Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 20: Of Queens and Promises - Pt. 1 of 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 20: Of Queens and Promises - Pt. 1 of 2 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

He slid out from his mother’s mouth, turning slowly towards Cane as they began handing out water to everyone, instructing them hydrate. As soon as they did, Cane stepped forward with the air of someone who knew he was in control as he said “ladies and gentleman for the final course of the evening we are going to see something spectacular, maybe even terrifying, just as a show of how far we’ve gone to make this nightmare as you perceive it a reality, we shall soon be revisiting almost every evening from now on, schedules and fate allowing”, he said with a smile that in any other circumstance could be considered warm even charming as he sat by Kate, telling her directly in a voice that wasn’t either loud or a whisper, so that everyone could make out what was being said. “Kate I want you to take on a roleplay where you are in a dominant sexual position over your submissive mother. You are here to extract your pound of flesh from her body in pleasure, because you are not simply Kate you are the “Queen of Nightshade”, you love your mother and you want your mother in equal respects, you want nothing more than to fuck her until you cum, even if you have to feed her your pussy by hand”, he said, smiling viciously towards the end as he said this.

“You are here to make sure she fulfils your every desire by using her body like your plaything, understand?”, he instructed softly, watching as her facial expression, body language and finally her own demeanour changed, as a smile not unlike Canes spread across her lips. Her hand rose to caress his cheek as she said in a voice Cane would never forget, somewhere between a predatory purr and a thankful lilt “Thank you for this gift lovers, I didn’t think I’d get a chance to come out and play this early on, so eager were you in your consumption of their spirit, I thought I’d be left out and forgotten for this session in your self-centered indulgence”, she said as Cane’s eyes grew wide, unsure just what exactly he had unleashed, unless this was just more foreplay to help her mother absolutely freak out, as Kate took her for the nights final entertainment. “But I’m glad you remembered your queen and the gifts she can shower on you”, she said as she leaned in to kiss Cane on his lips softly.

The moment was soft, personal, a unique touch that threatened to turn into complete consumption before she pulled back “but for now I have work to do”, her face seemed to light up, eyes bulging, lips stretching as she looked onto her mother like a choice piece of meat, before she restrained herself, her features taking on a more tranquil, even languid tone of expression. “Here”, she said as she leaned down intimately close, bodies flush, as she became the siren of Perry and Cane’s dreams. “Let me show you how it feels when I touch you with a woman’s touch”, she said as she called out to her father and instructed him to eat her out as she made love to his bride.

It felt different, like comparing a flood to a hurricane, as they watched Kate turn the violent air of their compulsion into a pure, flooding need to extract pleasure from, as if the very air they breathed contained it, waiting to be extracted in its most refined form, in the sweat and the sounds and the feeling of flesh charging the air like no other.

Barbara watched as Kate drank in her full, large nipple into her mouth, languishing in her power to command her body’s nerves with terrible ease of motion like a languid cat not wasting energy in its exertion. It wasn’t violent, but the need behind those eyes concentrated into fine points of control, refused to even blink or break contact, before she broke her, was amazing, terrifying but amazing, even intimidating as she felt more vulnerable than ever, like a mouse presented to a ravenous snake that decided to take it’s time with her. A level of arrogance clouded her features as she messaged the sensitive, maddening point of her right nipple with her expert tongue, until it became almost unbearable and she switched to her other one.

Behind her daughter, Barbara could hear more than see her husband as the top of his head dipped between the curves of her thighs, his hands keeping them apart as he dove in between her legs, his tongue searching for the perfect bundle of nerves to please his new queen. To his credit her soft moans of satisfaction began to groan out of her. As she parted her mouth from her breast she released a sign of contentment at his effort. “He does fine work”, she said, her voice thick and sultry, her “bedroom eyes” lazily seductive with the promise of pleasure to come, something Barbara as her mother could have gone a lifetime without seeing, as her daughter sealed her lips with her own.

