Abbott Trails - Cover

Abbott Trails

Copyright© 2024 by WittyUserName

Chapter 5

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The trails and tribulations of Timothy Abbott. Will Tim find love, or will he succumb to the trauma of his past?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

~Sunday, June 29th~

My phone alarm went off, waking all three of us and reminding me that I was in bed with two naked women. They both sat up, stretching and yawning with their arms above their heads. I was sitting up as well, and happily took in the sight of their bare breasts as they jiggled slightly with their movements.

“Morning, pervert,” Riley giggled as she playfully covered her breasts with her arms.

“Morning, beautiful,” I replied, running my fingers down her bare back.

“It was really nice spending the night in bed with someone,” Michelle commented, kissing my shoulder. “Two someones.”

“It’s great waking up with both of you,” I agreed as Michelle reached beneath the covers to grasp my morning wood. “Can I help you?”

“I wanna suck you again,” Michelle giggled as she started stroking.

“That gives me an idea,” Riley smirked.

Riley’s idea was for Michelle to suck me while kneeling perpendicular to me. Michelle’s position gave Riley room to kneel between my legs so she could lick my nuts. I groaned incoherently as I exploded in Michelle’s mouth. The girls then kissed while swapping my cum back and forth.

I offered to make the girls breakfast, but they insisted they should eat with the other counselors. After getting dressed, Michelle and Riley kissed me goodbye. They both reminded me that we were friends, and that they were around if I needed to talk.

The offer was definitely appreciated, but what I really needed was to be far away. No more reminders of my old life, of everything I lost. The constant reminders would be gone, Lauren would be a long-distance friend, and I’d no longer be jealous of who she dated.

“Morning,” I said to Lauren when Brady and I met up with her for our morning run.

“Good morning, Tim,” Lauren politely replied before greeting the Labrador.

“Are we still on for our Mount Katahdin hike Thursday?” I inquired, afraid that her date yesterday changed things.

“Yeah, definitely,” she nodded. “I’ve never climbed a mountain before!”

“Well, it’s more of a hike than a climb. There won’t be any ropes or pitons, I promise,” I replied, wanting her to have a good understanding of what we’d be doing. “And, ah, I’ve never actually reached the summit of Katahdin.”

“You haven’t?” Lauren looked at me in confusion. “You take the kids there, you’ve lived on a campground your entire life.”

“The thing about something always being there, is that it’s always been there,” I stated. “It’s amazing what you can take for granted when you assume it’ll always be there.”

“I guess that makes sense,” she responded, biting her lower lip.

“When I went for official camp functions, we had young campers, many of whom came from the city and were not hikers,” I explained. “We stuck to the easy trails and stayed at low elevations. For family trips? Lacey and I went a couple of times, but we never cared enough to to make the climb. The full climb and descent can take up to twelve hours.”

“That’s a long day,” Lauren winced.

“Right, and while it isn’t one of the seven summits or anything, it is still quite the hike,” I continued. “We need to bring the proper gear to make sure we’re safe. I really doubt we’ll make it to the top. After the accident, I did go out a few times a week to hike the trail. Maybe part of me was hoping the climb would just kill me, but it wasn’t that kind of mountain. It was just exhausting. Either way, I never made it more than about the halfway mark.”

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she replied, looking at me with concern. “I can’t imagine what you went through, what you’re still going through...”

“Thanks, Lauren,” I gave her a small smile.

“What do I need to know for our trip?” she asked when she realized I didn’t want to talk about it.

“I’ll bring most of the things we need: a first-aid kit, sunscreen, and bug spray, headlamps,” I told her. “You’ll need a backpack. Bring plenty of food and water. Wear a hat and dress in layers. You’ll need proper footwear. If we actually reach the top, it can snow even in the summer. Just don’t over pack. You’ll be lugging that weight up a mountain. I know you’re in good shape, but a rough hike is still something you’re not used to. I’ll be shocked if we make it to the top.”

“I’m a little nervous, but it’s exciting! I’m sure you’ll keep me safe,” Lauren smiled before her face fell, as if she realized what she said. “If we don’t make it to the top, I can always go back on my own someday...”

“Right,” I winced. “Oh, and it’s possible to run into thru hikers. They’re people who hike a long trail, like the Appalachian Trail, from start to finish. I think it can take about a year to hike the full Appalachian Trail. They’re always interesting to talk to.”

“That sounds amazing!” she gushed, her mouth slightly open and her blue eyes wide.

“It is,” I nodded. “I recommend you do your own internet search for tips. I picked the Saddle Trail since it’s supposed to be the easiest, even if it isn’t the shortest. The summit of Mount Katahdin is called Baxter Peak, since it’s in Baxter State Park. The park opens at 6:00AM, but people line up in their cars much earlier. So, it’ll be an early and long day.”

