Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 21: Of Queens and Promises - Pt. 2 of 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 21: Of Queens and Promises - Pt. 2 of 2 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

Once they ended the kiss Cane invited them to take a shower, it was over. What followed over the better part of the next hour was the effective scrubbing of five people so free of even trace amounts evidence that no doubt was left they were at least physically as clean as when they first started this.

Next followed Cane’s instruction on how to effectively massage the male and female body, as they started simply with a scalp massage. Perry started on Kate, sitting up behind her on their parent’s bed as she took a sitting position with her back to him, as he began to work the strands of her hair between his fingers. Cane did the same with this mother’s scalp beside him, Perry’s father watching from his seat in the corner of the room. As a point of clarity he said “Obviously now that you’ve all caught your breathes you’re wondering if we’ll be starting again soon. The simple answer to that is no, we are not here to prolong the evening by breaking you twice over. And believe it or not we are just men and despite our greatest and most dubious flaws we still desire to learn and teach ourselves as much as we can about you. Part of that is understanding how you react and how we can manipulate that, so we want only your honest replies to the treatment you are about to receive here, now. No distractions, no detours, were here to remove the physical ache from your bodies until our hands go raw and numb, and you’re going to indicate as best and as honestly as possible if it’s being effective or if not, what you recommend we do to improve, understood?”, Cane instructed, his voice a strange mix of gentleness and authority.

Cane continued his own massage on Barbara’s scalp, Perry mirroring as best he could as he gave a verbal instruction, reminding him every woman was like a uniquely cut diamond, with its own flaws you had to appreciate before you could do the same with the rest of her. That touch, the tactile impressions of your hands on her skin left a defining impression that he had to teach Perry to gauge and adjust as he developed his own hands-on experience.

Kate leant back as her brother worked on her scalp, his hands surprisingly gentle. Despite the horror of what had just transpired, she found a strange comfort in the intimate touch. It was almost as if the tenderness of the massage was a silent apology for his earlier participation. Meanwhile, Barbara lay beside her, Cane’s expert hands kneading the knots from her neck and shoulders, his breath hot on her ear as he whispered instructions to her son.

“Remember, the key to a good massage is to listen to her body,” Cane said his voice a soft purr that sent a shiver down Barbara’s spine. “Find the tension and release it, but don’t be afraid to be firm.”

Perry nodded adjusting his approach to Kate’s scalp, his touch becoming more deliberate and attentive as he listened to Cane’s instructions. Despite the horror of the situation, Kate found her eyes closing in a strange mix of comfort and dread, feeling the gentle touches of her brother’s hands against her skin, she couldn’t help but think how utterly wrong it felt yet also, how right it seemed in the context of their shared trauma.

With time they moved to the neck and shoulders as Cane explained the nature of the spine and the central nervous system tied to it and how they could effectively use that to their advantage. His fingers digging into Barbara’s skin, finding every tense spot and working it out, as if he was sculpting her very soul from the marble of her body. Perry, Kate and even Robert watched intently as Barbara physically seemed to melt into the bed, her eyes fluttering closed in a state of half-sleep, half-ecstasy.

“For everything there is a time and a place, the main point for now is to reduce ache and promote relaxation,” Cane reminded them as he repeated the method he’d used for Perry’s instruction. Deftly Perry mimicked the same use of firmness on the instructed points, his only guidance Kate’s gasps and whimpers of pain, his eyes never leaving hers as he worked through the muscle memory of his training. The room was quiet except for the sound of their breathing, the occasional gasp of pleasure and pain, and the gentle whispers of Cane’s guidance.

Satisfied with his training so far they moved towards the back area, having both women lean forwards for greater access as they sat up with their legs spread in a V-position out in front of them.

“Now, for the back, the lower back and the buttocks, these are areas of great sensitivity and pleasure for a woman,” Cane instructed, his hands moving to Barbara’s lower back, his fingers sinking into the tense muscles as he began to knead them gently, the pressure increasing as he felt her body begin to relax. “Start at the base of the spine and work your way outwards, remembering to keep your thumbs firm but your fingers gentle,” he added, watching as Perry’s hands mirrored his own movements on Kate.

