Abbott Trails - Cover

Abbott Trails

Copyright© 2024 by WittyUserName

Chapter 2

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The trails and tribulations of Timothy Abbott. Will Tim find love, or will he succumb to the trauma of his past?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

~Monday, June 09th~

I came awake slowly. I breathed in the sweet smell of her hair as her warm, naked body pressed backwards against me. My morning arousal was clenched between two very tight, very appealing ass cheeks. I pulled her tighter to me, sliding my hand up her tight body to cup her breast.

A frown crossed my face when her boob was smaller than I expected. I opened my eyes and discovered her hair color was wrong. Her locks were strawberry blonde instead of the dark raven I was used to. Consciousness fully returned to me with the realization.

I jerked back reflexively. Lacey. Where was Lacey? Did I get drunk and cheat on the love of my life? In the time it took for that to rattle through my head, it all came crashing back again. No, I didn’t cheat. Lacey was gone. Forever. And I was a widower.

“Mm, morning,” Riley hummed happily as she turned around to face me with a smile on her face.

“Morning,” I replied slowly. “Listen, Riley...”

“Stop,” she stated firmly as she placed two fingers to my lips to cut me off. “Just stop. We didn’t do anything wrong. Stop overthinking.”

“It’s just, well, what now?” I wondered with a small frown.

“I don’t know about you, but I was hoping for some morning dick,” Riley shrugged a bare shoulder cutely.

“I was not hoping for some morning dick,” I smirked.

“How about some morning pussy?” she offered, leaning forward to peck my lips.

“I want to...” I trailed off weakly.

“Tim,” Riley began. “It’s been three years from the accident. You didn’t die that day. You need to live your life. We’re two adults who had a great night. We’re not in love, but we do care about each other, and maybe we can hook up again in the future. Maybe not. Either way, we’re fine.”

“Are you sure?” guilt and lust were at war within me.

“I’m sure,” she smiled and nodded. “You have a naked, willing female in your bed. Stop being an idiot!”

Lust won. Reaching out, I gently cupped Riley’s face. She smiled at me as my thumb caressed her cheek. I then leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. The beautiful strawberry blonde hummed happily as we softly kissed. It was Monday morning before dawn, so we had a little time before the alarm. Looked like we’d be making the most of it.

Taking control, Riley rolled me onto my back so she could throw her leg over my waist and straddle me. She reached between her legs, grasping my shaft and aiming it toward her opening. We both groaned, and Riley’s eyelids fluttered as she felt herself being penetrated.

Placing my hands at Riley’s hips, I looked up at her as she started to slowly ride me. Her hands were resting on my chest as she bounced up and down, her cute boobs wobbling. Riley knew how to look sexy, and I loved the lustful expressions on her face.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” I commented as I slid my hands up her body to cup her breasts.

Riley smiled happily as she turned her bounce into a slow grind, using my shaft to stimulate every nerve in her love tunnel. Reaching up, she placed her hands on top of mine, encouraging me to play with her tits. I happily obliged, squeezing her boobs and tweaking her nipples as she used my cock for her pleasure.

I watched Riley’s face tighten up as she came on my cock. Her pussy gripped my thickness, making me groan slightly. Riley came a second time a minute later, and I could feel my own orgasm approaching. She was so sexy, and I knew I couldn’t hold back.

“Wanna cum in me this time?” Riley offered as she placed her hands back on my chest, her fingers clawing at me.

“I shouldn’t...” I trailed off in a breathless voice.

“Okay,” she gasped, looking disappointed as she continued to undulate in my lap. “My mouth then?”

Letting out a breath, I frantically nodded my agreement. Riley quickly got out of my lap and nestled between my legs. With no hesitation, she shoved over half my cock down her throat and started sucking. Her hand cupped my balls, and she rolled her eyes up to meet mine as she moaned and sucked.

My ab muscles clenched as I exploded in Riley’s mouth. I felt her throat contracted as she swallowed the first spurt just in time to receive the second. Holding her head down, I bucked my hips and pumped the entire contents of my balls into her hot, little mouth.

Keeping my cock in her mouth, Riley smiled up at me. I caressed her face as I felt her tongue flick all over my shaft. My other hand reached down to squeeze a perfectly-shaped breast. The moment was then ruined by my phone alarm going off.

“Shit!” I cursed, sitting up as Riley popped off my cock and hopped out of bed.

