The Ultimate Trade - Cover

The Ultimate Trade

Copyright© 2024 by Charlie for now

Chapter 6

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Josh, while taking a break from his stocks and securities activities, encountered a troubled woman in Hawaii. He wound up in the middle of a debacle, between a sibling rivalry and an Adonis, but wound up making the trade of his life. The sisters/lesbian tag comes to light very, very late in the story and is not a prominent theme.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sister  

After breakfast, we lounged around a while, then again took a dip in the room’s private pool. After making love, yes, again, this time a bit more tame, with her on top of me, looking down, holding my chest, and grinning like the cat that got the budgie, we both reached our climaxes together and once again collapsed into each other. We then stayed there, just hugging, caressing each other, silent and not moving for at least ten minutes. Epic would be the word for our coupling.

Around noon, we decided to take a break and go for a walk. A half hour later we were at her hotel, knocking on the door between their rooms.

“What?” Beverly yelled.

“Just wanted to make sure you’re alive. You guys want to go anywhere or do anything today?”

“No. We’re fine.” We heard a giggle, then a groan, then bedsprings making a gawdawful racket.

“OK, but don’t blame us if you starve to death,” Brenda told them through the door.

“Highly unlikely, little sister. We both have plenty to eat right here,” Beverly imparted. We could hear them both laughing at the comment, which could have meant a couple of different things, but we didn’t press it. There are some things one need not know.

My sweetheart nipped it in the bud. “Bye bye, then. We’ll help the coroner decide on the manner of your deaths later. See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya!” And off we went, on foot, into, around, down, over, under, and back from the quaint little town of Princeville.

Each of us had two little bags of stuff we bought during our exploratory jaunt. We had Hawaiian shirts, a necklace made of really tiny shells, Hawaii and Kauai touristy can cozies, and even a shot glass and coffee cup to remember our stay in Kauai, as if meeting each other and making love to cement our relationship wasn’t enough to keep our memories of the island in the forefront.

Back at the Westin, we stopped in at the gift shop and got her another bikini, a tad more conservative, but no less beautiful than the one she had on yesterday. As good as she looks in blue, the new green one accents her eyes, and the more I looked at it, her hair.

We hung out around the main pool area for a couple of hours, her in her new bikini, getting some sun, and me in my trunks, helping her not to burn. We bought some sun oil at the gift shop that if left out on the cement, became very warm to the touch, therefore warm upon application to the body. More than one moan, and several light groans were heard by yours truly as I applied that warm oil to every part of Brenda’s body that the law would allow. That was a pretty low bar, considering it was an exclusive resort with very few people, and absolutely NO children around.

As she was lying on her front side, arms under her head, looking straight down, giggling and wriggling to and fro, I was able to assist her in reaching an orgasm at least once, having to remind her of her vows earlier in the day and the night before. She started to resist my advances, so I leaned over and whispered in her ear. She had said, ‘anything’ and ‘willingly, always, and in all ways’, so I repeated those words to her in a soft and sexy manner. I could feel her shiver as my breath helped emit the words and my finger moved the crotch of her suit to the side. As I made that reminder sink in, so did my thumb, and her entire nervous system acknowledged as the last, and strongest climax washed over her in the middle of the main swimming pool lounging area. This was going to be fun. For both of us.

The sun was telling us it was time to stop trying to work on our tans. It was dipping behind the closest palm trees, so the air began to cool a little. We took that opportunity to head back to my room and get cleaned up for dinner.

Making up for lost time, the times we either didn’t have, or didn’t want relationships in our lives, we made love again, with her opting for her favorite position. On top, looking down at me with her hands on my chest, fingers poised to play with my nipples. Her hip movements, pushing her vulva back and forth, and side to side, on my pelvic bone set her off with a yelp, then the contractions of her orgasm took me along with her. As I came in her, my midsection involuntarily rose off the bed, pushing even deeper into her, garnering a small squeal as I hit the end of her vaginal canal and pressed a bit too hard against her cervix.

“Oh, God, Josh, that was something. It was like a pain that felt so good I want it again. Sharp, but fulfilling. I don’t even know how to explain it.”