The room was filled with the sound of their breathing and the occasional murmur of satisfaction as the massage continued. The tension in Kate’s body began to dissipate under her brother’s surprisingly skilled touch, her mind racing with a mix of emotions - fear, anger, and an unwelcome sense of comfort. Meanwhile, Barbara’s body trembled with each stroke of Cane’s hands, her mind trying to reconcile the trauma she’d just endured with the strange intimacy she now found herself in with her daughter and her abuser.

Once they reached the nape of the neck, they started again at the tailbone and worked their way down to the main buttocks. “This is a about skill, as much as restraint, there’s a reason so many couples use this as method to engage in sex. The point is to follow through, to show maturity beyond simple base urges when it’s requested of you, it will act as an invitation for your partner to return and appreciate your skill as a rare talent she’ll not want to waste”, he said with a glimmer in his eye and a confident smile.

Perry understood, taking his lessons to heart, so far Cane was undoubtedly unmatched, not because he was boisterous or overly bold but because he was subtle and aimed like a snipers rifle picking off targets he could get away with effectively and often.

They positioned both Kate and Barbara on their stomachs with pillows stuffed underneath their stomachs so that they could raise the lower half of their bodies more firmly into the air. “Remember, restraint and purpose will always serve you in your long term goals, only impatience and impulse fit short-sighted one’s”, he said gesturing with his hands around him indicating what weeks ago would have been an impossibility without trust, co-ordination, talent and all the thoroughness to detail they could think of.

Both Barbara and Kate felt them take uncomfortable handfuls of their collective buttocks. The warm supple flesh melting in their hands as they dug in with their thumbs and worked in a circular motion. The pressure was firm yet soothing, a stark contrast to the harshness of the earlier events. “As much as you may want to believe this is untrue the purpose of this lesson is not provide to provide sexual stimuli, should your bodies react to this, please understand the intention here is an appreciation for a method that can be duplicated with ease of function almost by rote as we practice on you whenever possible. It may even be the starting focus of our session tomorrow as a lack of stiffness in the joints, nerves and muscles beforehand should have been a priority today, but hindsight catches up with us all I’m afraid”, Cane said as he continued to manipulate Barbara’s flesh.

Perry watched as his hands became engulfed in Kate’s ass with a purpose beyond mere entertainment and self satisfaction, gauging as his sister responded perfectly to his every touch, every stroke and pressure point he applied with his thumbs. Cane’s voice was almost a soothing background to the silent communication between him and Kate. It was like he had become a maestro orchestrating a symphony of flesh, pain and pleasure, a masterful dance of submission and dominance.

“Moving to the thighs, be very delicate here,” Cane instructed, “our legs despite how we take them for granted have to be twice as strong as our arms at least, to hold us up, let alone allow us to be carried by them all day, for those reasons alone we must always show them kindness and respect. Think of it as a silent love letter you write with your hands to her body.” His hands glided over Barbara’s thighs, his fingers tracing the veins and muscles as if he were memorizing a sacred text.

“When you are capable of finding a partner who can do this for you, you’ll learn appreciation comes in many ways, not just sexual. Isn’t that true Kate?”, he said with an even handed tone as he looked over to Kate, as she responded with a nod, her body trembling with the aftermath of the emotional and physical journey she had just endured.

“Sometimes words fail us but that’s what our bodies are for”, he said, as he began to massage Barbara’s thigh, calve, ankle and foot, alternating between them as Perry did the same to Kate.

The room was a symphony of sighs and gasps as the two men worked on their victims, their touches calculated and precise, each stroke a silent promise of further depravity. Barbara felt her body betray her again as she let out a soft moan, her legs spread wider as Cane’s strong hands worked their way up her inner thighs. Kate’s eyes remained closed, trying to block out the sight of her brother’s hands on her, but the feel of his fingers dancing along her flesh was too intense to ignore.

