A Tale About Love IV - a New Life - Cover

A Tale About Love IV - a New Life

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 47: Coming Together

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 47: Coming Together - James is at a loss on what to do with his life - a stupid HQ senior executive has destroyed his dream, and to add insult to injury is a rude and foolish Texan. What to do? He starts consulting (which ends up frustrating), Eileen gets what she wanted - he’ll work with her in her company. There are complications, but she takes his recommendation and goes to war. He survives an important golf game with the last stroke on the last hole. Jenny joins them and it seems that all is coming together.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   Humor   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

During the night I woke occasionally when one of the two moved, but when I woke up, I was alone. I spent some time to realize what happened - they had abandoned me! Finally, I got up, brushed my teeth, did my things, put on my robe, and went to see what had happened to them.

When I came close to the living room, I heard them talking and stopped for a moment.

“Jenny, we are fine now, but how will we manage it when we’ll have children? I want at least three and you said you wanted two. How can we do this? Will James have two wives? That is not possible, at least legally.”

I stepped through the door. “Can I participate in this conversation?”

They looked at me; both were sitting on the couch and wearing long and ugly football shirts - Denver Broncos!

“Darling, you can always participate as long as we accept it. This time you can. James, my love, we were talking about our future and there is no problem for the two of us, since we are legally married, but how about Jenny? What will she tell her children who their father is? Her lover?

This was serious. “Maureen, first can I get a cup of coffee to wake up? Once I’m awake, we can start to think about it. And by the way, you left the bed without obeying local rules; shame on you!”

“James, to use your words - technically, you were sleeping, and we did not want to wake you up, but let’s resolve one problem at a time.” and she got up, standing in front of me. She slowly pushed her shirt down until her areolae appeared. I would never stop adoring her puffy tips and the stiff nipples and slowly sucked them into my mouth, teasing the tip with my tongue.

She leaned into me and when I slightly bit one nipple, she groaned. “James, this is a serious conversation, so don’t start something that we will have to finish.” She withdrew her breast, and it was me this time who was groaning. “Jenny, it is your turn!” Jenny also offered her firm breasts with her long, extended nipples and I spent my time worshipping them until Maureen coughed.

“If you want to continue this, let’s go to our bedroom and have fun, but I’m repeating myself. This is supposed to be a serious conversation, so stop it!”

We started to laugh, and I went to make coffee. Funny - nobody offered to make it for me! Lord and Master?

“James, there will come a moment, and it will be soon, when I’ll want to have a child. I want to see the children grow up, see them becoming teenagers, participate in their life in school, argue with them over their first dates, worry when they go out at night ... I want to become a good mother. And Jenny? She wants the same thing ... see her children grow up with ours, try to keep them away from problems, and unfortunately, we’ll not succeed! But at the end, we want to see them happy, loving their parents and each other. How will we do this?”

I always thought that this conversation would happen one day, but it came earlier than I was ready.

“Maureen and Jenny, I’ll be very happy to have our children come and grow up with us. I don’t have at this moment a legal answer for Jenny, but all I can say is that my children with her will be as much our children as the ones that Maureen and I will have. We’re family and we’ll never separate. You are family now, Jenny, never forget this and you reside in my heart as much as Maureen does.”

I looked at the two. “Jenny, could you give us a moment?”

She looked concerned but got up. “I’ll prepare breakfast; don’t spend too much time.”

Maureen looked at me. “James, what do you want?”

“My love, Jenny has become a part of us, but we cannot acknowledge this to the world. We have discussed this already, but now I want to formalize our relationship. I believe that she and we deserve that the three of us know where she stands. Maureen, I want to ask Jenny to marry me - just between the three of us, so that she understands deep in her heart that she belongs to us. We’ll never separate; she’s so much dedicated to me and to you, that I believe she would prefer to die than to be back on her own, especially if we disappointed her. You see her love in her eyes and her actions - do you doubt this?”

