Special Agent Morgan - Cover

Special Agent Morgan

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 4: When opportunity knocks

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: When opportunity knocks - A male hypnotist becomes over confident and is eventually entrapped by the government and forced to join a special FBI Task Force dealing with hypnosis and mind control crimes. They soon encounter something they are not prepared to deal with. Still trying to come to grips with the results of that our over confident heterosexual male hypnotist is tempted by the submissive female. He learns too late that she is bait in the female dominate's trap. Will he survive Mistress's honey trap intact?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   Demons   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Sex Toys  

Carla surprised me when she woke up. We were still in her house in her room upstairs. I had no idea where her mother or father, Ward and June Clever were, but she must have had them well programed. In a way I guess she was a evil mind controller too, I guess we’ll have to work on that in the future, ha, ha, ha.

“I want you to hypnotize me and be my Master Agent Morgan, I can’t really think of you as a Eddie, or FBI Agent Morgan, anymore Master.” She declared after she saw I was awake.

“Master.”!?!? Rattled around in my head for a few seconds.

“You have had a horrorable experence Carla, but do you think me hypnotizing you will cure the problem.” I asked concerned.

“I don’t want who ... whatever that was to ever get his ... her’s ... its ... claws into me again. If I belong to you body and soul maybe it can’t ever touch me again.” She explained as best she could what and why she wanted it.

Look I’m only human, and I had never even thought of owning a hypnotized sex slave and admit there was some logic behind what she said. There were also other victums like her friend Sandy our there that I expect I’ll have to deprogram too eventually. So what the Hell I said to myself go for it.

“Now, look at the gem,” I directed Carla who was now sitting comfortably in a Easyboy recliner while I was in a chair beside her using her own gem to hypnotize her, and she did. The gem flashed and sparkled in front of her eyes as it seemed to dance and glitter in front of her eyes.

“Let it capture your full attention Carla. Let your eyes drift in the light.” Carla’s attention was concentrated on it now I was sure.

“No, no, not like that Carla. Relax, relax... “ With that Carla’s body loosened up a little.

“Better.” I told her.

“Just let your thoughts go, just let them naturally float away into the sparkly glittering gem. Focus on it, as it captures your mind, slows it down, lets it rest.” I directed Carla.

Carla slouched a little, relaxing into the cadence, as I kept going. I saw Erika’s tired mind slow behind her fast fading eyes, as she followed the gem’s flashing lights.

“Keep watching the gem Carla.” I could see Carla’s eyes desperately trying not to close.

“Your eyes are so tired Carla.” I said and paused.

“Your eyelids are heavy and tired,” I went on.

“Your eyelids are closing over your tired sleepy eyes now Carla.” I went on.

“They are closed and no matter how hard you try you cannot get them back open.” I directed Carla. With that her eyelids drooped, and the thoughts behind them slowed to a standstill. I watched Carla finally close her eyes and slump forward, falling back into the soft recliner in a deep trance. Carla’s exhaustion had made it easy to hypnotize her. As I told her to sleep she did like the good girl she was. I choked back a chuckle as I watched Carla’s eyes close for that last time.

“Carla, can you hear me?” I started my programing.

“Yes,” came the quiet, flat monotone response I was expecting.

“Good. You’re relaxed now, in a deep hypnotic trance, ready to sleep. You feel good about this, don’t you Carla?” I started my plan.

“Yes,” Carla said, her voice a hypnotized monotone.

“Good Girl. You trust me enough to allow me to put you in this trance, enough to listen to what I have to say.” Carla breathed in and out slowly, but she didn’t respond.

“You trust me enough to accept that what I say is true.” I smiled at the zoned out girl in the recliner.

“Maybe.” Finally came out at last.

“Maybe? You like being hypnotized by me. You like being in a trance like this. It feels good to be like this.” I forced down my own excitement to question Carla.

“You want to be in this state, don’t you Carla?” I pushed Carla.

“Yes.” Carla finally agreed.

“When I say, ‘Erika’s a sleepy girl,’ you’ll return to this state because it feels so good to be in a trance and you want to be like this. And each time you return to this state, it’ll feel even better, and you’ll want it even more.” I instructed Carla. With that I held back another chuckle. The hot brunet looked so deliciously helpless laying in the recliner like that.

“You won’t remember any of this when you wake up, but your subconscious will remember all of my instructions and follow them. Won’t you Carla?” I instructed Carla.

