Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 14: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt. 3 of 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt. 3 of 5 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

(Rough rendition of Kate’s Dress)

Sunday evening finally rolled by as Cane rested patiently on the bed. In the bathroom he could hear the last minute touches taking place as he called out “do you need any help, at all?”, not knowing whether Kate would take him up on his offer. He knew she wouldn’t, but the gesture was there, his hand hovering over the doorknob waiting for her response.

“No Cane, I’ve got it,” Kate called back, her voice light and filled with excitement. He could hear the rustling of fabric, the clinking of jewellery, and the sweet sound of her laughter as she sang to herself, taking some preliminary photos of herself in the dress, testing out freedom of mobility, that he’d gotten the right tensile strength and comfort amongst other things. It was a moment of pure bliss for him, knowing she was happy enjoying herself with his latest gesture.

Laying back on the bed, he hummed tunelessly to himself until he heard the door click open, with the intent of him hearing it. She stepped out, revealing her bare thigh first through the generous part her dress almost like the beginnings of a burlesque show, he couldn’t help but smile.

The dress was indeed a masterpiece, hugging Kate’s curves in all the right places, leaving just enough to the imagination while still being breathtakingly revealing. The way the fabric flowed with every step she took, the way it highlighted her natural beauty, it was like watching a living painting come to life. “Whoa,” was all he could manage to say, his voice thick with admiration.

“Should I inform Miss Jessica Rabbit we won’t be needing her services now or let her find out the hard way when she see’s you”, he said with an impish smile as he sat up in bed and stared, awestruck by Kate’s beauty. Kate’s laughter filled the room, light and carefree as she twirled for him, allowing the dress to spin around her like a dark and seductive tornado of elegance. “You look absolutely stunning, Kate,” he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers.

“You’ll definitely not be able to wear that in public without getting us booted out from every place for indecent exposure”, he said “but I welcome it”, he added with a broad smile.

Kate felt a rush of excitement at his words, the anticipation of their private time together growing with every second. She stepped closer to the bed, the dress swishing around her legs as she moved. “You like it?” she asked, a seductive lilt to her voice.

“If the answer ever becomes no, feel reassured it is probably because I have gone mad and so has the rest of world”, he said, as he took her hands in his, raised it to his lips and kissed them gently. “But what say you?”, he asked “is it a tight fit? Does it feel okay to move in?”, he said with genuine interest, his eyes scanning Kate from top to bottom.

“It’s perfect,” Kate replied, her voice breathless with excitement. “It’s like it was made for me,” she added, twirling around once more to show off the dress’s fluidity.

Cane’s eyes darkened with desire as he watched her, the dress hugging her body like a second skin. “Do you feel more than adequately prepared for our roleplay?, he teased, his voice dropping to a seductive purr.

“Oh, I think I can handle it,” Kate replied with a smirk, her confidence bolstered by the way Cane looked at her. She knew she looked good, and the power of that knowledge was intoxicating. “You don’t need a minute to get into character? I hear taking on the role of a daughter about to blackmail her father for absolute sexual domination can be rather taxing”, he prodded impishly, “unless I’ve misheard” he added slyly.

Kate rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the flush that crept up her neck. “I’m ready,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but the tremor in her voice gave her away. Cane noticed and his smile grew wider, his eyes darkening even more. “Perhaps we should get started then?,” he said, his voice now a low rumble of desire.

“How do you want me? And don’t worry our safe word is still in affect”, he said careful to be considerate about any doubts she might have.

Kate took a deep breath, her heart racing with anticipation. “On the bed, like you’re waiting for me to come to you,” she replied, her voice still smoky with playfulness. He obeyed, his movements fluid and graceful as he settled onto the soft comforter, his eyes never leaving her as she leaned low and murmured “Daddy, time for our little talk,” her voice taking on a sweet, yet commanding tone.

The room was bathed in a soft glow from the candles they had lit earlier, casting flickering shadows across the walls. The scent of vanilla filled the air, a sensual backdrop to their game. “It’s time for you to understand that I’m in charge here and your just my meat puppet, obeying my every need or else”, she said with a vicious smile beginning to crawl on her lips “I’ll scream until the entire house comes down and your left explaining to mommy why this doesn’t look like you’ve been grooming me to be your little sex pet, your little hard body for when you feel like breaking in a new itch mommy can’t scratch, so you make me do it, and hey, you even bought me this new dress, something you’d never get mommy, and it definitely looks and feels like it was tailor made for me? Doesn’t it daddy?”, she said with almost a snarl as she took both of his hands and more than just firmly smacked them into her ass through her dress, making his fingers press down into the material and sink into it.

