Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 10: Of Tears and Chocolate Pt.3 of 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10: Of Tears and Chocolate Pt.3 of 4 - When their parents announce that they need to visit an ailing sibling on their deathbed Perry(18) unable to help himself conspires to take advantage of his sister Kate(21) who suffers from night terrors and needs to take nightly medication for them, that virtually knocks her out. With the aid of a wizened partner Cane(60) he intends to finally act on his forbidden impulses. This fictional story is an original piece with A.I generated cover art I used as inspiration. The title is still a WIP.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   DomSub   Rough   Sadistic   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

Having stowed the Tupperware in the kitchen fridge and brushed her teeth and hair, she removed her water-resistant makeup in her mirror before undressing completely, taking her night terror pills before gently falling to sleep, letting unconsciousness take her willingly.

Perry, sneaking silently once again through the hidden crawlspace, replaced the wooden panel behind him soundlessly. He had watched the hidden camera footage taken at Cane’s and had been chomping at the bit, to have his sweet chocolate scented sister all to himself in her most unknowingly vulnerable moment. He made sure not to disturb anything in her room, noting the curtains were drawn shut and the deadbolt on her door lock on her door was secure, as his nightvision adapted seamlessly. Now all he had to do was give her, her marching orders.

Perry recalled the effects of his sisters night terror medication like an obsessive mantra in his mind warding him off against failure as the thrill of exhilaration ran through him like an electric current. “Subdued access to the creative part of the brain”, he whispered “impaired motor functions, reasoning and logic”, he continued as he got closer “access to memory whilst unconscious in a deep sleep, suggestive state, not unlike sexsomnia”, he finished as he placed a confident hand on either huge breast as Cane had that first time and confidently squeezed. He’d happily discovered verbal commands were key to controlling her sister in this state and now he was ready, he slid a thick, soft, clean towel he brought with him, under her in preparation for the inevitable, before as he slid himself inside her to her core. She still smelled faintly of chocolate mixed in with some Thai food. The beauty of her medication it was so effective it didn’t allow her to remember her dreams; if she had any and in this case remembered anything he did or commanded her to do for him. It was perfect. All he had to do was make sure they kept the volume down and no matter how badly the mattress squeaked their parents would never hear them more than two rooms away down the hall.

“Kate”, he said with an air of staggering confidence that was not wholly founded on the skill of his deception alone. “I want you to act as you normally would if you found me using your sleeping pills as a way to fuck your unconscious body. I want you to resist but to be too weak to fight me off”, he instructed almost verbatim for last time “but instead of me”, Perry added “you’ll only see, hear, feel and taste our father raping you for his twisted pleasure, you’ll make no sound to attract anyone’s attention that could end this deep and dark roleplay, understand? It only ends when I say it does”, he finished as he waited for her response.

Kate, deep in her drug induced sleep, began to stir as she felt the weight on her body. The night terrors that had plagued her since childhood were a familiar prison, but this time the shackles felt warm and alive. Her body reacted instinctively, tensing up as she felt the foreign presence invading her most personal space, a soft moan escaping her lips as she felt the fabric of the towel under her. The last thing she remembered was the warm embrace of her bed and the comforting darkness of her room.

Perry’s voice echoed in her mind, his commands playing out like a twisted fairytale in the haze of her unconsciousness. She felt the coldness of the room and the unmistakable pressure of someone inside her, her mind trying to piece together the disturbing reality. As instructed, she feebly attempted to resist, her body moving sluggishly, but the medication had her firmly in its grasp. Her eyes fluttered open to see the silhouette of a man, the moonlight casting a terrifying shadow across the room.

In her drug-induced state, Kate’s thoughts swirled with confusion and horror as she struggled to make sense of the situation. The figure took on the form of her father, his cruel eyes piercing her soul as he whispered lewd comments into her ear. She whimpered, her body responding against her will to the unwanted invasion, the softness of the towel beneath her the only comfort in this nightmare, as she began to move her hips with the rhythm of the violation.

“You feel so good Kate, I should have done this years ago”, he said before taking one of her breasts in his mouth, whilst fondling the other with an eager hand, watching as his face sank greedily and disappeared into the yielding flesh of her cleavage. Kate’s mind screamed for her to fight, to scream, to do anything but lay there and take it, but her body remained trapped in the nightmare. Her eyes remained open, staring up at the ceiling as her hands gripped the sheets tightly, her nails digging into the fabric. She felt the pressure build within her as he increased his pace, the towel beneath her growing wetter with each thrust.

She was perfect he knew, for this and every other night of bliss like it that would follow. He’d pervert her every dream, use it against her in some twisted parody he’d use to dominate her without her ever knowing. He’d turn every friend into a monster every monster into a nightmare every nightmare into a dream she’d forget before she ever woke up at her usual, habitual time. He just had to make sure she had enough time to recover afterwards. There was no point of maintaining this charade of ignorance afterwards if he left evidence contrary to that belief. He’d leave no marks like Cane had always taught him and make sure any strains and aches on her body fitted her earlier pleasures with Cane to justify their existence the morning after. It was the complete package, domination, deniability and devilry all mixed into one foul soup of lust.

