A Tale About Love III - Interesting Times - Cover

A Tale About Love III - Interesting Times

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 27: Back to Work in Sydney

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 27: Back to Work in Sydney - James is happy – he is married to the most beautiful woman in his world, her mother adores him, and his secretary isn’t bad at all. Love abounds - mishaps appear occasionally but are soon overcome. Anniversaries and Christmas bring presents, but at the New Year’s Ball, he must defend his life. He is honored as the Main Speaker at Hawaii's Annual IBM Sales Meeting, but then disaster strikes. What can he do now that one of his dreams has ended?

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Sharing   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

When we opened the door, we heard a noise and suddenly Mary Ann appeared. She had flowers and a vase in her hand and was as surprised as we were.

“I expected you an hour later. I’d have finished everything and would have been gone!”

Maureen went over to her, took the flowers out of her hand, and gave her a kiss. “You’re always welcome here, darling. We love to see you with us!”

Mary Ann looked at her and then, suddenly, hugged her and returned the kiss. Then she looked at me and I opened my arms. She ran to me and flew into my arms, hugging me with all force and lifting her face to be kissed. I enjoyed it, teasing her with my tongue, which she readily accepted and encouraged her to tease me back. She clung to me and when she finally finished the kiss, rubbed her face against my chest and put it on my shoulder.

“James, I missed you - I missed you so much! I wondered whether all had been a dream and any moment I’d wake up in a dreary world. Great God, I’m so happy now that you are back! Do you still love me a bit?”

“Mary Ann, I don’t love you a bit - I love you very much and we’ll have a life ahead to prove this.”

I lifted her face once more and kissed her deeply; she leaned even more into me and when we came up for breath, Maureen coughed and remarked that that had been a proper welcome, but could she please have our attention?

“Mary Ann, thank you very much for sitting our apartment, but how did you find enough time to do this? Mom told us about the courses and your other activities; your days and nights must have been very busy.”

She blushed and said that she had made the time every night to come here, making certain that everything was fine and then just sitting for five minutes in our living room.

“Your flat has your personality, and I could sit here breathing in your presence. It gave me the force to handle it until you returned since I really needed to know whether it had been a dream or not. Now I’m satisfied; you’re here, we’re together, and I know that you love me. Now I’ll sleep peacefully and wake up happy, but you must be tired. I shall go home and see you tomorrow, James...” and then she smiled “ ... James, my love.”

Maureen shook her head and told her to relax; we were not so tired that we would send her away. If she wanted, she could help her unpack and with a grin on her face, said that some of the outfits she had bought were rather daring, and that she had bought some for her, too.

“Will you stay a while?”

Mary Ann’s face exploded in a big smile and slowly withdrawing from me, went over to Maureen. She picked up one of the luggage cases and went with Maureen, but suddenly stopped, came back, and gave me one more very affective and sensual kiss.

“There are lots and lots more to come, my love!”

I prepared a drink and sat to look at the mail. I had changed rapidly and then took out the Schumann piano concerto, and listening to the opening notes, started my work. Mary Ann had separated it in private and business, and fortunately after opening all letters, I could throw all away except for my bank statements. Then Maureen appeared already undressed and in a loose big t-shirt and told me that Mary Ann would stay for dinner, and what did I want to do? Just dinner, dinner with benefits, or go exploring? I selected dinner with benefits, and she said that they would surprise me. She also took my drink, told me to prepare one for Mary Ann and finish my work. I did as order and sat down again to see whether there was anything urgent in the office files that she had left on the table. There was just one major problem I had to handle as soon as possible, but it would wait until Monday.

Then the two appeared and it took me a moment to recover. Taking a deep breath, I stared at them - Maureen in her long wispy light green gown with her firm breasts exposed and Mary Ann back to her favorite outfit - the knitted shirt with the big holes that completely exposed her left breast, and whenever she moved, most of her right one.

I got up and opened my arms to Maureen again, and she jumped into them. I felt wonderful - firm breasts, stiff nipples, a warm mouth; and a slender body all pressed against me. We kissed and then I looked at Mary Ann standing there.

“Come here, my love. We’re three, and we’re one. Embrace us and let us embrace you!”

She walked over to us and hugged us with a huge smile on her face. I was in Paradise - two beautiful women in my arms, and they loved me, and I them.

Maureen grinned and told me that she had ordered Mary Ann to follow local rules and that I should explain to her what these were.

“Mary Ann...” and stopped. “Mary Ann, each time I say your name I stop. I can say Maureen or Eileen, but Mary Ann seems to be rather formal. Do you have any other name or a name you’d prefer? I cannot imagine that we make love and I say ‘Mary Ann’. I want something more intimate, something just between us.”

She looked at me and said that her other first name was Genevieve as her mother had read a lot of medieval novels and this was her favorite name, but somehow Mary Ann had made it into public use.

