A Tale About Love IV - a New Life - Cover

A Tale About Love IV - a New Life

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 39: Solace for a Stressed Mind

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 39: Solace for a Stressed Mind - James is at a loss on what to do with his life - a stupid HQ senior executive has destroyed his dream, and to add insult to injury is a rude and foolish Texan. What to do? He starts consulting (which ends up frustrating), Eileen gets what she wanted - he’ll work with her in her company. There are complications, but she takes his recommendation and goes to war. He survives an important golf game with the last stroke on the last hole. Jenny joins them and it seems that all is coming together.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   Humor   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

She was standing there with a huge smile on her face, her eyes shining, her luscious red hair pinned up high with a silvery needle, her lips glossy and open waiting for a kiss. She was dressed in a white blouse with two buttons open, and a narrow dark blue skirt. The light behind her showed her curvy silhouette, and she opened her arms. I stepped into them and hugged her.

“God, I missed you so much, my love” ... and kissed her hard. She stepped back, looked at me for a long moment and then came forward again to put her head on my chest. I heard her swallow several times and her eyes teared up.

“Eileen, what happened? Is something wrong?”

She shook her head and mumbled that now everything was right again, and she would tell me later.

“I love you so much...” she whispered, stepped back once more, and pulled me into the house. I put my luggage on the floor and embraced her properly.

“Eileen, I love you. I missed you and it is so good to hold you again!”

She swallowed once more, but then took a deep breath. “Come in, darling. I missed you, too, but you’re here now with me and I’m happy.”

“First, let me put the luggage away.” and walked to Maureen’s bedroom. She followed, but when I wanted to open the case, she only took my hand and led me to her bedroom.

“My love, this is where you’ll stay the next days. I’ll get your things while you can have a shower, but one question - I did not know what mood you would be in, so I compromised with my outfit. You see the outer side, but there is nothing beneath it. I can open another button or two, and the skirt has an easy release snap. Please decide what you want - Stay this way or should I change also?”

I looked at her and she slowly opened another button on her blouse. It was almost transparent and the outline of her areolae and stiff nipples were now clearly visible. Her tongue came out and licked her lips; then another button came loose. One hand slipped slowly to her skirt, and I had to decide - let her go on or break the tension. I did not decide fast enough and the next to last button came open. Her breasts started to push the blouse open and then she opened the last one. A small move of her shoulders and both breasts were now open to my sight. The hand at the skirt napped the release open and the skirt fell and as she had said, it had been only an outer shell, but beneath it she was gloriously naked.

“Well, James? What do you want? This way or another fantasy outfit?”

I decided on another outfit - Eileen always came up with thrilling ideas. She grinned.

“You’ll like that, too!”

She turned around and I admired her tight ass as she walked away. She glanced back and saw me watching; another grin and with an exaggerated sensual glide she left. I shook my head, asking myself what could I expect these days? One surprise after the other, and hopefully all pleasant.

I had my shower and Eileen had prepared everything; there was my toothbrush, my shaver, my Eau de Cologne TABAC, and where did she find it? I had found it only in Germany, but she must have asked somebody to carry it to Australia. There was a t-shirt and Bermudas, and I went to the kitchen to join her.

As promised, she was in another outfit, this time in a little transparent light green bolero and some kind of harem trousers in a darker color, but also sufficiently transparent to show her shaved pussy. She was finishing setting the table and told me to wait for a moment; she would need more time. I could call Maureen, however, and tell her that I had arrived safely. I did this and I was told that they were very comfortably sitting together on the couch, having already drunk half a bottle of Merlot and they would have a nice evening together.

“Enjoy Mom and wait for me on Friday! Give her a kiss for me ... let’s see where ... One from me on her left breast and one from Jenny on the other. At least one minute each, you hear! And suck them hard - I want to see proof when I come up! Good night, darling!”

I laughed and gave Eileen the message. She looked at the oven and came forward.

“There is enough time now.” and offered one breast “This is for Maureen...” and when I had finished kissing, licking, and sucking on it, she pulled it away and gave me the other. “This is for Jenny...” and I repeated my performance. I guess that it was more than a minute because suddenly she jumped away, took the pan from the oven, and sighed. She looked down at her breasts and saw the very visible hickeys I had left.

