Living Two Lives - Book 23 - Cover

Living Two Lives - Book 23

Copyright© 2024 by Gruinard

Chapter 6

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Trying not to fuck everything up in the penultimate term at university. And for once the big old slut Andrew McLeod turns down sex!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Light Bond   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Menstrual Play  

They didn’t just rush straight to bed. After they finished kissing for a long time they broke apart with a smile. Then Ara took one bag up to the bedroom. The other three Andrew placed in the large empty reception room, out of the way. She would not need them until the following weekend when she got access to her LSE dorm. Finally he took the groceries down to the kitchen before going back up to the bedroom.

“Can I put some of my clothes in this chest of drawers?”

“Sure, I don’t really have a lot of clothes here. When I think about it, I don’t really have a lot of clothes. I move the same stuff between Edinburgh, here and Cambridge.”

Ara dealt with the clothes very quickly and then pulled him down onto the bed.

“I thought Freya would never shut up. Didn’t she know that I have needs.”

Two minutes later Andrew had his hand squeezed down the back of her jeans fondling her knicker-clad arse.

“I was trying not to just jump you but you’ve got me all horny.”

Ara made this sound like a bad thing. He extracted his hand and the two of them discarded clothes quickly.

“Throw me a pillow.”

Andrew didn’t think her knees were going to have time to get sore but he did as she asked and sat at the end of the bed. He didn’t remember having said anything to Ara but this time she rarely broke eye contact. She was not Helena or Suzanne but again she did not have to be. She had an air of a woman who wanted him to hurry up and come so that she could get hers. He could imagine her drumming her fingers on his thigh, ‘I’m waiting.’. Not being one to keep a lady waiting Andrew promptly did as he imagined she wanted coming so hard that his hips started to push forward and Ara had to brace his stomach with her forearm. She smacked her lips with relish.

“Someone had a spring in his steps. Down tiger.”

The pillow was flung back up the bed and Ara turned back to the dresser. She pulled out a rough woolen jumper and threw it onto the bed, beside the pillows.

“Push me Andrew. I have asked you before but you are so restrained.”

Ara’s mouth was going to get her into trouble but Andrew wasn’t going to argue. When he lay flat at the end of the bed it took her a moment to realise the position but she was a smart woman. Eating a woman with her on top of you like that is much less visual, but it is more controlling. His hands on her cheeks kept her firmly in place but with Ara this was not enough. Clit play did very little for her, indeed her clit was hidden away and when it was within his grasp didn’t really seem to do anything. But flinging his arm around her waist it freed up his right hand to go exploring. A gentle tat-a-tat of his fingers produced an immediate reaction. But lying there with her straddled against his face Andrew remembered Ara’s admonition. So lubing his middle finger he smoothly ran it round her dark little rosebud. Her only reaction was an involuntary squeezing of her thighs against his head but other than that there was no outrage. But there was no immediate demand for more either. So for the next little while he played with her arse. Andrew squeezed and pulled apart Ara’s cheeks, he ran his hands and fingers up and down the crack, and most frequently he grazed, caressed and tapped her tight little ring. Deciding to start small he lubed the end of his pinkie finger and pushed. As with all sexually virgin arseholes, the muscle was tight and resistant to intrusion but suddenly his pinkie finger was one knuckle deep in Ara’s arse.

“Oh Andrew.”

The two words were not disgust, just as they were not ecstasy, the sound he heard was mental barriers coming down. At this moment, if Andrew were ambidextrous he would have attacked her g-spot with gusto using his left hand and brought about Ara’s orgasm. Sadly, Andrew was very right handed and his few attempts to use his left hand in such a manner had been uncoordinated and an embarrassing failure. Ara squealed in surprise as he flipped everything right side up before resuming his ministrations. Andrew’s fingers grazing back and forth across her g-spot had Ara building to a big climax and just before it broke the index finger of his left hand stabbed through her sphincter and Ara came in a thrashingly beautiful way. And it was a constant reinforcement of his liking women’s cores. He didn’t just see the power of her body, he felt it, he saw the muscles tense and flex, from her lower stomach through her hips and into her thighs. Never having stood on a surfboard in his life Andrew felt like a surfer riding a big wave. He pulled himself up the bed and held Ara in his arms.

“When I said to push me you didn’t have to listen.”

She raised her head and kissed him gently.

“That was a perfect introduction to something that I have thought about for a long time.”

Andrew didn’t say much just let Ara float back to earth. She was the anti-Helena, it took a while for the world to make sense again. But five minutes later she slid down him, condom in hand, checked that he was hard, wrapped him up and then told him off.

“I ask you to push me and you are lying there all nice and romantic. What does a woman have to do around here to get fucked?”

