Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 16: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt .5 of 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 16: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt .5 of 5 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

They walked to her home, it was almost midnight and the stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across a velvet blanket. The air was cool and refreshing after the rain had washed away the day’s heat. Kate felt alive, her heart racing with excitement for tomorrow’s picnic and the thrill of the motorcycle ride she had never experienced before. Cane held her hand tightly, the warmth of his touch a comforting reminder of their bond.

“So no worries, no pressure, we offer up the idea, see if they like it and the level of inclusion it gives all of us. If we can’t do it tomorrow we re-organize select another date, okay?” he offered.

Kate nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “Yeah, that sounds good,” she said, her voice a little shaky. “I just want everyone to be happy,” she added, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. “Remember not to exclude yourself from that happiness, I hear it’s very easy to do so when you focus on other people needs so much you forget your own”, he said a soft smile tingeing his lips as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

They walked in through the door calmly and coolly as they both greeted her parents watching a late night movie before going off to bed.

“Had a good night, sweetie?” her mom called out, not taking her eyes off the screen, a warm cup of cocoa by the pleasant smell, held to her lips.

“Yeah, it was amazing,” Kate replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She couldn’t help but feel a little giddy, the excitement of the evening still buzzing through her veins.

“Oh?” her mother said as she raised eyebrows comically, her tone curious. “The dress was a hit, then?”

Kate felt her cheeks flush. “Mom, it’s not like that,” she protested, “here”, she said bringing up her phone as she cycled through the images “it made me feel so confident, look how it fits”. Her mother’s eyes widened as she took in the photos, a small gasp escaping her lips.

It was Cane’s turn to blush as he followed Kate into the living room, feeling a little exposed by the intimate images she was sharing with her parents. He cleared his throat and offered a polite smile and sat on the other end of the couch next to Kate.

Her mother took the phone and scrolled through the pictures with a mix of amazement and pride. “You look absolutely stunning, Kate,” she said, her eyes glistening. “And Cane, you’ve got excellent taste. This dress really does wonders for her.”

“The reverse is naturally often true, Kate makes the dress amazing by giving it, it’s wonder”, he said straight faced, before cracking a smile at her mother’s compliment. He knew how much it meant to Kate to make a good impression, especially with her family.

“Thanks,” Kate said, her voice filled with affection for Cane. She leaned into him, feeling his strong arm around her shoulders. “So, what do you think about the picnic tomorrow?” she asked her mother, eager to gauge her reaction.

Her mother looked up from the phone, her gaze thoughtful. “It sounds like a lovely idea,” she said after a moment. “Your father would enjoy a trip out, and it’ll be nice to get to know Cane better in a more casual setting.” She took a sip of her cocoa and set the phone down on the coffee table. “Do you mind if Cane and me go ahead on motorcycle and lead you to the place he has picked, it’s a nature reserve just outside town”, Kate said, her voice filled with excitement. “We’d bring sandwiches and stuff, spend the afternoon”, Kate said “maybe even see the sunset if we take our time”, Cane offered casually.

Her father looked over from his armchair, his eyes lighting up at the mention of the motorcycle. “I’ve been meaning to dust off my old leather jacket,” he said with a grin. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a bike.” Kate felt a thrill at the prospect of her parents joining them on their adventure.

“Cane offered to let you and mum drive her on the way back, I’d drive the family van with Cane and Perry if he also wants to come along”, she said with a hopeful look at her father.

Her father looked over at her, his expression a mix of surprise and excitement. “Really?” he said his voice gruff with emotion. “It’s been years since I’ve been on a bike.”

“Only if you’re both up for it, Dad,” Kate said, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of sharing this experience with her family. She knew how much her father had loved riding motorcycles in his youth, and she could see the nostalgia in his eyes at the thought of hitting the open road again.

Her mother looked over at Cane, her gaze thoughtful. “Are you sure it’s safe?” she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

“There’s no pressure, me and Kate could just as easily ride back if that, it’s just a change scenery for the return trip you could enjoy”, Cane offered, trying to reassure her. “But I’ve got all the safety gear and the bike’s in perfect condition, I promise you’ll be safe”, he added with a gentle squeeze of Kate’s hand.