Her questing tongue slow and exploratory, as it truly tasted her, her horror, her shock, her body’s reactions to the stimulation it had endured only to have the blow softened now like this, like comparing a rampaging fire to a fine, calming mist. It was seductive more than just because of the clear contrast it provided, but because it worked in her favour to provide Barbara with enough time to think of a plan or so she thought, as her daughter parted her lips from hers, shushing her as if she was some sort of scared lamb in need of comfort and she was the wolf about to rip it apart “I can hear the wheels turning in your head from here little mouse”, she began as she peppered her cheek and neck with small, intimate kisses, as she continued “but don’t you get it? You’re in the snakes den, have been all this time. The difference is I don’t use brutality to crush you, but instead twist the will from your body for my own ventures into pleasure. My poison is swifter than that, warm and menacing and craving for more until it reaches throughout your entire body and squeezes it in delight. So don’t worry, I don’t waste food when it’s so eagerly and so freely given to me mother dear”, she cooed at the end “I just have more fun with it until I unhinge my jaws and snap them closed over you at the end!”, she said maliciously, instructing her father with his latest duty as his queen “fuck her raw, but softly, I want her to feel every inch violating her as it flows in and out of her body as we both take her, I also want you to switch between our pussies randomly as you share us both, I want full impregnation or nothing at all”, she said with commanding authority, never rising beyond a seductive, syrupy purr, as she fixed herself into a flush position on her mother’s sweaty body, her father and mother sandwiching her between them. “I want her to feel every ripple, ever trembling ounce of muscle, fat and flesh as you softly pump into both of us, one at a time, as I show her what true pleasure means to a queen”, she said as she drew her long length of hair over shoulders like a makeshift curtain over Barbara’s face, made to give them some privacy, leaning in close as she whispered “I can hear you in there, screaming, don’t you dare stop”, she said as she slid the full length of her tongue into her mother’s mouth. The sweet taste of a new, dominating fear, tingeing on the tip of her tongue as she tasted it on her mother’s, she slid the full length of her sinewy organ along the roof of her mouth, over her teeth and the space between her cheeks, and under her tongue, searching and finding everything she wanted most in her unwilling prey as she fed off her fear and discomfort at the whole new level of physical, as well as mental discomfort tensing every muscle, setting every nerve on fire as she massaged her tit’s, grabbing them as eagerly as either Perry or Cane but with an expert touch that left her breathless as she sank her head into one of them again,

Kate told her “feed my mommy”, with a look that brooked no argument as Barbara did the only thing she could think of that would satisfy her daughters urges, as she lifted a free arm and used her hand to brace her soft encompassing lips around her sore and tender nipple, as if she were breastfeeding her when she was a child. Her daughter’s efforts were slowly turning ravenous, as her husband continued to pump her tired, wrecked body, seeking only to recover over a long period of time what could at least be physically cured. All her aches and spots of soreness sang along the full length of her body, as Robert slowly and methodically continued to give his all to his wife, as his daughter pleasured her with a sinful, insatiable but somehow restrained lust, that seemed almost worse than the crude and vulgar body slamming and nerve wrecking show of force shown by Cane and his sin. She seemed like a completely different person but lethal nonetheless in her unexplainable sexual desires. Compared to the others, she was tightly coiled whip compared to the mace-like blunt force, of their violating needs.

He switched to her daughters pussy, her hips neatly placed ontop of her mother’s as he parted her asscheeks slightly before sliding in. This was insane torture Robert thought, as he felt his cock being used in a way he had never dreamed of in his wildest nightmares, his mind swimming with confusion and horror as his body was used as a tool of pleasure by Kate, his daughter, his child. Yet, as he slid in he felt Kate’s muscles tighten around him, a moan escaping from her lips that didn’t sound like it came from his daughter’s mouth. It was a moan of pure, animalistic lust, a sound that was both disturbing and oddly arousing. He watched Kate’s eyes glaze over with pleasure as he began to thrust in and out of her, her body moving in sync with his own, her breathing growing shallower as she reached the peak of her pleasure.

At the same time he pumped into her softly, he noticed her grind her wettening pussy into her mother’s, in an unexpected erotic act of dominance over her, as her body responded to the unwelcome intimacy of the unfamiliar act being forced on her, with the help of her husband, caught in his own throws of drugged domination.