“Darling, look what you have done! Now I will have to be careful what I’ll wear. You can see them, but nobody else!”

She looked at the oven and ran to it.

“A catastrophe avoided! They said one minute, not five. I’m not complaining, but you almost lost a dinner! Get the bottle of the pinot noir that’s in the cooler, and please open it.”

She had prepared a delightful dinner (she always cooked very well) and after fruits and cleaning the table we retired to the sitting room with a glass of the Muscat Liqueur. The CD was playing a violin concerto by Mozart, and she had the lights dimmed. We sat on the couch, and she laid her head on my lap.

“James, we can talk about Hawaii tomorrow; tonight, I just want to be yours, to sense you, and to feel your hands on my body.”

Her hand came up and she embraced my hip. She was quiet for a moment and then I saw another tear appearing in her eye.

“What happened, my love? Is there something wrong?”

“James, I know that you love me, and you know that I’m yours without any restraints” and with a little smile added, “anyhow and anywhere. I’ve been alone all this time and with those two hussies around you day and night, I was afraid that I was getting relegated to a secondary level. When you embraced me and said that you missed me so much, I knew that all my fears were unreasonable. Those two are different - they’re young and beautiful, full of spirits and ready to explore the world. They love you as much as I do and perhaps even more. Maureen gave you her heart and soul, and Jenny is defenseless in front of you. You and I have had our problems in the past, however, but to hear you that you missed me and the kiss you gave me, put my heart quiet again.”

“Eileen, let me explain something to you. I love you - full stop. I’ll always love you - full stop. And you should be proud of yourself - a woman in her very early forties, beautiful, successful, and confident of your own success. Jenny always says that she is a bit afraid of you; she says that you’re so much more beautiful, sensual, sexy and she wants to learn from you to one day become a woman as you are today. And you know Maureen...”

Eileen stopped me, smiling a bit, and probably satisfied with my comment, but still a bit hesitant.

“James, I know all that, but my heart is not as strong as my mind. And there’s something more; I need not only your love, but I need your body, too. We have been discussing this before. My former husband married me when I was very young, and he trained me to be his sexual toy. I never had the chance to feel love as pure love because there was always the physical aspect. So, when you’re here, or worse, when you’re away from me, I feel this craving for your body, for you to take me, for me to give myself to you. I depend much more on you than they do; better, I depend much more on a physical level than they do. I need to touch you, I need you touching me, and I need you inside me. Don’t get me wrong - I’m certain that none of us three would survive if you were to walk away, but they’ve each other and I’m alone. So, when you said that you missed me, I was back on Cloud Nine, darling.”

She started to smile again, moving away from philosophical discourses about the meaning of life.

“But enough of deep thinking - is there anything that might interest you? I have decided that these few days I will act on one of my fantasies - I will be your slave, ready to obey any command or desire you have, and I hope that you will be creative and have a lot of desires...”

I looked at her. “Darling, can we discuss this tomorrow? Tonight, all I want is to have you in my arms, to feel your heart beating and your hair tickling my nose, and a kiss from your sweet lips. Tomorrow let’s see what can happen.”

She sighed when I took my hand off her breast; obviously I had taken the opportunity to let my hand wander up and down her body, and judging her reaction, she had enjoyed it, too. I pulled her up and we went to bed. On the way back, somehow her outfit vanished and when she lay down opening her legs and smiling with anticipation, I wondered whether I took the right decision.

“Eileen, darling, I’m still emotionally upset by all these events the last days. May I just sleep one night in your arms? Will you hold me, and I’ll not have to think of anything, but you and your love?”

She looked at me for a long time and then she opened her arms.

“Come here to me, my love. I will protect you this night...” and she gave me her breasts to kiss and then after one more long kiss, she said, “Go to sleep, my love. I’ll be here for you and when you wake up, you will be happy and relaxed.”

