Abbott Trails - Cover

Abbott Trails

Copyright© 2024 by WittyUserName

Chapter 7

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 7 - The trails and tribulations of Timothy Abbott. Will Tim find love, or will he succumb to the trauma of his past?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

~Sunday, July 06th – Tuesday, July 08th~

I went in to town on Sunday to do some shopping. In addition to groceries, I bought a few things the camp needed and tossed them in the back of my truck. I also made a couple other stops. I’d make one quick run back to the grocery store for frozen foods before heading home. Lunch was at a small coffee shop that also sold pastries and sandwiches, and I didn’t even think of it until I realized that Chloe was working.

The shop wasn’t very crowded, so Chloe had time to talk with me. She flirted a little bit, asking me how camp was. I didn’t bring up Lauren and Sean. I couldn’t. Sadly, Chloe did. I was new to all this relationship drama, but it felt like Chloe had more than a passing interest. She also saw Lauren as competition, so she mentioned several times how much her brother was into Lauren.

I spent the rest of Sunday shut in my cabin like a hermit. Monday was uneventful, but I did get some work done. On Tuesday, Brian apparently walked up to James and punched him in the face. Brian then declared they were even and walked off. It didn’t seem like James and Brooke were a couple, and I sincerely hoped that was the end of the drama.

Lauren sent me a text every morning, making sure to remind me that I was a twatwaffle. Her ankle was getting better, but she didn’t feel comfortable running just yet. We didn’t talk about her date, although Lauren did mention Chloe telling her about running into me. I was very thankful no one suggested a double date.

Every day I reminded myself that I had really only known Lauren for a month. Three years ago I had lost my entire world. One month of chemistry with an attractive neighbor can’t change that. Things would be better once I found a place somewhere else. I actually had to start looking soon. It was almost time to sign the final paperwork for the sale.

I did my best to act normal around Riley and Michelle, and I don’t think they noticed anything. Austin and I hung out a few times. I’d have to tell him about the sale soon. A lot of people were probably going to be upset with me, but I hoped they’d understand.

Michelle actually didn’t spend a ton of time with me. She was busy comforting Brian. The two of them had grown apart over the years, but it seemed like they were making up for that now. Michelle believed Brian loved her like a sister, and the redhead said she accepted that.

~Wednesday, July 09th~

My Wednesday alarm went off at the usual time, and I immediately noticed that Brady wasn’t in the bed. Of course I was alone. I was always alone. With a sigh, I opened my phone to go through my notifications. There was nothing important, so I sent Lauren a text.

Tim: Good morning! Happy birthday!

Lauren: Thanks! :D Enjoy your morning run, twatwaffle!

Tim: Have a nice birthday!

Lauren: Am I seeing my friendly neighbor today?

Tim: Hey, I offered! You had plans!

Lauren: Dinner plans.

Tim: I could come by after breakfast?

Lauren: Don’t you have to work?

Tim: Being the owner has some perks. ;) Shall I stop by?

Lauren: Please do. I had to kill off all my boy toys since I can barely walk.

Tim: Ah, you feeling a little on edge with no one to torture?

Lauren: I’m glad you understand! ;)

Tim: I do. I’ll text you when I’m on my way.

Brady and I went on a quirk run before coming home. The Labrador decided to nap in his downstairs bed while I took a shower. I sent Lauren a text that I was on my way, grabbed my things, and started the short walk over to her place.

“Happy birthday!” I exclaimed, holding out a wrapped box with a card taped to it as Lauren opened her front door.

“What did you do?!” she giggled, looking gorgeous in a pair of flannel pajama pants with a white t-shirt. Sadly, she seemed to be wearing a bra.

“I wasn’t gonna show up to my friend’s house on her birthday with no gift!” I reasoned. “What kind of monster do you think I am?”

“You really want me to answer that?” she asked, crinkling her nose cutely as she gestured for me to come in. “Wait. You didn’t think you’d be seeing me on my birthday.”

“I got it Sunday,” I answered, letting her lean on me for support as we entered her living room. “When I went to town. I figured I’d see you eventually!”

“Lucky you,” Lauren giggled as she sat on the couch and accepted the gift. “Thank you!”

“Don’t thank me yet, you haven’t seen what it is yet,” I pointed out after taking a seat in the armchair.

