The New Foal: A Pony Girl Story - Cover

The New Foal: A Pony Girl Story

Copyright© 2024 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 6

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Ellie begs her mom to teach her to become a foal (new pony girl) after years of watching her mother practice around the house with her father. Her little brother becomes her groom, as they prepare for a trip to Camp Crucible and pony competitions. This is a collaboration between Mike McGifford and Eddie Davidson.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Grand Parent   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   PonyGirl   Gang Bang   Interracial   Hispanic Female   Enema   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Illustrated  

The next segment of our joint training lasted just 15 minutes but felt like another couple of hours because of how grueling and monotonous it can be. I hadn’t told Ellie that the secret I’ve discovered to surviving these sessions was to turn your brain completely off and BE a pony – just don’t think. You simply react to the commands given and endure.

The training started a little unfairly – like most ponygirl games do. I wasn’t surprised by my daughter’s eagerness and enthusiasm, but I was a little surprised by how quickly she adapted to Peter’s style over her brother’s style of leading her around.

Peter spoke once or not at all and let the crop do his talking. He demanded perfection and focused on form and precision. He used repetition to reinforce the lesson.

My son loved to slap ass, but he hadn’t quite figured out his leadership style as a groom. He was all over the place – at times loud and brash, and other times tuned out and just going with the flow.

Peter showed his son how to apply a leather bit to our mouths. My son already knew how to do that, but Peter wanted him to learn “his way,” which meant starting from scratch on some things. I could tell that Jeff was a little frustrated by the lack of autonomy.


It’s a simple leather bit that depresses my tongue and then gets strapped to my ears tightly. In the default position, all I can do is make absurd guttural noises while spit dribbles down the side of my lips.

I bit down when Jeff placed it in my mouth, and he attached the buckles to my neck and collar and draped it around my ears so that I was effectively gagged.

It’s very humiliating, but when Jeff laughed at the noises I made, Peter chided him to take it seriously.

Peter showed my son how to force my mouth open wider and yank my tongue out so that I could still speak, but with some difficulty. “This is will give you easy access to pour bottled water down their throats or use their mouths for other things,” Peter implied I could suck cock this way.

“I know this is a little basic for you, Son. I am going to trust you with two of my MOST precious possessions. I’ll step out to take care of some things in the morning. It would be irresponsible not to provide you with a foundation. Your mother will guide you, but as you can already see from her bridle, she won’t be free to speak all the time.”

Peter slapped my butt knowingly. I winked and made a hurr-hurr-hurr Pony noise to signal that I was agreeing with him.

I’ve learned over the years to communicate through clenched teeth, but technically, any talking on my part should result in a punishment.

The next step was securing our armbinders to ensure we couldn’t move our arms. This put us in a position bent over and facing forward while looking directly into each other’s eyes. We were scooched so that my daughter and I were touching noses.

Peter instructed Jeff to remove our butt plugs and carefully place them in a bowl with water and dish soap.

“The butt of a pony is a very natural place to attach a tail, and while it can be disgusting and smell, you’ll need to learn to handle their asses like they were your own,” Peter advised.

Jeff got behind me, and before I could bear down to facilitate the plug removal, he’d gripped the flange and given an almighty pull, bracing himself against my back. The pain was excruciating! He could have torn my asshole inside out! I couldn’t help but whimper. The worst part was I let out a tiny puff of farty air, and everyone heard my butthole suck wind.

“Whoa, cowboy, what did you think you were doing there?” Peter chided Jeff.

“I assumed the plug would be clenched tight in Vixen’s butt hole. Is there a better way to get it out?” He asked innocently. I couldn’t be mad at him. I was used to being treated roughly, and I had already moved on from it. I wasn’t angry.

“Let the ponygirl do the work, buddy! It’s like taking a massive dump. You’ve proven you can overcome Vixen’s sphincter muscle, but there’s no need to. You get behind the ponygirl and say, ‘Release.’ My bad, I thought you knew that. Be gentler with Dancer, okay?”

Jeff apologized to his father, not me. While I didn’t expect an apology, I tapped my foot to will the sting in my asshole to abate. Jeff removed his sister’s butt plug much more carefully and placed them both in a bowl of soap and water.

“This game is called tug of war. It’s fun to play with bonded ponies who are learning to be a team, like your mother and sister,” Peter explained to Jeff. I’d played the game before, but I doubt either of them had any clue what he was talking about.

