Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 25: Of Love and Aches

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 25: Of Love and Aches - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

After the movie they walked home together at her apartment, as he lay sitting up in her bed against her headboard, her pet tabby cat glistening a ginger-reddish gold with amber eyes as it watched him fervently. “Okay Rajah”, he began “Does he like being called his full name or does he prefer a shorter version or a nickname”, he asked Aisha just over her shoulder in interest, as she sat with her back to him, knowing animal lovers loved to bless their pets with multiple one’s until something truly stuck.

“He’s pretty laid back about it, but I usually just call him ‘Raj’ for short, it’s less of a mouthful, so that when I do use his full name he knows it’s for a reason whether good or bad”, she said with a playful smile, her voice light and carefree. The cat looked at her as if he understood every word, his tail swishing back and forth in agreement. “Okay, so Raj can feel free to maul me if he see’s or hears anything untoward, beyond the scalp massage and hopefully full body massage I need to practice”, he said with a light hearted tone in his voice as finished with “ultimately this is just to make you both feel more comfortable with me being here and not to relate my being here to more than an indulgence and more a welcome presence as we get to know more about eachother, is that okay”, he asked with genuine sincerity.

“More than okay,” Aisha said, turning around to face him with a gentle smile. “Rajah can be a bit protective for such a little thing, but he’ll warm up to you, I’m sure of it.”

“Okay then, last question do you prefer with or without any excess clothing like jewellery anything like that, even your gym clothes are an option if you want to change into them now before we begin as tactile stimulation is a factor”, he said as steadily as he could. As she currently stood she still had her robes and her hijab on, minus her soft shoes she’d removed as she lay with her legs in V-shape spread out in front of her.

Aisha looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, then smiling she stood and began to strip out of her robe and hijab revealing a stunning black lingerie set that accentuated her natural beauty perfectly. She had removed everything except for her panties and her black brassier. “This is usually what I wear to bed, I think it’ll be best, for now,” she said with a smirk, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Perry took a moment to center himself, concentrating just like Cane had told him on long term result over short term reward. As she sat back, her smooth caramel, toned body ready for his touch as he started with her scalp. To his credit and Cane’s he remained calm and alert for changes in her body language, including posture and vocal cues. Aisha’s eyes grew heavier with each stroke, her breathing grew shallower, and her body began swaying slightly before he leaned in and whispered gently “I’ll be working on your neck, shoulders and upper back next, this will be just a quick overview to get a better idea of how your body is reacting, whether your aware of any potential pain spots or inflammation amongst other things”, he said, his tone considerate as she nodded slightly.

He gentle began to feel out her neck and shoulders muscles for tension, mentally noting her reactions to his touch.

“You have a bit of knot here,” he said, his thumbs pressing into the tension in her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her as he worked the knot out. Aisha leaned into his touch, her eyes closing as the stress of the day began to melt away.

He moved onto her shoulders, targeting the muscle connecting the neck to the upper back, her moan grew deeper as he found and released another knot, his hands moving in rhythmic strokes that seemed to be speaking a language of their own. He could feel her relax under his touch, her body becoming more pliant with every second that passed. He knew he had to tread carefully, not wanting to push her too far too fast. The anticipation was a thrill in itself, the knowledge that she was giving him access to her vulnerability, trusting him to treat her body with the respect and care it deserved.

“Okay, do you feel flexible enough to lean forward on your legs so I can have greater access to your back? Or would you rather lie on your stomach?”, he asked. She nodded and leaned forward, her forehead resting on her knees, her back arched up towards him, her breasts heaving gently with each breath. “Impressive”, he said with a professional tone as he began feeling through her back for any tightness or areas of discomfort, noticing the way the lace of her bra outlined her backbone and the curve of her spine. His touch grew firmer as he worked his way down, his thumbs pressing into her muscles in a way that was both tender and commanding.