I was tired and after snuggling close to her and placing my head on her chest, and obviously using the opportunity to kiss one nipple and my hand to hold her other breast, I felt her arm encircling my shoulders and I was drawn close to her. She whispered, “Sleep well, my love.”

When I woke up, it was already light; the sun must have come up already. There was a warm and exciting feeling in my southern region. I opened one eye and felt for Eileen, but she was not at my side. Opening the other I saw her lying between my legs, holding my stiff shaft, and observing it intently. She leaned forward and gave the tip a little kiss. It seemed to please her, and my penis agreed with her - it twitched and said good morning. She looked up and saw me watching her.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. I decided I needed my morning proteins directly from the source, so lean back and enjoy me.”

She gave it another kiss, this time putting half of it into her mouth, and mumbled, “George, good morning!” The words came out strangely since her mouth was half full of the visitor, but George understood the meaning. Her hand encircled it at the bottom and a slight up and downward movement made my body tingle. She took it out again, licked it carefully and put it back into her mouth, this time with more enthusiasm. Moving to a more comfortable position between my legs, she started to work seriously. With an occasional glance to me, she used a pumping action to get George really stiff and ready to go; I tried to pull her up to kiss her, but she only mumbled, “No.”

Her hair had lost its careful design and was all over her face and shoulder, her eyes were closed, visibly enjoying her moves and it seemed that I was not the only one getting excited as her face was blushing furiously. Slowly the emotion became overwhelming; I was getting close to my release, and she was ready to feel me coming. I warned her that the moment had come, but she just took me deeper into her mouth. A few more movements and I blew my load into her mouth; she could not swallow fast enough and drops of the white cream were all over her cheeks and shoulder. Her body also suddenly became stiff, and she yelled my name. Later, we came back to earth, and she licked her lips.

“James, that was what I wanted. Breakfast in bed!”

She wiped the drops from her cheeks and licked her finger clean, then saw another drop on her breast and offered it to me. I had slowly learned that I gave an enormous pleasure to my women if I shared my seed with them, and if they could swallow a mouthful, why should I deny them this pleasure? And I loved to make them coming kissing their pussies - what was the difference? I remembered the excitement when I felt Maureen squirting in my mouth at the peak of her passion, so there was no big difference; and even if there were, I would do anything to make them happy.

She stretched her body, which gave me some interesting views of geometrical forms flowing from one state to the other, and then she decided that she would get up to make my breakfast.

“I had part of mine already, darling. What do you want? Eggs and bacon, but then I’ve to wear a long shirt because hot bacon hurts. Or I could make waffles and stay au naturel? Or do you want muesli in bed?”

I decided on the waffles, which made her laugh. “I knew this - you don’t want to lose a chance to look at me nude and touching me whenever I pass. Right?”

I nodded and after remembering local rules, she went to the kitchen. I had my shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed in my t-shirt and Bermudas. I had found that t-shirt in London and it showed a large family meeting, with all except a woman and five children showing very blond hair. The lady and her children were redheads and the inscription read ‘Don’t underestimate the power of redheads!’ Eileen laughed when she saw it and I knew why I had selected waffles. Her giggles made her upper body move in the most interesting way!

I opened a bottle of the Great Western and prepared two mimosas. We had fun, she in moving around and finishing the preparation, I in helping out and using every opportunity to touch her body or steal a kiss, and we were in a wonderful mood when we finished. I helped her clear everything up and store it away. Do you remember the sight when a beautiful naked woman reaches up to put a plate into the upper cupboard or bends down to pick up something from the floor? Especially when she knows that you are watching her, and she wants to show off? At the end, she pulled me to the sitting room and knelt before me.

“Remember what I said yesterday? That I want to act on my fantasy to be your sexual servant during these days we’re on our own? James, I really want to do this, and pretty please, play it with me.”

I looked at her, but before I could say anything she added, “Darling, you’re always too considerate of us. You always worry that we cum first and you never let go to take what is yours. I know that you don’t believe in a woman’s submission. I don’t either, but today I want to play it. Please?”

I looked at her for a very long time and finally nodded.

