A Tale About Love III - Interesting Times - Cover

A Tale About Love III - Interesting Times

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 26: Welcome in Brisbane

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 26: Welcome in Brisbane - James is happy – he is married to the most beautiful woman in his world, her mother adores him, and his secretary isn’t bad at all. Love abounds - mishaps appear occasionally but are soon overcome. Anniversaries and Christmas bring presents, but at the New Year’s Ball, he must defend his life. He is honored as the Main Speaker at Hawaii's Annual IBM Sales Meeting, but then disaster strikes. What can he do now that one of his dreams has ended?

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Sharing   Petting   Nudism   Slow  

Going back to work after my honeymoon with my beloved wife was at the same time interesting, on the other side promising to be fun.

It was a long flight; it had left at night, and arrived in Brisbane before lunch. Eileen had sent a car and we arrived soon at her house. When we opened the door, she was already waiting - a picture of elegant sexuality. She was dressed in a white blouse as was her daughter (but without the bra), two buttons undone already, and the blouse was transparent showing her stiff nipples, a short white wrap-around skirt, and little black sandals. She embraced Maureen for a long time and then turned to me.

“James, I have missed you so much. Thank God that you’re finally here with me!”

She hugged me and offered her lips for a kiss. Her tongue came out and asked to enter my mouth, which I accepted readily, and we kissed each other like lovers who had not seen each other for a long time. She wrapped her body around me and pushed her breasts into my chest. Then she stepped back and smiled.

“The two of you look wonderful - happy, tanned and satisfied. Come in, I’ve prepared lunch.”

I took our luggage to Maureen’s room while the two ladies exchanged the latest gossip. When I came back, Eileen suggested that we shower, change into something more comfortable, and with a quite malicious smirk, sit down for lunch.

Maureen went first and Eileen stopped me.

“James, you can spend your time more profitably than looking at luggage, while Maureen takes a shower.”

I glanced at her as she slowly opened the rest of the buttons.

“Woof, woof. My puppies say that they feel abandoned, and they need more attention than I can give them. Would you please try to calm them down?”

I went back to her and holding her hands below her breasts, she offered them for me to kiss and caress. She had wider areolae than Maureen, but her nipples were larger and stiffer, and they fitted nicely in my mouth. I feasted on them, and Eileen sighed, “Finally, you’re here. You’ve got a lot to make up to me, my love. My heart and my body need you, so be prepared to make love to me.”

Somebody coughed behind us, and Maureen asked why she could not leave us alone for a moment and her mother had started to undress already. I turned around and there was she, not completely undressed, but there was nothing hiding her body. She had selected one of the long transparent gowns that exposed her breasts, showed her narrow waist and long legs, and offered her little exclamation mark on her pussy for our appreciation. “Local rules, my love.”

Eileen repeated, “Local rules” and unwrapped her skirt. There were no panties, just her marvelous full mound, shaved completely, and the wrinkly pussy lips showing some drops already. Observing them showing their bodies to me, I could not decide who was more beautiful - mother or daughter. I knew who I loved more, but physically they were just stunning.

“Well, Look at this - a bite mark on your breast? What happened?”

“James got carried away last night and I had to use a bikini the next morning; no more topless as it would have been too obvious what had happened.”

“Well, James, I do appreciate passion in a man, especially my man. Let’s get carried away with me, too, a bit later, please? Now go and have your shower and Maureen and I will open the wine.”

She took her daughter’s arm, and I heard her asking how the trip went, whether she was called Countess, what she wanted to do tomorrow because she had made our plans for today already, and then they were gone to the kitchen. I had my shower, changed into my traditional shorts and t-shirt, and went to join them. Eileen had changed, too, and this time into a little bolero jacket that opened at every move to show her firm breasts and still stiff nipples, and a white transparent skirt that had slits at the side and the front, giving easy access to a little caress. I went over to them and took them into my arms.

“I’m a very happy man to have you with me and please, please never leave me.”

Eileen looked at Maureen and whispered whether I had had too much sun. Asking them not to leave me? How stupid was this? First, they would never even think about that possibility and second, they knew that our original joining had created a union that could not be broken. Had I forgotten that?