Looking at her daughter now, she looked like a living wet dream, writhing over her own body like a charged battery ready to go off. Cane had obviously seen this, looking past her weight, which since they’d known eachother Barbara had noticed her lose noticeably with her mother’s intuitive eye, knowing it was related to the obvious acts shared between boyfriend and girlfriend, especially in the heat of their new relationship, trusting that her little girl knew what she was doing well enough to not cause her mother any undue worry.

Looking at her now, the electrified current that was her daughter, sliding up and down on a sheet of warm sweat over her body as her father thrust into her from behind, made the daughter she thought she knew seem like a distant dream, as she stretched her sagging breast in her mouth, still feeding off her like an unflinching infant searching and finding its ultimate succour in her parents.

It was a sight that no mother should have to bear, but she bore it, her mind racing to find a way to save herself and her family from this twisted reality that had somehow become their truth. Her son Perry and his mentor Cane stood aside, grateful for the respite as they watched with hungry eyes amongst other things but somehow knew better than to disturb this version of Kate they had conjured, this apex facsimile they had probably made her endure, to fulfill their own twisted fantasies privately before showing her off here.

Barbara felt the heat of Kate’s grinding sex against her own, stir things she’d never felt before for another woman so intimately, as if her daughter’s need was a wildfire threatening to consume her. The wetness from Kate’s pussy smothered her clit, a strange sensation that was both revolting and exhilarating. Her mind screamed in protest, but her body betrayed her, her own juices mixing with Kate’s, lubricating the unnatural union of their flesh. She couldn’t help but feel a sickening thrill at the sensation of her daughter’s tightness clamping down on her own swollen sex, a perverse symphony of pleasure that played in stark contrast to the horror of the situation, as her own drug enslaved husband pumped into her daughter rhythmically from behind with a soft, tender ease that made her want to cry.

The room was a cacophony of moans and the slap of skin on skin, a symphony of depravity that Barbara never thought she’d be a part of. Yet here she was, an unwilling participant in the most twisted dance of all, her body moving almost on its own accord as Kate’s hips worked their magic, the friction building until she felt the first tremors of an orgasm she never wanted to have. She bit her lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape, but it was no use. Her body was a traitor, responding to the relentless pressure of Kate’s grinding hips, the pleasure overwhelming any semblance of reason or moral objection.

“Let me show you what true surrender is”, Kate purred, her voice a sultry whisper that sent shivers down Barbara’s spine, as she brought her mother’s head to her own breast, without wanting too she noticed the difference immediately, her breasts felt heavier, fuller and they were aching, her nipples tight and sensitive, begging to be teased. “You’re going to taste me now, who I am and who you will be, one small piece at a time”, Kate instructed, her eyes dark with a need Barbara had never seen in her before.

Barbara took her daughter’s nipple in her mouth, the taste was overwhelmingly erotic and she felt a rush of wetness between her legs, her body responding against her will. She tried to pull away but Kate’s hand remained firm, holding her head in place as she began to suck, her tongue playing with the tender flesh. It was a strange, intense sensation, and Barbara felt her resolve weakening, her mind swimming with a confusing mix of disgust and arousal.

“That’s it”, she said softly, taking her other breast and pressing it into the side of her mother’s face. Barbara felt the instant warmth of its presence, the softness of her flesh melding with her cheek as she suckled her own daughter’s breast, feeling the hardness of her nipple graze against her teeth. She fought against the wave of arousal that washed over her, trying to remember who she was, who her daughter was supposed to be, but it was no use. The room had become a haze of heat and lust, her own body a willing participant in this sick masquerade of pleasure.

“Don’t slip away my precious Barbie girl”, Kate said using Cane’s former nickname for her when they’d first been a couple more than forty years ago and twisting it like a knife, as she withdrew from her haze with a whimper “that’s it, I want you to experience it all, what less could I offer to the mother of my partners baby”, she almost giggled but restrained it instead into a Cheshire grinned smile “Oh don’t worry “too” much at your age you’ll probably not get pregnant but between us girls I know your last cycle is probably up, even as we speak, you’ve not been suffering any signs of menopause, I know because daughters notice these things.

