Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 2 : Of Valkyries and Snakes Pt .1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 : Of Valkyries and Snakes Pt .1 - Excerpt: They'd planned it for weeks. When Perry first heard his parents would be going to visit a deathly ill sibling overnight, possibly over the entire weekend starting on Friday night, the first thing he'd done was inform Cane via a direct message. Perry told him how his sister Kate was probably coming off a late night shift at the tattoo studio she worked at. From what she'd said in the past allot of people usually made very poor decisions on Friday nights around tattoo parlours.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

The next morning Kate woke up groggy as the last of her medications fogging effects abated. What she saw on her bed had her frozen in shock. The toys, slick with her fluids, laid on the sheets, silent witnesses to a night she had no recollection of. Panic set in as she realized she must have pleasured herself multiple times in her medicated sleep and not just left the toys inside herself, but did so after squirting on her own now soaked bedsheets. Her growing unconscious and unfulfilled needs now suddenly painfully visible to her, as she checked the deadbolt on her door from where she lay on her bed and nothing, it was still set in place just like she’d left it. Her window was similarly locked showed no signs of forced entry as she stared at herself in shock, nothing around her was disturbed, and nothing had been moved or replaced.

The first few nights of this had felt off. She reasoned that finding her toys firmly lodged in place inside her, under her own guiding hands was one thing, sparking some initial embarrassment, seeing as she had been in a medicated state when she done this. But now, with her body boldly stating it needed more satisfaction, more release, it gave her serious pause as she tried to think things through, as she stared at the dark stain marking where she’d released like a geyser on her bed.

Her next step would be to clean the sheets obviously, but after that who could she confide in? Her friends, no, how would she explain her sudden need to resolve this problem potentially by having sex without sounding like a slut she most definitely was not. Her parents, no, they’d simply recommend a change in the drug agent when that’s what was causing the problem. Her brother, never she’d never put him through this, the thought alone almost made her want to retch before someone else came to her mind unbidden, Cane.

Her heart fluttered at the thought of Cane. He was always so ... comforting, his confidence and kindness had her trusting him implicitly. He was the only person she could think of that wouldn’t judge her, that might understand. She just had to find a way to broach the subject in a serious manner and make sure no matter what that there would be no fallout for her younger brother, knowing how much Perry loved working in that bookstore.

Despite herself the more she thought about it, the more she warmed to the idea to having an older man, especially of Kane’s fifty to sixty years, be her first time with anyone, never sensing anything untoward from him, when she’d last visited the shop in search of her brother. She knew it sounded easy on paper as she rolled it through her mind but knew it was always more complicated in real life.

Setting the washing machine/dryer on a wet plus rinse cycle, she took the opportunity to take a shower and wash the stink of premature lust from her body. The hot water cascading over her skin did little to ease her growing anxiety. How would she bring this up to Cane? Would he even entertain the idea? The thoughts swirled in her head like the water down the drain.

Once she finished and dried herself off she dressed herself in fresh, seductive rock punk attire that consisted of a white shirt with a chest window that showed off her cleavage, her short black leather jacket from before which she adored. And instead if denim jeans she wore a plain black skirt with an eye catching but modest part over her left thigh as much for function than sexual appeal with her trusty combat boots with a short leather jacket.

Redoing her Mohawk and brushing, drying the long length of her hair billowing down behind it to the small of her back, she redid her makeup with purple eye shadow to compliment her hair colour with black eyeliner and matching lipstick. She looked gorgeous in an underestimated but erotically charged way, as the skirt hugged her wide hips inviting strong hands to grip them firmly and strip it away with subtle abandon. Her shirt hugged her naturally large breasts, framed by her jacket revealing the more than generous touching contours of her firm bust. The black lace bra and matching panties went a long way to make her feel comfortable and more compact than her obvious weight suggested.

Now more than ever though she focussed on the positives and how she wasn’t an overweight, painted up slut, looking for a hot rut, but someone trying to look confident as she faced one of the most difficult decisions in her life by following through with this and asking for help from the one source she thought might be most inclined to help her. Her pale blue winter eyes reflected back at her in the mirror as she conceded to a moment of hesitation to herself before she barrelled through. She would just have to use some tact, explain herself. Despite her outward appearance she was not some Barbie doll with a fresh rock punk girl reskin, she was perfectly capable of articulating herself, she just had to...