I apologized for saying that but explained that occasionally, I wondered why I deserved my luck to have them with me as I had done nothing but loved them.

“As long as you continue doing this, we will always be at your side, loving you and caring for you. Don’t worry; we’ll make certain that you’ll never forget this!”

Eileen had prepared shrimp for an entrée served with a little Sauvignon Blanc, and veal with a beautiful Helen’s Hill Single Vineyard Pinot Noir. As always, the food was wonderful, the conversation less so. Eileen had shown interest in our stay at the hotel, and Maureen had started to tattle on the available fun we had; The stewardesses, the wife of the hotel manager, the topless beach with the volleyball games, and how I had easily entered the games. I tried to say that I wanted to exercise after all the good food, but Maureen said that the only body part I exercised were my eyes following the movements of the breasts of the players just in front of me. She also admitted, however, that those breasts were very pretty and worthwhile to be observed, and then she continued telling Eileen how many kisses I received when I won a game, how many more when I lost a game, and the grand finale at the farewell.

I tried not to blush, but when Maureen went into details about some of the offers, she received for sharing a bed - and the reasons for the offer - I tried desperately to turn to another subject, but without success. At the end, she remarked that I had behaved properly as she expected me to - after all a Count knew the meaning of noblesse oblige - and that she was very happy.

We finished with a Muscat liqueur and then Eileen asked what we wanted to do. Maureen played along and told her that we were still a bit tired, and she wanted to retire; perhaps she might be interested in joining us? One could see the force that Eileen used not to yell, ‘YES’, and she followed us to Maureen’s bedroom. Maureen was still a bit sore and when we lay down, one on each side, Eileen asked what had happened. Maureen looked at me and I reminded her, “Local rules - no lies.”

“James happened. I was very horny and didn’t want to be cuddled, I wanted to be taken by my man. Mom, he did, and it was wonderful. At the end, it got out of control a bit and he wanted to stop, but I insisted and finally I saw my man losing control and just pleasing himself, and not always thinking about my satisfaction. When he came, I came, too, and it was something new for me. He’s always so considerate and seeing and feeling him out of control and pounding my pussy was wonderful. He apologized, but I told him how happy I was. I’m still sore, but I’m also very satisfied; I would not do this every night, but once in a while...”

Eileen licked her lips and glanced at me. “May I suggest that occasionally, I’m also very horny? And you don’t have to apologize to me at the end!”

Their outfits had somehow disappeared, and both placed my hands on their breasts, waiting for me to advance in the eternal game.

I had seen beautiful women before, but these two were all I wanted. I kissed Eileen’s breasts with her stiff nipples and then turned to Maureen with her puffy areolae and a bit smaller, but also very stiff nipples. It took me some time to be satisfied and then went to the next stage of hands slowly gliding down to pussies. Their movements became a bit more agitated and suddenly Maureen said, “James, my love, I had you every day. Please concentrate on Mom, she needs you also!”

I gave her a kiss and turned to Eileen, and she lifted herself up and lay down on my body, her face ready for kissing, her breasts boring into my chest, and her legs encircling my waist. She started to rub herself up and down and lifting her upper body, looked down. My penis was stiff already and waiting for an initiation to enter. Her labia were completely wet, and her juices were dropping on my stomach. She looked at Maureen and whispered, “May I?” and upon Maureen’s nod, took my shaft and led it to her entrance. Slowly I pushed forward but did not find the entrance. I tried again and Eileen lifted her hips helping me, but without success. Frustrated, she looked at Maureen and whispered, “Help me...”

Maureen was surprised by this request but moved down to the edge of the bed and seeing Eileen’s hips still lifted high, grasped my stiff penis, and put it at the tight entrance; but even so I could not enter. She took my shaft in one hand, opened Eileen’s outer lips, rubbed my penis against the wet walls and led the tip into the taut hole. Then she slapped her mother’s ass and said, “Go for it, Mom!”