“Yes.” Carla acknowledged. It was going to work. Sure it would take time, but it would work, I congratulated myself.

“We’re going to see if you can follow my instructions like a Good Girl now Carla. Count back from 10, floating up from your trance with each number, until you reach 1. On 1 you will wake up. Fully awake on 1 Carla.” I directed Carla. With that Carla started counting down.

“10 becoming more aware... 9 beginning to wake up... 8 more aware... 7 feeling well and rested... 6 wonderful... 5 rejuvenated, 4, 3, 2, 1 awake, alert and well refreshed Carla.” Carla counted softly with me and blinked as she reached 1. With that she let out a big yawn and stretched.

“What the! ... Did it work Agent Morgan? ... Master? What just happened?” Carla realized something had changed ... something was different anyway ... did I hypnotize her she questioned herself?

“Carla, you are a very good hypnotic subject. You fell into a trance right off. Now, I’m going to help you practice so that you can do this whenever you need to. Okay?” I went on explaining to Carla.

“Uh, why am I not asleep then.” Carla asked.

“Because I need you to be awake to teach you to do this silly,” I explained to Carla.

“Uh, why?” Carla asked again.

“So you can put yourself to sleep whenever you need to sleep Carla. Okay?” I explained to her.

“Sure, I guess so? That makes sense I guess.” Carla still looked at me questioningly.

“‘Carla’s a sleepy girl.’” I used Carla’s new trance trigger to see if it really worked.

“Whu... “ Carla’s eyelids blinked rapidly as she fought the change ... the trigger ... but eventually her eyelids slipped down and closed tightly. With that her body slumped forward again as she entered the trance once more.

“Carla, you’re in a trance again, aren’t you?” I questioned her.

“Yes.” Carla answered in a emotionless monotone.

“How does it feel Carla?” I asked her.

“Good.” Carla answered back dreamily.

“Better than last time?” I questioned.

“Yes.” Carla agreed after a slight pause.

“Good Girl. Let’s try again Carla.” I told her. Carla responded perfectly, three more times as I woke her and then used her new trigger to return her to trance. Each time she went under faster and deeper than before. She also agreed each time that it was better than the last time which was important.

“Now Carla, we need to teach you to do this for yourself Carla, so you can do this every night just before you go to sleep. Also where you can go to sleep when you need to. Ready to try this on your own Carla?” I asked the fully awake Carla.

“Yeah, can we hurry this up so I can go to sleep I’m really tired?” A tired Carla replied.

“Sure, sure, just a quick lesson, and you can sleep all night. ‘Carla’s a sleepy little girl.’” I used Carla’s trigger, and Carla dropped quickly into trance, falling forward with her eyes tightly shut where I caught her and laid her back on in the recliner.

“Okay, Carla. Each night, when you want to sleep, you’ll sit on the edge of your bed just like you are now and stare into your eyes in the mirror you will put on your desk before you. You’ll say to yourself, ‘Carla’s a sleepy little girl’, and slip into a deep trance. While you’re in your trance, you’ll feel so good, you’ll love it, and will remember that it is me your Master that helped you get there. You’ll do it over and over, and each time it’ll get faster, and deeper, and better than the time before. You’ll count down to 1 and then wake up feeling wonderful and refreshed.” I was having to breath deeply to compose myself I was so excited.

“Each time you wake up, you’ll forget that you’ve just hypnotized yourself, but you’ll know deep down in your subcounscious that it’ll be even better when I do it to you. You’ll do this all weekend, and you will want me to hypnotize you again on Monday. You’ll ask me to hypnotize you again on Monday. Oh, and if anyone asks about you hypnotizing yourself, you’ll say that it’s helping you get some needed sleep. Now, count down to 1 and wake up feeling refreshed and happy, not remembering your instructions consciously, but knowing your subconscious will remember everything and help you follow all my instructions, ha, ha, ha. Awake ... consciously ... you’ll only remember that I’ve given you the tools you need to sleep when you need to sleep.” I instructed Carla and with that she started counting down from 10, and once she reached 1, her eyes fluttered open.

“Wow, that was amazing Master! Now, I can sleep, right? Just stare into the mirror and fall asleep?” She questioned.

“Yep, whenever you need to.” I smiled at Carla.

“Awesome!” She said with enthusiasm.

“So, think you can do it?” I asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, this is perfect.” Carla told me enthusiastically.

“Okay, then, I’ll get out of your hair.” I stood up, and walked to the door. Carla was just starring into the mirror as I left.