Peter had a much smaller butt plug that was shaped more like an anchor. It was attached to a short, corded rope with a matching butt plug on the other end.

“It looks like a jump rope, Dad,” Jeff said. He apologized for addressing his father that way again.

“It’s okay, son; for now, I will overlook you calling me Dad. There is no formal rule that Grooms have to address Trainers a certain way. It’s more of a custom that I adopted. I am more concerned that your sister and mother learn their names and roles while they are ponies and that respect toward us Peter stood behind me and stuck the smaller plug in my pussy, twirling it and gave me a nice little thrill. “Vixen is usually wet, so just dip it in her juices, and use the pony’s natural cunt drippings to lubricate their toys. There is seldom any need for lube with her. We’ll see if like mother like daughter, soon enough.”

“Oh, Dancer has a juicy twat, I assure you!” Jeff said.

Peter let his son scooch the smaller plug into my asshole as he observed. It felt like he was forcing a submarine up my bruised tailpipe after he yanked the bigger one out.

“Just relax, Vixen,” Peter rubbed my back and demonstrated to Jeff that not everything has to be forced or rough. “Easy does it, son. Good, make sure it’s locked in place, and twist it like this! The plug will expand inside her and lock in place.”

They repeated the process with Ellie. I got to watch my daughter’s eyes grow wide, and her smile widen as she dealt with the discomfort of having the smaller plug packed into her ass. I could see that she was used to a bigger production involving masturbation to deal with pain.

Once they did that, they brought the rope around our shoulders and tits so that it wouldn’t easily slide out and then reconnected it to the plugs.

Peter instructed us to turn around and face away from one another and then march slowly while bent over and with our butts sticking out in opposite directions until there was no slack in the rope.

I was certain if strangers could watch in our house, they’d really wonder about us as a family. I know it was a weird pass-time, but it actually can be fun to play anal tug-of-war. I knew the rules, but Peter had to explain them to Jeff and Ellie.

I’d never played this particular game on the carpet before. Our butt cheeks were level with each other. The rope hung down slightly across my pussy.

Once he was satisfied, we knew how to play, Peter gave us the command to start the game.

I put everything I had into stepping forward. Like pulling a sulky, you dig your toes in and get momentum working in your favor. Unlike pulling a sulky, you clench your ass cheeks rather than focusing on your thighs.

The flange inside the plug exerts pressure on the inner part of your sphincter. There are times that I thought it would be yanked out.

The Dancer weighed probably a little less than me; she had never done this before. As a result, there really was no competition. She stumbled backward, and Jeff had to rush to her aid to support her and stop her from collapsing backward onto me.

For a girl new to towering heels with no idea of what to expect, it’s scary as hell to be jerked backward by the ass like that. I immediately felt guilty. The victory meant nothing. I’d played this game against seasoned ponygirls who can go for ten full minutes of vicious pulling until one of us concedes and falls on our butts.

The second round proved she’d learned a great deal.

One other rule is where you begin the game from. You can’t step over the line until you hear the command to begin. I made the mistake of accidentally doing that, and Peter turned my ass rosy red with the crop to make an example of me.

Ponies also can’t look behind them for any reason during the game– eyes straight ahead at all times.

“You are supposed to be a good role model for Dancer on how a proper pony behaves!!”

I groaned in silence as he swatted my helpless ass with the riding crop over and over.

Each round was short, only a few seconds, but every time I won, my daughter learned to plant her feed more and resist my charge forward. She learned to use the momentum of stopping me to do a charge of her own. I was certain Peter was whispering tips and tricks in her ear, but that was fine with me. I had years of experience with my daughter.

When that was over, Peter taught my son how to release the flange safely, and to his credit, he was much more careful plucking it out of my ass and untying me.

Much to my surprise, the guys removed the leather bit and bridle that served as a gag. I assumed that they’d be giving us more water.

Instead, Peter instructed Jeff to demonstrate how I clean my plug. He put the smaller plug in my mouth, and I made a lemony face while Ellie and Jeff giggled. I assumed what was good for the goose would be good for the gander, and they would feed Ellie her plug to clean as well.

Instead, they made me lick her flange clean as well while Ellie and Jeff observed me slowly cleaning the plugs we had just used.

“See Dancer? No big deal. If your mother can do it, you can do it, right?” Peter asked.

Ellie seemed bright-eyed and willing to give it a try.

The third hour of Jeff and Ellie’s orientation, was spent giving Dancer experience with the various tools Peter has at his disposal for causing pain and pleasure. People don’t seem to appreciate that a tawse, used just right, is not a punishment tool at all but can be responsible for a high degree of pleasure.