“No”, was Cane’s answer as they sat, set apart in his office, filled with CCTV screens and the more mundane parts of a working stores daily functions like the bookkeeping he’d been doing before she entered his office requesting if she could have a private conversation with him. His initial, natural warmth seemed to follow him like a second shadow as he closed the door behind for privacy without locking it, motioning for her to take a seat, as he sat in the opposite seat in front his desk, not behind it where his open ledgers lay, alongside his discarded pen, giving her, his full and undivided attention. She blundered through at first, explaining her night terrors, her medications affects and now the recent proclivities of her unconscious body to act seemingly on its own will, to a self contained but startling degree.

Cane was listening to every word with an acutely serious expression, never interrupting or presuming to know how to fix her problem. His reply cut her short, guessing what her request would be, but as she raised her voice to protest he gestured with his open palms facing her, asking that she give him the same courtesy of explaining as he afforded her.

“I’m saying no because ... for one thing if things can easily go wrong for any number of reasons. Maybe what you’re asking me to do, that “we do”, “together”, he emphasized with the a serious tone to match the expression that sat firmly on his face “maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, even so either way the last thing I want is fallout for your brother, for him to wonder why his sister can no longer show her face at his job because things have gone inexplicably sour with his boss or worse things become weird. I’m not saying were destined to become a couple if this works and start holding hands if you’ll pardon my old fashioned sentiment but the professional lines we have drawn are clear and I’d like to keep them that way, especially in a small town like this.” He leaned back in his chair, “For another, what you’re asking for is highly personal and intimate. It’s a big deal and while I’d be more than happy to help, I’d like to be sure that you’re making this decision because it’s truly what you want, not because you feel like you have no other options or because you’re being pressured by someone or something you don’t fully understand.”

Kate met his eyes with fresh tears of understanding, as she wiped them away carefully away with a fresh cleanex from a nearby box dispenser Cane always had handy on his desk when doing the accounts. She smiled at the jokes recounting when her brother had told her it, inspired by Cane’s own words to him in a frequent attempt at humour he used to liven up what still felt like a stuffy old bookstore sometimes.

He raised her chin in a long finger of his hand, his face filled with genuine contrite at her plight as he said “If we were to agree on terms...” he began but only got as far as that as she jumped into his arms, her sudden relief overwhelming her need to compose herself before it quickly reasserted itself and she sat slowly back down, hoping to herself that she hadn’t just hurt him.

Aside from some redness in his cheeks as he breathed in, regaining his breathe from the sudden jolting of the air from his lungs, Kate realised she had probably just shoved his face through the open window of her shirt and into the curves of bosom beneath. The act of complete and utter lack of control she’d just shown making her feel like she used to, like the immature and grossly inadequate teenager she’d been throughout most of highschool before she won her own self respect and gleaming sense of self control, which she’d slowly had to claw back over the past few days until now.

Cane, with an easy gesture from his hand indicated that everything was alright as he centered himself momentarily before beginning again, understanding her relief but asking her to temper herself until he completed his response, she agreed. She could tell he was trying to pick his words carefully mentally before he uttered them, gaining her respect as he treated this not as a fling or one meaningless one night stand to be forgotten instantly after getting his jollies. “If we were to both agree to what you’re asking, there would need to be terms we would both have to meet or we wouldn’t even begin”, he said stating the most obvious first as he took her smaller hands in his large ones, noticing how delicate and feminine they looked for the first time as he said “Respect must flow both ways, if you say stop, I stop, if I say I can’t keep going you need to promise me you’ll keep your head and not drag me halfway across oblivion chasing a high you can’t get on your own,” Cane continued, his voice firm yet filled with concern. Kate nodded vigorously, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. “And absolutely no one can know, especially not your brother, this is between us, understand?”

“Furthermore to not avoid the elephant in the room that will probably stare at us in the face, we need to use protection if not already on it”, he said trying to cover all the bases he could think of. She nodded, telling him she’d never stopped taking contraceptives since early highschool, not because she’d been the school slut or anything but because it always paid to be protected, her own mother now still one county over, awaiting the untimely death and burial of a relative with her father had almost been a teen mom herself, instilling in her how the random chaos of the universe still made young boys do and feel what they always have been for thousands of years and that only comparatively recently had modern science made a medical contraceptive such as the pill and emergency contraceptives been made affordable, confessing she’d taken both more rigorously than ever recently, with her oddly intimate nights of unwanted self pleasure. She could explain the need for her typical contraceptive but the emergency one for the mornings after had provided her with a deep and cleansing form of safety net to rely on, knowing from well documented usage that fertilized or not any ovum released into her would be aborted before it had even had the chance to attach to her uterus wall with its usage.

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