Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 18: Of Harleys and Barbarians

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 18: Of Harleys and Barbarians - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

The open road, albeit the highway they had driven through had rushed by as if they had becoming a living bullet rushing through an air tunnel, she’d never felt so alive or grateful to be there as Kate clung onto Cane. The wind whipping through the long length of her hair sticking out from beneath her helmet and the thrum of the motor beneath her was a sweet symphony of freedom and exhilaration.

Her parents in tow, no doubt would have been able to tell how incredible she thought the experience was for her if not for the full-face helmet she wore. Although not strictly a legal requirement in their state she doubted anyone would have let her get on including Cane without one.

She could almost picture him now in his youth, a pair of Raybans sunglasses and the open road, racing into the howling wind. She could tell he was enjoying himself, his hands firm on the handle bars, his posture straight as he leaned into the turns. She almost felt a little disheartened when they finally reached the reserve entrance, thankfully the parking area wasn’t too crowded and they found a spot for both vehicles under a built-in canopy that would shield them the worst of the sun.

The first thing Cane said as they both got off the stationary bike was “wait for it, you’re gonna’ feel a strain between your legs like someone pulled on your groin whilst you weren’t looking, it’s called a muscle cramp”, and Kate nodded her understanding, his warning was a gentle one, and she knew he was just trying to be helpful. She felt the beginnings of it already, a slight tightening that she knew would grow with every step she took. “It happens allot with horse riding aswell as bikes, it’s your body’s way of saying it’s alive and it’s going to need some tender love and care after that workout”, he said with a wink, as he took her hand and led her over to a bench, waiting out the worst of her cramp as her parents came over, surprisingly her mother was the first one to catch onto her slight discomfort. “Don’t worry Kate, I’ve got something for that, I used to get it after long bike rides with your father,” she said with a knowing smile as she handed her a small bottle of muscle relaxant oil.

Surprised, she thanked her mother and asked where the nearest public bathroom was, Cane indicated around the corner from a nearby vending machine that sold fizzy drinks, as he took off his jacket and tied it roughly over his waist. Robert and Barbara took a seat next to him on the bench, as they waited for Kate.

Cane retrieved a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket and slid them on as he seemed to examine the sky. “Good day for it, not too warm or even balmy, with some nice cloud cover ahead”, he said evenly “how are you two up for it? We’re not going far but it might seem like it after fifteen minutes or so of walking on solid earth instead of flat asphalt or anything approaching civilization, they keep it as “authentic” as possible once you get past the gates, so you might want to visit the bathroom too”, he offered with a considerate tone.

Barbara nodded “we’re just fine, we’re looking forward to it, and we’ve packed plenty of water and snacks,” she said, patting the picnic basket that hung from her arm. Robert nodded in agreement, his eyes still glued to the bike. “It’s just like the one in the movie,” he murmured to himself, a hint of wonder in his voice.

Cane smiled to himself as he said “There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its lustre, when the throne room becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father’s love for his child”, quoting king Osric from Conan the Barbarian.

“Your daughter is that perfect feat of love that no gem or piece of gold can compare to, that’s why it holds no sway over me”, he said indicating to the bike with a gesture of his hands “how could it? Time spent with her is worth more than all the lamentations of the women of my crushed enemies, driven before me”, he said paraphrasing a famous line from Conan again with a warm, longing smile on his face “because she is the one thing no amount of wealth can provide, a second chance to love someone, truly”, he finished as he looked over to them, his eyes reflecting his words.

Barbara looked over at her husband with a fond smile, she knew Cane was right, Kate was their shining star and nothing in the world could ever replace her. “You know Kate is just as fond of you, Cane, she’s talked about you so much”, she said with a warm smile, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“I’m glad, she occupies my thoughts like few people can”, he said honestly.

Her mother nodded “We can see it in her eyes, she’s happier than we’ve seen her in a long time”, Barbara said with a smile.

