A Tale About Love IV - a New Life - Cover

A Tale About Love IV - a New Life

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 46: The Golf Game

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 46: The Golf Game - James is at a loss on what to do with his life - a stupid HQ senior executive has destroyed his dream, and to add insult to injury is a rude and foolish Texan. What to do? He starts consulting (which ends up frustrating), Eileen gets what she wanted - he’ll work with her in her company. There are complications, but she takes his recommendation and goes to war. He survives an important golf game with the last stroke on the last hole. Jenny joins them and it seems that all is coming together.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   Humor   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

The day was busy for us, and I was satisfied that we all managed to have lunch together. Maureen was wondering about all that had happened recently.

“James, do you also have the impression that somehow our days are decided for us? But ... I accept it, so you two go home, have a shower and have fun.”

It was strange to be at home in the early afternoon, but Jenny managed to get my attention very fast. I almost came in the shower, but she drew back at the last moment and decided to have fun in comfort. I dried her thoroughly and carried her to our bed. She was grinning happily and opened her arms.

“Come and take me, my love. Maureen ordered us to have fun!”

I kissed her and she pointed to her breasts, where my marking was still visible. “Have fun there and take your time...” and then pointed south. “More fun there and take more time.”

I caressed her hips and stomach with my hands, stopping at her belly button; this tickled, and she pleaded to go a bit farther down. I traced the outline of her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue, running it up and down the outer edges of her pussy. Kissing her softly, the tip of my tongue barely touched her swollen clitoris. I ran it up and down her soft, wet slit, barely penetrating her body. I continued to do this to her for a few minutes, then softly sucked her button inside my mouth. I probed her softly, slowly with the tip of my tongue and then begin to suck and nibble her clit with my tongue.

“Oh ... God ... this ... I’ve missed this...” she moaned and reached down and placed her hands on my head. I stopped long enough to ask politely, “Can I finish?”

“Yes.” was her only response.

I continued to make love to her with my tongue while massaging her body with my hands. I moved up a little, so that I could reach her breasts and had fun, touching, and tickling her there, focusing on her long and stiff nipples. I knew that what I was doing was beginning to influence her, because she began to move her hips up and down, rubbing her pussy against my mouth, asking my tongue to go deeper still. Her orgasm came almost without warning. Her hands, already holding my head in place between her open legs, wrapped my hair as she pulled me tight against her body, her nipples, already as hard as stone, became even harder in my hands as she arched her back and begin to cry out.

“Oh ... OH ... God ... JAMES!”

I pushed my tongue against her little, already erect button, lashing it with the tip of my tongue while she continued to cum for me. I could feel the contractions of her orgasm against my mouth and tasted a fresh flow of wetness. Sliding my tongue deep inside of her, I licked her fluids out of her and swallowing every drop I could get, drinking from her body as if drinking from a crystal goblet. Her light fruity taste was all over my face and it was pure pleasure. I almost suffocated as she pressed my head into her labia, but after a while she started to relax and slowly fell back to the bed.

“My love, do you know that I love you? And that I love you more every day? And if you continue what you are doing - well, I don’t know what will happen, but please do.”

She pulled me up. “Look at you, my poor darling. All covered with my juices. Let me clean you...” and she began to carefully lick every spot of my face. This had collateral consequences, since lying on top of her, feeling her hard nipples pressing into my chest, and her warm body beneath me, caused other parts of my body to ask for attention. Jenny realized this and moving around a bit, opening her legs more, invited my shaft to pay a visit. It was easy to slip all the way back inside her, pressing down on her, trying to get every inch of me inside of her. I had made love to her often now, and it was wonderful how every time it was a bit different. The feel of her warm, soft, wet, and tight pussy was beyond anything I could possibly describe. It was as if my shaft was surrounded by liquid satin.

I begin moving in and out of her slowly, relishing the feel of her pussy massaging my penis. Jenny had learned a lot since the first time we had made love, and I had learned what pleased her. Every time I would slide back out of her, she would tighten that pussy muscle around my penis.

“Can you feel that?” she asked as she squeezed me inside of her.

“Yes...” I replied, “and it’s wonderful.”

