crawling down her back. She inspected herself in the mirror after applying her usual make up, deciding in her own humble opinion that she looked absolutely stunning. She had to admit she’d missed the thrill of getting dressed up for Cane, and the anticipation of their meetings was always a delightful rush.

All she had to do now was get through her day without her fevered excitement becoming too obvious and she’d be set to meet him after work at his apartment suite, where he’d be preparing all the perquisites for their rendezvous, she felt almost like she was a spy meeting at some clandestine location, her heart fluttered at the thought. The day dragged on like molasses, each tick of the clock a tormenting reminder of the hours that separated her from Cane’s embrace. Kate’s mind wandered to the chocolate fantasy he had painted the night before, the thought of it making her stomach flutter and her cheeks flush.

But she kept a cool head and surprised even her boss with the level of her work that in his words seemed inspired by something more than just her typical creativity; she had a glow about her that was noticeable even through the office’s harsh fluorescent lighting. When her shift ended she clocked out and made her way gratefully into the busy streets, making a bee line for Cane’s home. She’d already let her parents know she’d be in late that evening in case they worried and that, she’d be spending her evening with Cane. There response was a mix of relief and caution, they’d had a heart to heart and they knew she wasn’t going to let herself get hurt, but reminded her nonetheless to be careful.

When she arrived the smell of warm liquid goodness filled the doorway to Cane’s apartment, slowly making its way down the hall. It smelled delicious and tempting and sugary as she rapped he knuckles on the door, hoping Cane could hear her through the hustle and bustle of his cooking.

When he opened the door, his warm face greeted her first as he led her in, as multiple assortments of chocolate covered cakes and dishes topped in strawberries with whipped cream and an assortment of sprinkles greeted her eyes along with the smell of a home cooked meal of spicy Thailand noodles he knew she loved from their conversations and how she’d always liked complimenting something spicy she ate with something sweet soon after, as the fusion of spices she could already feel lift her senses, made her feel heady and alive.

“I ducked out abit from work”, he explained, “luckily I had most of this already gathered, in anticipation of making it for you anyway, no strings attached, just some comfort food I wanted to share with you if you needed it”, he said. “But don’t worry, I made sure not to abuse my power and treat anyone at the shop tomorrow with any delectable leftovers we don’t finish now, Perry should be delighted too”, he said “but don’t worry, I didn’t let on about us, I think he’d rather hear that from you when you’re ready”, he said, his smile never leaving his face, as the mingling smells of chocolate pastries of every kind, set out on multiple dishes on the main dining table before her, along with the slow-cooking pot of hypnotizing Thai fusion cuisine made her feel suddenly famished and grateful, as she looked at him in awe of his thoughtfulness.

“Don’t worry he said, I haven’t backed out of our midnight promise, your true desert waits for you in the bathroom, and I didn’t forget the strawberries or the whipped cream either, if your still up for it,” he said with a seductive tone that matched his smile and a look in his eyes that sent a thrill of anticipation through her body.

Kate couldn’t help but return his smile, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves at the thought of what he had planned. She followed him into the living room, where the sight of the food laid out before her was almost too much to handle. “Cane, this is incredible,” she said, her eyes wide with appreciation. “Thank you so much.”

“It’s the least I can do for my muse in her hour of need”, he said with a gentle smile, his eyes scanning over her form, admiring her outfit choice, it was like a declaration of war, a silent promise of what was to come, he liked that about Kate, she had a fire in her that didn’t need to be stoked, it was already ablaze.

“Come then”, she said taking him by the hand and leading him to the bathroom “let me “inspire you”, she said with her own lascivious smile, her mind already racing with the anticipation of what was to come. The bathroom was dimly lit, candles flickered on the counter and the sound of a gently settling warm chocolate bath filled it. On the side of the tub lay a platter of chocolate covered strawberries and a can of whipped cream, the scent of chocolate was thick in the air.

The tub made for two people and fashioned from copper that would greatly retain the properties of heat, was spotless and filled just enough of warm, embracing chocolate that smelled minty in the air as it bubbled softly. He let her know it was perfectly safe that he had dipped the head of his most sensitive organ in and retrieved it with nothing more than a feeling of warm pleasure stimulating his senses, which he was grateful for, as Kate laughed abruptly imagining what the opposite effect would’ve been like, unable to restrain herself or her reaction as Cane simply laughed with her and helped her undress.