They both knew she was goading him. Her smile was wider than his own. Andrew jumped out of bed, pulled her down to the end before bending her into an ‘el’. With her ankles by his shoulders he pulled Ara’s thighs back against him burying himself deep within her in one hard push. It was another power fucking position and Andrew fucked her hard. Every so often he would reach down with his right hand and tweak one of her nipples. Not enough to bring her over the top but ratcheting up her tension. Ara herself was lying back, arms wide, eyes closed with an expression of. It was an expression of ‘I’m being fucked and I’m loving it’. Andrew didn’t know how to describe that in one word. Happy, horny, joyful, passionate, it was parts of all of these. She was revelling in it. When he finally came he sank to his knees on the floor at the end of the bed, Ara’s legs now draped over and down his back. Within a couple of minutes the condom had been dealt with and Ara was lying along him, both of them tired but happy.

“You confessing that you liked my core had made me realise that I am a strong woman. Not in arm strength, I am still puny there, but in my, well core.”

She giggled.

“I don’t think I have a big arse. Do you think I have a big arse Andrew?”

Andrew laughed at the absurdity of the question as well the naivety of expecting an honest answer.

“No you don’t. It is the strength from regular exercise, in your case swimming.”

“That is the right way to say it. I have the strength to be fucked hard. You are this tall strong man and at first I really appreciated how you reined in that strength. But when you told me that I too was strong it made me realise that I could cope. I really loved that last position. I had my eyes closed, I was listening to our bodies as they met. I could feel it when your thighs smacked into my bum and the back of my thighs. But it was the sound.”

She looked down for a moment before carrying on.

“It is what I imagined sex to be like when I was at school, all that time until you exploded everything that night back in ‘82, ‘83? Whenever it was. The whole thing was very immersive. I had goaded you just now into taking me. I had this kaleidoscope of men from all these stories, all with your face.”

She giggled again.

“I even imagined you with some mutton-chop whiskers.”

Her smile changed.

“But at the same time it was totally different. It was a fantasy that was playing out in my mind which just added an edge to the reality of what we were doing.”

She laughed again.

“I am all over the place. When you held my thighs it took my mind to all these stories. Either that or I was just really horny.”

She lay her head on his chest, not looking at him, the reason immediately obvious.

“Tell me about anal sex.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Everything. The big one I suppose is does it hurt?”

“From the way it has been described to me, achy is probably a better way of describing it rather than sore. Could you tell the difference between the two fingers tonight?”

“They were different?”


“No, I thought they were the same.”

Andrew held the two fingers side by side, his index finger slightly wider.

“It is a muscle, and it needs to be warmed up, stretched. That is key. The rest is mental.”

“What do you mean?”

“It is a taboo. We know what comes out of there. So there are really only two ways of thinking about it. On one hand it is disgusting, never to be talked about, let alone touched. And on the other it is this deliciously naughty taboo. Being the geek that I am I went to the library and looked all this up.”

Ara started laughing.

“Exactly, I made sure it was quiet in that section that day. Anyway, there are lots of nerve endings around and just inside the muscle, so there are pleasurable sensations. For me personally it is a combination of the taboo and the visuals. Just the sight of buggering someone turns me on. I think for you it would be very confusing because we know that you can come really easily. So if I was fucking you hard then you are going to be getting an excess of sexual satisfaction even if the actual act is not all that comfortable.”

“So it is quite easy?”

“With me, once you are passed the head then it is pretty straightforward. But you know what the mushroom head is like. For the longest time I would go slowly, take my time and try and not make it too bad for the other person. It is only comparatively recently that I came to understand that the least painful way is to push in quickly.”

“Have you had a lot of anal sex?”

“No not a lot. Probably more than most people but less than 10% of the time. What are you thinking?”

“I remember you talked about it that legendary first night. You said you had tried as opposed to having done it.”

“I did not have successful anal sex until the following spring. I had tried it once. One of the women that I knew loved having her arsehole played with. So I licked it, tried to stick my tongue in it, played with it and stuck my fingers in it. She wanted everything. We had talked about trying actual sex but when we finally did it was a terrible failure. She screamed and it was an instant dick softener. I don’t know whether it was impatience, lack of lube, physiology, who knows.”

“I love how honest you are. Most people, most men would either never mention this story or make it an epic conquest. You are honest and explain how it didn’t work out. There had been one or two mentions of sex back there while at school, but I dismissed it as just outlandish tales to scare and mock the younger girls. When you talked about it so openly that night while at the same time shattering all my preconceived notions about sex, I think it became a naughty taboo.”

She smiled shyly at him.

“We can stop at the chemists tomorrow and buy some lube. I will keep pushing you, stretching the muscle and when you are ready...”

“You go into the chemists to buy lube for anal sex.”

Ara sounded horrified.

“No, I don’t. You do.”

Andrew couldn’t even keep a straight face which just got him a whack.

“Don’t look so worried. Petroleum jelly is used for many things. You can pretend you are a young mother instead.”

They were both laughing hard by the time Ara stopped whacking him.

“You are a terrible man.”

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up.”

Fifteen minutes later they were back in bed.