Kate chose that moment to reappear either by happenstance or design, as they got up as a group from the bench. Cane retrieving his own day bag from one of the saddlebags, offering a bag of black liquorice sweets to Barbara and red ones to Kate “thought you’d enjoy a welcome distraction from anything that tries to bite you until we get there, I remember at one point either of you telling me you liked them, so I hope you enjoy”, he said as he slung the bag they came over his shoulder. It was a simple satchel with a drawstring opening and flap over it made of faded brown leather, not unlike Kate’s own, just more worn with time.

They thanked him as they began their journey, purchasing a family ticket for four adults, as Cane and Kate held hands throughout as did Kate’s parents. Occasionally she’d feed him a red bite of liquorice by hand, as she had some herself, as they made their way through the woods. The thick smell of sap and occasional animal scat filling the air before they finally came across a small clearing overlooking a lake like Cane had promised, with a few wooden picnic tables with built in long benches, painted in a faded red from all the sun exposure. Luckily they were at a point in the day where the natural canopy overhead blocked out the worst of the harsh light as Cane pocketed his sunglasses as did the rest of the group with theirs.

“Yep, this is the place, give it an hour or two and we’ll see something special just where we are, until then I recommend we dig in”, he said, retrieving a wheel of gourmet cheddar cheese and crackers like Kate had recommended from his leather bag, aswell as a carefully sealed Tupperware filled with fruit salad as he’d promised, which he’d rested at the base of the bag.

They set up the picnic with ease, Kate’s mother had brought her own basket filled with a delightful array of sandwiches, her specialty was smoked salmon with capers and cream cheese, and her father had brought a cooler with iced soda, water and fruit juices for everyone.

When they’d finished eating Kate found Cane sitting on the ground, his back resting against the bench seat as he looked out onto the approaching sunset over the horizon, as if pondering deep philosophical riddle only he could see on the rivers surface below them. “Whatcha doin”, Kate said in a childish albeit amusingly sweet tone she knew would get his attention.

“Just waiting”, he said simply, turning to look at her with a smile that seemed to light up the surrounding woods. “For what?” Kate asked, taking a seat next to him, their thighs touching lightly as she mirrored his gaze on the tranquil lake. “For the party trick I have planned”, he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Her curiosity piqued, Kate leaned in closer. “What kind of party trick”, she asked, her voice filled with excitement. Cane reached into his bag and pulled out what looked like one of those lantern shaped 360° wireless speakers Bose made, as he stood up, checking his watch concluding the sunset would be any minute now, as he linked the speaker through Bluetooth calmly to his phone, the familiar melody of “Iris” by “Goo Goo Dolls” filled the air softly as he held out his hands in a leading waltz position, saying “I remember you telling me once that you’d taught yourself how to slow dance, even waltz for your prom night, would you care to indulge me and our friends?”, he said as just enough natural light had died down to see the beginnings of a cloud of fireflies begun to form harmlessly over their heads. The night seemed to slowly fill with the glow of their warm light as Kate took in the sight before with a gasp of amazement.

Her heart fluttered at the romance of it all, she hadn’t expected this, not here, not now, but she felt a warmth spread through her at his thoughtfulness. “How did you do this?” she asked her eyes wide with wonder. “A little experience goes a long way”, he told her as he gently took her hand in his and placed her other one on his shoulder, and his free one on her shoulder blade, as she took his lead.

They began to dance, the music a soft serenade in the background as the fireflies above them created a mesmerizing display of lights that seemed to mimic their own inner feelings. The gentle touch of his hand on her waist, the way his eyes never left hers, it was all so surreal and perfect that Kate felt like she was floating. The music filled the clearing, their movements synchronized with the gentle beat of the song. Her mother and father watched with smiles on their faces, the warmth of their love palpable as they swayed together. She was sure her parents had captured just enough of it on their phones to send to their close friends and family through WhatsApp before joining in themselves, as Kate found herself easily falling in lockstep with him, even as she rested her head against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his back and he did the same.

They moved to their own gentle rhythm as “Iris” was followed by “Debussy” with “Clair de Lune”. The soft piano filled the air and Kate felt like she was falling in love all over again, with the night, with the moment, with Cane. She could feel the beginnings of tears forming in her eyes but she bit her lip and held them back. This was a moment she wanted to remember forever, she never wanted it to end.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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