Rock Punk Girl - Cover

Rock Punk Girl

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Prologue - of Innocence Spent

Incest Sex Story: Prologue - of Innocence Spent - Excerpt: They'd planned it for weeks. When Perry first heard his parents would be going to visit a deathly ill sibling overnight, possibly over the entire weekend starting on Friday night, the first thing he'd done was inform Cane via a direct message. Perry told him how his sister Kate was probably coming off a late night shift at the tattoo studio she worked at. From what she'd said in the past allot of people usually made very poor decisions on Friday nights around tattoo parlours.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student  

They’d planned it for weeks. When Perry first heard his parents would be going to visit a deathly ill parent overnight, possibly over the entire weekend starting on Friday night, the first thing he’d done was inform Cane via a direct message. Perry told him how his sister Kate was probably coming off a late night shift at the tattoo studio she worked at. From what she’d said in the past allot of people usually made very poor decisions on Friday nights around tattoo parlours. Not that she wasn’t a good artist just that very few people understood that alcohol and creativity didn’t mix very well when they made these permanent decisions.

Cane had met Kate in passing when she’d first shown up at the bookstore where her brother had gained student then permanent employment. Their mutual fascination with Kate’s body allowing them to form an instant friendship, the moment he’d caught Cane spying on her, via hidden camera he’d installed in the women’s bathroom within the store. Cane in his haste to admire his sisters astonishing sexuality had forgotten to fully bar the door with the bolt lock he used when he wanted privacy. The camera wasn’t even accessible to other employees without an intricate password and all it would show on the screen was a see-through outline of a padlock on a scrambled static background on its section of the combined CCTV camera angles.

In Perry’s eyes he’d easily seen the same desire he’d seen in his own many times when pursuing women much like but not as unique as his sister and what Perry wanted more than anything was a mentor to teach him with intricate detail how to dominate sexually, which Perry could almost undeniably confirm he could from the size of the premature erection he’d first witnessed Cane tent his pants with what would have made even the most herculean sex toy shudder in defeat at its size and girth. A deal led to patience, and now they were here.

So they waited in earnest. One advantage was that they knew they could press what was Kate’s night terrors and the heavy medication she took to have undisturbed, dreamless nights. It was like a shotgun to the nervous system, she’d be asleep and had in fact slept through a bullet shot from a neighbour’s window in a domestic abuse case almost gone lethal. The bullet had snapped through her window pane, leaving a nice, neat hole with spider webbing glass spreading out from the point of impact before it’d been replaced, the glass somehow luckily hadn’t shattered. The bullet had never been recovered entirely, wedged into the wooden floor in fragments, it had been designed that way as a hollow point round, not meant for piercing body armour only flesh and vital organs, fragmenting to make it difficult for a forensics recovery or so Cane had explained from what he gathered from Perry about the incident. One of the fragments had actually nicked his sister on the thigh, barely a painful graze when she woke up the next morning in hospital for treatment, gladly leaving no scars.

A notable effect the medication had on her system Perry had pointed out was that if mixed with any kind of alcohol it kind of had an unpredictable affectivity and he feared they might wake his sister. Cane noted this adding that this was true or at least prevalent in potent drugs that affected brain chemistry as alcohol could also be classified as a psychedelic affecting it as well.

Perry himself had never succeeded in trying to take his older sisters virginity, mostly out of fear of getting caught, but also because he wanted to be shown what a real pro could do and not squander the opportunity on a novice like himself. He wanted sex, there was no question about that, but he wanted good even great sex, he wanted his sister to cum uncontrollably and be shown how to reproduce this method by a practiced master. But above all he wanted it raw and he wanted to leave her pregnant and for her upon discovery of her pregnancy to be pressured by her parents to have his secret lovechild.

When Cane had arrived at his doorstep he welcomed him in, silently, making as little indication as possible that they’d just received a house guest. His parents had left more than an hour ago and Kate had begun drinking from her room’s mini-fridge, embracing the release of a weekends play, well earned after a week of toil.

She sat on the floor of her room against the edge of her bed, whose head was braced against the wall. Around her room, hand drawn illustrations she wanted to convert to higher quality art and in some cases even offer as working tattoo concepts at her workplace. Her idea being to go to an art college she was saving up for and eventually use her refined skills to open up her own shop. She’d call it “Kates Castaways” but the name wasn’t a fixed thing yet.

