The Teen Runner - Cover

The Teen Runner

Copyright© 2024 by ghostwritten

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Teenager Katelyn was scouted as a potential high caliber runner and sent to train with former National Champion Mitch. As they spend more time together, Mitch starts wonders if training isn't the only thing on the girl's mind. Does he run for the hills or into her arms?

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sports   Anal Sex   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Small Breasts  

Author’s note: In this story, distance is measured in metric (kilometers). I’ve received a few comments about it and wanted to clarify.

It was a warm day in October, the sun was out, and the trees were awash in oranges, yellows, and reds. Mitch Jackson was waiting outside in his workout gear to start his late session with his current protégé, Katelyn. She was a teenager who had already turned heads with her strong performances in last year’s running season. She had a natural gift but lacked proper technique and training. That’s where Mitch came in.

Mitch was a national champion distance runner and former Olympian. He ran running clinics around the country, training the next generation of competitive runners, but he worked out of a specialized fitness facility for high-end athletes most of the year. The facility catered to track and field, swimming, and running athletes and had the best services one could ask for. It boasted a pool, steam rooms, hot tubs, weights, fitness and respiratory equipment as well as an in-house massage therapist.

Mitch saw Katelyn come out from the facility in her running attire; black shorts and a matching sports bra. She was a tall but skinny girl, not much to look at but a perfect running frame. Small A-cup breasts, long legs, barely any curves, and a lean body. She was 5’10” and weighed 115 lbs., so she didn’t carry any extra weight on her except for her long, raven black hair that went down between her shoulder blades. She had a cute, girl next door face and a mischievous smile, but Mitch did his best to keep it professional.

“Did you do your stretches already, Kate?”

“Yes, coach. I’m ready to go.”

“Ok, let’s try to keep an easy 4-minute pace, ok?”

“Ok, I’ll follow your lead.”

The two then set out onto the trails in the area. The training facility was on the edge of a suburban neighborhood in upstate New York. When Katelyn’s parents were approached about the possibility of working with a trainer like Mitch, they jumped at the chance to help their daughter. They moved from Idaho to New York just so she had this one-on-one training. They worked remotely so they didn’t need to leave their jobs. It has been a month since Katelyn started working with Mitch and the results have been impressive. She had dropped a minute per kilometer at her 10k distance. She also looked less winded in the middle stretch and still had power for a final sprint at the end.

Today’s run was going well, but they knew it was going to get more difficult as the winter rolled in. They would have to run at night in the dark or use the indoor track during the winter, which gets dull after a while. Due to Katelyn’s schooling, she was the last client of the day using the facilities. Mitch would have to lock up every night they trained but it was worth it as he saw great potential in her.

They crested a small hill and then steadied themselves down the other side. It was a great strength-building course he was putting her through. Lots of flat stretches and then rolling hills while occasionally following a small stream. It was a beautiful area to run and Mitch loved living close by to go off on his own when he could.

They hit the turnaround point and made their way back on the back half of the route. Everything was going well. He could see her mechanics had improved; cleaner stride, wider gait, and less jumping off on the backfoot.

“Mid-point. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Good! Legs feel strong, breathing is good, the sun is out; I’m pretty sure I can take anything you throw at me.” She answered with a crooked smile.

“Oh, getting cocky with your coach, eh?”

“I’m just saying you’re a great coach, but you’re getting up there, old man. I bet I could make it back to the door before you do.” she teased.

“That sounds like a challenge, wanna put something on the line to back that bravado up?”

“Sure, if I win, I want you to give me a massage in the therapy room.”

“OK, but what do I get when I win?”

“You get to give me a massage in the therapy room.” She laughed.

“That doesn’t sound like a reward for me.”

“Oh, I’m a prize. Trust me.”

“Fine, suit yourself. On the count of three. One ... two ... THREE!” Mitch said as they both took off down the trail. He let her gain a little distance from him, trailing her by a few paces. He wanted to make sure she didn’t burn herself out trying to keep up with him. He knew her limits and just needed to push them up a little.

As they got within a mile of the building, Mitch made his move. He sped up and ran side by side with his young student, glancing at how she was doing. She was breathing hard but seemed to be maintaining oxygen levels below full lactic acid production. When they got within sight of the target, he kicked it into higher gear, but she was able to keep up, matching his speed. He was impressed. Within a hundred yards of the staircase and the door, they both broke into a full sprint. Mitch hopped up the final stairs and hit the door a couple of steps ahead of Katelyn, who was clearly winded.

“Good race, kid, but respect your elders.” He joked, before extending his hand in a shake.

“It looked like I was almost there. I had you.” She said, struggling for breath. She slapped her sweaty hand into his and shook the champion of the race.