I continued to move inside her slowly, hypnotized by the sight of her breasts, with her large, hard nipples, pointing skyward like a two peak mountain range, moving into the rhythm of my body pressing against her and releasing.

The next move was to slide up on the bed so that I was completely on top of her; her legs now drawn up and wrapped around my hips. She sighed and moaned softly as my mouth closed over her right nipple while I pushed deep within her. She moaned again as I lightly bit her nipple, then sucked as much of her breast in my mouth as possible. I began to move a little harder, a little faster. As I moved back to her lips, she tilted her head back and opened her mouth. My tongue slipped inside her as easily as my shaft had penetrated her wet, hot, and tight pussy. She hugged me, pulling my body tight against her and I could feel her nipples pressing against my chest as she took my tongue in her mouth and begin to suck it. I started sliding my tongue in and out of her mouth, moving my tongue in time with the same rhythm that my shaft was moving in her pussy. She crossed her feet, locking me between her legs and inside of her. Using this embrace, she began pulling herself up on me with such intensity that now I was no longer taking her, she was making love to me. I lifted my head a little so I could see her face, watching her. She locked her hands behind my neck, staring at me with her blue eyes wide open while her breath came in ragged gasps.

“Oh yes ... Oh ... just a bit more ... Now, James ... NOW!”

Her eyes closed as a look of wonder swept across her face. I could feel her pussy contracting as the waves of pleasure washed through her body. Each contraction of her pussy squeezing my shaft, bringing me closer and closer to my release. I continued pushing in and out, and she came again, triggering an orgasm that arose without warning.

“Jenny, I want you now ... come with me ... Now!”

Further words were impossible; I lost my control and sank my rigid penis inside of her as far as I could; it started to pulse and a stream of my come shot into her body, jetting deep inside of her. I stayed pressed inside her as I pumped a second and third stream of my seed in her. She trembled and with her eyes closed, hugged me tight. I lay on top of her, almost incapacitated from the pleasure she’d just given me. She relaxed, released me from being held between her legs and lightly stroked my back, while using her tight channel to massage my shaft once more as it was slowly slipping out. After few moments I moved off her and lay down next to her on the bed.

She turned over on her side so that we were face to face. We kissed softly over and over, our lips barely touching. She reached down and gently massaged my soft and satisfied penis.

“Did you have fun as ordered? Do you want some more? Try the back?”

I shook my head. “My love, I am completely satisfied and happy that you are satisfied. Do you want more?”

She laughed. “No, darling. I am fine - actually, I am much better than fine. But remember we promised that Maureen would receive her share, too...”

She looked down and saw the mess we had created. “Darling, I’ll change the linen later. Just hold me tight.”

She turned her back to me and pushed herself into me, placing my hand on her breast. “You can play around a bit there, but don’t expect any reaction from me. It was a stressful week and I want to rest a bit; I have to be ready when Maureen comes home. We’ll see whether tonight we can tire you out.”

I mumbled “Promises, promises...” but let her go to sleep.

The alarm clock woke us up and Jenny jumped out of bed. “James, get up. I’ve to change the linen!”

She just managed that when the door opened, and my wife came in. She looked at us, naked, trying to put things into order and sniffed a bit. “Lots of sex, and Balenciaga.”

Jenny shook her head. “Lots of love, and Balenciaga.”

We all had a shower and went back to the sitting room to have a glass of wine. Thank God, they had changed to a much more comfortable outfit: Maureen in my favorite green gown that showed her breasts, knowing that from the very beginning I was fascinated by them, and I always would remember our first attempts at freckle hunting. Jenny was undressed in a light grey transparent baby doll that did not cover her breasts nor her pussy. It was a valiant try, but largely unsuccessful.

“James, have you called Allan?” I had to confess that I had forgotten to do this, and Maureen scolded me.

“James, I told you that Jenny and I are going shopping tomorrow and it would be the ideal time to get things cleared up with Allan. And we have to call Mom.”

I got up and clicked my non-existing heels. “Yes, Ma’am. Call Allan, Ma’am. Call Mom, Ma’am. Immediately, Ma’am!”