As his sister downed a few of her sleeping/knockout pills, she readily drank from the head of her latest beer, this would be her sixth one and she was eager to crawl into the oblivion of sleep as she undressed herself fully from her ripped, black denim pants, her grey and faded punk rock shirt whose bands motif even she couldn’t discern any longer, a pair of black, unlaced combat boots ready to slip off, and her short black leather jacket she adored, cutting off halfway down her back. She let her pink, pretty pony underwear and matching bra fall to the ground next to the heap of her disorganized clothes as she slipped onto her bed, lying on top of the sheets.

Within a few minutes she’d be out cold, all he had to do is monitor her from his room via hidden camera, which he’d installed per Cane’s guidance and instructions, making sure he set it up to pick up motion on its sensors for when she entered the room, connecting the feed through wireless, password protected tether to his laptop. Several times in the last few weeks he’d caught her masturbating which sent an electric thrill through him that made his heart race uncontrollably and his breathe become easily ragged and impossible to maintain until he calmed himself eventually.

He’d sent all the recordings securely to Cane, appreciating the old man’s advice about keeping a distance until he earned the opportunity to prove himself under his tutelage. As they both watched for the signs of the drug taking hold, Perry admired his sisters body, it wasn’t a super models, she was not a goddess in the conventional sense. His eyes saw the obese frame, her naturally busty tits overflowing over it naturally, the thick thighs, spilling jelly of her well rounded belly, her round face and thick arms and he saw all that she could be when she became his, as his eyes trailed over the Mohawk style crest hair rising from her scalp gently, ending in long lengths of hair that streamed purple down her back, flaring outwards on either side sheets like a violet waterfall.

Her eyes highlighted by black eyeliner and purple eye shadow was matched by her lips, as pale blue, wintery eyes, stared out into space, she’d made sure she closed and locked the window to her room and shut the curtains before starting to drink at least, never knowing when some opportunistic peeping tom was looking in as she turned her bedside lamp on so she could drain her last bottle by its light. But forgetting in growing lethargy to shut her doors deadbolt like she normally did, her inhibitions swayed against it, over the need for the dreamless sleep to come.

Perry explained how multiple times she’d complained she’d had to endure what she said had felt like an uncomfortable sauna as a result of one of the drugs side effects, which raised her body temperature over time, hence why she slept in the nude, which could only fall into their favour considering what they were about to do. He did notice however that his sister had failed to lock her room as he pointed it out on his laptop screen with a growing fervour, not believing they were finally going to do this. He’d made sure to plan around the deadbolt but was delighted he didn’t have to use it on this occasion.

After waiting for about another half hour or so her naked body finally stopped writhing on top of her beds sheets. He could tell not because he’d activated the low-light feature on the camera but because his sister had failed to remember to turn off the light, they’d have to make sure to do the same when they left, leaving everything as they found it, so as not to arouse suspicion. As they silently made their way from his room to his sisters, Perry in front, he opened the door as carefully and silently as he could, despite having applied WD40 earlier to all the houses bedroom door hinges to be discrete so that not only hers stood out.

He peaked and couldn’t help but feel aroused as he stepped inside, watching his sisters massive tits slowly heave up and down on her chest as her protruding stomach stuck out just above her widely spread legs. She looked like a twenty-one year old virgin goddess of fertility from some punk era that had only recently been revived, her innocence and her dignity about to be stolen with her none the wiser. But most importantly she looked ready to be taken as both Cane and him shared a wordless glance as Cane gestured he should stay back. The sleeping/knockout pills being fast acting it shouldn’t have even been a question of getting on with it, but he’d learned from Cane it was always better to err on the side of caution. If the pills hadn’t taken her out then the booze had definitely helped, as Perry watched his mentor laid a tentative hand on his sister’s breast and softly squeeze without pulling away.

No response, not even a moan, just her breathe going in and out. He then applied more pressure, sinking his hand in as far as it would go into the yielding flesh, as Perry watched it sink with a baited breathe, his mouth agape as he proceeded to knead her other breast with his other hand, both now being massaged by his expert touch receiving a welcoming giggle and a low moan from Kate that almost made Perry jump out of his skin as Canine slowly withdrew his hands and gestured with them to not lose his cool, that this was why they were here.