He recommended he get in first and that she slide onto him if she was up for a quick dip to acclimate herself, like a heated mud bath before they decided to do anything serious. Kate nodded eagerly, the excitement in her eyes barely concealed as she watched him strip down to nothing but his bare skin, the subtle muscles of his back flexing as he stepped into the chocolate mint tub and lay back down.

He was right, it was warm, almost too warm and she could feel the heat enveloping her as she lay back on him and slowly sank into the sweet embrace of the chocolaty minty water, her legs straddling him and her ass cheeks pressing against his stomach as she sat slid over him, her back against him as he crossed her arms over her stomach. He’d offered her a hair cap before stepping in to avoid her hair getting ruined by the chocolate, she declined, tying it up in a neat bun as he fell in love with the loose strands of purple hair, barely gracing the back of her neck and told her so, as she giggled.

She felt at home in his arms, with no rush overwhelming her, no need to do anything but enjoy his company there as the chocolate smothered her in sweetness and he smothered her in warmth. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. “Ready for your bath Kate?” he whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine as his breath tickled her skin. She nodded, and he picked up a strawberry from the nearby platter dipping it into the bath, before holding it to her lips.

“Taste,” he instructed, and she obeyed, biting into the luscious fruit. The sweetness of the chocolate mingled with the tartness of the strawberry on her tongue, and she moaned softly. Cane took the opportunity to kiss her deeply, sharing the flavour, their tongues dancing together in a passionate tango. The mint from the chocolate cooled their mouths, adding a refreshing twist to their kiss.

Their bodies grew more acquainted with the temperature of the chocolate water, Kate leaning back against Cane’s chest, his arms wrapping around her waist, holding her firmly in place. He kissed along her neck, nibbling at her neck lightly, sending waves of pleasure through her body. She took another strawberry, offering it to him, between her clenched teeth lightly biting into to hold it in place, a silent invitation for him to take it.

Cane didn’t miss a beat, leaning in to claim the berry with his mouth, his teeth grazing her lip as he did so. The chocolate on it smeared on her skin and glistened in the candlelight, making her look like a decadent dessert. He trailed kisses down her throat, licking off the remnants of chocolate as he went, savouring the taste of her skin beneath it. Kate leaned back into him, her eyes closing as she let out a soft moan.

The chocolate bath was warm and comforting; it’s scent thick in the air, and Kate felt herself melting into Cane’s embrace. His hands began to wander, tracing patterns on her stomach before moving up to cup her breasts. The gentle squeeze had Kate’s nipples peaking through the surface of the bath, and she could feel her arousal growing once more.

“You’re so beautiful,” Cane murmured, his breath hot against her ear as he began to knead her breasts more firmly. Kate leaned into his touch, her breath hitching as she felt his cock harden against her back. She reached back, her hand finding his erection and stroking it lightly, feeling the power she had over him, even in this submissive position.

“You haven’t seen anything yet”, she said her voice filled with a seductive promise that made Cane’s cock throb even more, as he felt her weight suddenly lift from him, as she carefully lifted and turned herself around with surprising balance and deftness, her body sheathed in dripping wet chocolate as she slowly rested her hips on his lightly, her hand running over his hair, her touch as gentle as a cool breeze on his skin as she drew him close to her lips, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and appreciation as she kissed him deeply.

When she finally let him come up for air with a smile on his lips and a look of slight daze from the intensity of her kiss, he looked oddly abit ... not ashamed but awkward before she asked “what’s wrong?”, he relented by saying “I should have said this before we got in”, but understandably I was more than suitably distracted at the time, as his eyes looked over her glorious chocolate form, producing a slight giggle from her lips “what did you forget to tell me that’s so important”, she teased as she snuggled closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder as she stared lovingly up into his eyes.

“Probably nothing of note”, he admitted ‘but um, should you find the need arises for either of us to um ... fart, well you can understand how it could affect the chocolate were both currently bathing in”, he said in a slightly nervous yet caring way, his cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment.