He smiled at himself as he thought of this whispering “don’t worry Kate; I have big plans for you, for us. You’ll never be able to sleep again”, he laughed lightly as she visibly shrank away, trying to bury herself in the mattress before he reached down and brought he head level with his “give daddy a kiss”, he said as he parted the edge of her lips with his thumb, watching as the perfect curves of her lips parted before he sank his tongue in, her weak protests muffled by the kiss, as he explored her mouth, battling her tongue for submission as he waded deeper into her with every thrust, every trembling ripple of her skin as he made her his own.

She tasted like chocolate and mint, with a hint of spicy food as her tongue tangled with his. Her eyes bugging out of her skull almost comically as he took control of her body, but it wasn’t enough. He needed to pervert her, against her own horror and he needed to be quick about it as he felt his exhilaration wane. Ending the kiss, Kate rested her head on her pillow with a slight shortness of breath as he instructed “your going to perform a different kind of roleplay for me now Kate’, he said, still pumping into her languidly at an almost bored, easy pace. I want you to be the perverted daughter, who can’t get enough of older men”, he said “you’ve just lured your father to your room and demanded he have sex with you or you’ll scream rape, promising to tell anyone who’d listen that he in fact demanded sex from you, that after years of infatuation with you, he was now pushed to breaking point after you made your relationship with Cane apparent and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Or at least that’s what you’ll say, knowing you can get away with it. So I want you to get off the bed and let me assume my position, as the role of our father and lay down on it, you’ll still see, hear and touch his body not mine”, Perry said “as you do with him what you will, understood?, he instructed “I want you to dominate Kate and I want you to make sure you keep it quiet so no one will ever know especially our mother”, he said, his voice a light purr in her ear at this point.

Kate’s mind was a whirlwind of horror and confusion, the drugs making it difficult for her to discern reality from the twisted fantasy. She felt a perverse thrill as she obeyed, her body moving with a sense of urgency that belied the sluggishness of her thoughts. She climbed onto the bed, straddling the man she perceived as her father, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and something else, something darker.

“Okay daddy, I’ll show you what a good little girl I can be,” Kate murmured through her drug-induced haze, her voice a disturbing blend of innocence and desire. Her sluggish movements were the only indication of the internal battle raging within her.

Perry’s heart raced with excitement as he watched Kate’s compliance. He knew the power of her night terror medication, and he revelled in the control it granted him over her body and mind. He lay back on the bed comfortably, the body length towel still resting under them ready to absorb anything Kate could throw at them.

With a sense of detached horror, Kate began to ride him, her eyes glazed over with the sickening reality of her actions. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel the twisted arousal that the scenario brought forth, her body responding to the depraved script he had set in motion.

The feeling of him inside her was repulsive yet oddly familiar, a macabre echo of her earlier passionate moments with Cane. She moved her hips mechanically, trying to push the thoughts away, but they only grew stronger with each thrust. The room spun around her, and she could feel the sickness rising in her throat. Yet, she remained silent, trapped in the nightmare of her own making.

Without any conscious control she found herself saying “don’t worry dad, in case you fill up this hole, I’ve still got two more waiting for you to play with”, before she giggled, a sound that was eerie and disturbing in the quiet of the night. It was like she had become a marionette to the darkest part of her own psyche. The man beneath her, her brother, took the cue with a sickening enthusiasm, his hands gripping her hips as he began to thrust upwards, meeting her movements with a disturbing ferocity.

As far as she was aware he was her submissive slave beholden to her potential life-wrecking blackmail as the torture continued. She leaned down on him parting his lips with hers, her tongue snaking out fiendishly into his mouth as she took charge. She planted both of his hands with a firm slap of flesh on her buttocks, feeling how they sank into her before letting them settle there and knead her of their own accord, as she gripped both sides of his head with her firm hands as she kissed him deeper than he ever thought possible, a dark energy seemingly filling her up as she did so, as her lips and her tongue worked in concert to dominate his mouth.

Her teeth nipped at his lower lip, and her tongue danced with his, her hips never stopping their slow, torturous grind. She could feel his erection growing stronger with each pass, and she knew she had him right where she wanted him. With a final bite to his lip, she broke the kiss, panting heavily.

“Can you see now daddy, it’s hopeless to resist your little girl, your mine, not moms, not anyone else’s. You. Belong. To. Me” she whispered in his ear, her voice dripping with malicious sweetness as she punctuated every word. “So let’s celebrate quietly, I want you all to myself, understand?” she whispered, her voice a twisted mix of the innocent girl he knew and the seductress he never knew existed.

It was perfect, the right mixture of fantasy and the reality of what he knew she was capable of, if he pushed her in the right way, in the right direction.

Perry watched in amazement as Kate took charge, her body moving in ways that were both mesmerizing and terrifying. The power she exuded was palpable, and he could feel himself getting lost in the role she had been coerced into playing. He moaned softly, as her hips ground against him in a rhythm that spoke of a depravity she never knew she had.

