The Ultimate Trade - Cover

The Ultimate Trade

Copyright© 2024 by Charlie for now

Chapter 4

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Josh, while taking a break from his stocks and securities activities, encountered a troubled woman in Hawaii. He wound up in the middle of a debacle, between a sibling rivalry and an Adonis, but wound up making the trade of his life. The sisters/lesbian tag comes to light very, very late in the story and is not a prominent theme.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sister  

As the mild early morning sunshine started to show itself through the windows of my suite, I got a text from a lovely little blonde girl.

‘good morning breakfast??’

‘I will be there in a minute to pick you up. we can eat here.’

‘c u n a lil bit.’ That one was followed by a smiley face.

l didn’t waste any time replying. I was in and out of the shower in seconds, and on the way to the Wyndham to get her within minutes. When I arrived, she was waiting outside, alone, and dressed in a manner befitting her new position. My girlfriend. My sexy girlfriend.

Her smile outshone the morning sun. Her appearance outshone the island itself, one of the most beautiful places on this earth. My opinion, of course. Her powder blue romper, barely showing the modesty of the shorts, was possibly the sexiest thing I’d ever seen short of lingerie. Her legs, tanned and toned as they were, seemed to go up forever, and ended in her light blue high-heeled sandals. I was losing any resolve I had to refrain from sullying her virtue.

“I’m going to say something that is going to get me into a lot of trouble, but you look absolutely edible. Hate me?”

“Nope. Quite the opposite. I’m falling in love with you. Having the man you think you love tell you you look good enough to eat is far from a bad thing. Let’s talk over some eggs and bacon. By the way, you look good in island attire yourself.”

I was wearing a ‘Hawaiian’ shirt and swim trunks, matching patterns, I’d picked up on a previous trip. I thought it looked ‘islandish’, so it was my choice for this day’s outing to the beach.

“Thank you. I wore this so you could find me if we get separated from each other in a crowd.” I chuckled, so she understood I was kidding about it being a little loud in its visual presentation.

“We won’t have any problems at all in that regard. I’m not going to let you that far away from me for a while if I get my way.”

“Brenda, please be careful with your heart. I’m not telling you not to express yourself, but if you aren’t really ready for what you are proposing, it may be a little too late about five minutes after we’re in a room alone together.”

“Goody. Something to look forward to. Josh, I’m fine. I know what I want.”

We got back to the Westin and after walking her into what I thought was the best place for breakfast, we were seated, served coffee, and had our orders taken.

Brenda didn’t waste any time. She reached out for my hand, taking it, and rubbed her thumb along my fingers and the back of it as she started to speak. “Joshua Coats, I’ve been thinking long and hard about us for the last several days. I’m in love. I’m in love with you. I can explain every feeling I feel, and I want you to believe me up front right now. None, and I mean NONE of them have anything to do with money. Security, maybe, but not in a monetary way so much as a stability and maturity way. I love that you are stable, but it’s not because you’re stinking rich.”

“I don’t smell that bad.”

“Yes, you do. I have the internet in my hotel room, and an iPad that can research and display the level of smell of rich people. I didn’t see any ratings, like five oh two out of six hundred, but I can tell by what I found, that you are a smelly, putrid level of rich. I don’t mind. I can wear a clothespin on my nose and deal with it, but you need to know I’m not a gold digger. I can tell as well from some of the articles, that you have had your share of them after you. I’ll sign a prenup. I’ll do whatever you want me to do to prove it, but I want Josh Coats in my life.”


“That’s it? Okay? We’re ready to move on?”

“Sure. You have a steady job. You are secure, too. You aren’t some trust fund baby waiting to blow hers and get into mine. This works both ways. You’ve been out of school, college, for four years and probably already made forty or so boys wish they would have been set back and eighty or so kids glad they were in your class. You’re a catch, too, young lady.”

It was about then that I reviewed all I knew about Brenda. Beautiful, educated, employed, funny, engaging, and evidently forthright. The mere mention of a prenup made most women run for the hills.

The girl sitting before me was beautiful. Five-four or five-five of perfect female form. Long legs, a bust just right for the rest of her without being too large. Gorgeous face, cute nose, cupid’s bow lips, just a bit fuller than some, but so kissable it was hard to concentrate on my omelet. Her blonde hair framed her soft, yet tanned, complexion, and her bright green eyes. In the light of the restaurant, I could tell she had someone in her family tree with red or strawberry blonde hair. It was the first time I’d noticed.

“Can I take that as a, ‘Yes, we can work on an us’? I have two months before I absolutely have to be anywhere. We can do this however you want, but I would love more than anything to try to make you mine.”

“Yes, we can work on an us.” That was one of the easiest things I’ve ever said.

“Yay! Eat. Your breakfast is getting cold. I talk too much.” She giggled, I smiled, and little was said until we were scraping our plates. “All this exercise and running around made me hungry.”

“Let’s go get BB and the gigolo and rub their noses in it,” I said, getting another giggle. We settled up and off we went, back to their hotel. I had a big beach towel, almost big enough to be called a blanket, with me, so I didn’t really need anything else but Brenda.

She had me park and follow her up to the room. Beverly was up and around, barking orders at Travis to get up and go get a suit and stuff if he had any intention of spending the day with her. He must be an Adonis in the sack and get some really nice responses from Beverly, because he was dumber than a rock to put up with Beverly and her demanding ways. Again, my opinion only. Maybe he was in hog heaven. They say there are guys like that. Guys that don’t mind being controlled by their women and treated like ... Gigolos? Property?

In any case, it was only about ten minutes later and we were on the road to Anini Beach, which wasn’t very far, but it was long and offered scenery as well as amenities. There was no shortage of places to find a drink, a shaved ice, or a snack, not to mention a restroom, and lots of clean, clear sand to lay on and soak up the sun.

Once we found a place to camp out, having each of those amenities within easy reach, we laid out the towels and then laid out our bodies. Under Brenda’s romper, she had almost nothing. A very small, underwired top and Brazilian cut bottom. Green. Small. Sexy.

Beverly was dressed similarly, but had instead, a sundress with flat sandals. The sundress was covering a bandeau top, not my preference, but it looked good on her. Her breasts held it up, so she could get away with it. Most women can’t. They get saggy, quickly, if the woman’s chest can’t support it. She was also sporting a small thong. I had to admit, at that point, as terribly ugly as Beverly’s personality was, her body was a work of art, if not a gift from the divine to mortal men.

No matter. Brenda was prettier and built better. Brenda was given to me by a specific God, with specific intentions. She was a gift to me from the God of all that is good, I was sure of it. Somewhere down the line, I did something right, because ... Enough. I was in love, and she was a gift.

Travis was ... What Travis was. He was in an eighties or seventies suit, tight, short, but not the brief Speedos thing. He knew exactly what he was wearing, evidently, since he looked comfortable in it. Beverly was sure smiling about it.

The morning went by quickly. Sun, water, lotion, hands, skin, smiles, and all that accompany a morning on the beach. I noticed something weird, though, in that Travis was very comfortable in his little suit, as long as he was around us. He was a bit more shy when around other women, and even more so around other men. Ding, Ding, Ding. It wasn’t his suit. I found out even more on the way to the snack shack for some drinks and chips.

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