“I don’t care how much you spent on the video camera, you can’t star in any of the videos I sell to afford this place,” she quipped, setting the present on the cushion beside her.

“Hey! You make a lot more performing with a guy,” I reasoned, completely losing myself in the moment, loving our banter. “I’m just saying, I’m willing to take the bullet.”

“I’m sure you are,” Lauren snorted as she grabbed the card that had her name written on it. “I did bury my victims out back, but my titties are huge; they make me plenty of money.”

“Good to know,” I laughed, some awkwardness returning as I thought about her date.

In fact, I just realized it was their third date. I knew Lauren had only dated one guy, her ex-fiance, but I didn’t know if she ended up kissing Sean on Independence Day. My thoughts were dominated by the cultural stereotype of having sex after three dates.

“Nice card, dingleberry,” she rolled her eyes as she read the front of the card. It assured her that getting old wasn’t always a bad thing. Her face did light up a bit when she found the instant lottery scratch tickets in the card. “Thanks!”

“Good luck!” I said, handing her a coin from my pocket.

Lauren placed the tickets on her coffee table and started scratching them. She had the cutest look on her face as she concentrated on finding out if she just won a fortune. I didn’t know how much money she had left, or if she was still rich, but everyone loved winning money!

“Loser,” Lauren declared, discarding the first ticket and picking up the second. “Hey, just like you!”

“I’m not the klutz who needed a piggyback ride because she couldn’t walk,” I countered.

“We agreed to never speak of that again!” she hissed, her eyes narrowing as she looked at me. Her long blonde hair was unbound, allowing it to frame her face.

“I don’t remember ever making that deal,” I said. Fuck, she was so beautiful.

“Do I need to break out the whips and chains?” Lauren threatened with a raised eyebrow.

“That won’t be necessary,” I stammered.

“Smart,” she nodded. “Oh, this one says I can win up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars!”

Sadly, my neighbor did not win hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, she managed to lose on every single ticket. I supposed it was to be expected. She piled up the losing tickets before picking up the box and placing it in her lap.

I watched as Lauren unwrapped the box. She quickly opened it and pulled out the item on top. It was an ankle brace. There was a frown on her face as she examined it. Then she looked over at me with an expression of contempt on her face.

“It’s a nice one,” I explained. “You can use it every time you sprain your ankle. You live in nature now, so I figure a city girl like you will need it more often than not.”

“Suck. My. Dick,” Lauren growled.

“There’s one other thing in there,” I smiled.

“If it isn’t something good, it’s going straight up your ass,” she mumbled while looking in the box.

Lauren gasped. She slowly lifted out the large, framed photograph. The image was of Lauren and me. We were standing in front of Chimney Pond with Mount Katahdin in the background. It was a really nice picture that a woman had agreed to take for us.

“I noticed you didn’t have any pictures of family or friends, so I thought you might like it,” I shrugged. “I considered just a picture of me, but that seemed a little much, even for me.”

“Thank you, Tim,” Lauren said in a small voice. “I love it.”

“I’m glad. Happy birthday, Lauren,” I inclined my head before standing up. “How about we put the brace on? It should help you heal faster.”

I sat down beside Lauren and pulled her feet up into my lap. After carefully removing the athletic wrap on her ankle, I gave her a brief foot massage. She sighed happily, and I could tell it felt good. I reminded myself we were just friends, and I quickly put the brace on.

“Thank you,” she said after taking a few steps while wearing the brace. “I can walk!”

“Not well, but you can,” I teased, earning me a punch to the shoulder.

I couldn’t stay all morning, so Lauren eventually walked me to the door. We stood staring at each other for at least a minute, neither of us sure what to say. Lauren came to a decision and drew me into a tight hug. I rubbed her back affectionately while she hugged me.

“Thank you again,” Lauren whispered in my ear.

“You’re welcome,” I replied as her hair tickled my chin. She smelled so good, it was intoxicating. “I hope you have a great birthday.”

Lauren kept her arms around me as she pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but was immediately cut off when she pressed her lips against mine. It was a nice kiss. Soft and light. It was too brief. Way, way too brief.

“Thank you for being my friend,” she mumbled sadly.

“Always, Lauren,” I promised.