Her mother nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Alright, but only if you’re both sure,” she said, looking between Kate and Cane. “The first rule in any relationship is sharing what you have and I’d love to share that experience with you and your husband Barbara”, he said “if you’ll allow me that is, I don’t want to push you beyond your welcome boundaries”, he said looking at Kate’s mom “any of you for that matter”, he added as he looked around the room.

Kate felt a warmth spread through her chest at Cane’s considerate words. It was clear that he was making an effort to include her entire family in their relationship, and she appreciated it more than he could know. “Its okay, Mom,” she said, leaning into him. “We’ll be careful.”

“And who knows, you might even want to take up Cane on his offer on the return trip and take a ride with dad on his motorcycle?” she said with a wink at her mother. Her mother’s eyes widened slightly before she chuckled, “We’ll see about that,” she said, her cheeks pinking up.

“Apart from that”, Kate began “we were thinking sandwiches and fruit salad with gourmet cheese and crackers all around, that sound alright?”, she said with a hopeful smile. “And I’ve got the perfect spot for us to set up, it’s got a great view of the river and it’s usually not too crowded”, Cane added, his voice filled with excitement for the day ahead.

Her mother nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “That sounds lovely,” she said. “We’ll pack a few extra things just in case, you know, for comfort and convenience,” she said, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

“Right then”, Cane said as he got up “I’ll be excusing myself and getting ready for tomorrow. When after work would be a good time. I finish at three thirty barring any complications, I know Kate finishes at four” he said gesturing around in case anyone’s schedule conflicted.

“That sounds perfect,” Kate’s father said, glancing at his watch. “It’ll give us time to get ready and follow you two out there.”

“No worries, I’ll park out here a moment and wait with the engine off”, Cane said “It’ll give me time to help with anything that crops up”, he said with a knowing smile as Kate nodded in thanks. “Right, I leave you to it” he said as he leaned down “good night Kate”, he whispered before kissing her softly. Kate felt a thrill run through her as she kissed him back, her arms snaking around his neck. “See you tomorrow,” she murmured, her voice filled with longing.

As she watched him leave, Kate felt a mix of excitement and anticipation for the picnic. She knew that this was a big step, not just for her and Cane, but for her family too. She hoped that they would all get along and that the day would be filled with happy memories. As she sat back down on the couch next to her mother, she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about the whole thing. “Did he at least promise not to make any Terminator jokes”, her mother said with an impish smile.

“He’s got a few up his sleeve, I’m sure,” Kate said with a laugh. “But he’s really trying to make a good impression.” Her mother nodded, patting her hand reassuringly. “And he’s doing a great job,” she said. “I can see that he cares for you, and that’s all that matters.”

“You know...”, her father began as he stared longingly at Kate’s mother “it has been awhile since we were both on a bike breaking the sound barrier together”, he said with an impish smile of his own, looking at his wife, his eyes sparkling with a mischief that Kate hadn’t seen in a long time. “As I recall”, Kate’s mother began as he made her way towards her father’s lap, sitting on it, with an abruptness that took him by welcome surprise “it was the same night we made Kate”, she said with a look of longing of her own, as she gently whispered something into his ear Kate couldn’t hear, watching as her father deftly scooped her up in his arms, kissing her on her lips, which she returned with equal passion, the love between them palpable even after all these years.

“Well, we’ll see you in the morning Kate”, he said simply as he carried her in his arms, towards their bedroom. Her mother’s laughter filled the room as they disappeared down the hall before he called back “expect a baby sister or two by tomorrow”, which was met with a playful smack on the shoulder from Kate’s mother. “Okay, maybe three”, he said jokingly in response, before the sound of their door carefully shutting behind them echoed in the hallway. Kate took a moment appreciate her parents love for eachother; it was something she hadn’t seen so brazenly since she was a child.

Once alone inside their bedroom Robert gently laid her out on the bed. Barbara’s smile just as brilliant as the day he’d met her and he told her so.