“Don’t worry about the soreness, we all have it, I personally have several down payments on it after our last gym session but I’ll live and you will too”, he said with a smile she could hear on his voice, as she felt his firm yet gentle fingers work their way down her spine, her body responding with a shiver as the tension she wasn’t aware of began to unravel under his touch. He was surprisingly strong, she thought, his hands moving with a confidence that belied his words. Aisha felt her muscles start to unclench, her breath evening out as he worked his way lower, his fingers dancing across her skin like a pianist playing a favoured tune.

“Be aware that the “funny bone” is a very real thing, in case you feel me get close to it,” he warned her with a smile, his hands moving to her sides, kneading the muscles gently before moving down to the small of her back. He applied pressure there, feeling her back arch even more. He could see the faint outline of her spine and the way her ribs moved with each breath. It was a symphony of flesh and bone beneath his fingertips, and he was the conductor, setting the pace for her relaxation.

“But don’t worry it’s on your elbow and it’s actually a nerve called the ulnar nerve, that’s why when people stub their elbows on things they feel a tingling maybe even a burning sort of sensation”, he added idly, as he finished on her back and asked her to lie on her stomach so he could work on her legs.

He’d noticed the way she’d tensed up at the mention of the “funny bone” and figured it was his chance to ease her mind. As she complied with his request, he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of her form, the arch of her back, the way her ass curved so deliciously into her thighs. It took a lot of discipline not to reach out and caress her then and there, but he had a mission to accomplish, to make her feel safe and pampered and to build a bridge between them that was more than just physical attraction.

“I’ll be starting along your hips and then working my way down”, he said, as he knelt by her side, making sure his back was facing away from Rajah in case he misinterpreted anything he was doing any sounds she was making as a sign of distress and decided to launch himself without warning at the source of the perceived distress, namely his ass.

“Okay,” Aisha murmured, the anticipation in her voice palpable.

Perry began at the top of her thighs, his thumbs pressing gently into her muscles. He worked his way down to her calves, feeling the tension in her legs begin to dissipate. He knew that her trust in him was growing with every stroke, every release of tension. Her breaths grew deeper and more relaxed as he massaged her, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in his ability to bring her comfort.

He then focussed in her ankles and soles of her feet saying “I don’t meant be ticklish here but bear with me if that’s the case okay?” She nodded, her body already melting into the bed beneath her. The sensation of his hands on her feet was surprisingly intimate, sending waves of relaxation up her legs. He massaged her calves and thighs with a firmness that made her legs feel like they were made of warm, pliable clay, shaping and moulding them into something new. His touch was gentle yet firm, and Aisha felt her body responding to his ministrations, her muscles releasing their tension under his expert hands.

He targeted the soles and balls of her feet, his thumbs pressing into the sensitive points that he’d learned could relax the entire body. Aisha giggled a bit, the sensation tickling her, but the overall feeling was one of deep relaxation. He moved up to her calves, his fingers gliding over her smooth skin, and she couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh.

“Okay, kindly lie down on your side facing Raj and we can continue and he can see his mommy is okay”, he said with a warm smile.

Aisha complied, rolling over onto her side with a soft groan, her body feeling like jelly. She curled up slightly, tucking one leg into the other, allowing him better access to her side and back.

Starting off with her scalp again he worked his way down her neck, his thumbs pressing gently into the base where it met her shoulders, then her spine before moving on to her glutes, her moans grew deeper and her breath more ragged as his strong hands worked out the knots and tension that had built up from intense workout sessions over time. He noticed how her body reacted to his touch, her skin flushing a deep red where he applied pressure, and her breath hitching when he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

He positioned her arm over her head so he could focus on her ribs, the lace of her bra brushing against his skin as he worked his way down her side. His thumbs dug into the soft flesh of her armpit, eliciting another moan of pleasure, before he moved on to her waist, his hands sliding over the contours of her body as if he were sculpting her from warm wax.

Switching to her hip, Perry felt the heat radiating from Aisha’s skin, her breaths now quickening. He worked his way down to her upper thigh, his fingertips grazing the lace of her panties. The air in the room thickened with tension, yet Aisha remained relaxed, her trust in him unwavering. His eyes remained focused on the cat, ensuring that their bond was the priority, even as his mind raced with the potential of their growing intimacy.