“The girls will be waking up any time now,” Riley lamented as she hunted around for her clothes.

“Uh, what are you gonna tell the others?” I wondered as I watched Riley bend over to snatch up her underwear. I admired her naked ass and the pretty pink slit between her legs.

“You think I’m the first counselor at Abbott Trails to do the walk of shame?” she giggled as she stepped into her panties and pulled them up her legs.

“I don’t know, I guess I never really thought about it,” I admitted as I got out of bed.

“It’s tough finding a place to fuck when you make us all share a cabin,” Riley gave me a pointed look as she put on her bra.

“I’m so sorry about that,” I rolled my eyes while putting on my boxer briefs. “I’m sure you managed.”

“I did,” she giggled cutely as she fastened her bra and adjusted her breasts so they were properly situated in the cups. “You, ah, you might wanna wash the porch swing in front of the Lodge. Or maybe just burn it.”

“Noted,” I grunted while checking my phone. “I hope the girls don’t give you too much trouble.”

“There will be the usual teasing,” Riley told me, pulling up her shorts. “Nikki will ask if I took it up the ass, Brooke will ask how the cum tasted, and Michelle will be blushing while trying to turn invisible.”

“They won’t ask who you were with?” I frowned in confusion.

“Nope!” she chirped happily. “We have an unspoken agreement to mind our own business in that regard. Details are fine, encouraged even, but no names.”

“Very smart of you,” I smirked as I stood in my underwear while Riley finished dressing.

“Listen,” Riley began as she walked up to me and crooked her finger for me to lean in and kiss her, “I had a really, really great night!”

“So did I,” I replied, pecking her lips.

“Good!” she grinned, kissing me again. “Maybe we can hook up again if the opportunity presents itself? No pressure or anything. I mean, I’m going home at the end of summer, so nothing romantic. Just some mutual enjoyment.”

“I’d like that,” I answered, continuing to peck her lips every couple of words.

“It’ll be nice to fuck in an actual bed while at camp,” Riley giggled, pressing her body to mine as we kept exchanging small kisses.

“Uh, where else have you...?” I trailed off.

“You’re happier not knowing what’s happened in some of the public areas,” she told me seriously.

“It can’t be that bad, can it?” I asked with a wince, looking down at the lovely lady.

“Well, the front desk is very familiar with Robin’s naked ass,” Riley winked. “Apparently she climbed up on there with some guy and he got on top of her.”

“Guests fill out paperwork on that desk!” I exclaimed as Riley giggled and kissed me. “Oh, and anyone staying at the Lodge could have come in! Not to mention the poor receptionist...”

“Brooke and Brian have hooked up in almost every building, and yeah, sometimes there’s an empty cabin or we can use a room at the Lodge, but we mostly use wherever we can find that we know will be private,” she told me.

“Lacey and I did have some hook ups in, ah, nontraditional places,” I admitted.

“Mm, dirty boy,” Riley purred, pressing her lips to mine. “There have been a few times we all went skinny dipping, too.”

“I’m not surprised,” I laughed. Skinny dipping was a very popular activity. Lacey used to tease me whenever I got hard from seeing her breasts, even if we weren’t having sex.

“Oh, remember Melanie? She was your age, right?” she wondered.

“Of course I remember Melanie,” I confirmed with a nod.

Melanie and Lacey were good friends, even though Melanie was from Las Vegas. They met up every summer, and it was like no time had passed. Melanie was a counselor while she was in college, and we spent a fair amount of time together. Sadly, Melanie didn’t come here anymore, and we had lost touch. Melanie did reach out on social media after the news of Lacey’s death spread. We had mentioned getting together at some point, but that was three years ago.

“There was a rumor going around that Melanie arranged a gangbang with a bunch of the male counselors,” Riley smirked, leaning up to nibble on my ear. “She apparently fucked a half dozen guys in the conference room.”

“The one in the Lodge?” I inquired, my eyes wide.

“Yup!” the strawberry blonde smiled. “The story goes that Melanie staggered back to the girls’ cabin covered in cum. She walked bow-legged for a week.”

“What about the guests renting rooms at the Lodge?” I wondered.

“They rarely leave their rooms in the middle of the night!” Riley giggled. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been caught. We’re crazy, but we’re not stupid. We wouldn’t do anything to damage the camp.”