Maureen shook her head and I continued.

“I want to tell Jenny that she’s not only my lover or your sister; she is all of that and much more. Do you agree?”

This time it took much longer for Maureen to respond. “How do you want to do this?”

“I want to ask her to marry me, in front of you and you as our only witness. Nobody but us will ever know about us - and I believe it might be a good idea not to tell your mother about this.”

She thought a long time about this. “James, where will I stand? Will I be just your other woman? Will I always have to share and never have you for my own?”

“My love, you’ll always be the one I love, the one who entered not only my heart, but also my soul; without you I wouldn’t want to live anymore. Jenny would be at our side, protected, safe and loved. But if there ever were a cruel choice to be made, you would be the one I’d chose, whatever the pain to me or to Jenny. Remember when we first made love and the voice told us that we were one and one forever? Remember that that voice told us that she is a part of us? Nothing will ever change.”

She thought more and then decided. “I agree, my love. I love her, she loves me, and there’s no doubt about the love between the two of you. You can do this whenever you want it, and I’ll be a happy participant.”

I hugged her and kissed her deeply; then I went to our bedroom and took out a little box that had been there for days and called Jenny back. She looked concerned, since that was the first time she had been excluded from a conversation.

“Jenny, you know that I love you.” She nodded, still concerned where this would go. “I know that you love me” and she nodded quite intensely. “I’m concerned about our relationship; it is wonderful, but for me, there is something missing. There is no final commitment...”

She shook her head. “I committed myself to you, James, and there is no way back. If you were to leave me, I would die; it is as simple as this. I don’t want to be a burden on you or your conscience, but my fate has been decided - I either live with you or die without you. I’m not your slave or submissive to your wishes, but my life depends on yours, and please understand this. You’ll make your decisions and perhaps one day I’ll be hurt, but that’s my problem, not yours.”

I regarded her for a long time, and she became nervous - what would happen, and why this conversation?

“Jenny my love, I’ll make it my problem.”

I went on my knee before her, opened the little box and took out a diamond ring.

“Jenny, will you marry me? Just here, between us three and nobody will ever know it, but I want you to be my other half. I have Maureen on one side, to protect, to love and to be loved; I want you on my other side, to protect, to love and to be loved. Will you accept me?”

I waited for her answer, but she simply fainted. I held her at the last moment and placed her on the sofa. After a while she opened her eyes and pure joy was looking at me.

“James, this is not necessary, as you have me already and not a ring or any other trinket will ever change this. Do you really want to do this?”

I nodded and she looked at Maureen. “Darling, do you agree?”

Maureen nodded also. “Yes, darling. I want you to be as close as possible to us. It cannot be legalized, but between us, we’ll always know what we have decided.”

Jenny jumped up and embraced me. “Yes, my love, I want to be your wife - for now and forever.”

I put the ring on her finger; it matched the earrings I had bought her a long time ago in New York. The main diamond had a bluish tinge to it and complemented her big eyes.

She stared at it and then turned to me.

“I’d never have imagined that one day I would wear this ring as a sign of my commitment to another person. Now I am totally committed to you and to Maureen. I’m so happy, James, I can´t tell you, my love. If I was yours before, now nothing can ever separate me from you.”

She hesitated. ¨But beware, James. I love you, but I’ve my own mind. Whatever you decide I shall follow, but I’ve my own mind and there will be an occasional grumble, my love. Do you understand this? Do you let me do this? ¨

I nodded and smiled. ¨Jenny, I love you because you have that wonderful mind of you, that keeps me on my toes and I ask you - even loving me, never follow blindly what you believe I want. I want you to follow me because you believe that it’s right, not because I say it. There’ll be misunderstandings for sure but remember our basic rule - never lie and never go to sleep angry! ¨

She nodded, hugged me once more and then embraced Maureen. “Maureen, you’re a very special person. Nobody could ever imagine the generosity you’ve shown to me. Remember that first weekend we went shopping and got high? And the Sunday after when you took me home and let me kiss James? And the night before your wedding when you offered me to James? I’ll always remember ‘Open your present gently’! And how I became his to enjoy? And how happy we have been ever since? Maureen, I’ve never been so happy in my life, and I shall make certain that you’ll never regret it.”