Moving lower to her legs, Perry’s hands slid along her toned thighs, his fingertips tracing the path of her veins as he massaged the muscles beneath. His touch was gentle but firm, each stroke deliberate and calculated to release the tension that had built up in her body. Aisha’s eyes remained closed, her breathing deep and steady as she succumbed to the blissful sensations he was creating.

He focussed on her calf muscles, feeling the tightness that spoke of hours spent standing and working. His hands moved in slow circles, his thumbs pressing into the muscles in a way that made her toes curl with pleasure. Aisha’s body was a canvas of sensation, each stroke of his hand painting a picture of relaxation and trust.

Then to her ankle, heel and sole of her foot again, his strong fingers digging into the arch, making her twitch slightly, her toes curling and uncurling in response. “You’re doing great,” he whispered, his voice low and soothing as he worked the tension out of her body.

He asked her to roll onto her other side whilst facing Raj once again. To both their surprise he had started kneading the air with his claws as if imitating Perry’s movements much to the delight of Aisha and a chuckle from Perry himself.

“A man of few words but he’s always watching closely, I like it”, he said warmly, half jokingly as Aisha couldn’t help but smile at her cat’s antics.

Working once again from her scalp to the base of her neck, Perry felt the warmth of Aisha’s skin under his fingertips, and he knew he had her full trust. He shifted gradually to her shoulder and back, feeling the knots of tension that had formed there. With careful precision, he applied just enough pressure to alleviate the discomfort without causing any pain. His movements were slow and deliberate, allowing her to fully experience the release. Then just as before he positioned her arm above her head and massaged her ribs, which would allow for greater access to her side and back.

Making his way to her hip, Perry felt the heat of her skin against his palms, the softness of her waistline, and the firmness of her abdomen muscles as he applied gentle pressure, working his way down to her lower back. He knew he was pushing the boundaries of a simple massage, but Aisha’s deep sighs of contentment encouraged him to continue. His touch grew more intimate as he reached her inner thigh, his thumbs brushing against the fabric of her panties, feeling the softness of her skin beneath.

“Don’t be alarmed I’ll be working on your glutes next in a second”, he said softly as he moved his hands to the small of her back, her breath hitching slightly as he applied gentle pressure. His touch was surprisingly sensual, and Aisha felt a warmth spread through her body that had nothing to do with the massage. “Remember, this is all for the sake of science, and your comfort”, he added with a mischievous smile that she couldn’t see but could feel in his tone.

“But yeah, mostly your comfort”, he reassured her as he moved down to her calves and feet once again, ensuring he covered every inch of her body with his attentive touch. Aisha’s breathing grew shallower, her eyes remained closed as she felt a shiver run down her spine, and her body responded to his touch in ways she couldn’t explain. His hands moved up her legs, tracing the lines of her inner thighs, and she could feel the tension in her core tighten in anticipation.

“There’s only the front left, so feel free to lie on your back and relax for a moment, I’m going to run my hands under some cold water a moment since they’ve gone abit numb. This is normal, don’t worry, it means they’re working hard,” he said, his voice low and reassuring as he walked away to the bathroom sink. Aisha felt a sense of longing as his hands left her body, but the anticipation of his return was almost as intoxicating as his touch. She lay back, her chest rising and falling with each breath, the cool air of the room kissing her flushed skin.

Within five minutes he’d returned, circulation restored to his sore fingertips as he said “sorry, I’m still very much learning the craft and it requires what only experience can match to my enthusiasm”, he said with a tender smile.

Her response was a gentle purr of contentment as she felt the coolness of the water in his palms before he began again.

He knelt at her head working both hands into her scalp as he gently massaged the muscles, watching her eyelids flutter as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. “Alright, I’ll be moving to your shoulders and then chest, okay?” he asked, his voice a gentle rumble.

“Mmhmm,” Aisha murmured, her eyes still closed, her trust in him unwavering.