“I will go for a run in the morning, down to and around Green Park. When I get back I will wake you and we can go over to Marshall Street for a swim. We should be done and at the library when it opens. Okay?”

Ara looked resigned.

“This is what life with you is like, is it?”

“I figured you would want to chat to me in the morning, here and on the walk to the pool. I can let you sleep and just see you when you get to the library if you want.”

“No, of course not. I am not the best first thing in the morning but I can see that is going to change. You are right, get me up when you return from your run. Oh, and ignore my grumps until after the first cup of coffee.”

After a long passionate kiss Ara rested her head on his shoulder and draped her left leg over his. They were asleep in minutes. The following morning Andrew opened the drawer in the kitchen where all instruction books were kept and found the one for the fancy automatic coffee maker. Five minutes later he had the coffee started and headed out for his run. Returning 45 minutes later the smell of coffee greeted him as he walked down into the kitchen. But an even better greeting was waiting for him in the bedroom. Turning up with a hot cup of coffee for her made Ara considerably less grumpy.

“Come here.”

The coffee was still hot when they were done, Ara having ridden him to a big orgasm for first thing in the morning. She sat, her back against the headboard, while he cleaned up. The duvet was around her hips and her spectacular tits, pert and proud, were on full display.

“We are going to get no studying done if you keep sitting like that.”

Ara jiggled and then giggled.


They would shower after swimming so they got ready in a few minutes. It was just over a half mile walk to the pool from the house, much shorter than from Jim and Freya’s flat. Mayfair was still quiet as they walked up to Regent Street.

“Do you want to tell me about Christmas with your mother or do you want to wait?”

“I will get into the details tonight but the short version is it was not good. She was manipulative, there was emotional blackmail, she tried weepy, I got the lot. The gist of it was she couldn’t believe I was doing this to her. It had been simmering under the surface for days but as usual it was only after Grandfather left that it all burst out. She doesn’t understand me, and I don’t think wants to understand me. When I am not there I think she talks about me to people in her circle, like a matron in a bad Regency romance. The way she talks it is as if she has made promises behind my back and when I don’t do something that she wants, attend a party like she wants then it makes her look bad. So New Year was tense and I have been out the house as much as possible since the 31st. I do know that I am making the right choice by not accepting any money from them. She would hold that over me the whole time.”

She sighed and Andrew took her hand and squeezed it.

“We can talk about it some more tonight but it is sad how little she values me. She sees me as a piece to be used for some social grand plan. And if it is not like that then it sure feels like it. I have my room until the end of June and Grandfather has paid for it so I am able to keep my distance. Anyway, enough of my moaning. Was your Christmas really okay?”

“Yes and no. I didn’t get back to Edinburgh until the 22nd, you heard about the delay getting off Martinique, and the first three days there were pretty hectic, catching up with everybody. So yes I did spend Christmas Day on my own but I had been running pretty hard at the end of term at Cambridge, spent two weeks working, seeing a lot of people every day, and having to deal with more drama than I expected, and then Edinburgh was more of the same. I have this goal of balance, which normally means making an effort with people, not just hiding and studying. By Christmas Day I was ready for balance the other way, just some alone time. I don’t know what that says about me but I had a quiet day. My friends were about to move into their new house so I did some unpacking and tidying up for them, and in the afternoon I was in the darkroom doing some enlargements. I did a lot of thinking, listened to a whole lot of music, and just reset. My inherent nature is quiet and shy, which given everything that I get up to seems strange, but it is true. So every so often I need some peace and quiet. That is why Olivia and I get on so well on the course. I think she is very similar so we don’t have the need to chatter away about things. We work hard, study together all the time but don’t. What would be the right way of describing it? We don’t use the other as a sounding board on anything other than the course. Now we know the high level details of our lives but there are boundaries. We have studied together for more than three years and have not argued once.”

“An oasis of calm?”

“A good way of looking at it. We are as bad as each other when it comes to the course. She is a brilliant tinkerer, she grew up helping her father every weekend. So she can tinker with things, fix them, make them work better, go faster. She told me about a blender that she altered, put a more powerful motor on it. She was so proud, brought it into the kitchen, filled it full of fruit to help her mother with the cooking and turned it on. It was so powerful it blew the lid off it and she said it was weeks later and she was still trying to get bits of pulp off the ceiling. Her mother was mad and her father was proud.”

“Can you imagine? My mother would need to be sedated.”

“Mine too. It will be one of the main things that will be different when I leave Cambridge. I see her six days a week for hours and hours. If I am doing some engineering it will seem strange that she is not there.”

They had arrived at the pool and for the next hour Andrew relaxed and swam. It was one of his lazy day swims, there was no focus, no slicing through the water. He floated along just enjoying the sensations. When they were done the strangeness of the male psyche was again demonstrated. As Ara walked over to the ladies changing rooms his eyes were drawn to her hips, to her bum, to all of her from the back. Now he had the same view with Ara naked in his bedroom less than 90 minutes earlier. Yet his eyes were drawn to her form.

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