She was glowing in her joy. “James, will you call me occasionally Mrs. de Winter? Just for the fun of it and that I do remember? And will I have a honeymoon? Soon, please? James, I’ve no present for you today but me, and you can take me whenever you want, anyhow and anywhere. Soon, please? And Maureen, since I’m a wife now, not any longer just a lover, would you please prepare breakfast so that I can satisfy my husband?”

Maureen glanced at me. “James, you have awakened a monster. You better take care of her, but remember - I’ll have breakfast in one hour, whether you are there or not.”

Jenny pulled me up and led me to the bedroom. There she stopped in front of me.

“Yesterday, you took my dress off. Today you can take everything off.” She lifted her arms waiting for me and I drew the shirt upwards until I could throw it beside the bed.

“My love, you could always do with me whatever you wanted, but now ... well I don’t know what more I can offer you. You made love in my mouth, my pussy, and my ass ... what more can I give you? You have my love and my devotion, and wherever you will go, I shall be at your side. You have conquered my heart, my body, my soul, and I know that yours is mine!” she hesitated “and Maureen’s of course...” and she hugged me with all her might. I laid her on the bed and lay beside her, taking her in my arms.

“Jenny, my love, making love is wonderful and I enjoyed it every time, but now? I just want to hold you, feel your heart beating with mine, smell your body essence and the perfume that embraces you, put my hand on your breast and feel your nipple slowly growing, and just be happy. We can always make love, and we will soon, but at this moment I just want to share my heart and soul with yours, forever together, never to be separated.”

She smiled satisfied; she knew that I did not want her only to satisfy my desires (well, that too), but principally to share our life, she, Maureen, and me.

After a while she shifted her body and had me cover her with mine. “James, I want to feel your weight on my body, holding me, not letting me escape.”

The was a dangerous moment since the temptation to go further was great. She smiled and opened her legs a bit; I felt my shaft growing and looking for a friend. The odor of her arousal wafted up and acted as an aphrodisiac, inflaming my awakening desire. She pulled me towards her, guiding my penis so that its head was buried in her labia. That was enough for me to want more and with one long stroke, I drove deep into her hot, wet channel. The sensations of moisture and heat diving deep down into her were overwhelming and I reveled in those sensations.

“James, please make love to me. I’m your woman now, and I need this.”

She emphasized her desires by thrusting her hips against mine. I did not need any other encouragement, pulling my shaft out all the way out and then shoving it in as far as it could go. The friction of the tight ring of her pussy was so pleasurable that I almost came immediately, but I fought off my orgasm and continued to thrust in and out with long, hard strokes. Jenny had a body made for loving, and I was now doing my utmost to pay homage to that body.

She wrapped her legs around my hips, matching each of my strokes with her own. Her buttocks were almost completely off the bed, her back arched upwards, as she pushed her pussy up to be filled by my shaft driving deep into her. With each of her thrusts, she muttered “Oh yes ... Please make me yours ... take me ... Yes, please...!” Soon that was not enough for her, and even though her eyes were closed, tears welled out of them and streaked her cheeks. She gasped and panted, the pleasure sensations mounting higher and higher. “Oh, God, James!” she softly wailed. The wails turned into a chant of “Oh, ... Oh God..., Oh..., James, my love ... NOW!” with thrust and counterthrust accented by her pleasure.

Suddenly her eyes opened wide, and an expression of wonder spread across her face. I could feel her stomach muscles quiver and spasm, the sensations rippling across my penis deeply imbedded in her. She spread her legs even wider, then wrapping them up around my waist, seeking even deeper penetration. She reached out her arms and wrapped them around my neck pulling me tightly against her. Our eyes were locked as we stared deeply into each other’s souls. She opened her mouth and pulled my mouth hard against it. She was moaning constantly, gasping, and panting around her swirling tongue into my mouth.