Continuing the roleplay as her father Perry said “just do whatever you want to me and don’t involve your mother or anyone else, it would break her heart, to know what you were doing what “we” are doing. I don’t think she’d be able to take it”, he finished, hanging his head.

She smiled viciously above him, before lowering herself down, leaning in close to his face before their noses were almost touching, his face softly cupped in her hands before she turned it aside viciously, Perry strained himself not to react, as the following sensation of her thick tongue licking him from the side of his chin all the way to his temple in one long sensuous lap, made him feel brittle yet unexpectedly energized at the same time. “You taste that dear father?”, she said with an innocent tone of glee in her voice that was anything but, as she licked him again in the same luxuriant style of sexual domination Perry found himself getting attracted to, more and more “it tastes like victory”’ she said her tone melodically twisted as he felt it seep into his bones. “Just one of many I hope to share”, she said in an irresistible, seductive tone that hinted of dark delights yet to come. She cupped his face once more in her hands, facing him towards her with a look on concentrated longing flowing from her to him before she asked “but why do you smell like chocolate? Or is that just me?”, she said before breaking out in hysterical giggling, controlling herself before lost control of herself, her face buried in his neck before she retrieved her sanity with a calm tone “don’t worry my darling, you’ll get used to me and all the madness that entails to satisfy me, I just have to keep reminding myself to take it one step at a time before I break you and ruin you for all other women or men, dealers choice”, she said with a maddening grin flashing in her kips.

Her smile was all gums and teeth, like a predator revealing its intention only moments before snapping free of any pretence of subtlety and biting deep. He was truly in awe of her transformation as he looked up at her, he wasn’t just looking at his sister anymore but a fully flowing sexual being, twisted into fulfilling one of his most sought after fantasies, as she raised herself back onto his hips and with a smile said “time to impress your new queen”, before beginning to bounce herself up and down on him with an alarming enthusiasm.

In the half-light as she let her hair fall over her chest, clutching it as if to use it to brace herself against her own pleasure, he marvelled how in the low light, it seemed dark, almost completely black, lending a deathly credence to her transformation as she shook the bed eagerly in her pursuit of the crescendo she was chasing. Her breasts bounced with every thrust, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing in the silent room, punctuated only by the occasional squeak of the bedsprings. Her breathing grew ragged, and she leaned forward, her eyes never leaving his, her gaze intense as she said “do you love me daddy?” she said in a cooing voice that felt like spring loaded trap and he was the eager rat.

Perry swallowed hard, his voice a guttural sound as he responded in a stammering tone “yes Kate, yes I love you”, playing along with the role he had crafted so well for them “yes, daddy loves you”, he repeated with more confidence “then you won’t mind if I share you with mommy, every night? Otherwise I might get jealous of you spending so much time with her, without appreciating your only daughter, and things might get a little less civil”, she hinted at with special emphasis on civil, as she smiled cruelly. “Anything you want Kate, just don’t let your mother ... don’t do anything to break her heart”, Perry said embracing his character “do what you want to me, make me your focus and no one else”, he said adding an air of desperation for affect.

“If you really were a loving daddy you’d do everything in your power to protect me, wouldn’t you?”, she cooed he could almost feel the trap about to spring in the back of his mind, even as he stepped into it willingly “then I want you to make love to me harder, nastier and deeper than mommy, like I was the only person in this whole world you wanted to spoil for other men”, she said “and let me advise you daddy...”, her eyes were filled with the same menace you got on the deadly end of a shark deciding if it was worth keeping the sucker fish stuck to its flank, reaping its own rewards “I know when a man is faking, when he doesn’t love me with this whole soul and body. I want both, I want everything, then you have permission to leave my room and get some well deserved rest with mommy, okay?” her voice had an unexpected tenderness towards the end. “And don’t worry so much, I can keep things quiet in here, it’s you I’m worried about”, she said with a wheezing laugh through her bared teeth, locked in a grin he knew he would grow to worship at the apex of their twisted night time roleplays, as he agreed to everything and more to her instant pleasure. “Enough romancing then daddy dearest, lets rock”, she said as she wrapped her open lips around his and all but shoved her tongue in his mouth. She was his goddess of destruction, she could unmake him and build him up again with a swish of her thighs and chortle through her grin. She was living sex twisted out of his fantasies and breathed into life as he met every one of her hips thrusts, his face firmly buried in her chest, his hands grabbing her ass and kneading it like there wasn’t enough to go around, like he could not allow himself to share any part of her with the world.

Her moans grew louder and more urgent, mixing with the sounds of their bodies slapping together and the occasional whine of the bed frame. The room was filled with the scent of mint chocolate, sweat, and sex, a potent cocktail that seemed to drive them both wild. Kate’s body tensed, and she threw her head back, her hair cascading down her back as she reached climax, her body convulsing around him. Perry could feel the tightness of her walls, the way she gripped him, and it was almost too much.

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