“Sure, thanks Master!” Carla said, as she stared into the mirror on her dresser. Once outside, with the door closed behind me, I did a little happy two-step dance move. This was going to work I congratulated myself again.

I spent the weekend trying hard not to think about Monday. Mondays usually sucked, but this Monday promised to be amazing. I fidgeted, paced and worried in my room. What if I was wrong? What if it didn’t work? Heading out for the night didn’t help, even meeting up with my friends on the FBI Task Force at the local bar didn’t help, and I was still on vacation. I still had nervous energy to burn, and couldn’t figure out how to burn it off. Monday, I could hardly concentrate, imagining those hips swaying up to me, and Carla sitting down, and sensually asking to be hypnotized by me. The images I got from that managed to hit all of my best spots, making me hard and needy, just thinking about it almost sent me over the edge into cumming in my own pants.

Finally, Monday came and I saw Carla walking up. Today she approached slowly, a little shy it seemed this time instead of her usual confident self. I cocked an eyebrow questioningly as Carla sat down at the table across from me.

“Hey, Carla. What’s up?” I asked innocently.

“Hi, Master,” Carla replied and then paused.

“Agent Morgan... “ Carla got out and then paused again.

“Ready for some more hypnosis?” I questioned to move it along.

“I ... well ... I was wondering, maybe, if you could, you know...” Carla started again.

“Help you with your problem? Sure!” I pushed Carla.

“No, I was hoping, uh, you know, that you could, uh,” Carla stuttered this time.

“Yeah?” I questioned.

“Maybe, you could hypnotize me?” Carla told me shyly.

“Really? Are you sure? If you want. Has it helped you to sleep and feel safe?” I asked innocently.

“Yeah! It’s been awesome! I’ve been using the self-hypnosis you taught me and sleeping like a baby, and waking up feeling great! But, I don’t know ... sure I like it ... but when ... when you put me under it feels better for some reason ... yeah it feels better. So, could you? ... would you?... “ She asked.

“Sure I can my “Good Girl’! ‘Carla’s a sleepy little girl.’” I used Carla’s trigger to put her under. With that Carla dropped deep, slumping forward in her chair. Her eyes shutting tight, and her lips just parted. I caught her before she could fall out of her chair.

“Have you been hypnotizing yourself, Carla?” I asked Carla after she was laid back on her chair.

“Yes,” Carla replied in a monotone.

“Good Girl, and does it feel good?” I questioned.

“Yes.” Carla moaned and actually bucked her crotch up out of the chair and I had no doubt she was wet because I could smell her arousal.

“And who made you feel good?” I asked the hypnotized Carla.

“You did Master.” Carla acknowledged.

“If I make you feel good, you can trust me, right?” I questioned.

“Yes, Master.” Carla answered after a pause.

“Good Girl.” I rewarded her.

“So, why do you let me hypnotize you?” I asked.

“I needed to sleep and feel safe Master.” Was Carla’s simple answer.

“Um, so, do you think I can make you feel safe? Have sex with you?” I asked next.

“I don’t know.” Carla paused again, before answering me,

“You don’t know? So you think there’s a chance?” I questioned.

“Yes.” Carla answered simply.

“How can I do that?” I asked, being a little more direct with the hypnotized Carla this time.

“I don’t know.” Carla answered, and I sighed to myself.

“Okay, I guess I’ve got some work to do here,” I whispered to myself.

“Carla, you need to learn to trust me. We’re going to work on that right now ... today. You’re going to start by repeating to yourself, “I trust Eddie.”. Each time you say it, it’s going to sink in, and change you a little more, and make you trust me a little more, okay? Now, say it out loud Carla.” I tried to make Carla start saying it out loud, but she bulked, and I finally had to ask why.

“You don’t feel like an Eddie ... you feel like my Master ... or ... or Agent Morgan ... but not an Eddie.” She tried to explain.

“Look Carla I’m on the Federal Task Force investigating this thing. If they hear you calling me Master I might get thrown back in SuperMax prison.” I tried to explain my situation to her.

“You don’t want me?” She said, clouding up to either ball or go hysterical on me. Yes I had that experience with high strung women before.

“Sure I want you Carla, but you have to start calling me Eddie or at least Agent Morgan. You can think Master but say Eddie.” I tried again.

“Carla, repeat after me. “I trust Eddie.”” I started.

“I trust Eddie.” Carla repeated.

