Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 22: Of Gods and Art - Pt .1 of 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 22: Of Gods and Art - Pt .1 of 3 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

The following morning, everything was as he said it’d be, as he met everyone in the kitchen as they spoke animatedly about yesterday’s picnic and when they could organize another one with Cane and hopefully Perry.

His mother was the first to greet him. She looked fresh, not a hair out of place, and her smile was radiant as always. “Morning darling, sleep well?” she asked, her voice carrying none of the strain from the previous night.

Perry nodded, “Yeah, I did,” he replied, his voice even, as he waded into the casual exchange. “So the picnic went well then?” he asked.

“Oh, it was lovely. You should’ve been there!” Barbara said, her eyes twinkling with genuine enthusiasm. “We danced in a growing field of fireflies”, Kate said with a warm, toothy smile “he played some music as we waltzed at first then kinda just drifted into it, it felt magical”, Barbara said as she stared into the middle distance with a faraway look in her eye into the, as she seemed to relive the experience. “Your father and eye also enjoyed a motorcycle ride on the way back, Cane was more than generous enough to lend it to us for the return trip, whilst he rode with your sister in the minivan”, his mother said as she smiled behind her teacup.

“Oh, neat, I didn’t know he had a motorcycle,” he said as he reached into the fridge searching for some sliced bread and butter for some early toast.

“Yeah, it’s the one from one of the Schwarzenegger films”, she added idly as she took a look at her watch set down her cup on the kitchen table and headed towards her bedroom at an even pace. “So,” Kate said. “How’d your date with Aisha go?”she asked inquisitively. “Tell me about her,” she prodded, looking at him with a glint of curiosity in her eye.

“Well, on the surface, she’s twenty-seven, built physically like she could snap me in half, but also beautiful in a way that needs no words to explain. Below the surface she likes books especially poetry and she’s recently discovered a love for Italian food and dancing with me”, he smiled slightly as he waited for her reaction.

“She sounds nice then. I think you said before that you work with her?” Kate said, trying to keep the conversation light as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

“Yeah, she works the shelves but like me she’ll help out anywhere when we need someone, I’m interested in asking her to read some poems, post them on the shops website, maybe do some recordings if she’s interested, like a compilation of her favourite works”, he said earnestly.

“That’s a great idea, she’d love that! It’s always good to share your passions with others,” Kate said with a genuine smile, her eyes holding a spark of hope for her brother’s relationship.

“We’ll be going to a gym she’s recommending to me after work, I’ve wanted to get into better shape recently so I asked her if she knew anywhere where a beginner like me could start out and share one of her passions with her. Tomorrow though, if I’m still in one working piece we’ll be going to see a movie, maybe catch something to eat”, he said with a hopeful smile.

“That sounds like a good start, sharing interests”, Kate said as their mother reappeared with a packed suitcase for her day job. She was one of the cities few trustworthy health inspectors, that couldn’t be bribed and couldn’t be convinced to allow her work ethic to slip, guaranteeing her job security and her share of local disdain in equal measure amongst restaurants who tended to cut corners. Any day now she said she joked, her job would start off just like the opening act to “invasion of the bodysnatchers” and she’d have carte blanche to burn some of those restaurants down with same, tenuous ease they seemed to flaunt around health regulations, as they wished she would.

Their father on the other hand as usual had to get up earlier than them, his job in waste management made sure he was up around the same time the city’s garbage was being picked up as one of the active supervisors for the early shifts. It meant he finished earlier but it meant going to bed earlier than usual to adapt his sleeping pattern.

“Right, I’ll see you both after work, if anyone has any cravings forget it, your dad’s making his famous homemade meatballs with Ditalini Pasta so don’t fight it, just accept the goodness”, she said as she smiled widely and kissed both their foreheads goodbye and she made her way towards the door. Despite starting at eight o’clock and it being only half past five, they both knew she liked to enjoy a peaceful morning by herself before her job robbed her of all semblances of peace and harmony and replaced it with the deception and disorder; she was well acquainted with during her working hours.

They both called “bye” after her in unison and waved, as she closed the door behind her and did the same, as Kate began making her way to her room to retrieve her familiar satchel and Perry prepared his toast.