I was in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Was that the last kiss I would ever have with Lauren? Would she seal the deal with Sean and tell me about her new boyfriend? I couldn’t stop the thoughts from racing through my mind, so I tried throwing myself into work as a distraction.

“Tim? What are you doing?” Riley asked when she found me at the communal fire pit in the middle of the afternoon.

“Cleaning the fire pit,” I answered. “This is where we have the big bonfires, it needs to be cleaned.”

“It does...” Riley trailed off. “But, um, that’s not your job? You have counselors for a reason.”

“Don’t you have something you need to do?” I countered pathetically.

“I just did it,” she rolled her eyes. “Steven pulled Kasey’s ponytail. I had to explain to him that’s not how you show a girl you like her.”

“Well, he’s thirteen,” I reasoned. “I know what goes through the mind of a thirteen year old boy.”

“Since you still have the mind of a thirteen year old boy,” Riley giggled.

“I do not!” I exclaimed before using my arm to wipe the sweat from my brow.

“I saw you trying not to laugh when the hot dog bounced off Charlotte’s head,” she stated plainly.

“Oh, come on! That was funny!” I grinned.

“Idiot,” Riley shook her head. “And stop distracting me, I do have to get back to the others in a minute. What’s wrong?”

“Lauren has another date with Sean, and it’s the third one!” I spat out quickly.

“Ah, the fabled third date,” she winced, her eyes widening in understanding. “There’s no way you two can get together?”

“It’s impossible,” I confirmed, shaking my head.

“I’m sorry, Tim,” Riley sighed sadly. “I know it’s not the same, but how about I bring Michelle by so the two of us can keep you company tonight?”

“You won’t feel like I’m using you?” I asked.

“No,” she shook her head. “We’re friends. And we’re not coming over just to give you a few willing holes to stick it in. We’ll keep you company.”

“I’d like that,” I nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Riley grinned. “Of course, don’t jack off before we get there. I do still intend to get off a few times. What good are friends if they can’t provide a few nice orgasms?”

“No problem, Riley,” I chuckled.

Riley and I both went back to work, and I chose to finish what I started. Once the fire pit was cleaned, I washed up and found more things to do. All odd jobs that I wouldn’t normally deal with myself, but I wanted the distraction.

Michelle and Riley came over for dinner, and Brady couldn’t have been happier. Apparently, my dog had forgotten how often the girls took his spot in bed. His tail was going crazy as he made happy noises while the two girls kissed and hugged him.

I prepared a relatively quick meal. It was nothing special, and I really didn’t enjoy it. I kept thinking about Sean cooking for Lauren. It was nice of him, and I hoped he really was a good guy. Lauren deserved all the happiness in the world.

After dinner, the three of us snuggled on the couch while Brady slept in his bed. The girls insisted that we could watch whatever I wanted to. I picked out a classic science-fiction film about a guy who invented a time machine to try and go back in time to stop his wife from dying.

The two lovely ladies thought the effects were hysterical. Michelle did love science-fiction, but she had never seen something so old. The film came out decades before any of us were born, but I was very familiar with these old movies. Lacey loved this one; she loved how the guy would do anything to bring back his wife. So would I. Sadly, I wasn’t a scientist, so I probably couldn’t invent a time machine.

Riley fell asleep. She had her head resting on my shoulder and was breathing heavily. Not the best way to keep me company, but hey, at least she tried. It was actually really cute. I was wearing lounge pants and a t-shirt while the girls still had on their counselor uniforms; shorts and t-shirts. I leaned over and kissed Riley’s forehead.

Little Michelle apparently felt I deserved more attention than Riley was providing. The redhead reached out and started rubbing my crotch, bringing me to hardness. I just kept watching the movie as Michelle freed my erection and lowered her head into my lap.

Resting one hand on Michelle’s head, I enjoyed some classic science-fiction while getting a blowjob. Riley didn’t wake up, and I didn’t speak. I relaxed and allowed Michelle to keep sucking until I finally tensed and flooded her mouth with semen.

“Maybe we should head upstairs?” the redhead suggested, a few drops of white still on her lips.

“I think we should,” I replied.

“Riley? Time to wake up!” I urged, lightly shaking her. She just grunted and refused to wake up.

“Riley! Time for cock!” Michelle shouted.

“I’m up, I’m up!” Riley groaned, lifting her head.