“I can handle it,” Lauren insisted. “I’ll go online to see what I need, then I’ll go shopping this afternoon.”

“Perfect,” I said as Brady barked impatiently. “Now, how about we start our run before the dog has a stroke?”

“Good idea!” she giggled.

Lauren took the run very seriously, clearly trying hard to regulate her breathing while not tripping on a root or a rock. One extra day of training wasn’t gonna make much of a difference, but I appreciated the enthusiasm. After the run, I finally found the courage to broach the topic on my mind.

“How was your date?” I asked, trying my best to sound casual.

“It was fine, I guess,” Lauren shrugged. “Dinner and a movie, nothing creative.”

“It’s tradition for a reason,” I replied, relieved that she didn’t seem too enthusiastic. “Of course, we do live in one of the most beautiful areas in the country. Bit of a wasted opportunity.”

“If this place is so fucking beautiful, you could stay here,” she grunted before giving me a guilty look. “That wasn’t fair, I’m sorry.”

“No, I should have told you sooner ... sorry,” I mumbled.

“I, ah, I agreed to go out with him again,” Lauren added, looking down at her feet.

“Oh,” I said with a sigh. “I hope you have a nice time.”

“It’s not a date, not really,” she quickly told me. “I mean, most guys don’t bring their baby sister on a date.”

“Sophia used to tag along with Lacey and me,” I admitted sadly. “I liked it when we were young, but when we were older and wanted to, you know, well, I wanted the brat to stay home.”

“I’m not ready for any, you know...” Lauren trailed off, quoting me. “I just told Sean he could come with Chloe to hang out at my place for Independence Day.”

“Maybe I’ll get the chance to meet him,” I said with fake enthusiasm before muttering one last word. “Great.”

“That would be nice,” she nodded, and I couldn’t tell if she heard my last word. “You’d like Chloe, she’s nice.”

“I’ve probably seen her in town before if she works at the coffee shop. Small town,” I reasoned. I might have even seen her guy before. Fuck. “So, ah, you have a busy couple of days ahead of you.”

“Yeah, so make sure you don’t wear me out on Thursday,” Lauren smirked before gasping as she realized what she said. “I mean, with the long hike, not with, you know...”

“I know what you meant,” I snickered. “And to give you fair warning; you could be sore for days after a hike like that. Even if we don’t reach the climax. Ah, I mean summit.”

“I’ll take a hot bath when I get home,” she said. “And I should be able to sleep in on Friday.”

As we stood at the usual intersection, our conversation grew increasingly awkward. We both had to resist the urge to slip into old banter. I also felt the chemistry, and I imagined this was what a first date felt like, a first date where you weren’t sure how to act with someone. I had never actually had one of those.

“I’m looking forward to our hike. I hope you have a good time,” I sounded as awkward as I felt. Talking just to talk, not wanting my time with Lauren to end.

“I always have a good time with you,” Lauren whispered, taking a step toward me.

I looked into her beautiful baby blue eyes, and I felt my heart rate increase. She wasn’t really that much taller than me, but damn she had endless legs. Even covered in sweat and some trail dust, she was an absolutely gorgeous creature. I couldn’t stop my eyes from flicking down to her impressive cleavage. When I looked back up at her face, I saw her lean in. I couldn’t stop myself, I leaned in as well.

Then a loud bark made us both jump. A ninety pound yellow Labrador ran between Lauren and me, knocking us out of the way as he rushed after a squirrel. I guessed Brady had decided the rodent had intruded into his domain for too long, so he chased it up a tree.

“Brady, enough,” I laughed as my dog looked up at the squirrel. “You showed him, now let’s go.”

As disappointed as I was, Brady’s timely and unintended assistance was probably for the best. I could tell Lauren was as disappointed as I was. She was flushed in a way that I don’t think was from the run. I smiled at her nervously while she gave me a look I couldn’t quite decipher.

“I should get going,” she said quietly. “I have to figure out what I need at the store. Can I text you if I have any questions?”

“Of course,” I agreed.

I watched in fascination as Lauren headed down the path that led to her property. Her long ponytail flopping in the air had me in a trance, and I only managed to break it by looking lower. Fuck, that girl had a body built for sex. Every inch of her was sexy.

My original plan when I returned to my place was to play with Brady for awhile. However, my poor dog was showing his age again. He ran right into the house and drank half a bowl of water before curling up in his bed and falling asleep.

Instead of getting some exercise with the dog, I chose to spend my morning off playing video games in my underwear. It was a refreshing change, and I played all the way until lunch. Then I made a quick sandwich to eat at the kitchen table.

Lauren sent me a text during lunch to let me know she was heading out to get everything she needed for our hike. She also asked if I needed anything, and I assured her I didn’t. Despite my infatuation with Lauren, her text did remind me that I hadn’t talked to any of the counselors all morning. I sent a group text to Riley and Michelle.