“You’ve had no new medications, no new side effects of the condition like mood swings or weight gain, which means your cycle is likely still regular and your fertility ... still ripe enough for the picking,” Kate’s voice was sweet, but the words were a dagger in Barbara’s soul. “Why do you think Cane rushed this so badly? Hmm? He wanted you to feel the final sting of his love right after me”, she giggled with an awful, innocent smile that grated against her soul. “And it’s easy to see what Perry wants from this, although I personally doubt he’ll be into helping his sister pick up fresh diapers in the middle of the night at some 7/11, like he thinks he is”, she laughed this time unable to help herself as Barbara felt herself go numb “I am interested to see”, she said with a low hum in her voice as her father slid out of her and into her mother, as Barbara felt the fresh juices of her daughters sex coat her own within her, he was practically ready to explode from the swollen twitch in his cock aa her daughter pressed her further “what will breast milk from such a matured, well adjusted mother like yourself taste like”, she said as she smiled viciously. “And the new sensitivities your body will endure’, she said as pressed her mother’s face further into the soft flesh of her breast “I can’t wait to experience that with you mommy, you’re going to be so much fun”, she said with an almost child-like eagerness, she must’ve have thought was infectious but was plainly just crazy.

She reached back, turning her head to the side as she took hold of her father’s jaw, pointing towards her mouth as she sank her tongue up into his mouth, in a twisted, erotic exhibition of dominance. Barbara felt her husband’s final restraint let go as he came within her, she could already feel her already crowded womb fill once again with unwelcome amounts of cum begging to torture her uterus with the reality of a new baby. Any excess cum slid once again from the sagging purse lips of her stretched and sore sex, coating her thighs as it crawled down to the bedsheets to form another, generous pool she could feel beginning to crawl up her back. “Don’t worry mommy”, she coaxed with sultrous tone she could have never believed her daughters voice could reproduce to such a calibre, until she heard it “I won’t take your body for granted”, she said in the same tone, her smile reflecting a creativity that was simple for her needs but unlike her brother or Cane it was miles more subtle in its cruelty as she told Cane “switch with daddy, revert me from this roleplay, I want her to watch her daughter break so nicely as you make love to her, bring me back when Kate is putty in your hands”, she instructed, as Cane took her father place “Don’t worry Perry”, she said as she looked lovingly at her brother, I haven’t forgotten about you. Reserve your strength, from the looks of you, you’re going to need it for what I have planned, k?”, she said as Perry responded with a simple nod, ever more convinced that his date tomorrow with Aisha to visit a gym would be one of the best decisions he could commit to long term in reference to his stamina.

“Good, begin”, she told Cane as he whispered the needed instructions into her ear. Barbara watched as her daughters demeanour, pallor and even strength seemed to change, almost drain out of her all at once, at what she’d done and what she had others do to her and her mother, as she looked over to her father, once again sat idly in the corner, a neutral observer. “Time to get to work my dear”, Cane whispered as he instructed her to replace her mother on the bed, and for Barbara to straddle her daughters hips, as he inserted himself softly this time, the wet sound of his sliding appendage, reaching deep into Barbara without much effort made her gasp as he thrust his hips softly into her, mimicking her husband’s earlier motions on her daughter.

“Taste her Barbara, make her feel exactly what she made you feel until neither of you can take it”, he commanded, his voice in the passion of a man who’d dreamed and waited and plotted for something like this in his fantasies and would not allow even himself to spoil it. “Show her what dominance feels like on the edge of a velvet whip and make her bleed for more”, he whispered with cold determination as she followed his instructions.