Perry reasoned he was only this nervous because he’d never gotten as far as providing physical stimuli to his sister because it had seemed impossible to him that her body could be pliant without waking up. If a bullet grazing hadn’t woken her this could be possible or so he had thought before Cane dropped his shorts to the floor eliciting to go “commando” or without underwear, something he had clearly not considered but that’s why Cane was here to pass on his wisdom, as soon as he saw it his own fears seemed to grow as naturally as it did.

Seeing his fully erect penis for the first time it was larger than he thought possible on a man, let alone the sixty-year-old bookstore owner who preferred long, baggy cargo pants and for good apparent reason. He was obviously not going fit, just by the look of the tight opening of his sister’s sex. He reminded himself though the first step would not be to shove himself violently into her to his full length, which was monstrous and huge, but to start off with the head.

He watched as Cane leaned over Kate, his penis hovering over her plump pussy, its precum drooling onto her clit. “Just spread her legs a bit wider,” he whispered to Perry. “And watch how I do it, I’ll show you.”

Perry’s hands trembled as he obeyed, his own arousal growing. He hadn’t anticipated the smell of his sister’s sex, it was intoxicating, a mix of sweat, arousal, and the faint scent of the soap she used. He could feel his own cock straining against his pants, eager to join in the depraved lesson Cane was about to give him. He took a deep breath and pushed Kate’s legs apart further, revealing the soft folds of her sex, already glistening with anticipation of the unknown.

Cane took his time, his eyes never leaving Kate’s unresponsive face as he took the head of his cock and gently placed it at her entrance. The anticipation was almost too much for Perry to bear, his heart thumping against his ribs like a drum. He watched as Cane began to push, the tip of his cock disappearing into Kate’s untouched pussy, inch by inch, stretching her open as if she were a tight pair of leather pants. The head of Cane’s cock looked so massive by comparison that Perry wasn’t sure if it would fit without causing her pain.

The room was silent except for Kate’s deep, even breathing and the occasional sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips. Cane paused for a moment, watching her reaction before pushing in further, his shaft disappearing into her. He went slow, taking his time to let Kate’s body adjust to the intrusion. Perry felt a strange mix of excitement and apprehension, his mind racing with thoughts of what his sister would think when she woke up to this violation. But he had agreed to this, eager to learn the art of sexual domination from the master.

The most crucial part now was her hymen; he knew he had to be careful. Cane had explained that this was a delicate moment, one wrong move and it could lead to her waking up and screaming, and that would be the end of their plan. He nodded to Perry, who was already frozen in place, watching the scene unfold.

Cane took a deep breath and pushed in slightly more, feeling the tension build around the tip of his cock. It was like pushing into a warm, velvety embrace that tightened around him, and he could feel the barrier that was Kate’s innocence. He paused again, giving her body a chance to adjust. The room was a tableau of quiet lust, the only sound the occasional rustle of Kate’s sheets as she slept on, oblivious to the trespass happening to her.

Perry felt his palms sweat as he watched Cane’s thick shaft gradually disappear into Kate’s virgin pussy. The moment of truth was upon them, and he knew that if Cane didn’t do this right, their whole plan could fall apart. He nodded at Cane, giving him the silent go-ahead to proceed. Cane looked back at him, a twisted smile playing on his lips, and then returned his focus to Kate.

With the utmost care, Cane began to press harder, feeling the resistance of Kate’s hymen. The tension grew palpable, and for a second, Perry thought he heard a faint whimper from her, but it was quickly lost in the symphony of their heavy breathing. Cane pushed through the barrier with a gentle yet firm stroke, and Kate’s body arched slightly. Perry’s eyes widened as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, but Kate’s sleep remained undisturbed, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths.

The moment was surreal, a twisted mix of fear and exhilaration. Cane’s eyes never left Kate’s face as he broke through her innocence, a look of perverse satisfaction on his face as he felt her tightness give way to his size. Perry felt a strange sense of pride, knowing that his sister was being claimed by a man who would show him the ropes of dominance and control. He could feel his own cock pulsing in his pants, desperate to be freed and to join in the depraved act.