Tim: How did this morning go?

Riley: Like we planned. We walked in together with our heads held high.

Michelle: Nikki immediately started questioning us. I just looked at her and shrugged.

Riley: Robin was the one who asked if we both got laid together. All the girls were giggling.

Tim: How did Nikki react to that?

Riley: She started in on Michelle, demanding answers. You’d be so proud of our girl, Tim!

Tim: Oh yeah? Why is that?

Michelle: I shrugged when Nikki asked if we were with you, Tim.

Riley: Everyone was laughing! Nikki was just opening and closing her mouth like a fish!

Michelle: That girl has it in for you, Tim. Watch your back.

Tim: I think I’ll be okay. I have the two of you looking out for me!

Riley: Yes, you do!

Michelle; We got your back :)

Riley: And your front! ;)

Tim: Lucky me! :D

The rest of the day was a blur. The camp counselors were off, there were no issues I had to deal with on the main campground. I had a rare day completely to myself. It was good and bad. Good that I could relax, and bad that I had so much time alone with my thoughts.

I knew leaving this place was the right decision, but I was feeling selfish. Before, it was about my need to get away for my own mental health. I could have tried a vacation, but I was sure leaving forever was the only option. Was I selfish for not considering all the people I was leaving behind? My parents, my sister, and my wife were gone, but there were still others. Old and new.

Lauren and I texted a bit, and I found out she got what she needed and made it home safe. That was it. No flirting, no casual conversation. Just emotionless information. It was my own fault. Maybe sticking around for one last summer was a mistake.

Needing something to do with myself, I tried to get lost in a book. I couldn’t focus on anything new, so I grabbed my copy of Ascendant Exile. It was L. Walsh’s breakout novel, and I know the guy got a few awards over how amazing the prose was written. It came out at the end of 2017, and it was a Christmas present from my parents. Mom always loved buying me books.

With no women in my bed, Brady was able to curl up beside me that night. I lay in bed reading for a couple of hours, and was pleasantly surprised when I got a few nudes from Michelle and Riley. Putting down the book, I jacked off real fast before going to sleep.

~Monday, June 30th – Wednesday, July 02nd~

The counselors had Monday and Tuesday off. A big group of them, including Riley and Michelle, went in to town on Monday and spent the day shopping. I spent the work day dealing with the main campground. I didn’t see any of the counselors until Tuesday. Michelle and Riley both came over, but only Riley spent the night. Michelle didn’t want to deal with Nikki’s bullshit, especially since the redhead still wasn’t ready for penetrative sex.

Wednesday was a day of preparing for next week’s campers. The cabins were cleaned, all the supplies were counted and organized. A few damaged or lost items were replaced. Most people were in a good mood, but Nikki avoided me, our only interaction a few glares she shot me throughout the day.

Lauren and I ran every morning, as per usual. We avoided any uncomfortable topics, mostly focusing on the plan for our hike. I did ask a bit about her work, and found out she had a couple late nights where she struggled with a project she was working on. Overall, it was still pretty awkward.

~Thursday, July 03rd~

I was always an early riser, but my alarm went off in what felt like the middle of the night on Thursday. Brady was not pleased to be woken up. He still chose to follow me downstairs, likely because he knew he’d get his breakfast right after I woke up.

Yawning my way through my morning routine, I quickly got ready for my hike with Lauren. I didn’t want Brady to be alone all day, so Austin was going to check in on him a couple of times for me. So, I said goodbye to my dog and put on my backpack before heading out into the darkness.

“Morning, neighbor,” Lauren yawned when we met up in my front yard, each wearing our backpacks.

“Good morning,” I smiled, leading her over to my truck. “Let’s get in so we can see.”

“Okay,” she mumbled sleepily as she stepped in to the passenger side door I held open for her.

“You look ready to go!” I commented when we were both sitting in my truck.

Lauren did look prepared. She was wearing leather waterproof hiking boots and durable hiking pants that were fitted and skin tight. It looked like she was dressed in layers, likely with a t-shirt underneath the long-sleeved sweater. Her long blonde hair was in a braid, which went through the hole in the back of the cute brown cap she was wearing.

“Thanks!” Lauren chirped. “The articles I read mentioned the importance of dressing in layers. Everything I’m wearing is brand new. I got special hiking socks so my feet won’t get sore, and I even got new underwear, you know, for my girl parts.”

“That’s good,” I sighed. She used to be so comfortable with me, this awkwardness was killing me. “You know, we’re friends, right? No need to be shy about mentioning your girl parts. I was married, I’ve even washed panties before.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. We’re buddies. We can talk about it,” she said, nodding her head. “The hardest part was picking out the right bra. I don’t want to be sweating between my tits all day, and I hate under boob sweat.”

