The Ultimate Trade - Cover

The Ultimate Trade

Copyright© 2024 by Charlie for now

Chapter 5

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Josh, while taking a break from his stocks and securities activities, encountered a troubled woman in Hawaii. He wound up in the middle of a debacle, between a sibling rivalry and an Adonis, but wound up making the trade of his life. The sisters/lesbian tag comes to light very, very late in the story and is not a prominent theme.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sister  

The conversation during our meal was completely different from any preceding it. I’m pretty sure Travis either came clean about being an hourly worker, or Beverly called him out on it and got an honest answer. It was like they knew each other, and she was good with it. They were civil. Very un-Beverly-like. Brenda even noticed. When Travis went to the boy’s room and Beverly went to the bar to question the contents of her drink, Brenda asked me about it.

“What is happening? Is it possible? Did they find common ground? Is she human? Is he capable of making her happy? Enquiring minds need to know.”

“Only time will tell, my dear, but I’ll tell you this: It sure makes being around them a lot easier.”

“To quote a lovable man, ‘True, that’.” She giggled, making my entire evening just that much more enjoyable. Her outward shows of affection, intimacy, care, and concern were making an impression on me. Thinking more about it, I was pretty sure that was why I was falling in love with her. What better thing to do to get someone to love you than to reach out with love yourself? It worked.

We were all done with our desserts, an assortment of sherbets, the four of us at the table together, when Travis announced, “I’m sorry to take my leave, Josh, Brenda, but Beverly, if you would accompany me, I’d like to have a dance next door then take you upstairs and thank you for this time we’ve spent together.”

Brenda couldn’t help herself. “Awwwww. How sweet?”

Beverly giggled, nodded to each of us and when Travis stood and took her hand, she stood, then hugged him and off they went, both smiling.

“Brenda, I’m sorry to say this, but I think he might have screwed her brains in, as opposed to screwing her brains out.” Brenda laughed so hard, I thought I was going to lose her.

“Josh, pay for dinner and take me to your place. Please. Hurry. I have a need. It includes you and some covers.”

“Go tell your sister we’re leaving and tell her C 101. That’s my suite number. Just in case. C 101.”

Brenda scampered off, returning with a smile. “She seems happy. Dreamy. Either he’s drugging her, or she’s happy. Either way, good for him. No, good for them. I do hope it’s not the drug thing, but, well, we’ll see. Let’s go.”

She seemed pretty nonchalant about the drug thing, so I figured it was just her version of humor and she knew better than to suspect that. Come to think of it, I should have taken it more seriously, but it turned out to be quite innocent, so no harm done.

We were walking through the lobby when she cracked me up. “Josh, will it hurt?”

All I could think was how afraid she was of us making love the first time. “I don’t think so, honey, but I’ll make it as gentle as I can.”

“So, when you take off, back to wherever, and leave me in Denver, on my own, that won’t be painful?” She giggled, yet again.

“Dammit, Brenda, you had me going there.” She laughed harder. “I’m not going to leave you, I don’t think. I’ll try to get a hotel or something, but I won’t up and leave you.”

We entered my suite, then after looking around, in a bit of awe, she turned to me and said, “Josh, make love to me. Make me yours. Do what you want. Do anything Josh, but make me yours and keep me. Please.” I did.

It wasn’t as simple as that, but I did. My suite had a small private pool just off the master bath. We spent an hour or so, just talking while sitting in it. I undressed her in it as well, very slowly, during a heated make out session, as she urged me to remove her top, suckle on her nipples, then kiss her again. All over the upper part of her body, I kissed, licked, nuzzled, and loved on her. When she approached me in the shallow part of the pool, standing in front of me, navel to nose, I lost track of time.

Her hands held my ears and pulled my mouth to her mons. She didn’t relent. Then, with my neck in one hand and an ear in the other, she guided me to her center, her pussy just begging my tongue to come out and play. It did. It came out as far as it ever had and licked and tickled her as she had never been before. She told me that later. It was an hour of me just licking, sucking, biting, nibbling, and nuzzling her nethers before she attempted to pass out on me. I didn’t let that happen without cost. I threw a towel out, laid her out, stomach down on it, legs still in the pool, and ate her ass and pussy to another orgasm. Each time the tip of my tongue entered her anus, or my teeth gained what little purchase they could on her pussy lips or clit, she spasmed. Little orgasms, over and over until she passed out.

It wound up being three more hours in that little pool when I picked her up and carried her to bed. It was late enough that she wasn’t going to wake up, so I snuggled in behind her, kissed her neck, getting a bit of a moan, then pulled the covers up, falling asleep myself.

The radio was playing soft jazz when my conscious mind started to feel the world moving around it. The next thing I felt was a pair of lips on one of my nipples and a hand on my morning wood. I think it was about as hard as it had ever been, but the morning will do that to a fellow, unannounced, and unrequested.

“Oh, my God, Josh, is this thing for me?”

“Not actually, my darling. That thing is for the bathroom, but I’ll try to do as well after I return. Better idea! Follow me.” She did, and as I pushed her into the shower enclosure, I told her, “Start that thing up. I’m right behind you.” I gathered a couple of soaps and some little bottles and followed her into the great abyss that was my shower. It was pretty good sized. I think the maximum occupancy would have been listed at six, had there been a law dictating that. Considering it had three shower heads and a hose wand thing, I could imagine that, easily. I was able to get my morning problem fixed without too much interference, then when she noticed, she did the same, each of us trying their best to aim away from the other.

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