Kate couldn’t believe what she’d just done, what she’d set up and how’d she’d set herself up for it, along with her mother and it was growing more surreal by the moment as she watched her take on a more dominant, confident role without ever having to utter a word, as her body language spoke for her as she looked down at her helpless daughter with a mix of disdain and eagerness “don’t worry little Trojan horse, your mothers here to burn you to ground, but only after she takes her time to explore you a little more personally”, she said with a seductresses smile and a voice like stirred honey waiting to be slathered on her skin. “So open wide and don’t be shy, momma’s seen it all before, now it’s time to taste-test it”, she said with a gleeful smile as she adjusted her position, making Kate sit up against the leather headboard, her meaty thighs spread wide, as she used her hands to do the same to her sexes lips. “Ooh, so sore”, she said in the same sultry voice as before as Kate noticed her labia was a darker shade of pink, swollen and slightly bruised. “But don’t worry, I’ll be gentle ... until I’m not”, she finished with a grin and a dark look in her eyes that spoke of pain yet to come as the price of the pleasure she would force onto her body.

She felt vulnerable like an open wound being forced wide open as her mother’s questing tongue sank into her, it’s delicate tip searching for all the right spots within she knew her daughter would respond to, as Cane continued to drive himself into her with a intimate slowness that stretched her deeply with every prolonged thrust.

Barbara moaned into her daughter with every filling thrust from Cane behind her, jolting her lightly into her pussy, as she lapped at the delicate nerves and the sweet cloying essence practically drooling out of her, as it clung to her face nuzzling deep into Kate’s sex, her tongue wasting little time finding and working her most delicate nerves, watching and gauging her daughters every reaction, as she massaged her from within like a baker kneading dough. Her tongue was the perfect instrument for this, just sensitive enough to feel every quiver and twitch from Kate’s sex, and just firm enough to press and prod with precision.

“She’s firm enough Cane”, she said parting from her daughters delicate folds almost reluctantly, the lower half of her mouth covered in a thick layer of cloying essence “voodoo that magic you do so well”, she said with a sneer “so that her mommy can watch her break down, whilst she has some fun”, she said adjusting herself just as her daughter had done previously, resting her full weight on her to pin her down to the bed, as she felt Cane slip out of her as solid as an oak tree “and Cane”, she said as she draped her long blonde hair over her shoulders as she looked down at her daughter, mirroring what she had done perfectly before, kissing Kate lightly on the forehead as she looked on in wide eyed fear at the woman who she thought was her mother but for all intents and purposes, was now a sex hungry monster with no delusions over morals under the drugs affects “don’t spare rod, this child needs a good beating”, she said as she looked back at him with a devious grin, out of place and polarizing on her face “I should know, I’m her mother”, the grin left Kate I’m near shock, as her words gave Cane all the reason he needed as he did something unexpected and clapped in the same air as one professional appreciating another’s work, as Barbara splayed a free hand openly against her chest and lightly blushed at the compliment.

Even as Cane slid into Kate, his clap dying down, Perry’s hurriedly began from the corner of the room where he’d been observing along with his father as Barbara turned to her son “Oh, we did forget you?”, she said in a cooing voice as he got closer “Don’t worry mom’s gonna’ fix you right up”, she said in casual almost frighteningly upbeat nonsensical tone, you’d relate to a mother fixing her child their favourite food for breakfast or encouraging them to face an casual chore, as she grabbed onto his fully erect dick as he stood by the side of the bed, with a free hand drawing it to her lips with ease, as she began to give him a blowjob that was anything but loving. It was like watching a snake swallow its prey whole, her eyes never leaving Kate’s, as she felt her mouth stretch around her sons length, her cheeks hollowing out with the pressure of her mouth around him as she began to suck and lick him off like a lollipop.

Perry’s eyes widened at the erotic display, as his mother demonstrated her previously hidden talent now completely uninhibited by ... anything, it almost drew a bead of fear from his forehead, as the caveman part of the human brain responsible for man’s fight of flight response nudged hum to keep a wary eye on this, despite the fact they were in complete control, making sure his arrogance kept in check thus far didn’t get him caught off guard by making him lax, as he gave into his most primal of needs.

He watched as his mother became a symbol for every sexual need, every fantasy observed and unobserved come to life in an instant of clarity that begged for his full, undivided attention, as she swallowed him whole. The combination of her lips, tongue, hands and the sounds she was making reverberating through his body making him feel like the world was opening up some previously hidden truth to him, not simply about having sex but the partner he chose and how they chose him. He knew he wanted more of this, much more than they could fill in a single night as his mother continued to pleasure him.