“James, the rules are that you can ask anything of me, and I cannot deny it. If you want to bend me over the next chair and take me now, I’ll enjoy it. If you suddenly want to take my ass in the middle of the afternoon, I’ll get the lubricant. If you want me to do a striptease, I will enjoy showing you my body. If you want me to give you a blowjob during lunch, I’ll provide it eagerly; you might not get lunch, but that would be your problem. What I want to say is that today I don’t want to be the decisive executive - I want to be the submissive slave, not thinking of anything except to please you, of offering my body in all positions whenever and wherever you want. If it gets too much, I’ll tell you, but if you don’t hear anything from me, you know that I am yours to play with.”

She smiled, asking for my approval.

“So, what do you want to do now? We can stay here and listen to music and read the newspaper...” she looked at my face and shook her head. “I don’t think that this is an option. We can turn on the Jacuzzi and you could give me a nice massage; no, forget it, I’ll give you the massage. Remember how everything started for me here at the pool? How we played around and how my top fell off in the pool and I let you look at me, saying that this would be the first and only time you would see me topless? That didn’t last very long! We could also go to bed and fool around. What interests you more, oh Lord and Master?”

I decided on the pool because I also had fond memories of it. She asked for permission to get her things (slaves apparently have to ask for permission for almost everything) and went to the bathroom. I went also to change into my swimming trunks; to judge from history at this pool they would not last very long. I prepared the chaise lounges, put mattresses on them, turned on the Jacuzzi, put a bottle of chardonnay into a cooler, and when I was finished, Eileen came out in one of her audacious string micro bikinis. It did not cover a lot - a narrow string over the breasts, but with her large areolae it could not even hide her stiff nipples, and an almost non-existing bottom string that vanished into her vagina at the most interesting point. She smiled when she saw me looking with interest and slowly turned around, even bending down to show me the crack between her ass cheeks.


I nodded, unable to say much, overwhelmed by this beautiful woman offering herself to me.

“I brought the sunscreen, James. Will you do my back - and my front?”

“It is an honor and my pleasure, dear lady!”

“Don’t forget, that today I am not a lady, but your servant. You have to be much more decisive!”

I know it was a game, but I could not get myself to do anything that did not please her. But try I could.

“Get down, wench, and lie on your stomach.” She did it, sensuously moving her body around until she found the right position - her hands over her head, her legs slightly open, and a big smile on her face. I got the sunscreen and poured a generous amount on her back. She moaned “James ... oops ... Oh Lord and Master, this feels so good!”

I put her body in the right straight position and started to massage first her neck, then her shoulders. She was a bit stiff, but kneading her muscles released some of the tension. When I reached the back of her top, she whispered “Take it off, James...”. I opened the knot and continued my way south. Her waist was firm and narrow and her hips strong from long running. When I touched the bottom part, she smiled. “Take it all off, James...” and loosening the bottom knot, I had her in all her wonderful nudity ready for my hands.

I continued to loosen up her muscles in her legs and going back to her ass, I opened the cheeks a bit to reach her private parts. Her little crinkled hole winked at me, and her pussy was showing the first proof of arousal, with her outer lips glistening and the first smell of a woman ready for fun was wafting over to me. I turned her over and she smiled again, opening her legs even wider and pushing her breasts a bit forward. I poured more oil over her body and my hands started to caress her breasts. Her areolae were becoming smaller, but her nipples were standing straight up, ready to be touched and fondled, and suddenly I wanted to mark her once more - I sucked her skin just above her left breast, pulled it into my mouth, and then repeated it on her right breast.

She yelled “Yes, darling!” and pushed her breast even deeper into my mouth. She started to moan and moved around, trying to lead my hands to the most sensitive parts. She succeeded and when my fingers touched her erect clitoris, she came violently. Her hips were pushing into my hands, and she tried to push one of my fingers into her. She yelled my name again and finally fell on the mattress.

After a while she opened her eyes. “Oh, Lord and Master, I was supposed to pleasure you, not you me. Will I be punished?”

I nodded but advised that first I had to take the last step - Quality Control. “Do you remember?”

She smiled happily and pushed her breasts up.