Kate burst out laughing, her hand flying to cover her mouth, not quite believing what he had just said. “Oh Cane, you’re so thoughtful, even in the most ... unglamorous of moments,” she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She could feel the tension in the room dissipate with her laughter, and she knew that this was one of the many things she loved about him. He could make her feel like a goddess one moment and laugh at the absurdity of their situation the next.

“But I promise”, she said “I’ll be a good girl, I won’t ruin the chocolate,” Kate’s voice was light and playful, as she leaned back into his arms, her breasts peeking out of the water, covered in a layer of chocolate, the mint smell of it mixing with the sweetness of the berries they’d been feeding each other.

“You really are the most exquisite thing”, he said “sweeter than any strawberry, smoother than any cream”, he said as he reached by the baths edge and retrieved a can of whipped creamed “how about it? Are you feeling daring”, he said a tone of mischief in his voice as he shook the can with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“My, I thought a gentleman of your calibre would never ask”, she said in a mock southern accent, raising an eyebrow as she took the can from his hand with a smirk, the cold metal feeling almost shocking against her warm chocolate covered skin. She turned the can upside down, aiming it at her own nipples and gave a gentle squeeze, the cool whipped cream spraying out and landing on her chest with a soft plop. She gasped at the sudden chill, her nipples hardening from the temperature change.

‘My lady”, he said in the same mock imitation of a southern accent “you may hold my heart, but you know not the ordeals it has endured to finally be yours and only yours”, he said, the look on his face comically gritty before he plastered it all over her nipple “and now you do”, he said his voice muffled by breast and the generous amount of whipped cream she’d spread over it.

Kate squealed with laughter, the coolness of the cream sending a shockwave through her body. “You’re impossible,” she said, though the smile on her face belied any annoyance she might have pretended to feel.

Cane retrieved his face from her bosom saying “why thank you ma’am”, as bits of cream slowly fell from his face and he began to giggle himself helplessly. They were both like two children playing in a giant chocolate puddle, their laughter echoing through the steamy bathroom.

“But I do believe it is only fair that I reap the fruits of my labour”, he said in the same southern tone, as he took the can from her hand gently, and sprayed just enough on the end of his chocolate covered erection to make Kate’s eyes widen with surprise and desire. “Care for a taste Kate?” He teased her, his eyes filled with mischief and his cock standing tall and proud, glistening with whipped cream.

“I should warn you, it can be ... overwhelming”, he said in the same southern almost cowboy tone. “Is that so”, she teased playfully, her eyes never leaving the whipped cream covered tip of his cock, her mouth watering slightly with the thought of tasting him like a sugared strawberry. “I think I can handle it,” Kate replied, her voice low and sultry as she leaned forward, her breasts sliding along his chest, leaving a trail of minty chocolate in their wake. “Although I’ve been known to be a trifle unpredictable aswell”, she whispered, “you never know what expect with me”, she said, her voice dropping to a purr. “I would have it not other way” he returned losing the southern accent, as he looked into her eyes and said “truly, I would have you be no other way”, his voice filled with a natural warmth that made Kate’s heart flutter.

She took the can from his hand and placed it aside, her eyes never leaving his as she took the plunge, her mouth trying to envelope the huge size of the head of his cock first before she tried to tackle the monstrous meat of his shaft.

The taste of the whipped cream on his cock was heavenly, and she enjoyed every bit of it, her tongue swirling around the head before she took a deep breath and began to bob her head up and down, taking inch by inch into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she applied pressure, her hands reaching behind to fondle his balls gently, her nails just scraping the skin, enough to make him tense and grip the sides of the tub.

As chocolate dripped from her body and pooled with the rest of it filling the tub, Kate’s eyes remained locked with Cane’s, the intensity of the moment palpable. She could feel the power shift in their dynamic as she took control of his pleasure, her tongue swirling around the sensitive tip of his cock. Cane’s breath grew ragged, his hands tightening on the edges of the tub as Kate’s mouth moved faster and more confidently, her teeth lightly grazing his shaft as she took him deeper.

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