I picked up the phone, but Maureen jumped up and took it out of my hand. “James, I’m not my mother, and this was not an order, just a reminder, so that you’ll not be alone tomorrow morning. You know when we go shopping, time seems to disappear, and it is much later than we think. Forgive me, my love. And please call Allan.”

I smiled, told her that it was one of my jokes (she told me to improve my attempts), and Allan told me to come early; we could discuss our plans and then he would take me to his club, and I would meet many people there who could be interesting to me. Maureen smiled satisfied and I called Eileen. It was a long conversation and even she was satisfied with the outcome. Then Jenny suggested that we have something to eat.

“Maureen, darling, I told James that at the end of the night he would be so exhausted that he could not move anymore. We might not be able to walk, but he would be gone, completely gone. Do you agree?”

Maureen grinned. “Should I take out the salmon and the vodka?” Jenny hesitated, but then shook her head. “I want to keep this for special occasions. If you want to do it, go ahead.”

Maureen also hesitated and then decided that between the two of them, they did not need this variety; if it happened, it would be alright, but she also wanted to reserve this for special occasions. I wondered what this meant? Perhaps they wanted to do it when we were alone, without the other watching? After all, it is a special occasion when you offer your ass to your lover, but I remembered we had done it before.

They prepared the dinner: cheeses, cold cuts, a bottle of wine and after we cleaned up, they looked at me expectantly.

“Well, darling, what do you want to do? Listen to some music, read a book, watch TV or have us?”

When I started to analyze the offers, Maureen hit me. “Come on, make up your mind. TV or us? Decide now! Perhaps you might want to sleep on the couch?”

That accelerated my decision, and I took their arms and off we went to the bedroom.

I helped them out of their outfits; not much work but a lot of dedication to make certain that the gown and the baby doll were not damaged during my endeavor. They were delicate things and I had to glide them carefully over their bodies, lifting them over their breasts and passing slowly over their pussies. I liked it. They liked it too but became impatient.

“James, this is very pleasant, but we had other things in mind. Lie down, please, and let us handle this.”

My Bermudas vanished also, and I had a wonderful picture in front of me: two beautiful naked women, one red haired, the other with long black hair. Both looked at me with a big grin on their faces and Jenny said, “James, close your eyes and relax. Tonight, we’ll work ... well, work is the wrong term. Tonight, we’ll enjoy your body and you ours. Darling, we want to have fun tonight, to tease each other, and at the end we want to be happily tired and you to be exhausted. We have not done this for a while, but it is so enjoyable...”

I leaned back and closed my eyes; I heard some movement, and they whispered something and then a body was moving up to offer her pussy to my face. It was Maureen - I would never fail to remember her light tangy smell of my woman aroused. Jenny knelt between my legs and started to fondle my penis. It was paradise!

I savored the slick trickle of Maureen’s juice, while carefully probing her folds, and tickling her delicate inner lips as I sought out more of her sweet honey. My tongue, now happily coated with her fluids, was pressing against her hot pussy, dipping in deeply. Drawing out ever more of her succulent fluids, I swallowed it all, licking the delicious creamy flow. When I pushed the tip of my tongue into her, I could feel her throbbing and her sharp intake made me happy - she was enjoying herself and the gyrations of her hips against my mouth showed her excitement.

Jenny was also active, and her ministrations had the desired effect, as my shaft was getting tight and stiff. She went deep and teased it with her tongue and then withdrew.

“Hi, George, you are awake at last. Let’s see how well you can play the game.”

She touched my balls lightly and George was getting really interested. I raised my hands to touch Maureen’s breasts, firm and with her nipples extended. I twisted them a bit and she agreed, purring like a cat you stroke exactly where she wants it. I withdrew my tongue for a moment, drawing a frustrated whimper from Maureen. But when I returned, she pushed forward to let my tongue get back into her. They wanted to play? I could, too.

I applied gentle suction in and out with maddening slowness, taking care not to make direct contact with her encapsulated clit. Each intake drew a gasp or groan. She pleaded for me to finish, but I wanted to prolong my pleasure.