“Genevieve ... That sounds better. Genevieve, I love you ... That is still better. Jenny ... I can imagine this, holding you in my arms, loving you and whispering your name. Maureen, do you agree?”

She nodded and said that this was just for the three of us; but no, we had to include Eileen, too. So, Jenny it was when we were alone.

“Now, Mary ... Jenny, Local rules are as follows and can be amended or changed at any time if all of us agree - First. What we do together in our homes stays there, no comments outside of us four, no teasing to others. Second. Whatever we do, whether we walk around nude, or make love even in the company of another part of our group, it is done because we want it. Anybody can ask to stop, and the other part will stop immediately.”

Maureen coughed and I glanced at her. “Eileen asked you to stop and you continued!”

I nodded, but asked, “Do you really believe that she wanted me to stop?”

Maureen looked down and then said, “Probably not.”

“I knew that she wanted to continue, but if I had any doubts, I’d have stopped immediately!”

She nodded. “You’re right; I know you and I know Mom.”

Mary Ann looked from one to the other and all I said was, “Long story. I’ll tell you one day.”

“Third - We don’t lie to the other in anything serious even if it hurts. Truth hurts less than a lie later discovered that breaks trust. Fourth - No underwear at home, and you can flaunt what you have - I do enjoy looking at my women and seeing them teasing me to touch them. Fifth - No sleeping in the guest bedroom; whoever is in one of our homes will sleep in the same bed as all others.”

Maureen interrupted again. “How about all four of us? What will you do then?”

I had thought about this and could respond. “In your mother’s house we can all sleep in the same bed since it’s big enough if we huddle together, and I assume that this will not be a sacrifice. In our flat it’s your decision - you wanted to redecorate, so find a solution.”

They were waiting for a sixth rule, but I could not find one at this moment. Suddenly, I saw an important one, “Sixth - We want to please the other and to please ourselves. The joy of the other has a higher priority than our own. There will be moments when this is forgotten and we just want our own release, but at the end, we want to see the pleasure and satisfaction in the eyes of the other.”

They nodded. Mary Ann (I had to remind myself to change to Jenny) asked, “I can tease you and touch you, too?”

“Jenny, this is expected, but I remember another rule, and probably the most important rule - Seventh - We are together because we love each other, not because we want to have sex all the time. This is not a permanent orgy; making love will happen and I hope quite often, but there’ll be days where we’ll just be together, caring for each other, where I’ll just want to kiss your hair or touch you in passing, working together, watching TV perhaps - and that day will be perfect, too.”

They nodded and agreed. “What have you decided to do?”

They told me that Maureen would make dinner and Jenny would stay with me. Maureen kissed her and told her to enjoy me as she had just heard our local rules.

“Teasing and flaunting are perfectly alright but remember that dinner will be ready in twenty minutes; nothing serious, therefore.”

She left and Jenny moved over to sink into my arms again. Her face was radiant and taking my hand and placing it on her breast, she said that she was all mine, to do as I wanted. I led her to the couch and sat with her on my lap. We kissed and she lifted her pullover thing to let my hand walk up and down her body; finally, she even lifted it off completely to give me easier access. She had a new taste for me - her perfume was a bit heavier and more intense, but the love in her eyes was the same. I hugged her and she responded eagerly, putting her arms around me, and pulling me down to her.

“Kiss my breasts, James. I know you like them...” and placing her hand underneath, she offered them to me. Her areolae were not as puffy as Maureen’s and not as small as Eileen’s but had just the right size to take them in my mouth. Her nipples, when excited, were almost as big as Maureen’s, and I sucked them gently. She started to moan and press them into my mouth; her hand took mine and pushed it towards her labia. Her pubic hair, carefully trimmed, pointed to the entrance of her wet hole. I got the message, and one finger separated her lower lips; I entered slowly, and she moaned in satisfaction; when my second finger entered and went deeper, she mumbled, “Yes, please, James, I have been dreaming about this.”

I massaged her inner walls gently and she became restless; when I bent down and sucked her nipple even deeper in my mouth and bit on it, she came.

“Yes, YES! I am yours, my love! Take me completely! Make me yours!” and she started to babble words I could not understand, but which were full of emotions. When she relaxed, she took my hand out of her pussy and offered it to me; surprised about her sudden audacity, I first put it into my and then into her mouth. She licked it carefully and then came back to kiss me.

“This was just a tiny little hors d’oeuvre, I hope. The main course is still to come!”

“The main course is already on the table, you two. I said nothing serious!”

Maureen tried to glare at us but failed. She smiled and when Jenny got up and went to her, she embraced her and kissed her with dear affection.

“Welcome to our little group. You’re part of us now, for good or for bad, never forget this!”

Jenny nodded and kissed her back; then she took my hand and pushed me towards Maureen.