I pulled Eileen close, and she pulled me into her; the walls were tight, and my shaft was slipping in only slowly. When finally, I was deep inside, she relaxed and said that she wanted to stay this way for a moment - I inside her and her on top of me, feeling every move. Maureen gave me a kiss and then kissed her mother, too. Both seemed to like it and I watched them tonguing each other with delight. I felt abandoned and started to move and this caused Eileen to switch her attention from kissing to making love. One more deep kiss and she started to move in earnest.

She reached up to the posts of the bed and held herself up and moved her body up and down, then a bit sideways in a small circle, then up and down again, and continued until she was practically jumping up and down. She started to become rather loud, yelling my name, telling me to take her hard and fast, and then she shivered and collapsed, visibly satisfied and happy. At least I thought that she was satisfied when she slipped off me and lay on her back.

“Now you work, my love. I’m all yours!”

She did not want to stop - she wanted to be taken again right now. I had not come yet, so I started to move into my own rhythm and trying to get as deep as possible into her, but at the end, our almost desperate moves gave me enough reason to go faster and faster, pounding her and even with legs tight around my hips, I once slipped out. She pulled me in immediately again and finally I got my release, too. I felt her coming once more with me, both of us trembling with the strength of our lovemaking.

I slipped out and lay beside her, but she told me to get back on top of her; she wanted to feel my body on her, guiding my shaft back into her; she wanted to feel my weight on her, possessing her. She stretched her body, moving her pussy around my penis, but after a while, she stopped.

“I really needed this, James; you’ve been away for too long! But I believe that I had enough - it starts to become sore from all the excitement. I love you very much and you can have me again if you’re not completely satisfied, but I really would prefer some rest. Now you can be gentle and caring.”

Hadn’t I heard these words before? Mother and daughter feeling alike? Whatever the reason was, I was very gentle and caring with her. I kissed her, nuzzled on her breasts, stroked her long legs, and in general made platonic love to her. She enjoyed it and suddenly Maureen joined me kissing her neck, touching her breasts, gently touching her labia, and caressing her body and her mind.

Eileen relaxed and slowly her eyes dropped closed. She turned to me, put her head on my chest and mumbled, “Embrace me...” and fell asleep. Maureen smiled and said that she had seldom seen her mother so content.

“James, you’ve an influence over Mom and me that cannot be explained easily. We were different before we met you - Mom driven and aggressive, I rebelling and unhappy. Look at us now! We glance at you and our heart melts; you touch us, and we want to make love; we feel protected and safe whatever happens; we live to protect you and we’re certain that this will continue to the end of our life. We’ll tease you, enjoy offering our bodies to you and it is so much fun watching you looking and touching our breasts, which will always be at your disposal!”

She laughed, happy and content.

“We order you around, have arguments with you, tease you mercilessly, but at the end, we’re yours, for you to take and to love. We even have accepted another woman into our circle because she feels the same - loving you, protecting and trusting you and we know that she can be trusted, as a friend, as a sister, and as your lover. She’ll not be one of us; she’ll be her own person and will add and complete our group, but she’s also yours to take and to love. There can be no greater trust from us, but we’re certain that you’ll honor our trust.”

She added that she would sleep for a while and for me not to move, as Eileen was encircled by my arms and if I moved, she would wake up. We all needed our sleep and could continue the conversation at night. I smiled - could there be a better life? Having one in my arms and the other smiling at me, winking once before she closed her eyes - life was wonderful. I reflected on what had happened to me during the last year, how my life had changed and how everything was different from what I had planned for that year.

When I woke up, Eileen was still encircled by my arms and she was breathing peacefully, with a small smile on her face. Maureen had disappeared, so I slowly moved away from Eileen and slipped out of the bed. She protested looking for my arms and I put my pillow close to her. She took it, held it close and the smile reappeared. I went to the bathroom, did my things, and went looking for Maureen. She was in the kitchen and told me that I had arrived just in time; the tea was ready for us.

She had used Eileen’s delicate Wedgwood bone china and the smell drifting from the teapot was tantalizing. She had added a few cookies and some finger food - a perfect combination for a light interval. She had also gone back to her transparent gown with her lovely breasts exposed, and after sitting me at the table and getting me a cup of that delicious tea, she sat on my lap.