Peter and Jeff moved the living room furniture since our hands were still bound behind us. That gave us plenty of space to play. “This is an exercise that has to be done indoors. I call it Maypole training,” Peter explained.

The kids knew exactly what it was because they had seen me do it by myself for hours on rainy days before.

A rope was attached to our necks and then tied to the ceiling fan. I know what you are thinking – that’s really dangerous. Jeff and Ellie thought the same thing.

Peter attached it to one of the fan blades and then turned the fan on to its lowest possible speed. The idea is that we cannot stop, and we must march around in a very large circle in the living room. Our steps have to be high, and most importantly, they must match cadence with one another. As I stepped down on my right heel, Dancer had to do the same. At the same time, we were to be lifting our left heel just as the right foot touched the floor and bending our knees in a special type of canter designed for quick stepping.

Any mistake resulted in a slap from a Tawse that Jeff and Peter both carried.

A tawse is simply a fancy word for a leather strap with three wicked ends designed for slapping asses, hands, and other sensitive body parts.

“This was used on school children in the olden days, Dancer. If this is too much, you should probably give up now,” Peter said as he spanked my daughter’s ass with it while directing us to march round and round in circles.

Peter didn’t introduce them to more advanced tools like canes, floggers, and big wooden paddles. He wanted Jeff to learn to use the riding crop, hands, and the tawse.

“That should be sufficient for the basic training that you will be doing tomorrow,” he told Jeff.

“Wow, I can start tomorrow?”

“You HAVE to start tomorrow, Jeff! That’s the job. This is your audition as much as it is your sister. I am still not sure about Dancer, but I am ready to trust you to be my Groom,” he tussled his son’s hair. “It’s a responsibility and a chore, but it has its rewards.”

Ellie frowned, but I knew that my husband had already made up his mind to accept Ellie as a pony. He just wanted to make her work a little harder for the job. I also knew that the pain he was applying was intended to sting so that Ellie would reconsider before she went too far.

It would be better if Ellie couldn’t handle the rough stuff if she quit until or unless she wanted it.

That hour was a very important facet of the training, as much for Peter as for Dancer and Jeff, because it taught each of them something previously unknown.

Peter learned as much about Dancer’s pleasure centers, reactions, tolerances, temperament, and reaction to stimulus as Dancer learned the correct application of the tools available to her trainer and Groom.

Jeff learned important commands and protocols and how to present himself as an authority figure. I had him going through the motions of being a groom. Peter had him ACTING like he was in charge, and that was a very different lesson altogether.

Dancer also learned that none of those implements had to be particularly feared when in the hands of someone loving and capable. Jeff learned that he had a lot to learn about utilizing every one of those tools. He couldn’t just pick up a paddle and begin whaling away with it the way he did with me on his first attempt.

Jeff was a natural at adding torque to his wrist to apply a good hard spanking. He could still learn a thing or two from his father, but I was impressed with how my son didn’t play around and slap lightly. He gave me a nice hard spanking and left my ass rosy. Peter gave him tips on how to add a little extra sting, but my son was off to a good start.

Peter also clearly delineated where the kidneys were and gave his son boundaries on where and how to hit us so that he could inflict pain without hitting any important internal organs or causing damage.

Jeff wanted to know how to choke us, but Peter said that was a bit too much for his first day. I could imagine my teenage son choking me, and it sent shivers down my spine to imagine his hands around my throat one day.

To round out the first evening of training, the kids learned there is more than one use for the rig. There were several around the house made of heavy wooden planks, with places to attach and secure cuffs or chain a girl to them. They were usually simple cross platforms, but some were attached to hard points in the ceiling.


I’d always assumed they had known that a device as bulky as a full-size entertainment center was not at all practical without having multiple functions.

Both Jeff and Dancer were astounded when it was revealed that there were over a hundred functions for it in total, that posture training was but one, and that both of us could utilize the single piece of equipment where each of us could provide the physical resistance needed to train the other.

For example, Peter had our talented daughter perform a handstand. He untied her from the wall, so that she could readjust her position.

My daughter was limber and able to do it without much difficulty revealing her pretty pink pussy as she balanced on her head and the palms of her hands.

She quickly discovered she could be hung upside down by her heels, and her upper body could be secured by her wrists, leaving her swinging free. Peter warned Jeff not to use the rigs without his supervision other than to tie us up for posture training. “I just want you to see the capabilities tonight.”