“If I remember right - and I will never forget it - these were your first points to check.” I did and grinned when I saw the big red marks on her skin above the nipple, and then moved down again. She was getting nervous again because she really liked our sexual play and opened her legs wide.

“Please check very thoroughly, darling, I believe you might have missed a point.”

I verified her complaint but could not find any point. She offered some guidance where I should check next and finally, she gave up. “James, take me now!”

I moved up and she led my shaft to her dripping labia. It was easy to enter her, and her increasing moaning accompanied my move into her hot depth. She pulled me deeper and deeper and when I hit bottom, she stopped for a moment.

“This is where you belong, my love. Now take what’s yours and what is freely given.”

She increased her rhythm, looking all the time at me. Taking one of my hands, she placed it on her breast.

“Twist it, make me feel that you can do whatever you want.” I bent down and took the nipple into my mouth and sucked it, teasing it with my tongue. She went wild and it was difficult to stay in her, but I managed somehow to push down deep into her. Her moaning increased and suddenly she pulled me down, kissing me hard, and then her body went stiff like a rod, trembling. Shock after shock raced through her and she held me in her arms as if this was the last moment in her life, and then she slowly relaxed and opened her eyes.

“Darling, this was wonderful, but you didn’t cum; I told you to let go! Let’s try another way.”

She pulled herself away from me and turned on her stomach, only supported by her knees and her shoulders. Her ass was straight up, her legs wide open and her wet pussy asked me to come and visit. Her little anus seemed to be interested, too, but Eileen reached behind and placed my shaft back at the entrance she had just taken it out.

“Now let go, James. I was waiting for you all this time. Now possess your slave.”

She pushed back and once more I entered easily again; her labia were dripping with her fluids, and I found no resistance, just an exciting friction. Well, if she wanted this, I would try to please her and go on a rampage. It was not love (well, it was love, too) but this time it was to satisfy my needs. I started to move faster and faster, and she accompanied every move.

“Yes, James, this is it. Faster, darling, faster, take me!” and I went into overdrive. For a moment

I forget that she was the woman I loved and just took my own pleasure, driving her wild, twisting her breasts and pulling her nipples, and I felt that my moment of release was coming.

I cried out, “Eileen, you’re mine!” and driving one last time deep into her, exploded. My semen was shooting into her, and my body fell onto hers. I could not stop immediately, since my tension was not gone completely, and I continued to push into her. Suddenly I felt her response and she came once more, whining and moaning. Slowly we relaxed and I moved off her; she protested, but I was exhausted.

When I turned her around, her face was one big smile. “This time you let go, darling, and I´m so happy. I´ll probably walk a little bit strange for a while, but you really took everything I could give. James, I´m so happy!”

She kissed me and this time with warm affection and stretched her body. “This was a workout that used every muscle of my body. Could you perhaps move here and become my personal trainer? I pay well...”

I considered the option, but regretfully declined. “Eileen, my love, I could not survive such a job! It would be an exciting way to die, but what would I do about Maureen? And Jenny? But perhaps I could accept a temporary job that would fit into your schedule?”

She laughed. “James, my schedule is always open for you. Whenever you want me, just advise and I clear my schedule.”

She looked down when she felt some liquids leaving her labia. As my other two ladies she never wanted to lose any of our fluids and reaching down, picked up a big drop of our creamy liquid. She looked at me and slowly licked her hand. “James, this is delicious...” and reaching down again, picked up another big drop. She smelled it and the tip of her tongue swirled it around. “We fit together well - even in this matter.”

She offered me her finger and I licked it, too. I sensed her dark taste mixed with my own earthy one; Maureen had done this quite often, so I knew what I tasted like, and when she smiled, I knew that I had made the right decision. She cleaned herself thoroughly and then asked me for a glass of the chardonnay.

“I’m thirsty now; it seemed that I’ve spent a lot of liquids during the last few minutes that I have to restitute.”

She suddenly realized that she had big red spots on her breasts and grinned. “I don’t think that I will show this to others, so I have to wear different blouses for the next week, and perhaps you could maintain them there this week? And a really big one over my pussy? I’m certain that Maureen would be very jealous! Thank you, my love.”