“Okay then,” I nodded. I knew Melanie was very sexually liberated, but damn! I wondered if Lacey had known the details.

We talked for a few more minutes, my arms wrapped around Riley as we exchanged light kisses. She told me about a few other adventures the girls had, and I realized I needed to ask the staff to deep clean, well, everything. I was curious about Riley’s own escapades, since she mainly mentioned stories other girls told her. It wasn’t my place to ask, so I held my tongue.

I even heard a story about a guy and a girl who fell asleep in the woods. No tent or anything. All they had was the blanket they had brought to fuck on. Despite all the sex talk, Riley made sure to ask how I was feeling. We may not have been romantic, but there was definitely a strong friendship.

“I should go,” Riley eventually sighed, looking up at me with big blue eyes. “I hope I was able to help keep your mind off things?”

“You were,” I confirmed, kissing her soft lips yet again. “You were amazing.”

“You’re a great guy, Tim,” she assured me, placing a hand on my chest. “And regardless of what happened last night and this morning, I’m your friend first. If you need to talk, you know how to reach me.”

“Thank you, Riley,” I stated sincerely.

Riley took her leave after giving me a passionate kiss and saying goodbye to Brady. I needed to shower, but I decided to take Brady for another walk first. I was still worn out from all the sex, but Brady needed to go out. A big part of me was hoping to run into Lauren again, so I quickly dressed and led the Labrador outside.

“Hi, Brady!” Lauren exclaimed as she approached us on the path. “Fancy meeting you here again!”

“Good morning, Lauren,” I cleared my throat, reminding her I was there as well.

“Do you need attention or something?” she asked me with a smirk as she crouched to pet Brady, who could not have been happier.

“A little recognition would be nice,” I admitted.

“Needing constant reassurance can lead to issues; you should work on that,” Lauren told me while scratching behind Brady’s ears. My neighbor looked amazing in yoga pants and a red sports bra.

“Now who’s the psychiatrist?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, quiet you,” she giggled before standing up to face me. “Two mornings in a row, interesting. I’ve been running every morning for the past week and haven’t seen you.”

“Brady was hoping to run into you again,” I quickly told the beautiful blonde.

“Blaming the dog? Pathetic,” Lauren snorted, placing her hands on her hips. “You probably stink up your bedroom every night and blame it all on poor Brady.”

“Brady and I sleep alone, so there goes your theory,” I countered. It was also true, since the previous night was an anomaly. “And I don’t stink up the bedroom! Just ah, just don’t cook Brussels sprouts when you make us dinner. It’s for the best.”

“Ew,” she crinkled her nose cutely. “I was gonna make a comment about you wanting to watch my tits bounce while I run, but that would be inappropriate now.”

“Bouncing tits are always appropriate to bring up,” I reasoned with a contemplative expression.

“You’re hopeless,” Lauren rolled her eyes. “Are we gonna run or not?”

“We can, but I’d only slow you down today. I think I might have pulled something,” I groaned. I really was worn out. I was no slouch to exercise, but it had been three years since the last time I had performed the exercises I practiced with Riley. “Or several somethings.”

“Too much sexy time?” she teased as she laughed and poked me in the belly. Then she froze, staring at me.

I couldn’t help it. Lauren had hit the mark, and I knew my eyes were wide as I looked at her in surprise. My mouth opened and closed several times as I tried to come up with a response. My face was turning red, and I felt some guilt. There was no reason for it; Lauren and I had confirmed multiple times that we were just friends.

“I was joking. I ... wow. Lucky girl,” Lauren turned away, blushing slightly. Then she mumbled. If we were in the city, there would have been enough background noise to cover her words. The small morning noises of the forest weren’t enough to prevent me from hearing. “Finally someone floods my bits and he’s taken. Fuck.”

“It wasn’t anything serious!” I insisted quickly. “I mean, I don’t usually have casual sex. She was a good friend. I wasn’t gonna say anything, it wasn’t a big deal or anything.”

“You’re awfully wound up for a guy who just got laid,” she teased, looking up at me with a smile on her face. “I’m glad you got some pussy, really. I don’t know details about your life, but you still wear your ring. Seems like you needed to loosen up.”

“I can’t stop wearing the ring,” I sighed, glancing down at my hand before looking back at Lauren. “Are we okay?”