She groaned “Oh, God, James!” As she did, her whole pelvis shuddered, and she pushed up against mine. She was locked into place, her pussy hard against my pubis, legs wrapped around my waist and locked, and arms holding me hard against her breasts. She exploded in an orgasm that wracked her whole body, and that caused her to shudder and spasm. This was too much for me and my penis expanded, swelling even more than it had been. I could feel the flow of my seed as they erupted, spurting shot after shot of hot juices into the liquid, warm channel that surrounded it. I had taken her as she desired.

We both needed time to come back to earth, and when she opened her eyes, she kissed me softly and gently, less frantic, and hungry, and our tongues were making soft love to the other. I was still deep inside her and the pressure of her pussy clasping my shaft and felt satisfied as the little aftershocks running through our bodies continued to bring us pleasure. Without breaking our connection, she gently turned us over until we were lying on our sides. She put one leg over my hip and pressed her groin up to mine, assuring that my penis remained firmly in place. She kissed me gently on the lips and said, “Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you, husband.”

There was a strange little interlude - the grey mist and the voice that had blessed us in central moments of our life, returned.

“Now the family is complete. You have my blessings and as long as you stay true to each other, you will be happy to the rest of your lives. You are one!”

The mist turned golden and surrounded us completely; it was like a warm hand caressed us all over.

“Remember that you have not only rights, but also obligations to each other. The love between you is strong and pure; make certain that it lasts always! I bless you, my children...”

One more deep and warm touch, and it vanished. Jenny looked at me, “James, I felt something strange but warm all around us, like someone had just blessed us. What was that?”

I explained that I had felt the same thing, and that somehow among Maureen’s ancestors were witches. This witch had blessed Maureen and me before, and now she was included in the union.

“Jenny, I did not expect this, but I’m very happy that you felt it also. You are now our wife!”

She hugged me, but before it could become emotional again, there was a knock on the door.

“Five minutes!”

She laughed and slowly disengaged from me. “My love, is there anything you want that I can give you, anything at all? You have my heart, my soul, my body - what else is there I could give you?”

“What you’ll give is a life with you, a long life so that I can hold and cherish you; one day you’ll give me children I will love, and you’ll fight with me about silly things and argue about serious ones, and at the end of each day, we will turn to each other and say, ‘I love you’. That is what you’ll give me.”

She started to cry, but I kissed her tears away.

“Darling, you heard that the countess advised ‘Five minutes’, so we must get up and present ourselves. Let’s have a very brief shower with no fooling around and join her.”

The record time we used in the bathroom showed our appreciation of Maureen’s order. When we stepped into the kitchen, however, she glared at us. “I said one hour and gave you even five minutes more. Look at my pancakes! They are cold and wrinkled! Now I’ve to start again! Work, work, that is all you are causing me!”

Jenny walked over to her and hugged her. “Maureen, sister, darling, my love, I thank you for everything you’ve given me, not only this hour. I’ll do everything you want from me - well, almost everything, but at this moment all I want to sit beside James and have a glass of champagne. You know that you’ve spoiled me rotten! Making love in the morning! Drinking champagne! Having the company of the man and the woman I love most in this world, so, please don’t wake me up!”

Maureen smiled. “I’ll forgive you the ‘almost everything’, but tell me why you are naked?”

Jenny looked at me. “James was afraid of you and pushed me out of the bedroom before I could grab anything. If you want, I could go back?”

Maureen grinned “What is good for the goose is good for the ... other goose.” and pulled off her shirt, too. “Tell me, how did you spend your hour? We are family now and don’t hide anything from the other!”

Jenny blushed and looked at me, but I shook my head. “It’s you she asked, so go ahead.”

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