As Kate retrieved her bag she received a message from Cane asking if she could visit the store before work “you’ll be pleased to know we’re opening an artist’s studio on the upper floor and were officially accepting pieces of work related to popular pieces of fiction, from what I’ve seen of the sketches on your room and what you shown me of photos of your personal works, you keep handy on your phone, your current portfolio can speak for itself. I think you’d be a perfect candidate to apply for this position this way, at least until like you said before, about following a higher education in the art school you mentioned to me. But please don’t expect me to be the only judge responsible for rating your works along with the other welcome artists who have already signed up. My old painting instructor and a current prominent member of the local art society is doing me the privilege of that task, alongside me to provide some even contrast in our decision making.

She’ll be in an out of the shop throughout the day with at least one other art society member who helped promote this event to the local tabloid and even some of her local art students she privately teaches. As a result of this, we’ve even extended the stores opening hours from 06:00 instead of 09:00 to 18:00 instead of 15:30 in the evening. I’m not sure if you noticed our advertising both physical and digital but we’ve invited artists to submit a maximum of three works for one of the three positions we’ll hopefully be trying to fill permanently. We’ve had to wait until we could successfully reopen the area and redress it appropriately, if you want I can meet you at the store now if you’re up or later and we can set up some of your canvas works on the easels we have set up here, it’s completely up to you though.

Her heart pounded with excitement and nerves, “Perry, Cane’s having an artistic event at the store today for a position at his studio and he wants me to come in and set up some of my work!” she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.

“You don’t say?”, Perry said smiling mischievously before he said “I knew, he just swore me to secrecy so he could surprise you himself”, he added “he asked me to make sure you didn’t leave before you got his message”, he smiled as he cut up his buttered toast mixed with jam into four equal bite-sized squares, chomping on one as Kate rushed over to him.

The hug was unexpected and the rush from her chest practically slamming into his own almost made him choke on his breakfast as he fought back any semblance of an erection this early in the day, following last night’s events. She quickly realized how tight she was holding him and let go, “Oh sorry,” she said blushing as she realized the potential awkwardness of her reaction as her brother slowly swallowed the toast awkward with a few strangled grunts and made a thumbs up sign that he was okay, as he poured himself some juice in a clean coffee mug nearby to clear his throat of bread crumbs, from the same carton Kate had been using, and drank deeply before saying. “You might get a chance to see Aisha, she’s very different from any other girl I’ve tried dating and she’ll be easy to spot, she’s follows traditional Islamic faith so you’ll probably see her in traditional garb but she’s anything but typical, you’ll know what I mean once you meet her. I’m sure it’ll help her open up to you a little when you tell her you’re my sister”, he said with a glow in his cheeks spreading to his eyes Kate knew all too well.

“I’ll do my best not to embarrass you then,” Kate said with a grin. “I’m sure I’ll love her, she sounds amazing,” she said, trying to ignore the twinge of jealousy that pricked at her heart. “So what do you think, should I wear something special to the store today?” she asked, already mentally flipping through her wardrobe.

“I’ve no idea, maybe the purple, amethyst, crystal, dragon dress Cane got you? You could always change back out into your street clothes at work”, he offered.

Kate’s eyes grew wide with excitement as she squealed “Oh my god, I completely forgot about that!” she exclaimed, rushing off to her room to get dressed, her mind racing with thoughts of the art studio and her potential future there.

As Perry chewed the last of his toast and downed the remains of the juice carton, Kate emerged from her room, satchel in one hand and canvas carrying case in the other designed to hold several standard sized canvases of her works. She’d chosen three of them as she stood clothed in her immaculate dress that hugged her in all the right places. She was a vision in black with a purple, Chinese dragon stylized along the length of the dress beautifully with inset, purple amethyst crystals in its design in place of scales, it’s head resting on dresses neckline, it’s claws curled seductively around her left breast and over her shoulder on her right side, the main length of its body wrapping around her curves, the hemline even had a seductive part that exposed just enough of her thigh to keep the eye wandering.

Perry could only look on, speechless thinking, how could I have not taken her in that dress, before realising he’d probably have torn through it to take her in the heat of the moment and thought better against it. Smiling weakly, lost for words as he gave a thumbs up, as his sister smiled wildly knowing she’d hit the mark, shouldering her satchel with her extra clothes inside for changing out of later at work and her canvas carrier bag which she slung comfortably over one shoulder as she walked towards her brother and kissed him lightly on the cheek, as her way of thanks, giggling on her way out the front door at his frozen reaction before closing it behind her. He did not fail to notice the natural swish of her thighs and the bounce of her hips as he thought to himself “anything not attracted to that is either in denial or dead”, as he made a free-throw for the nearby garbage bin with the empty juice carton, dunking it through the spinning lid as he headed for the his room, ready to go to work as he texted Cane simply “She’s on the way, expect ... Kate ... for lack of a better descriptor”, having wished he’d asked to take her photograph to stun Cane, as he collected his usual things for work and made his own way without a care or rush in the world. Letting as Cane had told him, to allow experience and time to work for him in assuaging any fears or doubts he could have had, remembering how he’d been shaken up in his first successful attempt alongside Cane and his efforts even then to convince him to pace himself.

