Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 15: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt .4 of 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 15: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt .4 of 5 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

They decided to take turns, Kate eagerly awaiting her chance to explore this new facet of their intimacy. Cane began by guiding Kate to the bed, his touch gentle and soothing despite the electric current of desire that still hummed between them. He laid her down, her body glistening with water droplets that reflected the soft light from the candles they had lit earlier.

“Now I want you to relax Kate, were gonna’ use a technique called the three, four, five method for breathing. You breathe in for three seconds, hold your breath for four and breathe out for five seconds. “I want you to do that as I randomly selects parts of your body to focus on as I massage any tension I might find and maybe even whisper a repetitive mantra like “coconut, coconut”, to help you ease into your relaxation. If I need you to move onto your side or even your stomach to work on your back or thighs, I’ll let you know, alright?” Cane instructed with a gentle voice that Kate felt washed over her like a wave of tranquillity.

Her only response was a nod, her eyes fluttering closed as she focused on her breathing. She felt his hands, slick with massage oil; begin to work on her shoulders, kneading out the knots of tension that had formed from the day’s stress. His touch was firm yet tender, each stroke of his thumbs sending a jolt of pleasure down her spine. Kate’s breathing grew deeper, her body responding to his instructions.

Slowly but efficiently he worked through her knots as he whispered a mantra of “coconut ... coconut” into her ear, his voice a gentle hum that seemed to vibrate through her very soul. Kate felt herself melting into the mattress, her muscles releasing their tension to his skilled touch. The room was filled with the scent of sandalwood and vanilla, the candles casting flickering shadows across the walls.

“Don’t be alarmed if you end up relaxing so much you forget about regulating your breathing”, he spoke softly beside her ear, his rich earthy tones resonating through her. Kate nodded again, too lost in the sensation to speak.

Cane’s hands met the top of her thighs, massaging them gently as he worked his way to her toes, making sure he didn’t leave out the soles of her feet or the balls of her heels as Kate’s appreciation was audible. She was so relaxed that she had indeed stopped regulating her breathing, which was now deep and even. “I’m gonna’ need you to lay on your side so I can get to your lower back okay?” he said, his voice a soft whisper that Kate nodded too, her eyes still closed.

He began to massage her lower back with his thumbs, pressing in small circles as he whispered sweet unintelligible nothings that Kate felt more than heard, they didn’t make sense but the way they sounded was comforting, like a lullaby. His hands roamed lower, to the top of her buttocks, the sensation of his palms gliding over her skin making Kate’s pulse quicken. She felt a finger trace the cleft of her ass, soothing any remaining tension from their earlier exertions.

“Okay now onto your stomach so I can work on your back, just let me know if you need me to stop or if you’re okay,” Cane whispered as Kate rolled over, her skin hot to the touch and her breaths deep and even. He massaged her back, his hands moving in slow, deliberate strokes, the oil leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. His fingertips danced along her spine, pressing gently into the muscles that had tensed from her earlier dominance.

Kate’s body responded to his touch, arching slightly as he hit a particularly tight spot. She let out a sigh of pure bliss, her grip on the bedsheets tightening. Cane leaned in, his breath hot against her ear, and whispered, “easy does it, we haven’t even gotten to the “intense” part yet”, he said with a smile she heard on his voice more than saw.

He continued his massage, his hands moving up to her neck and then back down to her lower back, his thumbs pressing into the dimples just above her buttocks. Kate felt a shiver run through her, her body reacting to his touch even though she was supposed to be the one in charge. “Remember, you’re in charge Kate, if you want me to stop, just say “pumpkin”, he said, his voice a gentle reminder of their agreed upon safe word.

Kate took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling the tension drain from her body. “Keep going,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Cane’s hands moved to her thighs, his fingers tracing the curves of her body, teasing her with every touch. Kate felt herself growing wet again, her body betraying her desire even as she fought to remain the dominant one.

He concentrated on her calves next, his strong hands working out the knots and leaving a trail of goosebumps. Kate couldn’t help but let out a soft moan, the sensation of his fingers digging into her muscles sending waves of pleasure through her body. She felt herself slipping deeper into relaxation, the sound of her own breathing and Cane’s soothing whispers the only noises in the room.