“Good Girl.” I rewarded Carla.

“Good Girl.” Carla moaned back this time.

“I trust Eddie.” I said and rubbed the bridge of my nose again.

“I trust Eddie.” Carla repeated.

“Now, say, “I trust Eddie completely.” I instructed Carla.

“I trust Eddie completely.”” Carla repeated.

“Keep repeating, “I trust Eddie completely.”” I told the hypnotized Carla.

“I trust Eddie completely. I trust Eddie completely. I trust Eddie completely... “ Carla kept saying it over and over.

“Feel it sink in Carla ... Feel it become a part of you Carla ... Feel it change how you feel until you trust me completely. This is your lesson for today Carla.” I directed her.

“I trust Eddie completely. I trust Eddie completely. I trust Eddie completely... “ Carla kept repeating.

With that I let out a big breath letting the entranced girl continue repeating her new truth to herself. I thought about trying to change it up to make more progress, but that distrust and her calling me Master needed to be dealt with now. I left Carla to her lesson several hours while I investigated the rest of the house. I was interested in how the rest of the Clever family was doing. Mom it turned out was in the kitchen and Dad was gone to work I found. I was also wondering why the task force, Mister Smith, hadn’t called or picked me up because I knew they knew exactly where I was.

“Okay, Carla. You can stop repeating your lesson.” Carla stopped, and I continued,

“Carla, at night, when you hypnotize yourself from now on you will repeat your lesson to yourself, letting it sink in even deeper. You continue to do this until you believe it with all your heart and soul. Now, what is your lesson?” I asked.

“I trust Eddie completely.” Carla chanted.

“Good Girl! Your conscious mind won’t remember anything but being relaxed and happy while you were under the hypnosis, but your subconscious will remember its tasks. Now count up from 10 and wake up Carla.” I directed Carla. Carla slowly counted up and gently woke up.

“Wow, that really is great Eddie. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Eddie!” Carla thanked me.

“You’re welcome,” I said, and laughed to myself.

“Oh fuck, that was a long time, wasn’t it Eddie? I’m hungry.” Carla said when she looked at her phone’s clock.

“Yeah, you seemed so peaceful when you was asleep like that, and you seemed to need the rest so I let you sleep.” I lied to Carla and laughed to myself.

“I ... well, it was great, but I do need help with this shit that’s happened.” She pointed at her unopened backpack.

“I could help again later tonight or this week sometime.” I told her.

“How about tomorrow?” Carla asked hopefully.

“6 PM?” I asked.

“Sure.” Carla put it in her phone.

“Back here?” I questioned.

“Yeah,. Please.” Carla said before she took off. I watched Carla’s nice little ass, and waited until Carla had ran out of the room to do my own little two-step dance this time.

So fat I was still on vacation it seemed for the next couple of days. I found I could hardly concentrate, because I kept thinking of Carla’s shapely hips walking towards me. Naked? No, maybe framed by a black garter belt and black nylon stockings. She had been so sexually aroused and excited that last time she actually squeaked each time she sat down and her legs rubbed together, or stood up.

Finally, as 6 PM rolled around Carla was right on time. Walking in, she swayed those hips enticesonly just so, her tight body oozing sex appeal without really consciously thinking about it.

“Hi, Carla,” I said.

“Uh, hi, Eddie,” Carla replied.

“Can you hypnotize me now Eddie?” She said as she sat down across from me.

“Just like that, huh? I thought we were here for something else Carla.” I chuckled.

“Uh, yeah, but ... Please.” Carla looked at me, with pleading in her big blue eyes.

“Okay. “Carla’s a sleepy little girl.”” I used her trigger and watched as the light drain from Carla’s blue eyes, her facial features going slack, and her body slumping in the chair. With that I leaned forward, onto my elbows.

“Now, let’s start with what you’ve learned so far Carla. Do you like hypnosis?” I started.

“Yes.” The hypnotized Carla answered.

“How does it make you feel?” I asked next.

“Good.” Carla almost moaned and fidgeted in the recliner.

“And who makes you feel this way?” I demanded.

“You do Eddie.” Carla answered.

“And who do you trust?” I asked.

“You Eddie.” Carla answered with no hesitation this time.

“And Eddie is what Carla?” I asked.

“Master.” She did moan and buck up off the recliner. By the smell of her she had just had an orgasm.

“Great! Now, do you think I can change you with hypnosis Carla?” I asked and smiled down on her.