When Kate arrived at the store, she was greeted by the familiar bell chiming above the door, signalling her entrance. The warm smell of freshly brewed coffee and books filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of paint and turpentine from the art section. She spotted Cane immediately, his tall, subtly muscular figure and warm eyes and grey locks, easily recognizable even from a distance, as he stood head and shoulders above most people. He was dressed in casual yet elegant attire, his smile warm and welcoming as he waved her over.

“You look like you came out of a dream I don’t want to wake up from”, he said as he admired her in the dress he’d forgotten himself he’d gotten for her not too long ago, but also what felt like a short lifetime, before he snapped himself back into focus “so your entering yourself as the piece of art I take it, surely no one will stand a chance”, he said with a wide grin that was only outmatched by Kate’s own.

“You never learn to just switch that charm off do you?”, she said coaxingly setting down her carrier bag as she circled her arms behind his neck “you already have me cowboy, I’ve already ridden your steed and your motorcycle”, she added with a playful tone and a smile to match “so take it easy lest your heart burst from anticipation”, she said as she withdrew her arms to caress his face with her hands before planting a chaste kiss on his lips and slowly letting go altogether.

Cane though stood almost frozen in place as if suspended in time by her kiss. “Cane,”, Kate asked, fully aware of his sense of humour at work, as he responded “ please allow me to gather myself my dear, you see this woman in beautiful dress just walked in and I could swear she looked allot like my girlfriend and possibly my wife to be one day, but she whispered in my ear like the devil himself before kissing me like the angel I know her to be, so understandably I’m a little shook up”, he said with a warm, toothy smile he couldn’t help around her, as Kate felt her cheeks warm up with embarrassment at her own forwardness.

“Don’t worry though I’m sure I’ll see her again later, after all the important stuff of the day is done, need to help you with that?” he offered Kate with the carrier bag for her canvas works.

“Thanks, Cane. I’d love that,” Kate said, her heart fluttering as she handed over the bag. Before They could make their way up they noticed an older woman possibly Cane’s age looking down at them with warmth in her features as she said “same as always Cane helpless in love as in art”, she said as she extended a hand towards Kate “Kate I presume, stunning dress, I hope your work matches it”, she said warmly grasping Kate’s hand with both of hers.

Kate blushed, looking down at the handshake before meeting the woman’s gaze, “Thank you, I’m so excited for this opportunity,” she replied, her voice a mix of nerves and excitement. “Don’t worry dear, we’re all lucky once in love, in my case Cane is too ... youthful for my taste, as I’m sure his boyish charm and matching sense of humour has not yet eluded you”, she said with a knowing smile as Cane simple said “guilty”, then added “as hell”, for comic finality as he ushered both of them to the upper floor where the art studio was located.

She introduced herself as Mrs. Florence, she’d taught officially as a school arts teacher then university before doing it privately with odd jobs on the side like Cane’s, so she could always keep ontop of local talent for the art society she helped run. Some of her chosen students even now walked around discussing and admiring the galleries work, as Cane directed them to three set up easels on one end of the room. A large chunk still awaiting their owners with names reserving the easels pinned to them lightly, with handwritten, delicate and elaborate script.

It felt good to be here for Kate, right somehow, like everything was falling into place. She unveiled her first canvas, a gothic piece with two figures set in stark contrast as a dazzling dragon whose skin rather than scales, seemed to be made out of light that rushed outwards with the same force as a howling wind as the second figure protected itself with a raised kite shield, standing in dark baroque armour, the contours of the armour hugging it. One of the only few suggestions of femininity along with the long, dark hair hanging from the sides of the slitless half helmet she wore, alone with the exposed milky skin of the lower half of her face, were her lips a cherry red with the most subtle of smirks painted across them, as her cape, a black tableau, embroidered in ornate silver, was rushing in the invisible force of the dragons roaring bioluminescent light, unfurling behind her like terrible wings caught in mid flap as she used them to steady herself.

