Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 12: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt 1 of 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 12: Of French Girls and Dragons - Pt 1 of 5 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

Cane’s apartment, his bedroom in particular had been turned into active study in art as Kate took her position on his bed curled up in a sleeping position that made her seem both infinitely beautiful and vulnerable in equal measure, as her body clothed in a purple and black accented drapery hung over each curve and limb making the viewers eyes cloy in attention to the details, as her warm almost blushing smile made it all the more hard to keep an undivided and steady focus as she rested her head curled into the crook of one arm whilst the other had wrapped a few fingers around the tail of her long length of purple hair, coiling over the side of her body in untame points, like naturally poisonous protrusions, on a venomous creatures tail, warning the viewer that disturbing this delicate creature, did not bode well for those who did not know of its hidden poison.

Almost like sleeping nightshade, which is what he called it at the end, as he demonstrated the finished work, an almost photorealistic canvas of paint detailing his sublime model as both vulnerable but equally brimming with a hidden, charged power, stared back at him, drawing the eye in to try and discover quite what it was she might be hiding under her clothes. Maybe something hidden under her hand where she gripped the tail end of her long length of hair so tightly, poised to strike a moment’s notice?

Her body’s curves made it easy to depict the more sensuous nature and overtone of the square portrait, but nothing vulgar nor disarming. The truth lay in how the beauty of the moment was reflected in a prone figure, curled up around herself, fully asleep and comfortable, yet seemingly poised to strike with a hidden energy should she be disturbed in her midnight slumber, lit only by faint moonlight. The setting was her room, he’d asked her to take a few photos of it, warts and all so he could compose a more accurate and familiar setting.

Otherwise he’d somehow have to explain how he’d practically memorized it’s arrangement without ever being there, depicting her illustrations pinned to her walls, her bed, her boots which she hadn’t deigned to wear now, opting for softer, more appropriate slip-ons. Her mini fridge, night table and even her crowded desk occupied with her laptop and organized choice of cosmetics and art supplies, along with the opening to her cupboard walk-in area beside it, the edges of her own canvas paintings peaking out. The bed he’d obviously used was his, inserted in this scene to add a part of himself to it, no matter how small. Above the padded headboard in 70’s punk era style graffiti he painted in striking purple and black accented in a variant of ITC’s Old English not unlike the font used by rap band D12 in their logo, with other, lesser known sporadic fonts layered haphazardly beneath it, as it read “Sleeping Nightshade”.

When he gave Kate the go ahead that he was finished she stirred from her slumber with a yawn, stretching her body out under the warm blanket. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and took in the sight of Cane standing over her, a paintbrush in hand, looking down at her with a mix of pride and adoration.

“Sorry I dosed off”, she said through her sleepy grogginess, rubbing her eyes with balled up hands, as she came over to see his work. She made her way around several other easels filed with various sketchpads he’d used to get him used to a specific angle before he chose the right position for his paintwork to begin. “Don’t worry, it happens more often than you’d think when our models got really comfortable and the class could enjoy the peaceful silence of charcoal scratches on paper amongst all the other tools we were supplied. You didn’t even suffer any night terrors like you said since it was just a short nap”, he offered kindly. Kate confirmed this having explained naps had always had a refreshing effect on her; only long term slumber brought the nightmares to the threshold.

All this was quickly forgotten though as she stepped down from the bed and approached the easel, her curiosity piqued. The painting was a breathtaking depiction of her, so lifelike it was as if she was staring into a mirror. The soft light of the moon painted a gentle glow across her cheekbones and the fabric of the drapes, creating a serene and intimate atmosphere. The way Cane had captured her smile, the slight blush on her cheeks, was nothing short of magical. It was as if he had managed to encapsulate all the love and warmth she felt for him and pour it onto the canvas.

Her eyes were particularly drawn to the title above the headboard, “Sleeping Nightshade”. It was a name that was a stark contrast to her own, yet somehow fit the mood of the painting perfectly. It was mysterious, alluring, and a little bit dangerous, just like the feelings Cane stirred within her. She felt a warmth spread through her chest, knowing that he had taken the time to create something so beautiful and personal just for her.

“Take it home, hang it over your wall to remind yourself if you are ever unsure that you can inspire and are more inspiring than you or other people give you credit for. I know I felt that during this piece”, he said, with every ounce of natural warmth he could possibly muster, the effect was not lost on her, as Kate reached out her hand to gently touch the canvas. The paint was still slightly tacky, but the image was complete, a moment in time forever captured by Cane’s skilled hand.