“But don’t worry, I won’t hurt you”, she said in an innocent cooing voice “that comes later”, she purred maniacally with a smile that matched, as she removed his hands and said. “Do what I say, when I say and how I say it”, she purred over his face, as she began to lightly kiss his face. “If you think your hands or any other parts of you feel lonely remember...”, she said as whispered into his ear “ ... I can do anything I want to you and make it look like I was attempting to take back control from a sinister, perverted fuck I’ll paint you as, even if I catch you thinking of looking for an escape route out of this, daddy”, she said as she planted slower, more tender kisses randomly on his nose, cheek and forehead. “This isn’t the Great Escape”, she kissed him in the lips “your not Steve McQueen”, she kissed him on the side of the temple “so don’t turn me into a Nazi bitch and you will walk out of here albeit abit more ... weary than when you first arrived. But hey I can’t hold that against you, we all have our limits, lets blow up yours”, she said, a vicious smile spreading on her face. He could even swear in the low light that, her hair did seem to become dark almost sable-like as she took on a whole new personality in her roleplay.

Cane felt a shiver run down his spine, a mix of excitement and a bit of trepidation at Kate’s intense roleplay. He knew she had a wild side, but this was something else entirely. He nodded, playing along with the game, his heart racing as she straddled him on the bed. “Yes, anything you say, I know when I’ve been beat”, he said. This brought a crooked smile to her lips as she said “not yet, but you will be”, she giggled wheezing through her teeth as if she was holding back a maniacal laugh she wanted desperately to let out, but held back, the night was still young after all, she mused.

“Now I know my room here is pretty good at keeping sound in and getting out, but just to make sure moms sixth sense or even Perry nextdoor doesn’t get a whiff of something gone horribly wrong I need you to promise me you’ll not scream or moan too loudly, were the only people awake here and it’s gonna’ stay that way or your gonna’ wish I was never born, daddy”, she smiled like a predator who’d just turned it’s preys struggles into a game and wasn’t about to let go, not when she could just as easily swallow him whole. “So say the words, say you understand who’s in charge, I want to hear the admission come from your lips before it comes from everything else”, she ordered, resting her full weight on his hips as she pinned him down by his abdomen.

Cane felt a rush of adrenaline and a strange thrill at Kate’s commanding tone. “I understand, Kate,” he said, his voice a little shaky. “You’re in charge,” he added, his eyes locked onto hers, filled with a mix of submission and arousal. “Your in charge”, he repeated in a softer murmur to swiftly solidify her as the one in control.

“Good”, she said, satisfied for now as she slid her hands up his abdomen and over his chest, cupping his face “now watch me work”, she said in a low confident voice. “Keep your “everything” back until I ask for it or you’ll retrieve a bloody stub and a scream, that’ll burn itself in your memory as the day your life ended and Perry’s began, when I shift my focus onto him in your absence”, she said with a hungry smile “either way, your Queen of Nightshade is getting fed”, she said as the new title she donned for herself rang firmly through Cane’s head.

If this hadn’t been a roleplay, if this had been real and as potentially lethal to his life as her father, he knew he’d be clapping right now in admiration for the skill and determination of her manipulations thus far.

“Yes, Kate, I understand,” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice, playing along with the game she had set in motion. The power dynamics in their relationship had always been fluid, but this was a side of Kate he hadn’t seen before in its fiercest clarity as he saw it now. True they had role-played before where instead of her father he had adopted the role of his brother Perry, but this was more defined, more detailed and worn like a fitting glove more so than before.

Maybe Perry was right, maybe parts of the most intense experiences she suffered at either their joint or individual hands during her medicated state, did bleed out into her consciousness in some twisted sort of creative way that made this easier for her to adopt, in her mindset needed for the roleplay. Or maybe he was over thinking it and he was getting exactly what he asked her for and how he asked for it. Coincidences only went so far, he realized, he would have Perry come up with a completely different roleplay and see if it persisted into her conscious mind, the next time he probed about any potential fantasies she might want to explore, as he returned his focus solely to her, glad he hadn’t missed out on anything in his reverie as Kate was currently busying herself with exploring his neck with kisses and small bites that made him shiver with pleasure.

He’d regret taking her focus off of her again as she leaned back a bit and slammed his face into her cleavage with her hands curled around the back of his head “I didn’t say you could look elsewhere”, she said in a harsh whisper, “keep your eyes on me, daddy”, she whispered seductively as she began to grind her hips slightly, feeling his erection growing under her. “Oh god yes”, he whispered, his voice muffled but still audible to her ears. She began to feel a bit giddy with power, the control she had over him was exhilarating.

Her hands slid down his chest and began to fiddle with the belt of his pants, “now remember, no noises until I say so, okay?” she whispered, her voice thick with desire. He nodded, his eyes wide with excitement. She unbuckled his pants and took his underwear off, his erection springing free. She stared at it for a moment, her eyes glinting in the candlelight before leaning down and taking it into her mouth, sucking gently.