“You think so, after all these years?” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “I may forget sometimes, but even time itself can’t take away that smile or that warmth that conjures it”, he said as he took her hand, bringing it to his chest. The warmth that radiated from him was comforting, and she knew that he meant every word.

“So what do you want to do about tomorrow? You want to ride on the back of a Harley on the way back? Or take the minivan for a return”, he offered lying next to her in bed, taking her hand gently into his, interlinking her fingers into his before raising them to his lips and kissing them gently.

Barbara looked at Robert, her eyes filled with excitement. “I think I’d like to take a ride on the Harley,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s been so long since we’ve done anything spontaneous and fun together.”

He nodded “the day-to-day has been prevailant, but as the kids grew older we knew we’d eventually get more time to eachother, this could be a preview of sorts”, he said with a gentle squeeze of her hand. “Plus it’s a good chance to bond with Kate and Cane, she seems quite taken with him and she’s been through so much, it’s good to see her happy”, he said with a smile, his voice filled with the warmth of a proud parent. “I know, I’ve never seen her so excited about a date before”, Barbara said, smiling back at him. “They seem like a good match,” she added, her voice filled with approval.

“So, my only question is this, how sore do you want to be tomorrow”, he whispered into her waiting ear before kissing it lightly.

Barbara giggled and swatted at him playfully. “Now you’re just trying to get me worked up,” she said, her cheeks flushing.

“Who’s trying?” he said jokingly as they both knew that was exactly what he was doing. Barbara playfully smacked him on the chest “Well, you know how it goes, a wild ride could lead to a wild night”, she teased, her voice dropping to a seductive tone that sent shivers down his spine. “No I don’t know”, he said feigning ignorance, “maybe you need to show me”, he began “multiple times”, he said, as they both burst out laughing, the tension between them dissipating.

“Don’t worry, I’ve always been told I’m gentle ... the first time”, he said with a wicked smirk, as he kissed her neck. Barbara shivered with delight, feeling the same spark of desire she had when they were young. “But don’t worry, I won’t paint you on a canvas, your already a work of art, no one could capture”, he said as his hands began to wander.

Barbara rolled her eyes playfully “you’re such a charmer”, she said with a laugh as his hands found her waist. She knew he was right, their love life had been a tapestry of stolen moments in between the chaos of raising children and managing their careers. But now with Kate grown and Perry inevitably heading that way, it felt like they were rediscovering each other again.

“So you want I should count down before I begin”, he said teasingly as he began kissing her down her neck “ten”, another kiss softly in the middle of her neck where her collar bones met “nine”, he continued to make his way down her clothed body, hands firmly but gently resting on her chest as he kissed each side of her chest “eight, seven,” comically before he lifted up the green floral hem of her shirt, exposing her stomach, planting several soft, tantalizing kisses.

Barbara found herself giggling like a schoolgirl as Robert’s lips moved down her body. His playful countdown had her on edge, and she was eager to feel his touch. “Five,” he murmured, his breath hot against her skin as he reached the waistband of her skirt. “Four” and his hands began to unbutton it, his eyes never leaving hers. “Three,” the skirt slipped down her legs, revealing her lacy underwear. “Two,” he kissed the top of her thigh, his hand tracing the lace of her panties. “One,” he whispered, his mouth moving closer to the damp fabric, making her squirm with anticipation.

“Mission command, we have no problems”, he said with relish as Barbara smiled down at him, her own hands exploring his body, her own passion building. It had been a long time since they had been able to indulge in such playful banter and it was a welcome change from their usual routine.

Nearing one in the morning, Perry watched her with the gently cloying ease of a Venus fly trap about to snap shut over its prey’s voluminous body. Tonight he would take her, as herself, at least at first. Her night terror medication would fog her mind but they would make his commands absolute, whilst in this suggestive state. Her motor functions compromised to his will, reasoning and logic would go out the window and she’d never remember a thing afterwards, the medication lulling her back into well deserved sleep afterwards. Each time he reminded himself of this it helped make the unreal more manageable somehow less surreal and more enjoyable, almost like he was convincing himself this was not out of the realm of possibility just highly unlikely, that his own added discovery that she accepted verbal commands could only add to his unsuspected power over her.