Now the next step would be enter her fully, so she could adjust to his size, all the way down to the hilt, even if it meant leaning over awkwardly to push it in completely.

Cane did just that, his breath hissing through his teeth as he pushed into Kate’s tight, warm depths, inch by torturous inch. Perry watched as Kate’s body took Cane’s length, her pussy stretching around him like a glove made for a giant. The old man was surprisingly nimble, his hands gripping Kate’s thick thighs to keep her in place as he moved. Perry felt a strange mix of envy and excitement as he watched Cane’s hips begin to rock back and forth, a silent dance of dominance and submission playing out on Kate’s unconscious form.

Her sex’s delicate folds were stretched beyond what Perry had thought capable when Cane first presented his monstrously sized dick.

Cane’s strokes grew longer, each one filling Kate completely before retreating almost to the tip, only to plunge back in again. The sight was mesmerizing, and Perry could feel his own cock begging for release. He watched as Kate’s body began to respond to the rhythm, her hips moving slightly to meet each thrust, a silent invitation to claim her completely. Soon enough she began to moan, softly at first, then louder, her mouth parting slightly to reveal the tip of her tongue.

Perry’s heart raced as he saw the pleasure etched on Cane’s face, his teeth clenched, eyes closed in concentration as he fucked Kate with a gentle, yet firm, rhythm. The sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the room, a perverse symphony of lust and manipulation. He knew he had to keep watching, to learn, but the desire to touch, to claim, was overwhelming.

Cane raised a single finger to his lips, alerting him that he was about to do something risky, unless it paid off like he thought it would. He had little reason to shake the confidence built into Cane’s sexual prowess so far, but still felt the same uneasy alertness in his rising heartbeat he’d felt from the beginning.

Without another word Cane stopped pumping gently and leaned in close, resting most of his weight on Kate’s more than plump body. His eyes never leaving her face as his mouth opened wide, his tongue reaching out for the hardened point of her large nipple before his lips sealed around it. In Perry’s mind Cane had gone crazy, but instead of freaking out, he remained still and quiet as he observed, his sister’s reaction.

Her eyes fluttered open slightly, but she remained unconscious, her breath hitched and her moan grew louder as Cane began to suck, his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh, a sharp pain, a pleasure Kate had never felt before and yet her body knew exactly how to respond, her hips began to buck slightly as Cane’s mouth worked her nipple. Perry felt like he was watching a master sculptor at work, moulding a perfect statue, except this was his sister’s body, and she was being sculpted into a creature of pleasure and desire.

Cane began to pump softly again, as his face slowly sank entirely into Kate’s right breast. Sensing an opening Cane invited his pupil to partake, gesturing that he do the same thing to her left breast that seemed as massive as his whole head.

Perry’s eyes darted between Kate’s peaceful sleeping face and her body’s involuntary reactions to Cane’s ministrations. He knew he had to get closer to the action, to truly learn. He leaned in; his heart racing as he placed his mouth around Kate’s other nipple. The taste of her skin, the softness of her flesh, the sound of her moans as he began to suck, it was a heady cocktail of lust and fear.

As they both continued to stimulate her flesh, Cane began to pump in earnest, his movements more deliberate and forceful. Kate’s moans grew louder, her body writhing on the bed, but she remained asleep. The sight was both terrifying and exhilarating for Perry, a twisted mix of love and desire that he hadn’t anticipated. He sucked harder on Kate’s nipple, feeling it harden against his tongue as he matched Cane’s rhythm. Their faces sank hungrily into the soft flesh of her breasts, as Cane’s hips picked up the pace, fucking her with a passion that was both disturbing and mesmerizing.

Cane couldn’t believe it either, but the signs were all there, Kate was not only still unconscious but her body was responding with a passion that was unnerving. He had done this before, but never with someone so utterly vulnerable and innocent. He could feel her tightness gripping him, her wetness coating his shaft as he moved in and out of her with increasing urgency. The risk was worth it, the thrill of pushing her boundaries was a drug he couldn’t resist.

Her massive body jiggled with every deep thrust Cane delivered, her breasts bouncing with the rhythm of their shared lust. Perry watched in amazement as Cane’s cock disappeared into Kate’s depths, only to emerge glistening with her arousal. It was like watching a pornographic ballet, a performance of depravity that he never knew could exist in their mundane lives.