I flicked at the tip of her little button with a light brush of my tongue and her groans echoed in the room around us. My nostrils were filling with her intoxicating aroma and my desire to resume savoring the flavor of her increased rapidly. She groaned when I finally buried my tongue in her to its very limit. She opened her hot channel and her essence jetted down my throat. Every touch of her clit produced delighted squeals and a deliciously abundant flow as my reward. She was breathing rapidly, and she was gasping raggedly. I sensed she was near to explosion and began anticipating the inevitable flood when Jenny withdrew her attentions.

“Maureen, he is ready for you now. Come and take him!”

She pulled her up and placed her over my hips; her hand took my throbbing penis and guided it into her. It was easy to glide into her and she closed her eyes as she felt herself gliding down on me. When I went as deep as possible, she groaned again, but this time much louder.

“James, please take me now. Please ... now. Please Now ... NOW ... Yes!” and she pushed herself down with all her force, grinding into my lap. She trembled and slowly fell forwards onto my chest, with little aftershocks running through her body. She whispered “James, I love you...” and put her head on my shoulder.

Jenny looked at us. “James, you did not come, so you’re still fair game!” and when Maureen moved aside, she placed herself over my still rigid penis. She must have been excited from watching us since she was already wet and ready for action. She placed my hands on her firm breasts and demanded “Touch me” and pushed down; since I was still lubricated by Maureen’s fluids, it was easy to receive her and when I was deeply embedded, she started to rock back and forward, side to side. It did not take long, and her breathing got faster and faster and she also exploded. It was wonderful to see her beautiful face flushed all over and when she opened her eyes, she showed the love she felt for me. She sank down and when I slowly slipped out, I moved to my side.

Maureen glanced at her. “Darling, did you not tell me that he should be exhausted? It seems that George still wants action. Well, I’ll sacrifice myself!” and going down, she held my stiff shaft in her hand. “Quite a mess here: I believe it needs some cleaning!” and bending down, took it into her mouth. I was excited, but not yet ready to let go.

“This tastes nice; we taste nice together, darling.”

She came back up again and looked at the mess; wiping a finger through it, she offered it to Jenny who licked it immediately. “You are right, my dear: we do taste nice!” and testing me, she repeated the gesture and offered me her finger. I licked her finger clean, and she finished me, not letting one spot still messy. This action satisfied George and he throbbed in her hand, letting her know that he would not be averse to further action.

She looked at Jenny. “What are we doing, dear? I don’t want to enter a sexual competition who can last longer. James, I give up - whatever we were doing, for me you won. But may you grant me one plea? I want to make love, not sex. Can we do this, please?”

I pulled her over me, covering my body with hers. It was a wonderful feeling, feeling her slight weight pressing down on me, her stiff nipples pushing into my chest, and her face smiling at me. She moved around a bit, opened her legs and lifting herself up and when her hand had guided George to her opening, she pushed down again, and I entered her folds. She kissed me and I felt her emotions as I slowly glided deeper and deeper. She was satisfied when I could not go any deeper and slowly moved up and down, massaging lucky George. This time it was physical, but it was also much more emotional and when she lifted herself and offered her breasts for my caresses, I was in heaven. She seemed to like it, too: her body started to flush, her smile became wider, her eyes more brilliant, and her movements more aggressive. It was difficult to stay within her in this position, but I managed it well, with her enthusiastic help. She swayed and bounced in time with my counterthrusts. Jenny moved closer and kissed Maureen in a quite passionate way, and there was obviously more between the two than appeared at first glance, and when I switched my hands for my mouth and leaned back, she kissed me with the same fervor. Maureen did not want to divide my attention.

“Jenny, it is not your turn. I’m having James now and I want all of him.”

Jenny pulled back but with a malicious grin on her face. “You’re right, darling. When I have James, I don’t want to divide him either, even with you. Remember this, please.”

She moved back to her place and Maureen went back to pleasure me. She was visibly aroused, and this time wanted to take me with her. I let all control go; she sensed this, and her smile was satisfied that now she had all my attention. She fell back on me and started to move up and down, from side to side, an all the time using her tight channel to massage George. I wanted to take it slow, take the time to truly enjoy what was happening, but Maureen began moaning, her hips thrusting down to engulf my shaft. I felt like I was ready to explode, and I tried to relax, hoping to stave off the inevitable. She closed her eyes and let go.

“James, my love, come with me, come together ... please ... Come now!” and lifting her upper body, pushed down as hard as she could.