“I have to be punished, my love. I left our bed without giving you my breasts to kiss, but I’ll make it up to you. Please take them now!”

I did not hesitate one moment and sucked those puffy areolae and her nipples that were already standing up firmly. She was very sensitive there and when I bit one nipple slightly, she started to moan. My hand encircled one firm breast and my mouth was teasing the other one. They were just the right size so that I could play with them as I wanted, squeezing them and at the same time, letting a hand walk down her body to her pussy. She helped me pulling her gown up to give me her pussy also, and when my finger touched her labia and slowly entered her, she trembled and climaxed. She hugged me and whispered “What a lovely way to have your tea...”

Satisfied, somehow, she suddenly changed her mood and asked. “Where is Mom? Did you abandon her after taking her in such a ferocious way? She was hurting all over! What a cad you are! You should apologize!”

“Apologize for what?”

Eileen had appeared in the door and had been watching us.

“I feel wonderful and I’m only sorry that I woke up alone as there were some tempting thoughts in my mind about how we could continue, James, but you had left and now you should feel sorry - they were very tempting indeed!”

She stepped into the kitchen, again wearing her little bolero outfit and her eyes lit up when she saw the table set for tea. “Maureen, my darling, I would appreciate it very much if you could give me the same treatment as James just got.”

“I don’t know how to respond to your request, Mom. James just got a mouthful of breasts, a tickling of my pussy, and tea. I got a small climax just to be animated for later events. So, what do you want?”

“Get up, my dear, and let me sit down on his lap. Then we’ll see!”

Maureen looked at me, shrugged at her mother’s not completely unreasonable request, and got up. Eileen came over and sat down.

“Let’s see. A mouthful of breasts? James, here they are for your pleasure...” and she pulled her bolero open to give me easy access. “A tickling of pussy?” She pulled her little skirt down and stepped out of it. “Go ahead, James. My pussy is sore, but not hurting.”

She led my hand to her labia and pushed one finger into her opening.

“Let’s play a game, James. If you can find my g-spot, I’ll reward you handsomely. If not, you must try, and try, and try again.”

She settled back so that I could have her breasts and her pussy. “And tea? Maureen, my dear, just place the cup in front of me - I’m certain there’ll be a moment when I shall need it.”

She closed her eyes and told me to start playing. I knew her body well enough to find her spot easily but wanted to prolong the game for her and my benefits. She got more and more excited and when I added a second finger, her patience was overloaded, and she came with a loud moan. After a while she opened her eyes again and whispered, “Thanks, James. I love you very much.”

Maureen had watched us with a certain measure of surprise, but at the end, shook her head.

“Mom, what else will you do with James? Having tea with benefits is wonderful, isn’t it?”

“Everything he and I can think of. Don’t be jealous - I’ll teach you the lot if you need any assistance in your relationship. But where’s my tea?”

She served her mother, refilled my cup, and sat on the other side of the table. Considering that it had a glass top it did not surprise me that she used this to her advantage. Opening and closing slowly her legs and showing me her pussy, leaning forward to push her breasts out, she wanted my attention. I needed to stop this immediately - there was love in this house, not a sexual competition.

I lifted Eileen up and put her on her feet. She protested, but I said that my legs were starting to hurt; after all, the two ladies were not midgets. This caused an immediate uproar accusing me to call them fat and they both took off all clothes (or whatever had remained), stood in front of me and asked me to tell them where they were overweight. I got up, too, and walked around them to check every detail; then I said that I was right - they were no midgets, but very beautiful women and that I was happy to be with them and allowed to love them. This calmed them down and both embraced me; their nude bodies felt wonderful against mine and I kissed them with affection and desire.

“Ladies, this is all wonderful, but I believe that we’ve to discuss some more serious matters. Perhaps we can retire to the sitting room after I clean up; I’m generous today and think about our future?”

As expected, they did not let me do the work; after all, I would have been surprised if my offer had been accepted, but I wanted to make a gesture of goodwill. I was sent ahead to prepare drinks and when they came to join me, they were still nude and sat close to me on the couch, one on each side. Eileen was the first to lie down and place her head on my lap, but Maureen was not far behind her. I do not think that they were interested in drinks, but I placed a glass of port for each in front of us.