His sister’s moans of unresistible arousal continued to grow around them as the natural soundtrack to their sickening act. Despite his sixty years, Cane’s tall, thick frame had not lost any of its apparent agility or any of its natural stamina. Perry noted how the older had always kept active and never shied away from manual work or shirked responsibilities around the store. All telltale signs of his discipline and physical willingness at work to strain himself for the sake of his work ethic and willingness to contribute. It’s what had attracted him initially to the store.

Cane felt his natural resistance tested, but held back, too wily to let himself fall for it, as he pushed deeper into Kate. The alcoholic haze of her breath mingled with the sweet scent of her skin, a potent cocktail of innocence and vulnerability that fuelled his depravity. Meanwhile, Perry’s eyes remained glued to Kate’s face, watching for any sign of consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered, a soft gasp escaping her lips, but her eyes remained closed, lost in the oblivion of the drugged sleep, as they both buried their sweat mingled bodies into her irresistible flesh.

The room grew hotter, the scent of sex and power thickening the air. The occasional creak of the bed was the only sound that broke the stillness of the night. The dim light from the hallway cast eerie shadows on the wall, as if they were the only living beings in a world of silent witnesses. Cane’s thrusts grew more vigorous, as he controlled his breathing and paced himself. Too fast and he wouldn’t be able savour it, too slow and he wouldn’t be able to illicit a satisfying reaction from Kate’s body, as he watched his pupil Perry lapped his tongue over the tender flesh of his sisters breast, like a sex starved addict finding his fix by stark comparison to his controlled demeanour.

Perry’s heart raced as he felt Kate’s body responding to the combined onslaught. Her nipple grew harder under his touch, and her breathing grew more erratic. He could feel the heat from her skin, and it was all he could do to keep from climaxing prematurely.

Cane, noticing the changes in Kate’s body, smirked. “Looks like she’s enjoying it,” he grunted his voice thick with lust.

Perry nodded, his mouth full of Kate’s breast, his teeth grazing her sensitive skin. He couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of triumph as he watched her body react involuntarily to their violation. The power they held over her in this moment was intoxicating, and it only served to drive him further into the depths of his depravity.

“Don’t be alarmed Perry”, Cane began, a concentrated, faraway look in his eyes as he said “but I’m going to see how far this can go, you might wanna’ step back in case your sister involuntarily bangs into you and you have to explain it to her later. Our first priority should be to see if she can really, actually climax in this state to her fullest degree. Once we confirm that, we have a set goal to work to”, he said matter of factly, never taking his eyes away from Kate’s face.

Perry nodded, his eyes gleaming with understanding. He stepped back, giving Cane full access to Kate’s limp body. The older man reached into the nightstand and pulled out a small bottle of lubricant they had both recorded was there on the hidden cameras nights before, squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers before inserting them into Kate’s unresisting sex, working them in a circular motion, watching intently as her body began to react, her hips bucking slightly, her legs spreading wider.

With a cruel smirk, Cane leaned in closer, whispering into Kate’s ear, “You’re going to love this, sweetheart, I’m going to make you feel like a queen,” as if she could hear him, as if she had any choice in the matter. He knew from his past experiences that some part of her, deep down, might be aware of what was happening, might be feeling the pleasure against her will, and that thought only spurred him on.

Perry watched, his own arousal growing as he saw Kate’s body betraying her unconsciousness. He knew it was wrong, but the thrill of the taboo was too intense to resist. He could feel his own erection straining against his pants, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from joining in much longer.

Cane pressed his full weight on top of her again, his monstrously huge cock, sliding in slowly until it’s full length rested within her crowded womb, he let it rest there unmoving, as he watched her face intently, like a airline pilot making all the pre-flight checks before taking off. He observed her breathing, the small movements of her chest, the way her eyelids twitched and her mouth opened slightly, the perfect ‘O’ of a woman lost in the throes of passion. He waited, his own breath held, before he slid his own mouth over hers, his tongue invading it, as he slowly began to move, a steady, deep rhythm that made Kate’s body quiver under him.