I lost it, my penis pulsing and throbbing. I grabbed her hips, pulling her tight against me as I erupted, jetting my come deep into her pussy. The expression on her face changed as I blasted into her and her whole body began to tremble as I emptied myself. This was the final nudge she needed, throwing her over the edge. Her orgasm hit her full force, washing over her until she could no longer stay sitting on my hips. She writhed and shuddered, her pussy grasping at my shaft. She slowly collapsed forward, her chest pressing into mine as her body slowly stilled, only her shaking legs giving any indication of what had just transpired. Every further tremble caused another shockwave running through her. Finally, she relaxed and when I slipped out, Jenny was there to clean us up.

“That was wonderful to watch. The love you’ve got for each other is so obvious it makes me so envious...”

Maureen smiled exhausted. “We don’t divide, Jenny, we share. Let’s see whether you can get George back to life!”

Jenny took this as a challenge and concentrated on her efforts to revive George. It was not only kissing, swallowing, and sucking, it was also showing my shaft that the place between her breasts was also exciting. He did take his time, but finally he decided to try once more and when she lay back and offered me her body, he was ready; I wondered once a while about my stamina, but the incentive I had in having my two beautiful wives and lovers, loving them, and being loved, made miracles happen quite often. I slipped into her, filling her completely and began to thrust, short little moves, barely noticeable, but moves that made her happy. She smiled as my movements slowly increased, until I was pulling nearly out of her, only to drive back in with intense need. My hands reached down to grasp her legs, lifting them upward, as I drove even deeper into her tight pussy. I was putting every ounce of energy I could muster into each thrust.

“Oh, Oh God. OH GOD!” She moaned, her breasts bouncing wildly as I pounded into her. Her legs were in a viselike grip around my hips, she tensed, and her body erupted. She was trembling as her tight channel convulsed, gripping my shaft deep inside her. She was disappointed, however.

“James, you have not come. I want you to come in me, I want to feel you coming in me!” and with trembling legs, turned around and rolled on her stomach, sticking her ass up and showing her need for one more attempt. I moved behind her and pulled her back, entering her once more, slowly, inch by inch, until my hips were glued against her ass. She thrust back, moving back and forth, twisting, asking for more. She yelled loud and even my control had vanished. I slammed once more into her and then I erupted, jetting the last of my seed into her. She cried out once more, and then fell forward, totally exhausted. I followed her, still buried in her. As with Maureen, aftershocks ran through her bode, teasing George but he conceded defeat. He had enough.

I slipped out and lay beside her, watching her as she trembled occasionally. Finally, she looked up.

“James, I don’t know what happened, but it was wonderful with one qualification: Don’t expect a repeat to happen soon - this was too much. I love you; I want you to take me and make me yours, but I prefer to make love, as you just did with Maureen.”

She looked over at Maureen. “I don’t know about you, darling, but moments like this are wonderful, but will have to be spaced carefully.” She blushed. “Like eating salmon and drinking vodka...”

Maureen smiled. “You are absolutely right, dear. I wonder how you will walk tomorrow...”

Jenny blushed even more, but then said, “I don’t care. My man took me, and I don’t care who knows it.” She thought about this for a moment and added, “Well, I do care, but the people who would perceive it know me, and would feel happy with me.”

Maureen went to the bathroom and returned with a washcloth to clean us up; sleeping in a wet bed can be annoying. I lay back and they placed their heads on my shoulders.

I looked at them. “This was not the night I expected, but it was wonderful. Occasionally I’m afraid that I’m dreaming and will wake up, but having you at my side and loving me, tells me that it is better to have this dream and wake up one day, than never to dream it at all.”

Maureen nodded. “When I look back a year ago, I was a grumpy girl hating the world. Now I’ve a man I love, who loves me and a sister I can share everything with” and added with a malicious grin “ ... even the man I love. Can live be better?”

Jenny shook her head. “I never believed I could be as happy as I’m but now - but happiness is just a small part of what I’m feeling. I’m secure, safe, protected, loved, and can show the world that a woman can be successful in the business world. Thank you, James, and thank you, Maureen. You’re my life and I’ll protect you with mine.”

I wondered what would come next - tears?