He returned again to her feet, his thumbs pressing into the arches, making Kate squirm with pleasure. She felt his breath on her neck as he leaned in closer, his voice now a seductive murmur, “You’re doing so well, baby. You’re so strong, so in control,” he whispered. Despite her earlier intentions, Kate found herself succumbing to his gentle ministrations, her body growing more pliant with every stroke.

“When you can, I want you to lay on you back, limbs spread eagled, okay?”, Cane’s voice was soothing, a stark contrast to the heat building within Kate. She nodded, her eyes still closed, her body feeling like it was made of liquid, as if she could pour herself into the sheets.

As she lay there, exposed and vulnerable, Cane’s whispered his master plan to her. “I’m gonna’ make you cum Kate, without inserting any part of me into you. As a challenge, I want to test myself and not simply rub your clit until you climax or insert toys in and out of you until you burst. I want you to feel my lips kiss every part of your body, my fingertips caress every nerve, my tongue lick every vulnerable crevice and fold until you give or I go numb, maybe even both”, he offered to her with an affectionate chuckle “what say you?”, he asked with a tone that was soothing yet filled with excitement.

Kate’s eyes snapped open at the challenge, her heart racing. “You think you can do that?” she questioned, the doubt in her voice only adding to the thrill. “Even if I can’t you’ll surely be inspired to raise the ante in your own performance soon after either you or I or even both of us yell uncle in defeat, it’s a noteworthy challenge”, he said with a hint of pride “but it’s up to you to accept or decline”, Cane’s eyes searched hers for any signs of hesitation or fear but all he saw was excitement and anticipation. “Give the word and I shall endeavour to scale this challenge that would be my mount Everest”, he said with a cheeky smile that made Kate laugh.

With a sly grin, Kate agreed to the challenge, her body already humming with anticipation. She laid back, spreading her legs wide, giving him full access to every inch of her. Cane’s eyes roamed her body, drinking in her beauty, his gaze setting her skin alight with desire. He leaned in, his breath hot against her skin as he kissed her collarbone, his lips moving slowly down her body, teasing and nipping as he went.

He took his time, savouring every inch of her. His tongue traced the curve of her breast, swirling around the peak before moving down to her belly button, eliciting a gasp from Kate. His hands followed, his fingertips dancing across her skin as if playing a silent melody on her flesh. He kissed and licked the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, the anticipation building with every touch.

Cane’s mouth moved closer to her sex, his breath hot and tickling. Kate felt her body respond, her thighs quivering as he hovered just above her clit. “Remember, you can tell me to stop anytime,” he whispered, his eyes locking with hers. She nodded, her voice lost in a wave of desire.

He began with feather-light kisses along the folds of her labia, his tongue flicking out to taste her sweetness. Kate’s hips bucked, trying to urge him closer, but he held back, maintaining his slow, methodical pace. He knew exactly what she needed, his attention to detail unmatched. He kissed and licked, his movements becoming more deliberate and intense with every passing moment.

Her breathing grew ragged, her body arching towards his mouth as if pulled by an invisible force. Cane took her clit between his lips, sucking gently at first before increasing the pressure. Kate’s hands found their way into his hair, her nails digging into his scalp as she moaned his name. He could feel her muscles tightening, her body building towards climax. He didn’t stop there, instead moving his attention to her inner thighs, placing soft kisses along the sensitive skin as he whispered sweet nothings about her beauty and power.

“Only you have ability to inspire these feats from me Kate, your power over me is well earned, only matched by your beauty, which is more than skin deep”, he said as he kissed her ankle, before moving back up to her thighs, his tongue tracing a pattern that made Kate’s eyes roll back into her head. He kissed her clit gently before moving back up to her naval, his teeth grazing her skin lightly.

“But, if I’m going to do this, I need you to stay as relaxed as you can, okay?” Cane said, his voice a gentle reminder of the game they were playing. Kate took a deep breath, willing her body to comply. He began again, his mouth and hands working in tandem, each touch more electric than the last. Kate felt her orgasm building, a storm on the horizon, but she kept her breathing steady, her body still.