“I don’t know.” Carla paused this time then answered.

“You know I can change you. You want me to change you.” I almost demanded of Carla. Carla sat still, not saying anything.

“Repeat after me, “Eddie can change me.”” I directed Carla.

“Eddie can change me.” Carla finally repeated.

“I want Eddie to change me.” I directed Carla next.

“I want Eddie to change me.” Carla finally repeated.

“Remember those two lines Carla. “I want Eddie to change me.” “I want Eddie to change me.” Now start repeating them to yourself with your lessons until they become your truth. Now, what will you do?” I questioned Carla.

“I will repeat those two lines and my other self hypnosis lessons until they become my truth.” Carla answered back.

“Great! Good Girl. Let’s start now. Keep repeating those two lines.” I ordered Carla.

“Eddie can change me. I want Eddie to change me. Eddie can change me. I want Eddie to change me... “ Carla started.

I sat back in my chair, smiling. I wasn’t sure how long it would take with Carla, but eventually it would work because she wanted it to work. It had in fact worked for her several times in high school with her parents, and with her previous roommates here in college, and now it would work with Carla herself. At some point, she’d come to me, begging to be changed into my willing sex slave. It would take time, probably weeks, but it would work eventually, and those curves would be all mine.

As Carla kept repeating her new truths I went to the kitchen and had a hypnotized June Cleaver make me a cup of coffee. Everything was going my way I told herself. At the end of the morning I needed to check on one more thing.

“Carla, stop repeating your phrases for now. Have you talked to anyone about hypnosis, or how I’m hypnotizing you?” I questioned her.

“No,” Carla replied.

“Good Girl.” I rewarded her.

“You will not tell anybody that I’m hypnotizing you, or that I’m changing you. Do you understand?” I ordered Carla.

“Okay, I understand Eddie.” Carla answered back. I then woke Carla up, after instructing her to not consciously remember anything that had happened while she was hypnotized. I also instructed her to silently keep repeating her new lessons to herself.

“Oh, wow, that was great!” Carla came back to life and exclaimed to me.

“I’m glad you liked it Carla.” I said and smiled.

“Yeah, maybe... “ She said as she checked her phone.

“Shit, I have to go,” Carla said, standing up to leave.

“You have my number if you need me, you can call me if you need help.” I told Carla.

“Yeah, well, maybe. See you next tomorrow!” Carla walked off saying it over her shoulder,

“If it takes that long,” I said to myself.

I was hopefully, waiting for a call, but it never came that weekend. Eventually Monday crawled around again, and again I was having trouble concentrating. Finally, the evening came, and Carla walked in, looking a little excited and happy today.

“Hi, Eddie!” She said.

“Hi, Carla,” I replied.

“Take a seat, and let’s see what you’ve got this week.” I held my breath in the anticipation, wanting for Carla to ask for it.

“You know, I ... I ... well ... I was hoping you might ... you know...” Carla said.

“Hypnotize you?” I finished the sentence for her.

“Yeah, hypnotize me. I just, it’s really relaxing, and I really like it. My roommate at college is really surprised at how well I’ve been sleeping recently after my bad experience.” She explained to me.

“You know, you could’ve called during the week ... so we wouldn’t have to lose time like this Carla. You said at the beginning of the semester that you can’t fail any of your courses again,” I reminded Carla.

“I know, I know, but I, well, yeah. Please?” She asked sweetly.

“I guess so.” I sighed, making a show of it.

“Awesome!” Carla said excitedly.

“Carla’s a sleepy little girl,” I said her trigger, and watched the light drain from Carla’s blue eyes. Waiting for the trigger to take full effect, I held in my growing excitement.

“Okay, Carla, what are your lessons?” I started.

“Eddie can change me. I want Eddie to change me.” Carla repeated her mantra back to me.

“Good Girl! So, how do you feel about me changing you now, Carla?” I asked.

“I want you to change me.” Carla answered back with no hesitation, and I grinned.

“I’m going to change you into my sex slave. How do you feel about that?” I asked Carla.

“I... “ Carla started and then halted.

“I don’t want that.” Carla finally said.

“But you want me to change you.” I asked.

“Yes.” Carla admitted.

“Okay. Repeat after me, “I want Eddie to change me into anything Eddie wants.”” I ordered Carla.

“I want Eddie to change me into anything Eddie wants,” Carla repeated in a hypnotized monotone. After a little more thought I decided to change it.