“Why wouldn’t we be?” she frowned in confusion. “We’re just buddies. We barely know each other anyway. Where you stick your dick is none of my business.”

“Right. Buddies. Friends. Comrades,” I confirmed. “Shall we run, pal?”

“You got it, comrade!” Lauren teased, making fun of my word choice.

There was no bet for our Monday morning run, so we settled on a slow jog where we stayed side-by-side. Brady ran alongside us, sometimes rushing ahead to sniff something. Or pee on a tree. The large dog would always make his way back to us, his tail wagging as he panted happily.

“Ready for another day in the country?” I asked her when we finished our run.

“Yes!” she exclaimed happily. “I love it here! The birds are so loud! I can hear crickets and frogs all night, too.”

“The birds you’re hearing at night are the loons,” I tell her. “They have amazing calls, and the noise carries over the water.”

“I love the wildlife!” Lauren gushed. “I think I saw an otter from my beach, and the birds you mentioned talked all night. The loons! I fell asleep listening to them. I saw an eagle yesterday, too!”

“No birds in Boston?” I inquired as we stood at the four way intersection that branched off toward the main road, the campground, my cabin, and Lauren’s place.

“Just pigeons,” she grunted in distaste. “Fucking rats with wings.”

“Did you have some bad experiences with them back home?” I asked as I reached down to pet Brady.

“Everyone did,” Lauren stated. “They run around stealing food, they get into bus and train stations, shit on everything. Oh, and one flew into my face once.”

“Really?” I followed up with. “Turkeys will rush you, but I’ve never heard of a bird flying into someone’s face.”

“Yeah, the fucking thing got caught in my hair,” she admitted with a grunt. “I was screaming. Mom was trying to help me and Dad was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.”

“That’s hilarious,” I commented, trying very hard not to laugh.

“Asswipe,” Lauren glared at me.

“Oh, come on!” I reasoned, a huge grin on my face. “You have really long hair, and the poor bird probably thought he could build a nest with it. He just wanted a nice home for his family!”

“Fuck you, dickweed,” she growled, crossing her arms beneath her large breasts.

“I’m just teasing my buddy,” I pointed out. “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it!”

“Eat me!” Lauren snapped.

“Was that a curse or a request?” I asked, waggling my eyebrows.

“You wish!” she snorted. “Didn’t you get enough muff diving last night?”

“Oh, ah, right. Sorry,” I mumbled, looking away with a guilty expression.

“Relax. I’m just teasing,” Lauren smiled, playfully punching me in the shoulder. “Calm your tits.”

“You’re right; we’re buddies. We can tease each other!” I nodded.

“Glad you’re seeing reason,” she replied while Brady nuzzled her hand, trying to get attention. “Are we making this run a daily thing?”

“Brady seems to like you for some reason, so I wouldn’t be opposed,” I answered as I watched her pet him.

“We can’t disappoint Brady!” Lauren declared, smiling down at the happy yellow face.

“No. No, we can’t,” I readily agreed. “I guess we’ll have to deal with each other for his sake.”

“The things we do for our pets,” she sighed theatrically, shaking her head. “I’ll vent my frustrations when I find a guy to chain up.”

“He’ll be a lucky guy,” I responded.

“No need to suck me off, I told you I wasn’t upset with you,” Lauren smiled. “Now, we have something important to discuss; when do you want your dinner?”

“Whenever works for you, you’re the chef,” I said graciously.

“Wait until you taste it before you compliment my culinary skills,” she smirked. “I’m assuming you have a busy week ahead of you, how does Friday work?”

“Friday is perfect,” I nodded. “You’re right, orientation week is all about becoming a team. I’ll be busy. Friday night will be when all the counselors relax and enjoy the last of their free time. They won’t miss me.”

The two of us chatted for a few more minutes, and I found out Lauren was heading into town for some shopping. She was gonna work once she got back, and I made a few teasing comments about her selling nudes. I really loved the banter I exchanged with Lauren. It was fun, and she could easily make me smile.

“Talk later, comrade?” Lauren asked when it was time for us to head back.

“Definitely,” I confirmed. “And compared to what you usually call me, ‘comrade’ is a huge improvement.”

“Don’t worry, you’re still a twatwaffle,” she laughed as she started walking backwards along the path to her place, waving cutely. “Bye Brady!”