“Feel your body loosen up, let it flow into me”, he said as he massaged her breasts gently sucking on her clit, alternating between the two, keeping her in a constant state of arousal but not allowing the crescendo to reach its peak. His voice was a gentle reminder of the power exchange that had taken place, and Kate felt herself letting go even more, her body responding to his every touch.

He focused on her face next, gently massaging it in both hands as he sat astride her, kissing her forehead, her hair, the shaven sides of her scalp as she lay there, eyes closed, letting him worship her. His thumbs found their way to her temples, applying gentle pressure, while his other fingers stroked her cheekbones and jaw line, and Kate felt her shoulders drop and her muscles relax even further.

“You don’t how much power you yield Kate until you use it to make someone else feel the same”, he whispered, his voice a gentle hum against her skin as he kissed along her collarbone, sending shivers down her spine. Kate’s eyes fluttered closed again, her breaths shallow and quick, her body on the brink of release. “So let me make you blush before I make your burn”, he said tantalizingly.

Cane’s mouth moved back to her breasts, his teeth grazing her nipples, his tongue swirling around them, and Kate’s moans grew louder, her body trembling with need. His hands moved down to her thighs, his fingers tracing the sensitive skin before moving inward, teasing the edges of her sex without ever quite touching where she needed him most.

He kissed a path down her stomach, his breath hot against her skin, and Kate felt her heart racing, her body desperate for release. “If you don’t mind”, he said with an eager whisper, “would you mind lying on your stomach, no good works should be left only half done”, he whispered into her ear, his voice a seductive invitation. Kate nodded, her body moving almost of its own accord as she flipped over, her ass in the air, her cheeks red from the effort of holding back.

He rested the long length of her purple hair carefully aside, kissing her softly as he raised a loose strand on the nape of her neck aside and whispered “these shall be the death of me”, he said lovingly “and I welcome it gladly”, he said with a softly spoken tone laced with desire, as he smothered her neck gently in a series of kisses before tentatively working his way down.

He kissed her down her spine, each press of his lips leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Kate felt her body arching into him, desperate for more, but she held her breath, focusing on his touch rather than her own need for release. He continued his journey, his teeth grazing the skin of her lower back before he reached her buttocks, giving them a gentle squeeze that made Kate’s pussy clench in anticipation.

“Don’t forget, this was always ever about you, so enjoy every moment of pleasure that is visited upon you now and after”, he said with a deep rich tone laden with the promise of sweetly dark things to come.

Kate felt the mattress dip as Cane shifted his position, his body moving over hers like a shadow. His hands began to work on her shoulders again, his strong fingers digging into the muscles that had tightened in anticipation. He massaged her back, his touch firm yet gentle, the perfect balance of pleasure and pain that she craved. His lips followed the path his hands had taken, kissing and nipping at her skin, sending bolts of electricity through her body.

“Remember, just breathe,” he murmured into her ear, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through her very bones. Kate took a deep breath, focusing on the sensation of his mouth on her skin, the way his hands moved over her body. She felt him smiling against her neck as she relaxed, his teeth grazing her skin.

Cane’s lips moved down to the small of her back, his tongue tracing the line of her spine, and Kate’s body responded with a shiver of pleasure. She felt his hands spread her cheeks gently, his breath warm against her ass as he kissed the base of her spine. “You’re so beautiful, Kate,” he whispered, his voice a sweet caress that sent a thrill through her.

He worked his way back up, his mouth leaving a trail of wetness on her skin. When he reached her ear, he whispered, “Ready for the grand finale?” Kate nodded, her voice a breathy “Yes.”

Spreading his own legs apart, a knee raised on either side of her hips, he leaned in low, hands interlinking with hers at her sides as he slowly dipped his erection between her legs from behind, but never penetrated her, sliding with careful, calculated ease as he raised her hips slightly, then her chest until she was on all fours. Cane’s closeness matching the heat of her own body, she felt him press against her from behind, his cock sliding along her wetness but never entering, leaving Kate suspended in anticipation.