“She’s yours, too, and we cannot forget this, either.”

Maureen looked at her and a tear appeared in her eye, but Mary, no, Jenny now, continued.

“I’ve never had a sister before who looked out for me. Maureen, you are more than my sister, you’re my best friend, sister, lover, and you’re almost everything for me.”

“Almost everything?” Maureen asked surprised.

“Well, there’s James, and whatever is left after loving you, I’ve to give him something, too, don’t I?”

“Good save, my dear. Better be careful the next time!”

We all laughed and went to have dinner - no smoked salmon this time. It was so pleasant to have Jenny at the table and even better to see her nipples peeking out, and Maureen’s areolae and stiff nipple visible all the time. We had our light lunch and after finishing and cleaning up, Jenny prepared to go home to her new flat. I disagreed.

“First, Jenny, this is your home. You just live in the other flat. And second - who said that you can go back? We’re together after a long time, and you want to run away? No, my lady, consider that it is late, but not morning yet. There are certainly better things to do than sleep alone in your cold bed, while you could sleep in our bed, embraced by us, protected, and cared for? We’ll throw you out in the morning so that you can go back, change and be at the office on time - and you don’t have to arrive before me! Can we convince you to stay for a while?”

She could not say anything but nodded very emphatically; then she jumped up and embraced Maureen and then me. After she kissed me and looked back at Maureen, I coughed and asked for an explanation.

“Is there something wrong with me, ladies? Jenny kisses you first when we arrived; then she kisses you before dinner; and now, trying to show gratitude, I’m the last one again. I know that I’m the husband here and husbands are always the last, but you are slowly driving me into a depression. Am I still visible to you? Am I still loved?”

Jenny was very worried and started to say something, but Maureen stopped her.

“You have to get accustomed to his quirky sense of humor, Jenny. He is a dear, but his jokes are not always of world-class quality. In any case there’s always a solution to shut him up. Let me show you.”

She came over and placed her breast before my lips, and out of pure self-defense I opened my mouth and inhaled her areola and her nipple. She rubbed it around a bit and then slowly withdrew, but it seemed that I was not the only one disappointed by her withdrawing her sensitive mound from my caress, but that she was, too. Nevertheless, she wanted to make a point and looking at Jenny, said, “It works every time. Try it!”

Jenny came over, too and offered her breast. “No, not a gentle offering, Jenny. If you want to stop him going on and on, just close his mouth with your breast and he will stop; it will get pleasant for you and certainly for him. He does have a special desire for our breasts and it’s encouraging for us that other women’s breast he might (or will) look at, but he’ll not touch. These sentiments are reserved for us.”

They laughed; I did not really understand why it was funny, but I did like the move that Maureen had suggested. Perhaps I could make some bad jokes more often?

“Let’s go to bed - it is still early, and I am interested in fooling around a bit...” Maureen said and without hesitation Jenny followed her. I went back to the living room, shut off the CD player and put the documents on the table in a resemblance of order. When I entered the bedroom the two ladies had shed their clothes already and were waiting for me on the bed, smiling, with her legs spread slightly showing their labia and offering much more.

I took off my things, too, and lay down between them. I received a deep kiss from both and then they seemed to have a short discussion on what to do now. Jenny looked at me and then at Maureen.

¨James, my love, it was so wonderful in Brisbane when you took me and made me your woman. I have been dreaming about this all the time and was waiting for you to come back and repeat it. James, now, however, I don’t want sex, I just want love. Will you please make love to me, open me gently...” and she smiled at Maureen ¨ ... and make me deliriously happy?”

All I could do was taking her into my arms and kissing her; Maureen was not far behind. This was the woman I had started to love and who I wanted to be with us forever.

“Jenny, I’m certain that we’ll have a wonderful life together and there will be moments when you want to be adventurous, or I want to take you as my own, but you’re right - tonight, we´ll make love and we’ll remember always that we are giving, not taking.”

And so, it was - I kissed her slowly all over, from her long shining black hair to her little toes, stopping a long time on certain places. She was getting excited, and it was wonderful to see that suddenly she looked at Maureen and took her hand.

“Maureen, my friend and sister, this is not only for me, but also for us, to be together now and forever.”

Maureen started to cry, overwhelmed by Jenny´s consideration and emotions, and leaned over to kiss her.

“Jenny, my friend and sister, this is for us, to be together now and forever.”

She started to grin. “Jenny, this is all quite good, but you’re making love to our man. Go ahead and enjoy it as it will not be the last time. And by the way, have you already selected your vodka?”

Jenny blushed furiously and nodded. I had enough, “If you two ladies have finished this mushy moment, can I please continue to make love to this beautiful woman of mine?”

Now both nodded, smiling and satisfied. Jenny looked at me. “‘Beautiful woman of mine’? Am I your woman?”