Lauren jogged down the path, her long blonde ponytail flailing. I only watched her ass for a few seconds before heading back to my place with Brady. The words I had overheard were still echoing inside my head, and I really couldn’t believe it.

I suppose it wasn’t surprising that Lauren was attracted to me, she definitely flirted with me. Some of it was her strong personality, but I felt the chemistry between us. I hadn’t realized how strongly Lauren felt it, too. She had a filthy mouth, but I felt like it was much more pronounced with me. Perhaps I was wrong, but I didn’t think she talked that way with everyone.

Strong, independent, intelligent, easy to talk to. Add in her sexy attitude and gorgeous appearance, and it was hard not to be attracted to Lauren Anderson. For me, at least. Maybe all the banter would turn some guys off, but not me. I thought she was amazing.

I kept telling myself that I’d be gone soon, so none of this really mattered. Breaking Lauren’s heart was the last thing I wanted to do, so it was for the best that we didn’t get too close. She agreed we were just friends, and I would do everything I could to keep things that way.

My mind kept wandering as I got ready for the day. The accident was over three years ago, but I still felt guilty for sleeping with Riley. Like I had cheated on Lacey. My family, Riley, Lauren, Abbott Trails; racing thoughts and powerful emotions continued to threaten to consume me.

Today was a water day, so I was wearing black swim trunks and a t-shirt as I made my way to the large beach. We had several such locations, and this one was mainly meant for campers. There were other places for families where they could rent kayaks and canoes.

It was beautiful out; the sun was high in the sky and there were several ducks swimming in Moosehead Lake. A handful of staff were standing with all the assembled counselors. The guys still had their shirts on, and the girls were wearing cover-ups over their swimsuits.

Everyone already had a lifeguard certification, but there was still plenty to go over. We started with the mandatory presentation before explaining all of our procedures for various emergencies. Then we went over all of the equipment, most of which every counselor had been using for years.

I personally spoke about our plans for what the counselors would do with the kids once they got here. Everyone laughed when I started telling stories about past years at summer camp. Most people remembered the year I accidentally hooked a snapping turtle while fishing in one of the designated fishing areas. Fortunately, the big guy was fine.

Despite my emotional issues, even I was smiling as I remembered the fun times. One time Lacey beached her canoe on a sandbar and got out to fix it. She slipped and fell backwards, landing right in the canoe with her legs over the sides. The sitcom-like landing was great.

So many memories made at Abbott Trails. Tossing a fish off my dock and being surprised when Brady jumped out of the water and caught it in his mouth. A female counselor sitting on a rock when a snake brushed her leg; she screamed so loudly that half the camp thought someone was being murdered.

Stories of tipped canoes and brushes with wildlife. A moose was wandering around the campground once, and we all had to hide inside until it was gone. Sophia and Lacey riding horses on the trails, jet skis on the lake, hiking in the woods, as well as rafting and swimming.

Various people were chiming in now, each one eager to share their experiences at the campground. Getting caught out on the lake when a thunderstorm hit, wandering off in the woods, being locked in an outhouse, and getting lost in the large lake while kayaking. Then there was the great squirrel incident.

A squirrel had somehow gotten into the female counselor’s cabin and crawled into one of the beds. One girl found it when all the counselors were in for the evening. The girls ran out screaming and ended up standing outside the cabin in various states of undress. One woman was only clad in a sheet she had wrapped around her body. It was a lot of drama over a squirrel, but we got the little guy outside safely.

There really was a lifetime of experiences here, and not just for me. For all the people around me. Abbott Trails wasn’t just some vacation spot, it represented so much more. I felt myself growing sad at the thought of leaving it all behind, but I reminded myself that I had no choice. I couldn’t stay here. I just couldn’t. The scenery I once looked at lovingly was now corrupted by sadness.

To my surprise, I ended up sitting with Brooke and Brian during lunch. Michelle was sitting quietly by herself, and Riley winked at me when we locked eyes. Riley was sitting with Nikki, who also gave me a seductive look when our eyes met.

Brooke and Brian talked with me all through lunch, catching me up on their lives. Brian asked how I was doing, and Brooke said I looked good. They both knew about the accident, so it wasn’t surprising that they asked. The two of them also made a point to tell me that they hoped to be counselors for at least the next couple of years. I was happy for them, but I felt a twinge of regret.