One of his hands freely roamed to massage her body as the other held him up. His mouth trailing kisses over her, as his hips ground into her ass softly from behind, teasing but never claiming, his cock rubbing against her folds without ever penetrating. Kate’s eyes squeezed shut tighter as she felt his tongue delve into her ear, the wetness making her quiver, his teeth nibbling at her earlobe. “Keep breathing, Kate, stay with me,” he murmured, his voice a low, soothing rumble that sent shivers down her spine.

“And remember love can be as scary as any other force in the universe, we just have to see how powerful it is, how quickly it can take over our bodies and produce something we’ve never seen before”, he said softly as his hand made its way down to her clit, his thumb circling it gently, not pushing too hard, just teasing the edge of her climax “and you are by far the most unexpected and wonderful creature I could ever hope to meet, no wonder you breathe such inspiration into me”, he said earnestly.

“It’s only fair I should give some of it back, beware, you might enjoy what you see”, he purred in her ear, his breath tickling the lobe, making Kate shiver with excitement. She felt his hand move away from her clit and she whined softly.

He slid under her carefully, massaging her as he eased her onto him, his proud erection, still sliding between her folds but never entering as he massaged her body with the care of a patient sculptor. Kate’s eyes snapped open at the sudden change in position, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the head of his cock nudging against her clit.

“Don’t expect me to play dirty Kate, that’ll be your role if you choose so next”, he said kissing her neck, his lips, never trying to invade her mouth with his tongue as he focussed on her needs instead.

Cane leaned back, his erection glistening with her arousal, and Kate’s eyes followed the movement, her desire a palpable force in the room. He took a deep breath, his eyes dark with lust. “I want to watch you come,” he said, his voice a gravelly command that sent a jolt through Kate’s body. He slowly positioned her hips over his face. True to his word, his tongue never penetrated her tight folds, as he licked and kissed along the outside, avoiding her swollen clit, picking just the right time as he focussed on the bountifully large amount of her thighs, squeezing and kneading gently from behind as he licked and kissed every inch of her pussy except the one spot she craved.

Kate was lost in the sensation, her body tight with desire. She could feel Cane’s breath on her wetness, his warmth surrounding her, but his tongue remained a ghostly presence, teasing the edges of her most sensitive spot without ever touching it directly. It was a form of torture that she hadn’t anticipated, but it only served to make her crave his touch more.

For her own part Kate had learned a valuable lesson, that sometimes the anticipation was sweeter than the release. She watched as Cane’s eyes searched hers, looking for any sign of discomfort or the need to stop. She gave him none, she was in his, fully and completely.

Cane continued to tease Kate, his tongue tracing the outline of her labia, tasting her without giving in to the temptation to delve deeper. His teeth grazed her thighs, his breath hot against her skin, sending tremors of pleasure through her body. Kate’s eyes locked onto his, the intensity of the moment building a silent dialogue between them.

Her body was a live wire, her muscles taut and quivering. She watched as Cane’s tongue dipped into the crevice between her thighs, tracing the wetness up to her clit, but never quite touching it. His eyes searched hers for permission, for the slightest nod that would allow him to give her the release she so desperately needed. Kate held his gaze, her breath hitching in her throat, and she nodded almost imperceptibly.

Cane’s smile was a flash of white in the dim light as he finally gave in to the silent demand. He took her clit into his mouth, sucking gently, his tongue flicking against the sensitive bud. Kate’s eyes rolled back, a moan escaping her lips as the sensation sent waves of pleasure crashing through her body. She could feel the tension coiling tighter, her toes curling as she tried to keep her body still.

He varied the pressure, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh before he swiped his tongue in long, languid strokes that had Kate’s hips bucking against his face. He kept his rhythm steady, never allowing her to climb too high, too quickly, his hands firm on her hips, keeping her in place. His eyes remained on hers, the challenge in them unmistakable.

Kate’s breath grew ragged, her moans filling the room as Cane pushed her closer to the edge. She felt her body tense, her muscles coiling like a spring ready to release. “Cane,” she gasped, her voice a desperate plea for more. He responded by increasing the speed of his tongue, the suction more intense, his teeth grazing her clit with just the right amount of pressure.