Ten minutes later, my head was buried between Michelle’s thighs while Riley rode the quiet girl’s face. We were all naked, and I used all of my skills to make Michelle cum on my tongue. Moments later, Riley announced her own orgasm.

The girls gave me a dual blowjob to get me hard, then they both bent over the bed and presented their lovely backsides. I did what any straight male would have done; I alternated fucking them both from behind, switching every couple minutes. I had a great time making both girls orgasm on my thrusting manhood.

“We have a fun surprise for you,” Riley told me while I was balls-deep in Michelle.

“What’s that?” I wondered, gripping the redhead’s ass cheeks as I pumped her pussy.

“Remember when I told you Michelle asked me about anal sex?” Riley inquired as she stood up and marched her naked ass over to the bedside table.

“I remember,” I grunted, so lost in the feel of Michelle’s tight twat that I didn’t put it together.

“I want it in my ass!” Michelle husked, her hands reaching out to clench the sheets.

“Seriously?” I asked, my thrusts never stopping.

“Yup!” Riley grinned as she put a hand on my shoulder and held out the bottle of lube. “I’m glad I told you to keep it!”

“Please!” Michelle begged as her pussy clamped down on my dick. “Please, put it in my bum!”

There was no way I was going to refuse that, so I immediately withdrew from Michelle’s hole. Riley lubed up my cock and Michelle’s ass. The redhead was shaking with excitement, and I was amazed at how much more confident she was. She truly wanted this, she wasn’t scared. Michelle knew she had us, that we cared, that we respected her.

Riley pressed my glans against the entrance to Michelle’s ass, and I gripped her hips as I pushed myself forward. Michelle screamed lightly when she felt my tip pop into her butt. Tossing her head back, she screeched loudly through clenched teeth as I slid myself all the way in.

“It’s in!” Riley cheered happily, reaching over to brush Michelle’s auburn hair back. “It’s all the way in, Chelle. You did it!”

“Fuck me!” Michelle gasped weakly. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass!”

Michelle seemed to adjust to a cock in her butt very quickly, even quicker than Riley. The redhead was soon moaning loudly, begging me to keep fucking her, to never stop, to make her cum. I was surprised when Michelle was able to reach orgasm without even touching her clit, something Riley hadn’t managed.

“I’m close, Chelle!” I groaned. “Your ass feels so fucking good!”

“Cum in her!” Riley breathed, watching us intently.

“Please!” Michelle begged. “I’ve never felt a cock spurting in me. Please. Cum in my bum.”

Was it a mistake? Probably. I knew semen could dribble down and reach the labia. I was too far gone. I slammed myself up Michelle’s backdoor and groaned loudly as my balls compressed and expelled their warm contents. It was an intense orgasm, and I could not stop shuddering.

Riley grabbed some tissues for Michelle to hold over her butt. The redhead then waddled over to the bathroom to clean up. When she was ready, she let us come in so that the three of us could squeeze into the shower. I had to wash my cock, after all.

Having two naked women in the shower with me sounded amazing in theory. In practice? There was not much room. I wasn’t rich, I didn’t have a giant shower. Riley was forced to leave so that Michelle and I could clean up. Then we dried off and returned to the master bedroom.

Riley and Michelle ended up having sex. I watched the two of them tribbing until I was ready to go again. Both girls took turn riding me until I was ready to cum again. They wanted a facial, so I had them get on their knees and beg for me to cover them. Michelle was the one who demanded a picture to remember the occasion. We fell asleep cuddling.

~Thursday, July 10th – Friday, July 11th~

Michelle and Riley woke me up Thursday morning with a very pleasant blowjob. I came in Riley’s mouth, and the two girls swapped my cum back and forth while kissing. My hands explored their bodies as they took turns swallowing.

The rest of Thursday was uneventful. Friday was the Abbott Trails Summer Olympics, which was as draining as always. There wasn’t much drama, with Brian and James avoiding each other while Brian and Brooke also avoided each other. Nikki was quiet and reserved. Michelle did her best to keep Brian’s spirits up. I even saw him smile while he was talking to her.

Lauren did text me every morning. I was worried. She called me a twatwaffle Thursday morning, like every other morning. The problem was she didn’t mention her date. On Independence Day, Lauren sent me a text to tell me Sean left. She didn’t say anything Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or Friday. I got a morning text. That was it. We didn’t even see each other.