Perry watched in awe as Kate’s body responded to Cane’s expert manipulation. He felt like a voyeur, unwilling to interrupt them, yet unable to resist the urge to participate. The room was a symphony of quiet sounds: the rustling of the sheets, the wet slap of skin on skin, and Kate’s muffled whimpers that grew more frequent and desperate.

Her mouth tasted like a mix of mint and alcohol, a bitterness that only added to Cane’s excitement. He kissed her deeply, feeling her body arch against his, her legs wrapping around his waist almost instinctively. It was a silent surrender to the pleasure he was giving her, even though she had no idea who was responsible for it.

Cane began to move with purpose as his lips met hers, her black lipstick smearing against his mouth as he explored her with his tongue, tasting the sweetness of her mouth. He felt her body tense, then relax, her hips moving in time with his thrusts. He was clearly too big for, but his careful approach had allowed her to accommodate him fully, and now, he felt the walls of her sex tightening around him. The sight of Kate’s body moving in response to his was almost too much for Perry to handle. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, peeling his pants and boxer shorts off with care before folding them nearly on the floor along with his shirt, making sure not to disturb anything around him. His erection free and he stroked it in time with Cane’s movements, his eyes never leaving Kate’s face.

Satisfied this was as best a time as any Cane began to speed up with a ferocity Perry had never expected from the older man, as he moved with the purpose and vitality of a younger one. His hips slammed into Kate’s with a rhythmic force that shook her entire body, each impact sending waves of pleasure through her that she couldn’t consciously control.

Perry held himself in check as he watched the masterpiece unfold as the artist painted with his cock. Cane’s strokes grew more aggressive, his breathing more ragged, and Kate’s body responded in kind. Her chest heaved, her nails digging into the mattress as if trying to anchor herself as her head shook from side to side as if trying to deny the pleasure that was being forced upon her. It was a mesmerizing dance of dominance and submission, with Kate’s unconscious body as the battleground.

Cane could only hold back for so long, the need to claim Kate’s body fully overwhelming him. His body completely surrounded by her, had sunk into her gelatinous hold like some warm sex pillow as he sank his face greedily into her chest abandoning caution as he let himself go, practically attacking her nipple as he flicked and stimulated the sore flesh in his mouth whilst pumping into her with raw abandon.

Her body was like a marionette in his hands, a silent scream of pleasure that he could manipulate to his will. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, his orgasm building like a storm within him. He didn’t care about the potential consequences anymore; the thrill of the moment was all that mattered.

Perry watched as Kate’s toes curled, her legs tightening around Cane’s waist, and her back arched off the bed. Her whimpers grew louder, and Cane took it as a sign that she was reaching climax. He increased his pace, his own breath coming in short, ragged gasps. A simple part of the method he had instilled in his young student was never to leave any marks, no matter how deeply you lost yourself. No biting, nail scratching, no slapping her ass or gripping her hips so tightly it caused her pain and definitely no pulling hair.

Kate’s eyes flew open, but they were glazed over, her pupils dilated. She didn’t seem to see them, her gaze lost in the fog of the forced ecstasy. Cane felt a twinge of excitement at the sight, knowing that she was feeling the effects of their depraved actions, even if she wasn’t fully aware of them. She must be cresting her own climax now he noted as he definitely felt her natural fluids leaking over his shaft like she’d sprung a leak, it’s warmth previously unnoticed in the smothering embrace of her obese body surrounding him from all sides, as he helped himself endlessly.

Perry’s hand moved faster on his own erection, his breathing becoming more laboured as he watched Kate’s body convulse with pleasure. He knew he couldn’t hold back much longer, the sight of his sister’s helplessness pushing him closer and closer to the edge. With a grunt, Cane reached down and grabbed Kate’s hips, pulling her towards him as he thrust deep one final time.

Every part of his massive cock stretched her at his full arousal, as they both came in unison to the sound of her grateful moans and the peaking desire of Cane’s grunts. The sound of their climax echoed through the quiet night, a twisted symphony of rapture and violation. As Cane felt himself empty his loins into her, her body convulsed and released her own orgasmic juices, a warm, wet embrace around his pulsating member that squirted in hot streams of her undeniable pleasure, her body responding like a well-oiled machine despite the horror of what they’d done to it, to her in its unconscious, vulnerable state, as it released like this for the first time in its life.

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