“We should wait and let it dry, I’ll give you a waterproof blanket to cover it just in case it starts drizzling again, it comes with its own clips to secure it tightly”, he said, pulling out a rolled-up protective plastic sheet from a shelf beside the canvas. “You can’t imagine the mess a wet canvas is to deal with”, he warned her, a playful grin on his face.

“Some might say a little body paint art could be in order just to prove it?” he suggested slyly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Kate’s eyes grew wide with surprise, but she couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up from her chest. “Maybe another time,” she said, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink. “But for now, let’s just admire your handiwork.”

“Aw your no fun,” he said with a mock childish tone that sounded almost too natural as Kate took a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she took in the full impact of the painting. It was a moment she’d never forget, not just because of the sheer beauty of it, but because of the emotions it stirred within her. She felt seen in a way she never had before, like Cane had peeled back every layer of her and laid it bare for the world to see, yet somehow managed to keep it all wrapped up in a package that was uniquely and utterly Kate. She was both the subject and the muse, and the power in that realization was exhilarating.

“I’m sure your parents will love to see how their daughter has grown up and how comfortable she is in her own skin, something very few people ever have the privilege of finding, and fewer might appreciate” he said solemnly, as if speaking from experience.

Kate nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves at the thought of her parents seeing the painting. She knew they’d be proud of her, but she couldn’t help worrying about their reaction to the intimate nature of the piece. “Do you think they’ll like it?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

“They’ll definitely like this one feature”, he said pointing to the open locket on her neck, tastefully blocking the contours of her gently meeting bosom.

“What feature?” Kate asked, her eyes tracing down to the locket and her heart fluttering in her chest as she realized what he meant. The locket previously her aunts bestowed to Cane and only recently returned to her family by him, now shown like symbol of love and unity between them all between over her heart, between her generously packed chest.

She didn’t know whether to laugh or blush harder. The locket was indeed a poignant symbol of their bond and the journey they had all been on. “You’re right,” Kate said, her voice filled with emotion. “They’ll love it.”

“Don’t worry if they don’t I can just draw your breasts naturally larger, they’ll never notice the locket”, he joked warm heartedly making Kate laugh, breaking the tension in the room. She knew he was just trying to lighten the mood and it worked. The thought of her parents’ potential reaction to the painting still lingered in the back of her mind, but she pushed it aside for now. They had come so far, she couldn’t let doubt ruin this moment.

“My suggestion for now, a change of clothes and maybe even enjoy Titanic or anything else you might wanna’ stream on Netflix. Or we could undress right now and take turns watching the paint dry from multiple positions”, he smiled seductively “I leave it in your capable hands my muse”, he said as he kissed her on the head as he made his way to the bathroom to wash the stray bits of paint that marked his hands before they fully set in.

Kate couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a thrill at the playfulness in his voice. “You’re terrible,” she said, but she knew he could hear the smile in her voice. “I’ll get changed and grab a movie, you clean up.”

“Drat, foiled again”, he could hear him declaring from the bathroom in a Dick Dastardly imitation from the cartoon she’d watched as a child, making her chuckle. When he returned they both settled down on the comfortable couch in the living room, the soft, synthetic fabric letting her sink right in, as she lost herself in his touch, leaning into his shoulder as he parted a length of her hair from her forehead before it draped over her face, and kissed it warmly.

“Why do you care about me in this way”, she blurted out, unable to hold onto the thought as it escaped her lips. He took no offence to the question and gave no sign that it perturbed him in any way, breathing in a long, slow breathe as if gathering his strength “because it wouldn’t make sense to me not to”, he said plainly with a lack of hesitation in voice that spoke of pure sincerity “I don’t think I could live with myself in any other way if I didn’t let you know in no uncertain terms, Kate, I love you. You make me want to be a better man, as cliché as that might sound...”, but she stopped him before he could finish, pressing a finger to his lips as she whispered “you already are, to me at least”.

He kissed her fingertips, raising them to his cheek as he said “and that’s why I could never live without telling you Kate, you are and forever will be in my mind. You’ll be the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I dream of when fall asleep”, he said, “I don’t believe I’ll ever be free of you my dear”, his voice gentle, soothing, honesty oozing from every word as Kate felt a warmth spread through her.