“Don’t, then. Just relish it and tell me if I do something wrong or hurt you. Promise me.” She smiled and nodded, then just fell forward into my arms. “I love you, Brenda.”

“I love you, Joshua. I do. I do. I do.”

“Remember those words.” She started laughing at my innuendo.

She asked for another trip to The Windjammer, hoping to get some dancing in. I had no qualms about that, whatsoever, the only question would be whether to invite her sister and the boy toy, or to just go.

“I think we should invite them, Josh. They seem to be doing better, and we did say we’d provide transportation. If they decline, so be it, then they are on their own.”

They didn’t decline. Brenda was correct, though, in that they were almost entirely different people, and were fun to be around that evening. The time we switched partners, Brenda reported Travis as being a perfect gentleman, and Beverly made a point of thanking me for being me and for taking care of her sister. Nothing untoward was said, nor were there any hints of a negative nature.

Beverly once again got a bit carried away with the alcohol at the dance club, so at one o’clock we left the place with Travis almost carrying the woman. Brenda was right about the kidney thing. This was only one of many occurrences of her getting soused. Brenda had a few drinks but was completely lucid. Beverly was drunk, horny, boisterous, and not really caring who she directed her feelings toward. At first it was Travis, then she came on to me, and in a very uncharacteristic move, even told her sister she’d like to try to ‘suck on your little pussy again’.

Men are funny with their hearing and comprehension issues. The only word Travis heard was pussy. He made a big deal of her saying ‘pussy’ and laughing about it. I heard the entire conversation, but the word ‘again’ made me gasp so hard I inhaled some type of bug. It was hell clearing the little pest out of my throat. Brenda thought I was being a little melodramatic, but I explained to her that I really did inhale a bug and it was tickling my trachea. She was a deep shade of pinkish reddish tan when I smirked at her and mouthed the word, ‘Again?’, in a questioning manner.

“I’ll tell you about it later,” she said, then looked down the rest of the way to the car.

Once we had them back at the Wyndham, and I had Travis’s assurance he would be able to get her up to her room safely, Brenda and I left for my suite and what I hoped was a bit of an explanation. Boy did I ever get one.

Brenda, once we were in the room, pushed me to the bed, undressed me and pushed me to the middle of the mattress, then did a slow teasing strip off of her own attire, intentionally teasing me to make the explanation of the word ‘again’ less hysterical and more erotic. Finally, when she was naked, she climbed onto the bed, between my legs, and started licking my member, hoping to wake him up and get his attention. It didn’t take long. She straddled me, notched the head of my cock into her moist, ready pussy, and worked it into herself. Then, with a hand on each of my breasts, she began.

“Beverly came home from college during her sophomore year, waltzing into what used to be our bedroom, unaware that she was now relegated to the guest room.” Brenda was doing her gyrations with her vulva rubbing my pelvis as my steel hard shaft was close to bottoming out in her. “My friend Lisa and I were experimenting with ourselves, and each other, a little bit, and Beverly walked in on the middle of it. We were in a sixty-nine at the time, but not doing very well, having no prior experience in the Sapphic arts. Beverly decided to show us how it was done. She did so amazingly well, in fact, she made me come twice and Lisa three times, then put us back together and helped us figure out the proper angles. It wasn’t the only time. I was willing, ready, and able, trust me, but then, a few years later, I think when she had just graduated and before she started law school, she seemed to change and become more authoritarian. She even threatened one time to tell our parents about Lisa and me if I didn’t do something she wanted. I don’t even remember what it was now, only that she lorded over me with our activities.

“I was a bit naïve at that time and thought it would shatter my life, but in the end, I came to realize she had much more to lose than me. Much more. Law school, freedom, yada, yada. She actually could have gone to jail. I was much younger when it started and probably seventeen when we stopped. Remember, I was more than happy having sex with her or Lisa, or both. No problem. After the rape, she even helped calm me down by holding me and reminding me that sex was a good thing if utilized correctly. Lisa did, too, and we had one other friend, Renee, who got involved after the rape as well. I was never lacking for amorous attention, let me tell you.

“In any case, that’s what started the rift between us, and maybe now that you’ve put her in her place a bit, and I don’t give a shit what she thinks, says, or does anymore, we’re over it. I know I am.”