He looked at me and said firmly, “And that goes for you as well. Don’t talk your son into the more creative uses for a rig.”

“He’s my groomer, not my son when I am Vixen, Master.”

I assured my husband that I wouldn’t, but now that Peter mentioned it, there were quite a few interesting positions I enjoyed. Peter hadn’t specified which ones he considered “creative”. I tried not to think naughty thoughts.

I felt a little ashamed that I was tempted to think about my own enjoyment, instead of introducing things to Peter and Ellie slowly.

“That he is,” he said as he made a couple of adjustments to our daughter’s precarious position in the rig. He left her hanging spread eagle in such a way as to make her cunt and ass available to the trainer and Groom for various purposes, the least of which is for fucking.

My husband provided a disclaimer to Jeff and Ellie as he tied his daughter up in elaborate Shibari style rope bondage. He warned that Jeff should just observe tonight and that soon he would be learning how to tie us up this way. “It takes a long time to master this kind of bondage and suspension! For now, just use the basic knots you already know on your mother.”

Jeff was relegated to practicing tight and sensible knots on me. It was far less elaborate and artistic than the ones his father used on Ellie.

Peter decided this was the time to find out if Ellie could handle anal sex. He asked her if she was ready to be fucked upside down in her booty hole.

“Yes, Master! Please do it! I am so horny!” Ellie BEGGED to be plowed up the ass, and groaned and mewled like a kitten while he stroked her and warmed her up. He was edging her toward orgasm while preparing her asshole to open wide and accept his dick.

Peter instructed his son on how to lock me into the rig next to my daughter; at least I was positioned upright. I surrendered myself to Jeff so that he could lock me in place by my wrists and ankle on an X-shaped cross with my hands high above my head and my legs spread wide. Once I was locked in, I was slid forward until Ellie’s face was right in my crotch.

Peter unzipped his pants and slowly pushed his cock head into our daughter’s asshole, and she moaned and rolled her eyes.

“You’ve had a butt plug in all night, you are ready for this, Ellie. The plug is to stretch your hole and make it more compliant to also build up strength in the muscle, so you can tolerate cock!”

“Dancer! Dancer! Oh god, I can feel you in my tummy! Oh wow, are you sure you want to put it in my ass? It’s so disgusting!”

I got the impression that Ellie’s concern was more about getting her father’s cock dirty with her ass than it was about the pain. She handled butt plugs well enough that she was ready for this. She just had to get over the sweaty feeling of someone seeing a little dookie coming out of her butt.

I was locked into the same rig she was in such a way that every time Peter’s cock bottomed out in our daughter’s ass, her head was pushed into her cunt. Nose and lips just under her labia.

Her screams of pleasure reverberated through me enough to get me off once. How Ellie could not have known anal sex was such intense fun, I’ll never know.

Dancer is a screamer, and she learned she is completely unable to withhold an orgasm from anal sex alone when conditions are perfect, and the trainer is as talented as Peter. Peter left her upside down, ass spread so the warm cum he shot in her ass wouldn’t drip back out.

I’ve been in that precarious position before many times after Peter filled me with hot spunk. My feet above my head, my legs spread and exposed, and my ass filled with jizz.

I have to admit, it turned me on just watching my daughter swing slowly as she hung by her ankles, knowing she was experiencing it for the first time.

Peter instructed Jeff to stick his cock in his sister’s mouth while she was upside down. I am sure the angle made it difficult for her. I could tell that Ellie was intent on getting this over for her brother quickly and not about prolonging his pleasure and lovingly slurping his cock. She had a lot to learn.

I may not be able to help either of them with Algebra, but I could certainly teach an advanced cock sucking class like a Professor of Dicksuckingology.

The ease with which she’d confessed to sucking and fucking Jeff had made me think she was quite the accomplished cockswoman. In reality, it’s a wonder Jeff was able to cum at all from an Ellie BJ.

Her idea of sucking cock was pretty much lick the head with a few kisses thrown in where she’d try to slip her tongue into his pee hole. Jeff liked it but was sloppy, and the only reason he came, I think, was to begin. He was so turned on from all the naked titties and pussy he had seen that night. I was extremely turned on being ogled, touched, and prodded all night, too! I am sure it was exciting for the entire family.

It was so strange to imagine that now my entire family was involved in the same kink and turning each other on. Was there really anything THAT wrong with it? It’s not like we were trying to breed incest babies.

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