When Kate’s release came it wasn’t just a dam exploding, it disintegrated, as all her pent up passion washed over her in a torrent of pleasure. Her scream echoed through the room, her body convulsing as Cane’s tongue worked her clit mercilessly even as her natural juices leapt at his face, covering it in its sweet scented essence in a sudden, uninhibited display of passion. He didn’t stop, not until Kate’s body went limp, not until the last quiver of her orgasm had passed through her.

Only then did he relent, as she doubled over, over his head, her breathes coming in, in short sharp gasps. He leaned back, smiling at his handiwork, his face glistening with her arousal. “I told you I could do it,” he said, his voice smug but filled with love. Kate could only nod, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. “You inspire me, to no end”, he said gratefully, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes never leaving hers, his expression one of admiration and awe.

He sat up, pulling Kate into his embrace, her body limp and sated in his arms. They stayed like that for a moment, their hearts beating in sync, their breaths mingling in the quiet room. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated connection, a testament to the trust and love that had grown between them.

“Lets take it easy, you don’t have to do anything you don’t feel up to, we can always pick up where we leave off here next time”, he said with a gentle smile as he held her tightly. Kate leaned into his embrace, her heart racing from the intense experience. She was surprised by how much she enjoyed the power exchange, and the respect Cane showed her boundaries. “I think I’d like to keep going,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

He couldn’t help but smile widely, as he held her close whispering appreciatively “my muse, my Queen of Nightshade, where have you been all my life”, he said, his voice thick with emotion.

They took a moment to breathe, their bodies still humming with the aftermath of Kate’s powerful climax. Cane wiped the sweat from Kate’s brow with his thumb, his gaze never leaving hers. “Ready for the next act?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. Kate nodded, a sly smile playing on her lips.

“Do you need some time to center yourself? Or retrieve your dress?”, he offered with a smirk, his eyes filled with love and admiration for her strength and beauty. Kate took a deep breath, the smell of their mingled arousal still heavy in the air. “I’m okay,” she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Let’s just stay like this for a bit longer,” she whispered, nestling into his arms.

“Whatever you need, this is your show, I just work here”, he joked lightly, his tone a perfect blend of humour and tenderness, a stark contrast to the intensity of their earlier play. Kate’s smile grew, and she leaned into his embrace, her body still quivering from the aftermath of her orgasm. They lay there, entwined, their hearts racing together in a symphony of passion and connection.

Cane’s hand traced lazy patterns on Kate’s back, his touch soothing the last of her tremors. She could feel his cock, still hard against her stomach, a testament to his self-control. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice still hoarse from her screams of pleasure. “For what?” he asked, genuinely puzzled. “For ... everything,” Kate replied, her voice filled with emotion. “For pushing me, for understanding me, for making me feel so alive.”

“I do only as Michelangelo did for his David, I saw the statue buried within the block of marble and chipped away at the parts it no longer needed. You’re a masterpiece Kate, you’ve proven that to me at the very least by how you make me feel, so don’t be surprised if I try to return the favour”, his tender charm working its way into his voice beautifully as he spoke from the heart and from experience.

He kissed her forehead, his hand moving down to her cheek, tracing the line of her jaw before moving down to her chin, tilting her face up to meet his gaze. His eyes searched hers for a moment before he leaned in, capturing her mouth in a deep, slow kiss that spoke of love and promise. Kate’s body responded instantly, her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back with all the passion she had left in her.

He caught her before she could fall, their bodies still connected by the kiss, the taste of her still on his tongue. He kissed her again, this time with more urgency, his hands sliding down to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her nipples into hard peaks. Kate’s moan was music to his ears, and he felt his cock twitch in response. He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged, and whispered, “Your turn, love, make me look like an apprentice and you the master, if you dare”, he whispered with a slight grin set on his face. “But if I may offer my advice?”, he said with an almost paternal tone as Kate nodded eagerly, “use your strengths against my weakness. In my case my experience told me how to provide you with a new thrill in an unexpected way, so use your strengths in that respect to claim me in a way I won’t see coming, but will crave”, he said with a determined look at her own confidence to innovate the unexpected.