Perry’s hands glided down to her collarbones, his thumbs tracing circles around them before moving to her chest. He massaged her shoulders and the base of her neck with a tenderness that spoke volumes of his care for her. His touch was feather-light as it moved over her chest, avoiding any inappropriate contact, focusing solely on the muscles and tension beneath. He could feel her heartbeat beneath his fingertips, steady and strong, a rhythm that matched the pulse of his own desire.

“Spread your arms out to either side please”, he asked, his voice a soft command. Aisha did as instructed and Perry began to massage the tender muscles between her neck and shoulders, feeling the knots slowly loosen under his expert touch. He worked his way down her arms, fingers gliding over her skin, feeling the muscles and tendons relax beneath them. Each stroke was calculated to bring her closer to a state of complete relaxation, and with every sigh and murmur of pleasure she made, he felt his resolve to keep their relationship pure and caring grow stronger.

“The next part I feel requires consent to allow to work on your pectoral muscles, if you’ll allow me”, he said as evenly as he could.

“Of course,” Aisha whispered, her eyes still closed, her breathing now more shallow and rapid. “Okay”, he said simply “your going to feel my thumbs pressing into your chest now, the pectoral muscles are quite sensitive and it might feel a bit intense but it’s normal”, he warned her gently as he began.

Her eyes fluttered open in surprise at the sudden pressure but she nodded, trusting him. His thumbs pressed into her chest muscles, moving in slow circles, feeling the tension ease away under his touch. It was a strange sensation, one that was both painful and pleasurable, a contradiction that had her biting her bottom lip to stifle a moan.

“It can be a contradictory physical sensation your feeling that’s normal. It merely shows I’m engaging the muscles effectively”, he said, his voice soothing as his thumbs continued their dance over her chest, her nipples stiffening under the thin fabric of her bra, but he made no move to acknowledge the change in her body’s reaction. He was focused solely on the task at hand, the mission to make her feel relaxed and pampered.

Sooner than she would have liked his hands moved over her defined abs, feeling the muscles that she had worked so hard to maintain under his gentle touch. Aisha felt a strange mix of vulnerability and excitement, her body reacting in ways she had not expected.

Perry’s touch was firm yet tender as he moved down her body, his eyes never leaving hers as he sought her approval with every move. He knew that this moment was as much about building trust as it was about relaxation, and he didn’t want to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable.

For the lower half of her body her circled round asking she spread her legs open so that he might start working on her pelvic area and thighs. Aisha’s breathing grew heavier as she felt his hands hover over her thighs, the anticipation of his touch sending a shiver through her body. With her consent, he began to massage the muscles of her inner thighs, moving inward with a gentle, firm touch that made her quiver with pleasure. He avoided any contact with her most sensitive areas, but the proximity was intoxicating, the heat between her legs growing with every stroke.

Either leg he noticed were just like her arms, muscular but feminine, neither too functional or aesthetic. “I’m going to raise one leg at a time and work on your hamstrings and knees individually, in case you feel a reflexive motion to protect your modesty, just let me know and I’ll stop immediately,” he said, his voice a gentle murmur in the quiet room.

Aisha nodded, her eyes still locked with Perry’s, her breathing now rapid. He lifted her left leg gently, her calf muscles flexing as he positioned it over his thigh. His strong hands began to work on her hamstring, his thumbs pressing into the tension that had built up from countless hours of training. The sensation was exquisite, a mix of pain and pleasure that had her toes curling. He focused afterwards on the knee itself, his fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles that made her leg feel like it was melting into the bed. “Please tell me if you feel any numbness or poor circulation like pins and needles”, he said considerately.

“It’s okay, I’m fine,” she managed to say, her voice a mere whisper. He moved on to her right leg, giving it the same careful attention, his touch growing more intimate as he worked his way down to her ankles and back up to her thighs. With each stroke, Aisha felt herself becoming more and more aroused, her body reacting to his care and attentiveness in ways she hadn’t anticipated.