Without time to waste he made sure his own doors deadbolt was locked in place. Only then did he undress as he made his way through their joined crawlspace, to her room. Sliding the panelling aside he allowed his vision to adjust in the low light. The curtains and window were drawn closed, her own deadbolt in place. He deftly stepped around anything laid strewn about like her day bag, shoes or socks. She was still lying on her side when he got to her, her naturally large bust resting lazily down across her sheets like two very large sacks of slouching flesh, as he came up behind her on her bed, “Kate wake up, we have work to do and we have to do it quietly and discreetly so that our parents don’t hear”, he commanded, his voice low and gentle in her ear.

Kate stirred sleepily, mumbling something unintelligible before her eyes fluttered open. She blinked a few times, trying to focus on the figure hovering over her in the darkness. “What’s going on?” she murmured her voice thick with sleep. “Your going to live out a roleplay with me Kate and you’re going to fulfill it to the best of your natural ability”, he said with a grin that unsettled and disarmed her with its hunger, matching that of his eyes.

“I want you to act as yourself Kate, you’re my sister and I’m using your night terror medication to take advantage of you and make your body compliant to my wishes, I’ve been doing that for almost a week now, it’s been too easy and too gratifying to give up, even with our parents next door. So now we’re gonna’ fuck until we see stars, understand?” he said simply, his tone a sadistic purr in her ear.

Kate felt a cold shiver run down her spine as the words sunk in, her mind racing with confusion and fear. She tried to sit up but his hand firmly pushed her back down into the bed, the weight of his body pinning her down even though he was considerably much lighter. “What are you talking about?” she whispered, her voice trembling.

“Don’t worry, a physical demonstration is all you need”, he said as he smiled viciously “straddle me Kate, get up, place yourself roughly over my hips and insert me into your most sacred of places, invite me into your body, your temple and fuck my brains out without letting our parents know”, he said with no small amount of glee, as he looked at her.

Kate’s heart raced as she tried to make sense of the bizarre situation. She could feel the weight of her medication, making her thoughts sluggish and her body uncooperative. She knew that she should be screaming, fighting him off, but his words echoed in her mind, as if they were her own thoughts. With trembling hands, she pushed herself up and awkwardly positioned herself over him, feeling his hardness beneath her.

“Guide me in”, he said softly, her hand taking hold of his swollen penis, the feeling alien and clammy, as she did as instructed, the mushroom cap head disappearing soundlessly into her body, then the length of the shaft as her hips slowly lowered her onto him, never stopping until she was flush with his body, resting hers lightly against him, as he instructed her to begin moments after slapping both hands greedily into her overwhelmingly thick ass, letting them sink and knead the flesh to her gaping horror, as his mouth worked on her bared breast, his face sinking into the flesh there, as she began to feel her hips move to a steady rhythm, her body almost completely outside the realm of her control, except for the sensations she felt and the thoughts screaming out in her head to make him stop, even as an invisible wall of control stood between her and Perry’s will over her.

Her mind was a battleground of fear and arousal, the two emotions clashing like storm clouds, lightning striking at her rationality, as she began to move faster, his hands guiding her, pushing her to go faster and deeper. She could feel herself begin to prematurely coat the length of his shaft, stabbing into her with her precious fluids. He knew right where to hit her within, making her confront the disturbing truth that he had in fact invaded her defenceless body like this on as many occasions, as he could take advantage of, despite how her mind fought against the possibility in hapless denial before the evidence in front of her. The thought sickened her as he seemed to read her thoughts “don’t worry baby, I’ve gotten so good at riding your body into oblivion for all it’s worth, you might even like it this time”, he said with unrestrained glee across his face before he leaned her close and practically smacked his lips over her mouth. Her normal reaction would have been to push him away even thrash him with a well placed fist to his jaw, but as she was, all she could do was try and resist as his tongue parted her lips and smacked greedily into hers, wanting to envelope it in his saliva, as she squirmed a muffled squeal coming from her throat.