It’s monstrous size no longer scared her, only urging her on as she took it in deeper, her tongue swirling around it’s girth like a serpent charmed by a flute player’s melody. She felt Cane’s body tense up and knew she had him right where she wanted him. His breathing grew ragged, his chest rising and falling as she worked him over with her mouth, her eyes never leaving his, as she commanded his total respect and focus even if it was at metaphorical gunpoint.

Cane’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, his body tensing up as Kate’s mouth moved expertly over him. He bit his lip hard to keep from making any noise, his eyes fluttering shut. The sensation was overwhelming, but he knew better than to break the rules of their game. He felt Kate’s hands on his hips, guiding him, her nails digging in slightly as she took him deeper, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked. It was a dance of power and submission, and he was utterly at her mercy.

When she finally pulled away, he took a deep, shaky breath, his eyes snapping open to meet hers. She licked her lips, a wicked smile playing across her face. “That’s a good boy,” she murmured, patting his cheek almost patronizingly. “Now, let’s see if you can handle the rest of what I have in store for you,” she said, her voice low and filled with a promise of sweet torment.

Cane nodded, his eyes glazed with desire as she crawled up his chest and guided his erection under the flowing material of her dress. He felt her warmth and wetness, and his body responded eagerly, pressing against her. “Good boy,” she whispered again, her teeth grazing his earlobe. “Now, let’s get this show on the road, shall we? We have all night and I’m gonna’ make sure we spend it tenderizing you in all the right places”, she promised with a sinister giggle that sent a shiver down his spine.

“Don’t worry too much, you might even like it”, she whispered “I know I’ll enjoy watching every minute of it. So teach your daughter, show her how you writhe, how you ache, how you need and leave everything else to me”, she finished brightly like some sort of bedevilling succubus promising heaven in hell’s embrace.

With that she began to lower herself onto him, inch by sweet torturous inch, her eyes never leaving his. The dress sliding up around her hips, revealing the smooth porcelain skin of her thighs. He could feel the heat of her sex as it washed over him, the wetness, and he knew he was lost in her power, a willing servant to her dark desires. As she finally took him fully, she let out a low gasp of pleasure, her eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment before snapping open again to hold his gaze.

Cane felt like he was being consumed by Kate, her body tightening around him like a vice as she began to move. It was slow at first, almost painfully so, her hips rocking gently as she set the pace of their twisted dance. He could feel the tension building within him, the need to release, but he held back, remembering her warning. He was hers to command, and he would not disappoint her.

Her hands moved to his chest, her nails scratching lightly as she leaned in, her teeth grazing his neck. “Good boy,” she murmured again, her voice a sweet symphony of power and seduction. “Keep it in, don’t release just yet,” she ordered, her grip tightening on his chest as she began to pick up the pace.

He groaned softly, his hips moving in sync with hers, his entire body on edge. The sensation was maddening, the need to let go building like a storm inside of him. But he held on, his eyes locked on hers, the intensity of their gaze a silent conversation of dominance and submission.

Kate felt a surge of power with each stroke, her body moving in a rhythm that was both agonizingly slow and deliciously fast. She could feel him getting closer, his muscles tensing beneath her, and she revelled in it. This was their secret, their twisted little game that brought them closer in ways that nothing else could.

“What your feeling now daddy, is conceit in someone else’s power over you and how much their making you love it. But don’t relax just yet, we have a whole new spectrum of emotions to grind into”, she said as she began to physically grind her hips sensually against him for effect with every word she uttered next “one ... screaming ... nerve ... at a time”, as she finished, she leaned down over him her voice almost too casual to believe like it were nothing to her to fray a man’s nerves and bring him so achingly close to climax, it felt like breathing too deeply could trigger it, like almost nothing else when she was in full control. “What kind of beast are you?”, he mumbled playing the part of her father before he could lose control.

“Aw, I’m no beast daddy, I’m not violent or malicious, I’m a result”, she said with a smile so casual yet sinister. She was quoting Death from the Book Thief. The fact that he knew that didn’t seem to help.

“So look into my eyes, I wanna’ see your soul squirm when you release, I’m gonna’ see every part of you, with time. Tonight is just orientation, your learning your new role now and the rewards that come with it and with me”, she said with a toothy, gum filled smile that could have skinned a Cheshire cat. “Now let me in daddy, I’m gonna see your true self, your worst self and I want in through these windows you keep so handy for me”, she said holding her forefinger and middle fingers split over his face pointing at his eyes. “So hurry up and cum, before I’m forced to break my way in”, she giggled, without ever breaking eye contact.

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