“Lacey complained about how much under boob sweat sucked. She had a specific type of antiperspirant she used to use under there for hot days,” I shook my head out of the memory and chuckled as I started the truck.

I noticed Lauren was looking at me weird as the truck drove along the dirt. Was me talking about Lacey making her uncomfortable? Fuck, this was so complicated. She was dating someone, I was moving away and even had a couple of friends with benefits. Yet, there Lauren and I were, dancing around each other, both contemplating what could never be.

“What’s wrong?” I wondered.

“It’s easy to forget you were married. Like married, married. And then you say something totally normal like that and I get it,” Lauren shivered for a second. “I just can’t help but imagine you in married bliss.”

“Oh,” I coughed nervously. “Yeah, it was amazing. I never imagined ever being with someone else. Ah, anyway, you were engaged, so you understand.”

“Right,” she stated, her nose crinkling in distaste as I mentioned her having been engaged.

“Um, don’t you have plenty of sports bras? You wear one every day,” I needed to get the conversation back to safer topics.

“Yeah, and they’re great for a quick work out,” Lauren replied, clearly understanding what I was doing. “But, I wanted to make sure I’d be comfortable all day. So, I got a nice new bra made of breathable material.”

“That’s great, but I hope you don’t expect to reach the summit. It’ll take more than some nice clothes,” I told her, keeping the mood light.

“You underestimate me,” she smirked. “Don’t worry, you’re small; I’ll carry you if you can’t make it all the way to the top.”

“Then you’ll trip over another root and send us both rolling down the mountain,” I retorted while driving down the dirt road, happy that we could still tease each other.

“At least you can be a gentleman and use your body to break my fall,” Lauren shrugged. “Oh, by the way, have you ever heard of merino wool?”

“I have,” I confirmed with a nod. “It’s incredibly fine and soft. The Trading Post always advertises it; apparently it’s thinner than a human hair.”

“Yup, the woman at the Trading Post told me all that when I went on Sunday,” she nodded. “I wasn’t sure what I should get, so she helped me.”

“Hopefully, she got you something comfortable,” I said, keeping both hands on the wheel.

“She did!” Lauren chirped cutely. “I wasn’t sure at first, since I don’t usually wear thongs, but this merino wool thong is really, really comfy. And soft! The waistband doesn’t dig in at all.”

“Oh ... that’s, ah, that’s nice,” I mumbled as I tried to force out the images of a nearly-nude Lauren out of my head. I failed.

If Lauren noticed my discomfort, she didn’t comment on it. My neighbor seemed very casual as she told me about her new sunglasses. She looked so beautiful, and I struggled to keep my eyes on the road when she leaned forward to play with the radio.

Our conversation continued as we reached the entrance to Baxter State Park. It was one of multiple entrances, this one leading directly to the Roaring Brook Campground. The park wouldn’t be open until 6:00AM, yet there was already a line of cars waiting to get in. We didn’t discuss anything profound, Lauren just wanted to know more about what we might see on the trail. The girl really loved wildlife!

Right at 6:00AM, the line of cars started moving again. Baxter State Park was officially open. Lauren had a huge grin on her face, and from the way she was squirming in her seat, I could tell how excited my beautiful neighbor was for our day.

“Where do we park?” Lauren asked as soon as we officially entered the park.

“Nowhere yet,” I answered. “We still have about eight miles to the campground where we’ll park.”

“Oh,” she muttered sadly.

“Is this your first time in a state park?” I wondered.

“Yes!” Lauren gushed. “It’s fucking beautiful!”

“Remember what I told you; there is cell service at the ranger stations, but you won’t pick up any signals otherwise,” I told her.

“Yes, yes, I remember,” she nodded, barely listening to me.

I kept glancing at Lauren, finding it adorable that she practically had her face against the glass while looking out the window. To me, it was just a road with endless trees on either side, but the magic was new to Lauren. She saw the beauty this park represented, the wild, untamed nature. I almost wished I could have that perspective.

Lauren was in full tourist mode, and just signing in at the ranger hut made her giddy. Her hands gripped the straps of her backpack, and the morning sun was reflecting off the expensive sunglasses on her pretty face. I loved the way she bounced on her feet as she waited impatiently for me to figure out where we had to go.

“I don’t know if you’re excited or if you’re doing the potty dance, but there are outhouses over there if you need them before we start,” I smirked and pointed toward the outhouses.

“The potty dance?” she asked with a raised brow.

“Lacey and I used to tease Sophia when she was a little girl,” I explained. “She’d bounce around when she had to use the bathroom.”

“Well, whatever. I’m gonna go pee before we start,” Lauren grunted before heading in the direction I indicated.

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