Then I leaned back and asked first Eileen, “Were you satisfied with the wedding? Did your friends want to claw your eyes out? Was there anything you really liked?”

“James, it was delirious to see their eyes fall out when you were announced ‘James Gustav, Count de Winter, and Maureen Siobhán, Countess de Winter!’ How wonderful! Why did you hide this from us?”

I repeated that I wanted a wedding, not a social super story with the media, interviews, and all that nonsense. In my opinion, I had given her enough social status to last a very long time. She agreed and said that all this was wonderful, but that the real surprise was Mary Ann.

“I was not really convinced that she should join us, but I acceded to your wish. She was so happy when Maureen sent her to you that night before the wedding, that it was difficult to control her. We had told her a bit about what you liked especially well but left the rest to her imagination. Apparently, it worked. You must have really impressed her; not because you ‘opened her gently’ as she told us in great detail, but because of the tenderness and caring you used. She hurt afterwards because she did not want to stop and exaggerated her willingness to make love, but it was pure delight for her. I told her she could stay with me for the night since I did not want her to feel lonely after such a wonderful night with you. We stayed up a long time and she told me parts of her childhood and her difficult upbringing.”

She stopped and told me that’s she would not mind if my hands would busy themselves with her body and wherever they wanted to go, they were welcome. She also said that she was well able of parallel processing, so she could tell the story and enjoy my caresses. Maureen said immediately that she could have only one hand - the other one was for her body and that she was also capable of parallel processing. I let my fingers dance up and down on their bodies and both let me know that I was very welcome to do this all day long.

“I started to believe what both of you had told me - that she was a wonderful person and that she fitted in with our thinking and behavior, and she understood our special bonding with you, James. She wanted to be close to you, offer her body to you, make love, but also protect you in the office and out of it with her life. Maureen and I are bonded to you; she is also, however, on a different level. She wants to be our friend because she never had friends and she considers Maureen her new sister, and being close to us, she is close to you. She fits in and I agree. I know how much you appreciate a very intelligent and quick mind, especially when it is connected to a beautiful body. And beautiful she certainly is!”

She stopped again and told me that her pussy was expecting a visit, and would I please let my fingers do the walking? Maureen repeated the request and suddenly I was with my mind on Eileen’s story, but also on the excitement I was feeling caressing two beautiful women. Eileen started to become a bit restless, and her voice turned hoarse.

“James, I hope you don’t mind that I bought some nice jewelry for her - not expensive, but nice. She only accepted it when I told her that in her position as your assistant, she needed to show class ... James, a bit deeper, please ... and she looked really nice in the diamond earrings you gave her and she did not want to take them off at all, but I ... James, a bit faster, please ... but I convinced her that these were not earrings to wear in the office. I would also like to suggest that you ... James, do me!”

She lifted her hips up high and pushed my fingers into her pussy. When I started to move faster and faster, she tensed and went all rigid, then fell back down onto the bed.

Trembling, she said, “I might not be able to do parallel processing in certain moments, but this was very nice, thank you, James.”

Maureen was not far behind her, gushing her fluids on my hand and shivering, pulled it up to her mouth and kissed it. “James, you can walk your finger up and down my body any time you want, my love. “She also did not complain about the interruption in Eileen’s report.

“What I wanted to say was that perhaps you should buy her an opal pendant like the ones we received, as she is now part of us, and you might want to show this. I am certain that she would dearly love this proof of your and our love. We talked a lot and mainly about you, and I showed her some moves you like especially, like making love to my breasts or kissing me on my labia and penetrating them with your tongue, and something just happened. James, I hope you forgive me, but I tried to make love to Mary Ann, but she withdrew at the last moment, saying that only you would and should make love to her.”

Maureen sat up. “Mother!”

Eileen shrugged. “It was fun, however, and we enjoyed it. She’s a curious and lively person, and if I can judge from our night, you will enjoy her very much. Maureen, you may expect the same treatment, and she mentioned something that Maureen said about EOA? Just imagine - the two of them making love and you deciding which one you will have first? There are lots of possibilities, my love...!”