Despite their obvious vulnerability they were never once taken advantage of and by the time they reached the soles of their feet they were both visibly relaxed. “Now the sides”, he said as instructed both women to rest their heads on their pillows as they lay on their sides, allowing access to their necks, shoulders, arms, rib cages, hips and legs, so they could isolate and concentrate on these areas.

They started out on necks and shoulders “often I’ve found a partner will already in a sleeping position and when they ask you to perform some form of relaxing massage. Awkward positions like say this one or even the foetal position will make it hard, so you need to learn how to work with them” he said as he instructed both women to curl up in a foetal position to demonstrate his point.

Barbra and Kate did as they were told, Kate with a little more difficulty given the previous activities had left her legs feeling like jelly, but she managed with a bit of effort. “See how their bodies are curled up, it makes for a different set of angles and pressures, which can be quite enjoyable if done correctly,” Cane said, his voice filled with the enthusiasm of a professor imparting wisdom to his students.

“In this instance switch with me and get used to a taller frame with a different build, it’ll help teach you how to gauge according to each type of bodies needs so you can match it”, Cane said as Perry switched positions with Cane by his mother and began as he did by her neck and worked his way down.

Cane likewise shifted over to Kate whispering “don’t worry Kate I’m not here to take a bite out of you only to educate”, he said, as he saw Kate’s eye’s visibly bulging as he loomed closer to her. He began his journey through her body by her neck, her skin was soft and supple, it was a stark contrast to the firmness of her mother’s body, which was a testament to their age difference. He worked his way down to her shoulder, his thumbs digging into the tension knots with surprising gentleness. Kate’s body was a canvas of confusion and fear, yet she couldn’t help but let out a soft moan of relief as the pressure began to ease.

Shifting her arm aside for better access to her ribcage and torso, Cane’s hands moved with the confidence of a seasoned artist, his touch a strange blend of tender and invasive. Kate felt the tension ease from her body as the massage progressed, the line between fear and a begrudging comfort blurring with each stroke. Meanwhile, Barbara felt her son’s hands on her, and the weight of the situation bore down on her heavily. Despite the horrors they had endured, she found herself focusing on the mechanics of the massage, trying to find some semblance of normalcy in the meticulous care he was being taught to give.

Working on her ribcage Cane spoke, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through Kate’s very bones. “The ribs are flexible but also protective, learn the right spots to hit and you can control a woman’s breathing,” he whispered to Perry, his hands moving in a gentle yet calculated pattern across Kate’s body. Perry nodded, his eyes never leaving Kate’s, as he copied Cane’s movements on Barbara, feeling the power in knowing he could elicit a response from his mother with just the right amount of pressure.

“Next the hips, especially the joint aches you can accrue there over time and cause allot of stiffness and joint pain”, Cane said “especially if your very active”, he said as he began working the inflamed area where they’d held on any number of times to her hips to keep her in position or slam her down continuously on them.

Barbara felt her son’s hands on her hips, she had to admit, it was a welcome distraction from the ache she felt in her soul. His touch was tentative at first, but grew more assured under Cane’s tutelage, his thumbs pressing into the muscles with a gentle but firm rhythm that seemed to release some of the tension she’d been holding onto.

Kate felt the noticeable strain on her hip muscles fade as Cane sensed and worked at the troubling knots, his touch both terrifying and surprisingly therapeutic. She could feel the pressure points releasing their grip, her body slackening into the bed, the tension seeping away from her, leaving a hollow feeling in its wake. Meanwhile, Barbara’s own body was responding to the massage, her breathing becoming more even and deep, the horror of the evening momentarily pushed aside by the blissful reprieve from pain.

When they were satisfied with the results there they moved to the lower thigh and calve, Cane’s eyes never leaving Kate’s face as he guided Perry through the process. When they reached the heel and sole of the foot they put especially focus there. “Imagine walking on air and finding out you’d never taken a single foot off the ground to begin with. You make anyone feel like that they will remember and most of all they will never forget who gave them that feeling every time they go without it, after a hard day, a hard moment even a difficult decision as psychological discomfort can translate into physical discomfort in turn”, he said as he worked his hands over Kate’s foot from toe tip to heel, his thumbs pressing firmly into the arch.

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