Kate’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she pushed him onto his back, straddling him with a sense of power that was both thrilling and exhilarating. She leaned down, her breasts brushing against his chest as she whispered, “I accept your challenge,” her voice a sultry promise of what was to come. Cane’s heart hammered in his chest, his cock jerking at her touch.

“Just remember”, he said almost hesitantly “with intent to relax”, he said quoting himself from before on what they’d agreed to. They had both agreed to an ASMR like experience Cane knowing full well how easy it was to lose yourself in passion until you learned to temper it for another person’s benefit.

That’s why he’d chosen ASMR or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, it inspired art through subtlety and carefully chosen boundaries. If done properly no matter how limiting it might seem your creativity with the role or roleplay you picked, could always override what might seem unoriginal, repetitive or mundane. That’s where some of Kate’s creativity lied in, her ability to assume different roles with him and previously before they had even met, to produce art and be courageous enough to put it on full display, as everything she either wore, produced or gravitated to spoke of her ability as a unique individual.

He watched as Kate took a moment to gather her thoughts, her hand trailing down his chest to his cock. She wrapped her fingers around it, giving it a gentle squeeze that made Cane’s eyes roll back in his head. She leaned down, her hair tickling his skin, and whispered, “You’re right, I’ll make sure to use my strengths, ASMR seems like a nice challenge I could use, you definitely abused it to bring the best out of me”, she whispered with a seductive smile.

“So what eh ... challenge are you setting for yourself”, he asked almost nervous like a lion tamer without a whip.

“Why don’t you just lie back and find out,” Kate purred, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She began her own brand of ASMR, her voice low and soothing as she whispered sweet nothings into his ear, her breath tickling his skin. She traced the outline of his ear with her tongue, a delicate dance that had Cane’s body responding in ways he didn’t anticipate.

Her touch grew more deliberate, her nails lightly raking across his chest as she made her way down his body. She kissed his neck, her teeth grazing his skin in a way that was both gentle and possessive. Cane felt himself growing harder, his breathing shallow as Kate’s lips continued their descent. When she reached his chest, she took one of his nipples into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it as her hand stroked his cock with a feather-light touch.

The sensation was maddening, a delicious agony that had him arching his back, his hands fisting in the sheets. He watched as Kate’s eyes met his, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, and she revelled in it.

Her mouth moved lower, her teeth scraping along his abdomen, sending shivers through his body. When she reached his cock, she didn’t take it into her mouth immediately. Instead, she kissed the base, her tongue tracing the veins that pulsed with his desire. Cane’s hips bucked, seeking more, but Kate held him down, her grip firm yet gentle.

“Patience,” she whispered, her breath hot against his skin. She took her time, her mouth moving in a tantalizing dance around his cock without making contact with the sensitive tip. Cane groaned, his eyes closing as he felt the tension building within him.

“Here let me help you with that”, she said retrieving a sleeping mask from her bag, another prop she thought she might use, as she slipped on the black silk over his eyes, the room plunged into a deeper abyss of unlit darkness. The mask had a faint scent of lavender, something she knew he liked and would be calming for him.

“With no further distractions I shall resume to “ASMR” you”, she said with a laugh that made Cane’s cock twitch. He felt her breath on the tip of his cock, it’s warmth a stark contrast to the coolness of the room. It was a tease that was both sweet and maddening. He could feel her tongue flick out, a mere hint of a touch that had him gritting his teeth, his body begging for more. “Breathe deeply and let me whisper you to death before I bring you back amongst the living with my muses touch”, she said with a darker tone to her voice that was intoxicating to Cane.

Kate’s plan was simple, yet elegant in its design. She knew Cane’s love for the unpredictable, for the thrill of discovery, and she was going to give him an experience that would make him see stars. Starting with her hands, she began to trace the outline of his body, her fingertips gliding over his chest, his abs, and finally down to his cock. She didn’t touch it directly, instead she used the backs of her fingers to tickle the sensitive skin around the base, sending shivers through his body.

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