“Now how about we relax and let all the tension flow right out of us as we watched your less talented and clearly less beautiful and seductive counterpart Miss Kate Winslet throw herself at the my spitting image in the form of Mr Leonardo DiCaprio, shall we”, he said a broad grin already settled on his features as he hugged and kissed Kate, her purple locks of long purple hair cascading over the side of her neck over his face and shoulder as she sank into him.

Kate laughed, shaking her head. “You’re too much, Cane,” she said, her eyes sparkling with affection. “But yes, let’s watch it. It’s been ages.”

“And don’t think I’m not on to you mister, I know what you really want”, she smiled slyly “and no you don’t get to enjoy whatever treat I might or might not have in store for you until we get to the end of this movie and get to blame Kate Winslet’s character for killing Jack, like everyone else”, she smiled coyly, unable to help herself “that bitch!”, Cane declared in a mock serious tone that made Kate laugh out loud “but don’t worry my Jack”, she said as she looked up at him with a gleam of mischief in her eye “that paintings not the only thing that’s wet and I don’t doubt you won’t find a way to make it wetter if I asked you to ... if I begged you to”, she finished towards the end in the most seductive voice she could imagine. It had the desired effect as she felt Cane’s body tense beside her, his hand tightening around her own.

“Like I said Miss Winslet could learn some very important lessons from you on beauty, seduction and control over the male ego,” he said with a smile as warm as his love for her.

“Well I did learn from the master”, she purred “you have only yourself to blame”, she said playfully as she rested her head on the crotch of his pants facing the TV screen. “Don’t worry, the movies only three hours and fourteen minutes long”, she said unabashedly “I’m sure you’ll make it until then”, she whispered from her place on his lap, as she moved her head and shoulders around dramatically trying to find a comfortable spot. “Woman, you will be the end of me and I thank you”, he said half jokingly as he leaned back into the couch, one hand absently stroking her hair as the opening credits rolled.

“I never say this”, he began with a moment’s hesitation “but please don’t play with my balls”, he winced, trying to keep his voice calm as Kate giggled into his crotch, as she said “Darn you knew my one weakness”, she joked her eyes glinting up at him with mischief as she shifted her weight slightly to the left, her head moving away from his groin and onto his chest as she snuggled closer. “Now that’s more comfortable,” she murmured, a smirk playing on her lips as she felt his body relax.

“I’ve learned never to give a woman everything she wants”, he said with a mock tone of overconfidence “I do that only for the people I love the most”, he said his voice returning to its normal rich tones, flooding her with a sense of warmth with his words as he kissed the top of head, making sure not to poke himself in the eye with her Mohawk, which Kate always found infinitely amusing, not that he could blame her “all joking aside Kate, you are the one woman in my life I feel more grateful to than any other just for knowing you, I just hope it shows”, he said, his tone considerate and honest.

“You too Mr. Picasso”, she said obviously referring to his superb painting skills. “And don’t worry, short of Mr DiCaprio whisking me away, I think you’ve got a solid chance with me”, she joked “in all seriousness though” she began as she settled comfortably into him further “you know I’m all yours, right? I don’t need any fancy art or grand gestures to know that, it’s in everything you do, every way you look at me, every word you say, it’s all just ... you”, she said with a content sigh as she felt his arm wrap around her more securely.

“I’d be remiss though if I didn’t talk about what my mother said to me about boundaries and how important they are to set with someone you care about. I know we’ve been ... exploring, but I want to make sure we’re both okay with where we’re at,” Kate began, her voice taking on a serious tone, as he said “So long as it’s an equal relationship were both proud of and excited about, I’ve no question were both exactly where were supposed to be at, but I do get the point. I’ll always be there to make an offer or a gesture but I’ll never force you to go along, the same I should hope applies to me and your plans for our relationship”, with a nod, understanding the gravity of the conversation as he paused the movie.

“I know, and I appreciate that,” Kate said, leaning into him more as she felt his warmth and the solidness of his body. “But sometimes, I think I might just need to be whisked away by you,” she admitted with a small smile. “I’ll be your Lancelot or your Black Knight when you need me to” he said evenly with soft words that had a hint of teasing. Kate felt a sudden surge of affection for him, his willingness to take on any role in her life, to be whatever she needed, was incredibly endearing. She didn’t know if she deserved such dedication, but she wasn’t about to question it.

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