“After we all confirmed that we love each other, can we sleep now? I must admit that I’m tired; perhaps my age is creeping up on me? If I count ... no, gentlemen do not count. Let me say it another way; I had this afternoon the most wonderful opportunity to explore the body of two beautiful women, and now you have given me even more - bliss multiplied n-times. So, I’m happy to admit that I had fun, I had love, I had excitement, and I had you.”

Jenny looked at Maureen, wondering about my choice of words. “Bliss multiplied n-times. What is he talking about?”

Both sat up and stared at me. “Explain!”

I knew that it was the wrong time to explain a mathematical formula and pulled them down to me, enjoying their breasts in my face.

Jenny pulled up. “Explain!”

I tried to explain that you can multiply a number by a given factor or if that factor is not known, insert ‘n’ into the formula. It is a symbol for a variable quantity, normally a non-negative integer, where the value is greater than zero and smaller than infinity; the actual number depends on the circumstances.

“What is your number, James?” I was in deep trouble and tried to get away.

“Jenny, I used ‘n’ because I cannot explain the feeling I have. I love you so much that I cannot define it with a number ... oh, what the hell. Can we forget this and go to sleep?”

Both were wondering now about my sanity.

“James, that was a nice and interesting definition. But why did you start with ‘n’. Why not with ‘a’? Or with ‘z’? And Maureen, did you hear James saying that he is getting old? Let me see...”

She bent forward and looked at my hair. “I cannot see any white hair yet, but if he feels this way, perhaps we have to watch for it every morning and get some coloring shampoo. He cannot go out to conquer the world with grey hair advising that he is old and weak!”

I knew when it was better to run away - this conversation I would lose. I sighed and got up to leave the bedroom; immediately, both went after me.

“Where are you going?” I did not respond, just poured myself a double whisky and drained it. How could I have gotten myself into this situation?

“Ladies, could we please forget the last five minutes and start all over again? I had a wonderful afternoon and a better night; I’m not old yet and please forget the weak joke, and I promise I shall never again use mathematical terms after making love.”

They started to laugh. “Darling, you are so easy to tease ... come back, we are tired also.”

We did go back, and soon we were asleep, Jenny at my back with her arms around my shoulder, and Maureen in front, with my hand on her breast.

In the morning, I woke up first and wondered what to do: wake them up or get up slowly? I decided on getting up, but my first movement caused them to open their eyes.

“James, darling, is it time to get up already? I want to sleep a bit more?” I told them that it was after eight o’clock already and after haggling who should get up and make breakfast, I decided to sacrifice myself.

“Ladies, I’ll go and do it, but I’ve a deadline to meet Alan and I want a lot of Brownie points!”

When I was in the bathroom, I heard a lot of giggling and Maureen whispered, “I told you he would fall for it!” Hah - they would pay for this.

I went to the kitchen without passing the two, collected no kisses and prepared the feast. I knew that they hated chamomile tea, so there was a big pot of it. The toast was just a bit burned, the jam was almost finished, and the only part shining was the carafe full of ice-cold water. I put on Stravinsky’s Firebird (we all hated it) and went back to change. They were still gossiping and giggled when I entered.

“Ladies, breakfast is ready, and I’ll have to leave soon. If you want to stay in, please advise since I’ll have to take my car to go to Allan.” They said that they would get up immediately; I turned around to go back ignoring the whistles.

Within five minutes they appeared, both in their normal football shirts. There was a big smile on their faces. “James, you did not come back when we whistl...” They had seen the table “James, what is this? This is breakfast? You always make coffee for us. What happened?”

Maureen came up to me and stared at me. “James, darling, are you angry with us?”

“Maureen, my love, why should I be angry with you? Did you give me any reason? Did you, for example, conspire with your so-called sister-wife to avoid working? Did you, for example, make me believe that you needed some more rest and manipulated me to get up early? No, you would never do this! You love me too much, don’t you?”

She did not know what to say and glanced at Jenny, who studiously ignored her. She hesitated but tried to avoid an admission.

“James, do you really believe that I could do this to you?”

I nodded. “You are a woman, and women do this. But look - since nothing like this happened, let’s have breakfast and then we all have to leave.”

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