I nodded, kissed her, and slowly increased the intensity of my movements; she responded eagerly, and suddenly she cried out and came into my mouth. It was exciting to feel her, to taste her fluids, and to feel her love. She wanted more, however.

“James, can you please finish me now? I need that you take me, with love and kindness, but also with force to show me that I’m yours.”

She smiled. “Tell George that he’s always welcome!”

I moved upwards, placed George between her outer lips and slowly pushed forward. She opened her legs wide and it was easy to go in; it was less easy to go all the way because she was very tight; at the end, we managed it and I took her up some hills and accompanied her down others, but finally we both jumped down from the cliff, hand in hand.

She cried out once more and when she looked at me, her eyes shone with love, trust, and dedication, and then she whispered that she was mine, now and forever. No other man would ever touch her and all she wanted was being with me to the rest of our life. And then she turned to Maureen. “You, darling, are part of my happiness. When I’m with James, only he exists, but at all other moments we three are one.” She hesitated. “Well, Eileen has her place also and I beg you to guide me how to handle this.”

Maureen sniffled and nodded. “Jenny, there’s nothing that can separate us, as long as we are always honest with each other, never lie and always go to sleep with whatever problems we had resolved. ¨

I embraced them and when they put their heads on my chest, I was happy and content. We were also a bit uncomfortable since our lovemaking had left some liquid traces in our bed. Maureen resolved it - she took some washcloth from her sideboard and cleaned us thoroughly, but not without tasting our combined fluids. “Quite tasty and addictive, my two loves!”

Since everyone was now carefully cleaned in the places that counted, we decided to relax. I asked Jenny whether she wanted to go back to her place now and I would walk her there, or whether she would stay with us, and leave early in the morning to shower and to change.

She looked at Maureen and asked quietly, “Did he stay too long under the sun? Is this a stupid question or not? He is normally more intelligent than this!”

That answered my question and I laying back in the middle, both placed their heads once more on my chest. My hands wandered automatically to a breast on each side, and I spent happily caressing the firm mounds and teasing their nipples. We conversed about God and the world, but it became interesting when Maureen asked how Jenny had gotten along with her mother.

She said it had been wonderful and Eileen had asked her to stay with her Saturday night.

“She’s a fascinating woman, Maureen, and I can certainly learn a lot from her.”

She stopped, but Maureen would not let go. “Yes, we know this, but what did you talk about?”

“Well, we talked about me and my childhood, about you and James and how much I admire you, and about my plans for the future.”

“What did Mom say about all this?”

“Well, she thought that I’d be wonderful for James and you, and how you would be wonderful for me.”

“Did she say anything about the time when James and I met?”

“Not really, she said that was something you would have to tell me, but she told me about the problems you had with her, the weekend when she made love with James for the first time, and the rules you invented to evade problems.”

“Rules? Did she mention Local Rules?”

“Yes. It was actually quite funny, and we laughed a lot.”

“Did she made you follow a specific local rule?”

“Yes, about not wearing underwear when you are at home with your loved ones. She showed me the collections of outfits both of you have for these occasions and I tried them - very sexy and inviting! I want something similar, Maureen, as soon as I have money!”

“How about not sleeping in the guest room? You were already part of us, Jenny!”

Jenny started to hum and haw, but Maureen reminded her of the importance of one rule; never lie! She said finally that Eileen had offered her to stay with her and sleep in her bed and since she had had already some drinks and the invitation sounded harmless, she accepted it.

“Do you really want to hear this?”

Maureen said yes and I stayed quiet; it was obviously embarrassing for her, but Maureen wanted to know what had happened - she could be insistent in certain times.

“Well, Eileen lay beside me and asked me how I had survived James on Friday night. I was quite happy to tell her; that was the first time I could tell someone how happy I was, and one thing led to another. She asked me what I had liked especially well, and she told me what you, James, liked when she and you made love. It was a bit embarrassing, but I wanted to know how I could please you and she gave me some tips.”

She hesitated for a moment but continued.

“Then she showed me on her body what you want to do and repeated it on my body, but I was more and more embarrassed and told her I was very tired, but suddenly we were kissing each other, and her hands were all over me. James, I wanted to stop, but did not know how.”

Jenny was blushing all over and she hugged me.

“Suddenly I remembered your face and that I had promised you to that I’d never let someone touch me like you had done and withdrew slowly. Apparently, your mother was very disappointed. I explained, however, my feelings to her and at the end, she said that she understood me. I felt, however, how frustrated she was, and I thought that I needed to give back at least a bit of what I had received and kissed her. Then she pushed my hands on her breasts and told me how you feasted on them, and one thing led to another, and I felt her come on my fingers in her pussy. James, I was so embarrassed! Maureen, I didn’t know what to do and told her that I was very tired and would go to sleep.”

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