He finished by moving down to her calf’s and the heels and arcs on her feet, his thumbs pressing firmly into the tight muscles, eliciting small gasps from her lips. When he finished he excused himself once more due to the recurring but harmless numbness in his fingers, bathing his hands in cold water she could hear running from the bathroom sink, as he delved his fingers into it, rubbing the circulation back into them with ease.

Perry returned to the bedroom, his gaze lingering on Aisha’s exposed body, the way the fabric of her underwear clung to her curves. He took a deep breath, reminding himself of his promise to be respectful and professional, even as his heart raced. He sat beside her, watching her, a goddess in her deepest state or arousal. “I have only one question before we do anything”, he said “if I do share this intimate moment with you now like I hope you want to share it with me, is it okay if we leave Raj outside the room? In case he decides to walk all over us for no reason at all, begins to slip, panics then grabs hold of the nearest body with his very fine claws? I hear cats can have no boundaries to do with personal space whatsoever and make it look blasé at the same time”, he said half jokingly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Aisha couldn’t help but laugh at his words, the tension in the room dissipating slightly. “Raj knows to stay out of the way,” she assured him, her voice breathy. “But I understand if you need some privacy.”

He watched as she got up and carefully picked up Raj, lulling any protests as she baby-voiced him into submission like a mother putting her toddler to bed, depositing him not too far from where he thought he’d seen one of his cat baskets in her apartment, as she returned momentarily, shutting and locking the door behind her before she crouched astride him on all fours. Their noses nearly touching as she said “now what were you saying about this “intimate moment” you wanted to share? Is it dirty?”, she said with a sultry look in her eyes matching her tone as he fearlessly said “it could involve a roleplay, maybe even one where you would be the dominating force behind it, if that sort of thing interests you?”, he said feigning almost comical levels of innocence.

Aisha leaned in closer, her breath hot against his skin. “I think I might like that,” she whispered, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “But I have a feeling you’re the one who’s going to need the massage after I’m through with you,” she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Oh most definitely”, he said with an eagerness he didn’t bother disguising, as he said “forgive me if you find this idea disarming, maybe even jarring, but it’s as if I see two people before me I know are the same person but both seem rooted in two different worlds. One to her faith, her family and her upbringing, the other to her individuality, her independence and where she steers her future, and for the oddest feeling I cannot explain an idea popped into my head that refuses to remove itself like a question unanswered, or a shot in the dark at a fantasy that might upset you but I won’t know until I ask, though I fear in being honest about it, it might ruin the evening”, he said as sincerely and as evenly as he could.

Aisha’s eyes searched his, a hint of curiosity and excitement in their depths. “What is it, Perry?” she asked, her voice a whisper that danced across his skin. “Well like I said I don’t mean to deter you but I’d rather be honest and found guilty of overstepping than never asking or rather I would like to ask permission rather than ask forgiveness, if that makes sense, seeing as this could be a sensitive subject for anyone to approach”, he said looking towards her for a sign of confirmation that he should continue.

With a nod she urged him to speak, the anticipation building between them like the tension in a tightly coiled spring. “I see very few pictures of family”, he said looking around “even in the living room and most of them seem from happier times maybe a few years ago, before any misgivings between family members, everyone including you seem happy and full of life, together”, he punctuated the last word with emphasis as he highlighted a framed picture on her night table. “I imagine this one gives you the most comfort that’s why you probably keep it do close to you” he said “I can see you, your mother and whom I presume is your brother?”, he asked her “celebrating a particularly festive day of Ramadan from the sign behind all of you at what looks like a local gathering of your community?”, he said asking for confirmation.

Aisha felt a pang in her heart as she nodded, her eyes misting over slightly at the memory. “Yes, that’s right,” she said, her voice a little choked up. “That was one of the last times we were all together, happy and without any drama.”

“My roleplay and forgive me for my boldness would be to combine both parts of this beautiful, complex woman, the strong, independent force of nature and the being rooted in her community yet not lost in it, becoming capable of doing something, which if I’ve checked just to get the justification and wording right, haram”, he said with a tone that suggested he was trying to take as much care as possible with his choice of words so as to not offend her.