“Wow. You don’t mind that I’ve been rolling that around in my head for the last few minutes, do you?”

“Josh, why do you think I’m fucking you while I tell you about it. I thought if I used it to my advantage, the thought of my sister holding my legs up over my shoulders and licking my ass and my pussy until I came all over her...”

“Arggghhh, damn, Brenda ... Commminnngggg!”

“I felt every bit of that, Josh. I loved it. I love you. Stay there just for a sssecond. PPPlease. YESSSS!”

She collapsed onto my chest again, kissing my neck, and rubbing my shoulders with her palms and fingers, massaging me, calming me after my explosive orgasm.

“I love you, too, Brenda. That was hot. Sorry, but I got carried away.”

“I did, too, if you couldn’t tell. Are you upset by any of that, babe?”

“Not a bit. Not even a little tiny itty bitty bit. I worry that she may be harboring some guilt about it, but she’d need to see a shrink to deal with that. There is absolutely nothing I would be able to do to help her, I’m sure.”

“Hear, hear. I think the same thing. I had some, too, you know, guilt, but I think opening up to you about the rape, and my feelings for you, and the activities with her and Lisa and all, I’ve shed most, if not all of it. She’s going home day after tomorrow. When she leaves, we’ll be closer than we have been since then if I have anything to do with it. Can you just hold me until I fall asleep and we can discuss this in more detail tomorrow?”

“Brenda, baby, I don’t think I can handle any more detail, but I sure would be open to trying.”

She playfully slapped my shoulder then quickly calmed and fell asleep. I enjoyed just lying there with her on my chest with my arms next to her sides and my hands on her hips. My imagination did wander a bit, mostly picturing what that would look like, her with that Lisa girl, or even Beverly, but I don’t think I could ever work up the courage to ask to witness it in person.

The next day, the four of us spent the entire time together, a few hours at the beach, a lunch on the east coast of the island, and a drive around to the south side to see the bufadora, the blowhole in the rocks there. Having the saltwater geyser activated by waves spouting so high into the air is exhilarating to watch, unless you were too close and the wind shifted, then it was just wet.

I could easily tell that Brenda and Beverly were getting along better. There seemed to be an equality between them, not the ‘Beverly is in charge and you are beneath me’ attitude I saw the first few days we were around her. It was a welcome change, and between that and Travis’s humility, the hostility was sucked right out of our gathering.

I was listening carefully as Brenda told her sister we were going to stay a while longer and she was flying back with me when I decided to leave. Beverly had a schedule to maintain, so didn’t have the flexibility of a teacher during the summer months. Her law firm expected her back to work in a couple of days, so she, naturally, was leaving. Plus, she needed to get Travis back to Colorado so he could get back to the work of building everything.

Making their last day full of activity and the memorable sights of the island took the entire day, eating it up quickly. Then, speaking of eating, we attended a luau, a small one, as opposed to the ones in the big, covered buildings with the huge theatrical productions. That took up the remainder of the evening, so when it was over, we were pretty much left with returning to the hotels and getting a good night’s sleep.

Brenda fell asleep on my shoulder after we had laid there for quite a while, talking about the day, and how the conversations went. How civil things were, and how nice it was to speak to her sister, without the vitriol of the past. She felt so comfortable about it, she just relaxed and drifted off. That meant she was comfortable with herself as much so as she was comfortable with her relationship with her sister.

A late and lazy breakfast was a much deserved luxury. Beverly and Travis made the hike to the Westin this time, joining us for a wonderful buffet spread. We chatted about a thousand different subjects, then it was time for Beverly and Travis to get back and pack for the afternoon flight.

As we were preparing to end our gathering for the meal, Beverly stood, approached Brenda, pulled her up from her chair and hugged her openly, and told her, without hiding it in a whisper, “I’m sorry. I’m beginning to see what I’ve been doing, and I apologize. You deserve better. Can we talk more when we get home and have some time?”

Brenda nodded, kissed Beverly lightly, on her lips, hugged her back, and simply said, “Thank you.”

We took them back to the Wyndham, and while they were in their room packing, we sat in the lounge and talked about that interaction.

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