I commented that they seemed happy together and both of them nodded happily. The two of them seemed content to talk about their relationship, which I did find interesting. They were exclusive while at camp, then they went their separate ways for the rest of the year. No jealousy over what happened when they were apart, and they assured me they made up for lost time over the summer.

Making our way back to the beach, it was time to get in the water. We guys removed our shirts while the girls took off their cover-ups. It wasn’t an official summer camp day, so everyone was wearing a personal swimsuit. Like every guy, I took the opportunity to admire all the beautiful female flesh on display. A woman in cute swimsuit really was a beautiful thing.

Brooke was wearing a yellow bikini with cute ruffled shoulder straps. There were multicolored stars on both pieces of the suit. Her breasts were almost as large as Lauren’s, and more than a few wandering eyes were checking out Brooke’s lovely pair. I noticed her waggle her eyebrows at Brian. Brian’s musculature was on display as he stood around in his swim trunks. Michelle certainly noticed.

The shy redhead looked really cute in a light-blue tankini with white squares on it. The top was short enough to expose an inch of her lightly-freckled torso. I could even see her cute, little belly button. Michelle’s boobs were good-sized, but mostly covered by the top. It was a very modest swimsuit. What was most interesting was that Michelle wasn’t wearing her glasses.

“Hey, Chelle!” I said, walking up to her.

“Ah!” Michelle squeaked in embarrassment over being caught checking out Brian.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” I chuckled. “You look nice.”

“Thanks, so do you,” she smiled softly, her eyes exploring my physique. I wasn’t as tall or wide as Brian, but I was in good shape.

“How are the new contacts?” I asked.

“I hate them,” Michelle answered. “I only wear them when I have to because they’re so uncomfortable. I used to be able to swim with blurry vision, but I need to see to watch the kids.”

“Maybe you’d get more used to them if you wore them more often?” I offered as I realized how pretty Michelle’s hazel eyes were.

“No, thank you,” Michelle stated, shaking her head.

“Tim! Hi!” Nikki exclaimed, inserting herself into our conversation. “Oh. Hi, Michelle.”

The tall college graduate was looking very sexy in a hot pink string bikini that contrasted with her tan skin. Her small breasts looked amazing, and I had to resist the urge to ogle her. Nikki smiled at me as she placed her hands on her hips, her head cocked slightly to the side as she clearly evaluated my physique.

“Hello, Nikki,” I replied politely.

“Hi,” Michelle mumbled.

“I like the view. You been working out?” Nikki asked me, ignoring Michelle.

“No more than usual,” I answered. “Although, I’ve been running with Brady more.”

“It shows,” Nikki smiled as she reached up and ran her fingers through her brunette locks. A pixie cut really did look great on her.

“Thank you,” I said, giving her a tight smile. “You girls all look great in your suits.”

“I look even better in my birthday suit,” Nikki teased. “I love skinny dipping. Hopefully we find some private lake time later.”

Fortunately, Brian called out to me to remind me that it was time to get started. I caught Riley’s eye as I walked to stand in front of everyone, and she blew me a kiss. The strawberry blonde was wearing a black bikini. The top was a strapless band that wrapped around her chest. I felt my lust boiling as I remembered the look of her naked body. The feel of her skin against mine, her body undulating in the throes of pleasure; the memories were incredible.

Instead of getting in the water, we all piled into several boats for a trip around the area. The main purpose of the boat ride was to go over the part of the lake that the kids use. We point out all the dangerous rocks and shallow waters. Anyone could get lost, so we did some landmark orientation that would help people find their way back to camp.

I stood in the lead boat, speaking loudly so that everyone would hear me describe what to do in the event of a thunderstorm happening while out on the water. We started heading back to the beach after I went over some more rules and procedures. I looked out over the water as we passed the weeds where the snapping turtles hung out. I remembered taking the canoe out with Lacey, taking it through the shallow water to spot the large turtles swimming.

Once we were back at the beach it was finally time to get in the water. The area was perfect for swimming, and everyone had a great time. At first we just swam around leisurely to get used to the water, but we eventually started taking turns swimming out to the floating dock.

People would stand on the wooden dock and pose before diving back in and returning to the group. When Robin pulled herself onto the dock, we all noticed that her bikini bottoms had been pulled down, giving everyone a look at her bare butt. The guys hooted and hollered while Robin blushed and fixed her suit. It seemed we had all become as familiar with Robin’s bum as the receptionist’s desk.

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