Aisha’s eyes widened, her breath hitching in her throat. “What are you suggesting, Perry?” she asked, her voice a mix of surprise and intrigue.

“Well to paint it as clearly as I can”, he said as he picked his words carefully “I want you to pretend you’re my sister and I am your loving brother and you are extremely driven to show me the most intense sexual experience of my life for motives and purposes all your own, in an attempt to steal away my virtue for yourself, which will require you to convince me to commit haram as readily as you are, using every charm and form of heady seduction at your disposal”, he said as a growing blush in his cheeks threatened to swallow his face whole if given enough time.

Aisha studied him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she leaned in even closer, her breath warm against his cheek. “And what if I don’t want to pretend?” she whispered, her eyes searching his for any sign of doubt. “Then I refer in total to your judgement as to how we proceed”, he said as honestly and quickly as possible so that she knew without a doubt if she ever had any, that she was in total control.

Her smile grew, a predatory glint in her eye as she leaned back slightly. “Then, my dear brother,” she began, her voice dripping with seduction, “I will show you what it means to truly be lost in temptation.” She slid off him, standing tall and proud, her body a vision of power and beauty. “Does that mean you’ll wear your robes and hijab?”, he almost started, lost in the impossibility of the moment he felt he would break like a delicate snowflake, shattering under scrutiny should he utter another word.

“But of course,” she said with a playful wink, reaching into her wardrobe and pulling out a traditional robe and hijab. She slipped them on with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly, the fabric draping around her curves, hinting at the body beneath without revealing it fully. The transformation was stunning, turning her into a mysterious figure of desire that made his heart race.

“If I may, imagine the scene as you walk into your brothers bedroom in your family home, locking it behind you, his sleeping form vulnerable, as you rouse him from sleep with your gentle touch and begin to give his unconscious body the first stirrings of forbidden pleasure even he cannot deny himself, with your delicate tongue and eventually your mouth on his most tender organ”, he said, painting the image before her in a slightly dramatic conspirational tone as if they really were about to commit an act of sin.

Aisha felt a thrill run through her at the thought, a dangerous and exhilarating game of power and seduction. She stepped closer to him, the fabric of the robe brushing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. “I’ll start with a gentle kiss,” she said, leaning down to press her lips against his. It was soft and sweet, a promise of what was to come.

He pretended to be asleep and unresponsive, despite what every single nerve, nay every cell in his body seemed to be screaming at him to do instead, with the intent to ravish her right there on the spot. But he blocked it out, knowing better, remembering how this same feeling of hopeless nerves had stunned and all but paralysed him with fear when he and Cane had first taken Kate, unwilling to pay it any credence now for any potential future returns he was earning with effort and power of will.

His only fear now was going in raw in Aisha and somehow messing it up by inadvertently making her pregnant in a throws of passion, as she began to tenderly kiss his neck, her lips trailing a path of fire down to his collarbone.

But still he remained inert, acting the part to perfection as steel nerves threatened to fray as thin as guitar strings ready to snap.

Aisha’s kisses grew bolder, her hands beginning to wander over his chest, exploring the contours of his muscles. She could feel the heat of him beneath her, the steady thump of his heartbeat that seemed to grow louder with every passing second. Her own breathing grew ragged as she continued to tease him, her mouth moving lower, her breath hot against his skin as she reached his stomach.

Perry’s resolve was tested with every touch, but he held firm, his eyes tightly shut, his body tense with the effort of not giving in to the desire that was building like a storm within him. He could feel her breath on the waistband of his pants, her fingers playing with the fabric, and his imagination ran wild with the possibilities of what she might do next.

Suddenly, she paused, her hands resting on his hips as she whispered in his ear, “You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?” Her voice was a silky caress that sent a shiver down his spine, and he had to bite his lip to keep from groaning. She must have seen it because she chuckled softly, the sound sending waves of pleasure through his body.

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