The easy suction of her lips combined with the unending stimulation of her tongue, as her free hand massaged his tight ballsack, gave away her obvious and welcome talent. She felt like a dream that kept coming true every time he blinked his eyes, as sweat began to crawl down his body with ease again. As she released her hold on him, she led him onto the bed by her hand still grasping his dick, stiffened to the point where it was staring back at him accusingly, hot and angry with rushing blood, as he followed his mother lead.

She stood open legged over Kate’s face, as Kate rested her back against the headboard, whilst Cane pumped into her quivering pussy, taking hold of meaty young thighs as he did so. Barbara braced her pussy against her daughter’s mouth, grinding it against her lips to the gentle rhythm of Perry’s thrusts from behind. “Show your sister what’s she’s been missing Perry. Show me what I’ve been missing, spill it inside me and then all over her face when you’ve had enough, but make sure I get my own pound of flesh too honey, I want your sister to drown in her own tears and mine as I give her every last drop that’s left in me”, she whispered like a succubus, a demoness given human form as he led him willingly to his own damnation. “And don’t forget to hurry, I don’t like to wait”, she said seductively a rose coloured fingernail brushing her lower lip, as her sultry bedroom eyes drew him in.

He had no words to say, no thoughts left to explore in depth except the pure animal need to be inside her, to claim her, as she braced her arms against the tall leather headboard, spreading her legs just a little wider to allow him easier access, as Cane began to clap again appreciation for the talent on display here. The sound catching Perry’s attention as Cane raised a single index finger to his head, curling it as he tapped his temple lightly indicating without words that he should keep his head, as Perry nodded in thanks and acknowledgement of this welcome warning.

Too much and there would be no explaining the aches and pains that were sure to follow tomorrow, although they’d worked around it. Cane on his side of things had initiated phone sex with his sister, with the use of toys and titillation, Perry had simply had to confirm his parents had sex, via the hidden cameras he’d planted in the room on his side.

All they had to do was treat their aches, soreness and physically spent bodies. They’d clean them up, have them each take showers, clean them up, flush them out, Cane showing his usual trusty foresight had said he’d would put the situation to good use and use it to teach him how to massage most of the aches and soreness out of their bodies as an appreciated life skill he could use with future partners, using the drugs affects to garner only honest reactions to his newly budding technique. Later they could try it out on eachother for the sake of maintenance knowing long term it would come in use with Aisha and be a boon for them and every part of their bodies that would equally ache.

Perry cupped her mother’s ass, splitting them as he inserted himself in and out of her ass with warm ease, sliding in slickly as he held her to him by her hips, as she adjusted to the intrusion to her tight anal cavity. “Time to taste where you came from Kate, don’t be shy, you weren’t the first time”, she said with a wide smile, as he braced her face firmly against her pussies lips, feeling as her tongue snaked out involuntarily and dived within her mother’s womb, exploring it in a frenzy to make her cum desperately.

“Come back mom, revert from your roleplay, I want you to be nice and pliant, unable to resist us or our commands whilst being fully aware”, Perry instructed. The effect was instantaneous, her body shifting awkwardly, trapped once more in the physical reality of her waking nightmare, as her son quested to break her ass from behind, as he held her firmly to him by her rippling hips, shuddering with each thrust she could feel jolt her to her core, as she held in turn to her daughter lodged firmly at the door to her most sacred of places, turned into a twisted funhouse as Barbara felt her roaming tongue light her on fire from within, with enough stimulation to make her cry out repeatedly, as Canes ramming hips shook the bed and her daughters pale body, shaking almost violently with each thrust of animal passion.

The place was a madhouse. Barbara’s only saving grace, at least as she saw it was that at least her husband wasn’t being forced to participate this time. Cane’s possessive hands continued to roam over her daughter’s body exposed from the neck down, as her shaking legs barely clung onto his hips, his movements becoming less rough but more erratic as he wasted less energy on the act and more on the result. Perry bucked into his mother grabbing onto her breasts with eagerness the powered him through his natural exhaustion, unable to get enough of her as her ass painfully buckled with every deep thrust as she cried out with each one anew.

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