Fully aware, her senses couldn’t lie to her but dancing on the same double edge they couldn’t allow her to stop him from violating her, as she continued to move her hips to a rhythm that was not her own, as her brothers body slid against hers, wholly comfortable and familiar with her intimate touch as she began to truly believe that he had in fact raped her multiple times like this without her knowing or even suspecting.

Her eyes searched the darkness for an escape, her mind racing to find any thread of control she could latch onto, but all she found was the unyielding reality of his body, invading her own, and the smell of his sweat mingling with hers, the scent of their shared childhood and innocence lost forever. “Why Perry, why do this?” she almost cried out remembering to keep her voice low per his instructions.

“Because your “it” Kate, your “the” desire “the” thing all men dream about for themselves when they picture their wildest lusts and desires made reality, why wouldn’t I want you all to myself? And yes ... Cane helped me”, he said with a smile on his languid lips, as he buried his face into her swaying breast once more, letting his words sink in, seeing how far he could go, how far he could push her in her current state of mind for a stronger reaction.

Kate felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she realized the extent of his depravity. She had trusted Cane, had felt a genuine connection with him, and now she understood that it had all been a twisted game orchestrated by him and her only brother. The anger began to bubble up inside her, mixing with the fear and confusion that had been simmering since she woke up to find him on top of her.

He parted from her breast “who do you think instructed me to put those dildos you keep handy in your drawer, into you, so you’d wake up with your hands resting on them the morning after and no sign of forced entry or disturbance in your room. Who do you expect helped me take your virginity before you “gave” it to him, after seeking him out for his help. He knew you’d go to him. The fact that he’d taken both your cherries without you knowing days before was just the bonus, teaching me how to enjoy your body properly was always the long term plan before we got bigger and started planning larger”, he said as he pumped into her squirming sex with renewed vigour, feeding off her feelings of betrayal.

Her mind was racing, the thoughts and memories swirling together like a tornado of horror. The dildos, the way she’d felt sore some mornings, the way Cane had seemed to know exactly how to handle her the first time they had sex. It all made sense now, in a sick twisted way. “You’re a monster,” she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper.

“And your feeding me baby, body and soul, Cane gets the delight of your company during the day so there’s no reason I can’t do the same, with his blessing of course, during the night. At first I used roleplays to turn you towards more dominant, incestuously minded roles you could fill, but as Cane taught you, it’s the intention not the tools used to complete the act”, he said paraphrasing Cane from her last encounter with him, as she felt her heart sink even impossibly further.

“You ... watched us?”, she stuttered in disbelief “did you both record me?”, she was in tears, as he kissed her again in response, feeling his tongue encircle her own as she felt him tense up inside her and the feeling of a sudden spreading warmth filled her up. He had actually cum in her with no warning and no hesitation!

When he finally parted his lips from her and let go of her tongue with his, he smiled as if he had yet to reveal a cruel joke reserved especially for her before he said “every thought, almost every action you’ve believed was made by a loving man and future husband was a actually just the opening strokes in a masterwork even I’m not privy to knowing. All I can tell you, is that he has you, mom and dad convinced he’s the perfect match. The perfect gentleman. You’ve not even scratched the surface with this man and you think you actually have foundations in store for a future with him”, he said with an incredulous tone. “At least I have awareness of who and what I am and who and what I’m dealing with, more so than you anyway”, he said with a cruel grin. “Now, turn around and assume a reverse cowgirl position baby, I want to see that ass smack itself, make it dance for me as I fun with it”, he said with a clear determination.

Her body obeyed despite her mind’s screams of revolt. The weight of his words crashed down on her like a ton of bricks. Was everything she felt with Cane just a facade? Was he truly in on this? As she turned around and straddled him again, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of anger and betrayal. The tears began to fall, silently sliding down her cheeks as she stared at the wall in front of her, trying to disconnect herself from the monster that was her brother. “Guide me into your ass, I want to feel your hand invite me in”, he said with unrepressed glee at her obvious emotional pain.