The armour looked worn and beaten, every inch detailing a scratch peeling away the black and silver detailing in criss crossing lines from what one could imagine were swords or piercing weapons grazing off the reinforced metal. Whilst in other cases the clean strokes from undeniable claw marks marred the onyx black armour plating, bound to her body, unmoving even in the tempest of the creature imposing its will and defiance with a feral vigour.

The dragon itself upon closer inspection was not typical in its creation. Aside from a decision by the artist to form it’s hide from skin rather than scales, it’s pale light pigmented body seemed almost terribly human in a sense that it stood up on its hind legs whilst clawing at the air with its taloned forepaws, it’s elongated head bearing noble, yet serpentine features that lent it a sinister bearing. Its wings although not majestic in size looked undeniably strong enough to carry it through the air. In comparison the dragon looked like a well preserved and flawless being of light in comparison to the gothic Knight, even as she stood, sword upraised in her defiance.

The only point of light on the Knight itself that was both odd and eye catching at the same time was a golden pocket watch wrapped around her waist, it’s chained links sparkling where the dragons light caught it.

Kate overturned the sign with her name on it in delicate script and quickly wrote the title of the piece. Before clipping it back on its edge it read “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!” from Lewis Carroll’s The Jabberwocky” as they combined the much needed context of the title with the painting, noticing the dark, nature of the upraised sword, which looked less like an elven rapier and more like a brutal, functional broadsword the female knight held up easily in one hand, designed like it was meant to easily cut down men in battle. It’s metallic surface, the only part left untouched, with no notches or chips from wear, lending it an uncanny, almost supernatural quality to its unblemished surface that suggested that even if its wielder fell, somehow its destiny would still be fulfilled, its legacy passed on to new, future bearer.

Standing back, Kate let them absorb the piece. The canvas oil paint she’d used along with the dark, poetic saga-like style she’d chosen, celebrated her idea of the unblemished truth of a weather beaten, female knight, with seemingly enchanted sword having struck her for inspiration when sketching for themes connected to books or films, especially from her childhood.

She looked around now, wondering how they actually judged the works for the first time, feeling abit embarrassed at not having asked, as she asked simply “how do you rate it?”, as she stood by Mrs. Florence eagerly, her hands interlinked facing outwards by her waist.

Mrs. Florence took a moment to study Kate’s work, her eyes moving across the canvas with a practiced gaze that spoke of years of experience in art criticism. “Your technique is quite exceptional, Kate. The way you’ve captured the light and shadow, the sense of movement and power in the dragon, it’s truly remarkable,” she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. “And the contrast between the lightness of the dragon and the darkness of the knight is quite intriguing. It tells a story, one that’s open to interpretation, which is always a sign of good art,” she added, her smile warm and encouraging.

Cane remained silent, his eyes glued to the painting, his mind racing with thoughts of the symbolism behind Kate’s choice of subject and style. The dragon’s human-like form standing than padding on all fours and the knight’s fierce yet feminine presence were not lost on him. He knew Kate well enough to understand that she didn’t create without purpose, and he couldn’t help but feel that the painting was a reflection of her own internal battles and the strength she’d discovered within herself.

“As for how we rate it’, Mrs. Florence said with a nod towards Cane “I would suggest a simple one to ten system with fractions?”, she inquired looking towards Cane for his opinion, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Cane nodded thoughtfully, “Indeed that should suffice. Let’s start with my initial impression Kate, which is a solid 9.5 out of 10. The detail, the emotion, and the narrative you’ve captured here is truly captivating,” he said, his voice low and filled with respect. “The way you’ve portrayed the dragon’s power and the knight’s resilience, it’s a visual representation of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It’s quite a powerful piece,” he added, his gaze lingering on the painting.

“Agreed, my only disagreement would be the rating, as I would give her a 9.6 instead”, she said with a slight smile as she turned towards Kate. “It is exceptionally good my dear and I have no doubt you have higher ideals of a further education in your future, if I might be so bold to presume?”, she asked as Kate nodded with a smile, feeling the warmth of Mrs. Florence’s words like a gentle embrace.

“Yes, even if I don’t succeed at gallery like I hope to, I’ve been saving up to go to an artschool of my choice, I’ve accepted and I’ll be tendering my resignation from my local job soon before they start the new intake this year”, she said with a nod, her voice filled with excitement and determination.

“I’m glad, if this interpretation of Lewis Caroll’s work is anything to go by, you’ll surely enjoy yourself greatly, exploring the possibilities you’ll encounter there”, she said with a genuine warmth.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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