We had the wine and spent some time in the pool. The sun was shining, the temperatures still hot and the cool water of the pool refreshed us. She wanted to stay a while in the Jacuzzi and when I sat down, she came straight on my lap. She pointed to her breasts.

“You have me done me harm, darling. You have to kiss it better!” and she pushed one breast forward. I took some effort, because my mouth seemed to glide down most of the time to inhale her nipples, and I admired her two rather red signs of my possession on both breasts. I wondered what Maureen would say? And Jenny?

She looked down and was very proud of herself. “Darling, on Friday morning you’ll have to refresh this. I want to see Maureen´s face!”

I enjoyed my fondling and kissing of other parts of her body (and her unsuccessful attempts to revive George). The time passed, the bottle was empty, and we were ready to go back to the house.

“What do you want to do now, James? Have me once more? Play Scrabble? Lunch will take half an hour and there’s nothing planned for the afternoon. Can you come up with some creative ideas? Do you want my Kama Sutra? At night I really would like to go out for dinner and dancing. We dance so well together, and I’ve found the right restaurant with a small dance floor. They play our music, not heavy rock. May we please, oh Lord and Master? Do you need incentives to give me that present? I have smoked salmon and vodka in the fridge...” She hugged me. “James, I’m so happy that you’re here with me. Please do it more often!”

We had a shower, but nothing happened there except that I spent considerable time to make certain that first she was cleaned thoroughly, and then that she was dried in every spot of her body. She was happy repeating my efforts and when we were finished, lunch time had arrived.

“Go and get the wine please, James. It’s in the cooler and should have the right temperature. I´ll dress something nice and I´ve laid out your Bermudas and a t-shirt.”

I followed orders, asking myself what had happened to the slave motif? When she appeared, I was quite surprised. Gone was the seductive woman as she was dressed quite nicely in one of my oversized New York Jets football shirts. She grinned but hesitated when I walked over to her and carefully removed the shirt from her body.

“James, I don’t understand - if you want to see me nude, all you have to say it and I’ll do it gladly. By the way, what are you doing?”

I had folded it but opened it up again. “Do you see the autograph here? That is an original Joe Namath signature, and it took me more than half a year to find it. I value it, care for it, and want to keep it in its pristine condition! I’ll get you another one.”

When I returned with a Miami Dolphin shirt, she was still standing there. “Do you have other shirts I cannot touch?” She seemed to be a bit upset and I responded.

“There’s a Chicago Bulls shirt with a Michael Jordan signature that has never been used.”

“What would you do if I’d use it one day?”

“I would accept it but wouldn’t like it. You’re more important than a shirt, but it has some sentimental value for me, and I’d be disappointed if I were to lose it, Eileen.”

“Well, I just wanted to know whether I was more important to you than a silly - excuse me, a very valuable - football shirt. I’ll be more careful the next time!”

I kissed her “You´ll always be more important to me than any material thing, but sometimes men have silly habits...”

She leaned into me and gave me an affectionate kiss, which considering that she was still nude, was a bit dangerous. I stepped back and helped her into the shirt - lunch was calling. She had prepared a light salad and served a light French Château Léoube rosé from the Provence, a delightful blend of their famous grapes. The main course was a roast beef, which served only as an accompaniment to the wine, a Duero Vega Sicilia Único. I had heard about this wine, but never seen it. It was supposed to be one of the best Spanish wines, very expensive and produced only in certain years.

“James, Maureen told me about the Grange Hermitage and where it led to. Try this one and always remember me!”

She had decanted the wine and served the first glass. It was overwhelming - like Eileen! A marvelous complex structure and immense power, hidden in a velvet glove, with a dark, but transparent color. I had drunk good wines before, but this was different. The Grange was marvelously elegant with lots of power - this was pure power. Eileen had selected the right wine to represent her.

She explained some of the background of the wine and we drank it with reverence. The roast beef was the correct food to show off this wine, and we talked about her life and our growing relationship with the Moises. I helped her clear the table and we went with chocolate biscuits and a port wine to the sitting room. We sat on the couch, but were carefully keeping apart, because this was serious talk coming up.

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