~Saturday, July 12th~

I woke up with dried tears on my cheeks Saturday morning. I didn’t remember my dream, but I must have had a bad one. Wiping away my tears, I saw that I had a good morning text from Lauren, calling me a twatwaffle and letting me know her ankle was much better. She was planning to meet up with me on Monday for our run.

Saturday was the day that the camp counselors brought the kids to see Mount Katahdin. Everything was in order with Abbott Trails, so I decided I was not going to do anything productive. I was planning on having a lazy weekend. I’d fish, sleep, read, play video games. Maybe swim or take a kayak out on the lake.

Everything went according to plan until about 2:00PM. I was sitting on the couch playing video games on my flat screen when my phone started buzzing. Someone was calling me, which likely meant something urgent. I completely forgot about my game when I realized it was Lauren.

“Hello?” I practically shouted into the phone.

“Hey, Tim!” Lauren’s voice replied. “Sorry to bother you.”

“You’re not bothering me,” I told her, trying to sound casual. “What’s up?”

“Are you busy today?” she asked nervously.

“Nope. Not at all,” I said, immediately grateful I hadn’t planned anything. “I’m currently sitting in my underwear playing video games.”

“Could you come over?” Lauren inquired, sounding desperate.

“Not even a mean comment about me in my underwear? This must be serious,” I responded, my mouth dry.

“Sorry, I’m just a little anxious right now,” she mumbled. “I’ll make a comment about you blinding Brady later, okay? Right now, please come over.”

“I’ll get dressed and head right over,” I promised.

I was worried about Lauren as I quickly got dressed in shorts and a camp t-shirt. It wasn’t an immediate emergency, but something was clearly wrong. Had Sean hurt her? If he did, I’d ... that’s something I should not think about. I let out a breath as I ran out the door and jogged over to Lauren’s before knocking on her door.

“Hey,” Lauren whispered, sounding nervous as she stood in her doorway.

She looked nervous, too. Lauren was dressed in jean shorts and an olive green scoop-necked top. Her blonde hair was unbound, and her blue eyes were as mesmerizing as ever. The sad, defeated expression on her face was my main focus. In fact, I barely registered her cleavage.

“Hey,” I replied, giving her a tight smile.

“Please, come in,” she said, inviting me in.

Lauren brought me to her kitchen, and I noticed her laptop on the table. There were several notebooks stacked up near the laptop, and I also noticed an expensive-looking briefcase. A white file box was on the floor next to the chair Lauren had obviously been working at.

“What’s going on?” I asked, sitting in a chair near Lauren with a glass of lemonade she had gotten me.

“I ... I need a hand ... with something,” Lauren mumbled, putting away the lemonade before walking barefoot back to the table. I noticed she wasn’t wearing the ankle brace any longer.

“Okay...” I trailed off, wondering what was going on. Anger flashed when I remembered my earlier suspicion. “Did something happen with your boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” she rolled her eyes. “And no, it’s not about him. I called you because I need someone I can trust. I just...”

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten snarky,” I told her seriously. “No matter what. Please, what’s going on?”

“Someone I don’t want to have to face is on his way. I just found out. I. Please. Tim, please? I need you here. I’m...” Lauren sighed, looking on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry. Fuck.”

“Why are you sorry?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for moving,” she explained. “At first, I felt like you were leading me on, but you never promised me anything. The accident was three years ago, and I should have realized how hard things must have been on you. I imagine you didn’t come to this decision lightly.”

“No, I definitely didn’t,” I agreed. “Still, we kissed and everything...”

“We did, and it was amazing,” Lauren smiled, taking a sip of lemonade before continuing. “The point is, you didn’t do anything wrong. I shouldn’t have treated you that way. I can’t even imagine what you must be going through.”

“I’m just glad we can joke and insult each other again,” I smiled before looking at her seriously. “We were both really private at first, and even now in some ways. I’m glad you’ve shown me trust, and I’m sorry I made you feel like I betrayed that trust.”

“Thank you, Tim,” she whispered.

“From what I know about you and from what you said, I’m guessing the person coming is either your father or your ex-fiance?” I inquired.

“The second one,” Lauren grunted sadly.

“I see,” I stated, folding my hands on the table. “What happened?”

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