This was typical Eileen, thinking about sex, not love. As before I wondered how this delicate situation would develop.

She added that Mary Ann stayed for the night to Sunday, and it seemed they had enjoyed their time together. She flew back to Sydney but called her every night to report on her day and what had happened in the office. It was big news that I was suddenly a Count and speculations were going on whether I would change my behavior or whether I would stay the same, a ‘superbly competent and driving manager, but also a nice and helpful guy’ as Mary Ann had told Eileen was the general opinion until my promotion.

Eileen also said that Mary Ann had found a new apartment and luckily in the same building where we lived, completely run down, and needing repairs, since it was the residual of a long inheritance struggle. It was small and in the back at the street side of the building (which might explain why nobody was interested in it), but large enough for her, and she had moved over the weekend. She had invited her to come up to Brisbane for the weekend, but Mary Ann had declined because she had to clean everything in the new apartment, go to a cooking class, and prepare her material for the two courses on people management and data organization she had signed up for.

“Are you certain that you’ll see her at all? It seems that between the office and her courses, every day and night is signed up for already! And don’t forget her running!”

I wondered about this, too, but that was a problem I would resolve when we saw Mary Ann. I was rather proud of her!

Both ladies seemed to be tired, and we decide to retire to our bed and the only decision to make was whether it would be Eileen’s or Maureen’s bedroom, but Eileen decided this rapidly.

“You’re in Brisbane, and here we sleep in my bed!”

Her bedroom was bigger and the bed also. She had removed the old posters and pictures and redecorated it completely. It was lighter now, happier; the bed was enormous (for four people?) and whilst there was a lot of pink, I also saw a lot of my favorite color, blue. She had a good sense for color combination and the intertwining of the two colors had definitively a deep significance for her. Both were naked in an instant and my shorts also fell off fast.

Eileen dimmed the lights and we lay down, one on each side and both heads placed on my chest. Their hair tickled me, but their hugs were the only matter that counted. Then Eileen lifted her upper body and turned to me.

“Kiss them good night, they have been alone for such a long time.”

I kissed both breasts with great dedication and added a kiss on her lips. Then Maureen repeated the procedure and smiling, they said at the same time, “Goodnight, my love.” and at the end, Eileen blew a kiss to Maureen.

We fell asleep fast as it had been an eventful day, and when I woke up, daylight was already creeping in through the shades. I had Maureen in my arms and Eileen behind me, clinging to my back and her hand on my hip. She was waking up also and needed a moment to realize that she was not alone. She seemed to smile; I was satisfied that I was still able to feel most of her sentiments. I did not feel them as strongly as I felt Maureen’s, but strong enough to sense what she was feeling, and then her hand crept downwards and to my front. She found her goal and slowly started to stroke it; then she moved her body down until she was just beside my hip.

Leaning forward she whispered, “Hi, George. Have you slept well? Have you recovered from your exercises and are you ready to try again?” Kissing the tip of my shaft, immediately it grew to an intermediate size. “I take this as a Yes!” She gripped my penis with one hand and caressed my balls with the other. Her mouth closed on it, and she started to suck it deep into her mouth.

My emotions were creeping up on me - the feeling that the woman I loved had my shaft in her mouth and was enjoying it; the excitement I received from her sucking, stroking, and tonguing; the look of lust and love in her face when she glanced up to me. I wanted to come, but sensing this, she slowed down until I was less excited and then started again. Her throat muscles contracted and made me shiver. She slowly took me higher and higher until I came almost without warning. My body tensed and my seed shot into her mouth; she swallowed once, then twice still stroking my shaft trying to get the last drop out of me. She kissed the tip one more time and then let it drop out of her mouth. She was not finished, however - planting kisses all along its length, she clearly enjoyed herself. Her eyes flashed with pleasure, her body was gleaning with a layer of sweat and flushed all over.

“Well, George, good morning once more. Are you ready for the day?”

She kissed the tip once more, but George was tired now; just a little twitch to show that he appreciated the meaning and promised to reciprocate sometimes in the future, but now he wanted to rest.

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