“It was closer than I expected; you are getting better, Kate. Keep up the hard work and you’ll make it.”

“I will. When I focus on something I want, I always get it,” she answered.

“Good, you’ll find that hard work and determination will get you far in life. But now it just needs to get you into a shower. You stink.” He laughed.

She stuck out her tongue playfully, “OK, I’ll meet you for your reward in the therapy room in 20 minutes.”

He unlocked the door and they both headed towards their respective locker rooms. It was late in the evening now, everyone else had gone home for the day. While the facility was top-notch, it didn’t have enough full-time clients to stay open late in the shoulder seasons. Camps are run throughout the summer, and the inflatable dome keeps things running in winter, but in fall and spring, the hours are reduced to 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Because of Katelyn’s schooling, she wasn’t available during the day, so Mitch stayed late to train her. He had full access to all the facilities but didn’t have any of the personnel there for medical or massages during his sessions with Katelyn. She would be able to use them during the weekends if she needed them.

Mitch showered and changed into new clothes and then headed to the therapy room to wait for Katelyn. He was lost in thought, thinking about the next day’s training when Katelyn appeared in the doorway. She was wrapped up in a large white towel and entered the room.

“Ready for your prize, coach?”

“You know I’m not a masseuse, right? I don’t see how this is a prize for me.”

“Just relax and do your best,” she said as she lay down on the massage table.

Mitch looked around the room and found some massage oil in a drawer. He put a small amount on his hands, rubbed them together, and then placed them on the girl’s right shoulder, slowly rubbing in small circles like had been done to him over the years. She gave a little moan, encouraging the first-time masseuse, and continued over to the other shoulder. He rubbed her triceps, then down her forearms, and finally her hands. His hands traveled around the young girl’s skin. He found it soft and smooth as his fingers would glide down to her upper back.

He massaged around the areas that were exposed and then questioned whether he should lower the towel down her back. Katelyn sensed his uncertainty and reached to her side and lowered it herself, exposing the rest of her back to him.

“Why aren’t you wearing a bra?” Mitch asked. Facility rules dictated that clothing must be worn everywhere but in the locker rooms.

“Awww, don’t be a narc. I told you that you won a prize, now keep going.”

“I also don’t want to get fired,” Mitch retorted.

“You’re fine, don’t worry. It’s just a massage.”

“Fine. But don’t speak a word of this to anyone.”

“Agreed. This is just between us and this room, now get back to work.” She joked.

Mitch put more oil on his hands and continued his progression down her back. He started back in the center of her back and slowly moved outwards. He made small circular motions in the center and then widened them moving to the edges of her sides and under her arms. His fingertips brushed over the soft flesh of her small, young breasts. He heard a light moan come from her mouth before he moved his hands down towards her upper hips. His hands moved back towards the center of her lower back until he was just at the new boundary of the towel just above her tight ass.

“Ok, well that was fun. Up off the table, Kate.”

“What about my legs? For a running coach, you sure forgot about the most important part of a runner, coach.”

“Then we’ll be done with this?” he sighed, exasperated.

“Most men would kill to get their hands on a hot girl like me. Fine, we’ll be done after you do my legs. They are actually sore.” She replied in a mock whiny voice.

“Ok, I’ll work your legs, you big baby.”

“Thank you, coach,” she said in a childish voice.

Mitch moved down to the end of the table and started on her right foot. He oiled up his hands again and worked her foot, rubbing the soles of her feet, her heels, and between each toe. He moved up to her ankle and then her calf muscles. He kneaded and rubbed them softly and tenderly, slowly moving up to her knee and at the low edge of the towel.

“Here, let me get that for you,” Katelyn said, flipping the towel up to just below her upper thighs. Mitch just moved up her knee and started on the outside of her hamstrings. She moaned softly as his hands moved towards her inner thighs, parting her legs slightly to give him access to her muscles. Mitch did his best to keep his hands from going underneath the towel before he switched to her left side and started back down on her other foot. He was repeating the process that he did on her right side when, as he reached her calf, she shifted again. This drew his eyes up and he was shocked to see she wasn’t wearing anything at all under the towel. He was looking directly at her young slit.

He stopped for a moment at the sight, unsure what to do, until she cleared her throat telling him to keep going. He nervously returned to her calf and massaged his way up her leg, but his eyes were locked between her legs now. As he moved up, he could see that around the labia was clean-shaven, and she didn’t seem to have any visible inner lips poking out.

He finally made it to her left hamstring. Starting on the outside, he moved in slow circles massaging up her legs before moving into the interior of her inner thighs. He was so close now; his fingertips were only a few inches from her hidden treasure. He could see a little bit of moisture around the edge of her slit. He made a few more circles on her inner thighs, right on the edge of the forbidden towel zone, eliciting a moan from Katelyn. His fingers reached just a bit further underneath, he could feel the heat coming off her before he snapped out of it and pulled back his hands.