With a trembling hand, Kate reached back and took his shaft, feeling the stickiness of his cum on her fingers. The coldness of her betrayal washed over her as she gently guided him to her anus. She felt his hands spread her cheeks and position himself at her entrance. The pressure was intense as he pushed in, a stark contrast to the gentle way Cane had taken her for the first time, before she realized it hadn’t been the first time with a sickening wrench, if her brother was to be believed, but he seemed to be enjoying himself too much hurting her with his version of the truth that came so readily from his lips than bothering to come up with a lie, something he’d always struggled to do convincingly with her, probably because he’d always wanted her, wanted what her body could give but never offer him, making him nervous with the possibilities and easily distracted around her in the past.

Her eyes squeezed shut as he began to thrust, the pain of his intrusion almost overwhelming her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, not wanting to alert her parents to the horror playing out in her room. Each movement sent a new wave of pain crashing through her, but she felt something else too. The way he talked about Cane, the way he said they were both in on it, it couldn’t be true, could it? Her thoughts raced, trying to find some semblance of reality in the nightmare she was living.

He watched as her massive ass slapped wetly on his hips, as each cheek came together over her crack, rippling outward like a pound of flesh disturbed with every downward thrust as he let her destroy her own ass from within, barely having to move his hips as she did all the work. It was like watching his favourite kind of art come to life over him, as he let the feeling of her body’s warmth envelope him, her thighs rhythmically raising then hammering her weight back down on his hips, as he impaled her repeatedly. All he knew was that he wanted more, as his body’s needs tried to articulate it.

The sick sound of her body reacting to him as her flesh wobbled and jiggled to her own rhythm sickened her, as she felt his eyes devour her from behind, his hands squeezing and spreading her cheeks, as if to make sure she knew exactly who was in control here. With each thrust he made her aware of his power over her, the way he owned her, the way he’d taken from her without her consent, without her knowledge. The pain grew with each second, but so did a strange and unwelcome pleasure, as her body, programmed to respond to these sensations, began to betray her.

“I’m going to sit up against your headboard Kate, I want you to adjust accordingly an then resume your pace”, he ordered, his tone not leaving any room for negotiation. Kate felt his hands release her hips and felt the bed shift as he moved into position. She leaned back, her stomach knotting in revulsion as she felt his cum-slickened cock slide out of her, only to feel him spread her cheeks and guide himself back in, as he slid into her anal cavity again.

With a deep breath she adjusted herself, feeling his hands splay over her thighs as he pushed himself further into her, the pain sharp and intense. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take, but she had to play along, had to find a way out of this twisted game. Her eyes squeezed shut tighter as she felt him push deeper, her body quivering with the effort to maintain her position.

“Now resume your pace, don’t let me down”, he said as one of his hands reached up and fondled her large breast, sinking into it, as it began to jiggle with her steady motions. The other reached down between her spread legs and inserted two fingers into her still wet pussy, his thumb circling her clit as he felt her ass tighten around his shaft. Kate couldn’t believe what she was doing, but the medication made it impossible to refuse, her body moving of its own accord

“When you cum, I want you to see the pool you’ll lay down on when I fuck you again”, he said with malicious mirth as he felt her body tighten around him. Kate’s thoughts were a tumult of emotions, anger, betrayal, and a strange mix of pleasure that she desperately tried to suppress. As she felt herself approaching climax, she gritted her teeth and focused on the rage building inside her.

“No matter how angry you get baby”, he said probably reading her body language she guessed “just remember I’m not the only person enjoying this, your sweetheart Cane’s first instructions were to study you and you can’t do that without a permanent pair of eyes in this room, so say hi, you’re on a live feed going straight to him, you have been since the beginning of this “session” and many others like it” he said with unbridled glee “but don’t worry, I’m sure when he sells this footage on the black market or whatever he has planned for the next step, he’ll probably blur your face, as a safeguard, I know I’ll be blurring mine”, he said with a chuckle that seemed to rumble through her body as he continued to take her from behind, her eyes wide with horror and disbelief. “I mean how is he supposed to attract customers for this “premium tier” of his he has planned if he doesn’t show off the merchandise abit?”, he added with a sigh that was almost sadistic in nature.

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