“Ok, legs all done.” He said, slightly hoarse.

“Perfect, thank you,” She covered herself back up in the towel, but before heading out of the room, she stopped and said, “It looks like you enjoyed your reward; I sure did.” And she disappeared back toward the locker room. Mitch breathed a heavy sigh of relief, turned, and saw his erection poking out of his pants. He hoped that wasn’t what she meant. A short while later, they met up at the front doors to head out for the night.

“Alright Kate, I’ll see you tomorrow for strength and flexibility training at 6:00.”

“Yes coach, you can stretch me out anytime,” she responded flirtatiously.

“Careful missy. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight coach.”

When Mitch got home, all he could think about was her tight little pussy and all the things he’d love to do to it. He knew it was wrong, but she was so cute and sexy. He jerked off that to the vision of that little slit, imagining what the rest of her young, nubile body might look like.

It was 6:00 pm the next day when Katelyn was greeted by Mitch at the front entrance. They headed to the weight room to work on strength and flexibility training. They worked with free weights, machines, and weighted ropes to improve her core strength and legs. Mitch was right behind her the whole time, ensuring she didn’t hurt herself during the many reps and sets she had to do. He was suddenly more self-conscious about being so close to her now, but he had a job to do.

They then hit the mats to work on flexibility, which is important for movement and stride mechanics. She was still dressed in her tight black shorts and sports bra. Mitch had her on the ground, legs spread as far as she could, touching her right toes, then reversing to the left side. They did a few yoga poses and elastic bands to push her muscles a little further. One of the last stretches was a hamstring stretch. Katelyn lay down on the ground while Mitch pressed his weight down on her straight leg. While Katelyn was on the ground, she looked up at Mitch above her. He was doing his 15-count when he looked down at her as well and there was a spark that went off in him. He was beginning to have feelings for this young girl!

They switched legs and continued with the stretch. She again looked deep into his eyes which haunted him to his very soul. Did she know about his attraction to her? Were the cops going to break down the door? He held the stretch of a 15-count and released her. He awkwardly got up and held out his hand to help her up.

“OK, that was a good workout. Why don’t we hit the steam rooms and then call it a day?”

“OK, coach. A good steam would help me relax these muscles unless you want to give me another massage?” She looked at him, batting her eyelashes.

“Nope, there was no bet today so the steam room is your reward for a solid workout. I’ll see you in 30 minutes so we can lock up.”

“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll have to bet something else next time. See you soon, coach.” Katelyn headed towards the women’s locker room where her steam room was, while Mitch headed to the men’s. He took off his clothes, wrapped himself in a towel, and headed into the steam room.

It was nice and hot there, a perfect way to relax tired muscles after a hard workout. Mitch sat in the steam for a few minutes wrapped in his towel, before he discarded it. No one else was here to see him so he might as well just let it flap in the breeze, so to speak. It was nice to just sit naked and absorb the heat.

“Just letting it all hang out, eh coach?” Her voice stirred him quickly to cover himself in the towel.

“What the hell are you doing in here, Katelyn?” he asked, surprised and embarrassed.

“Sorry, women’s steam wasn’t working so I decided to join you in here. Didn’t know you’d be going au naturelle but when in Rome...” she said before dropping her towel on the floor.

“What the fuck...” his voice trailed off as he looked at the naked teenager before him. She had very small breasts with nickel-sized nipples, which were standing up about half an inch. His eyes traveled down her flat stomach to her pussy. It had a small triangle of black hair on the top, and the rest was clean-shaven, as he had seen the day before. His eyes moved back up to her face where they met hers.

“You like what you see? Well, don’t be shy. It’s just the two of us here, coach.”

“This is a very bad idea, Kate. Please, just put your towel back on.”

“Nope, time to lay it all bare. It’s not like this is the first time you have seen me naked. Remember your reward yesterday? I saw you enjoyed looking at my pussy then too.”

“You knew I could see it?”

“Of course, why do you think I did it?”

Mitch looked down at the towel crumpled on his lap. He knew he shouldn’t do it, but at this point, what did it matter? He just let go of the towel and let it fall to the floor, exposing his hard cock to the young girl.

“Wow coach, congratulations on that thing. It’s what? 7 inches?”

“7 and a half,” he said, his voice dripping with embarrassment like their bodies were dripping with sweat. His eyes were on the ground.

Katelyn sat down directly across from him and spread her legs open halfway. His eyes moved up, and he looked at her slightly open, pink pussy before going back up her body to her eyes. She smiled at him and opened her legs a little further.

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