“Okay. Repeat after me, “I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants.”” I ordered Carla this time.

“I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants.”” I ordered Carla this time.

“Keep saying that to yourself over and over Carla. I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants. Feel it sinking into your mind and becoming your new truth Carla,” I directed Carla.

Carla whispered to herself, “I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants. I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants... “ She started her new mantra.

I smiled, Carla was coming along nicely. The entire visit was taken up with Carla’s new chant until it was finally time for Carla to leave my apartment.

“Carla, you will repeat this new line along with your other lessons every night. Repeat your lesson.” Carla ordered Carla.

“Eddie can change me. I want Eddie to change me. I want Eddie to change me into anything Master wants.” Carla was still mumbling them under her breath when she left.

“Good Girl! Every night you will repeat this lesson when you hypnotize yourself, letting it sink in deeper and deeper until it becomes your new truth. Once it has, you will call me to come over to your house to hypnotize you again. Do you understand Carla?” I ordered Carla and then questioned her.

“Yes,” came the dull reply of hypnotized Carla.

“Okay, Carla, count up to 10, and when you reach 10, wake up, feeling wonderful and refreshed and forgetting the last hour consciously, but every night, you will follow my instructions to hypnotize yourself and repeat your lesson until it becomes your truth. Now, count.” I ordered Carla and walked away.

“1, 2, 3, 4... “ Carla was coming along nicely I congratulated myself.

Closing in on midnight Thursday night, I got a phone call from Carla.

“Hi, Carla! What’s up? Need some more help?” I asked innocently.

“No, actually, I’m, I’m, well, I’m not sure... “ Carla admitted on the phone.

“Okay, Carla, did you want me to hypnotize you then?” I asked.

“Yes! Oh, well, maybe, if you can, I know it’s late, but, I, well,” Stammered a confused Carla.

“It’s Okay, Carla. I can come over to your place, hypnotize you so you can get some rest.” I assured her.

“Great! Thank you so much for understanding, I know it’s late... “ Carla started.

“It’s Okay, it’s Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Bye,” I told her on the phone.

“Later.” Carla said and hung-up. I did an excited two-step before leaving my apartment. It was a short walk to Erika’s, but to me it seemed like it took forever. Once there, I hurried up to her dorm room and knocked on the door.

Carla opened the door, in a cut off T-shirt that showed a lot of nipple and under boob and a pair of tight white stretch shorts that looked like they were glued on. The crotch was wet and showing her perfect camel toe. When she tried to talk her words caught in her throat causing me to smile.

“Hi Carla!” I greeted Carla.

“Uh, hi Eddie ... Master.” Carla stuttered.

“Is your roommate around?” I asked with some concern.

“Oh, uh, no, she’s at her boyfriend’s place Master ... Eddie. As usual. “Carla told me.

“Okay, that’ll help, right? No distractions Slave.” I allowed.

“Oh, okay Master,” Carla agreed with me.

“Let’s go to your bedroom then Slave, so you can just fall asleep right there and I don’t have to try to move you,” I said, gesturing towards the back rooms.

“Okay. I trust you Master ... Eddie.” Carla said then turned and lead me to her room. Sitting on the bed, she looked up pleadingly at me. I didn’t waste any time.

“Carla’s a sleepy little girl.” I used her trigger. With that the light left Erika’s eyes and she slumped forward, nearly falling off the small single bed. I guided her backwards, laying her out on the bed with her calves still hanging off.

“Okay, Carla, what are your lessons?” I started.

“Master can change me. I want Master to change me. I want Master to change me into anything Master wants,” Carla said in a monotone. Yes, I noticed that she had subconsciously substituted Master for Eddie, but I let it slide.

“Good Girl! And why did you call me tonight Carla?” I asked.

“Because it is my new truth Master.” Carla answered with no hesitation.

“Carla, do you want me to change you into whatever I want to?” I asked her now.

“Yes.” Carla answered again with no hesitation.

“Even if it’s to my willing sex slave?” I questioned her next.

“Yes, Master.” But not before Carla hesitated before replying this time,

“Good Girl! Now, it’s time to change you. We’ll start with your fantasies. Do you know what edging is Carla?” I smiled and asked...

“Yes.” Carla answered.

“What is it?” I questioned her.

“When someone holds you at the edge of cumming,” Carla answered and actually seemed aroused.

“Great! Now, every night while you repeat your lessons, you will use your vibrating dildo to edge yourself. When it’s morning and time to wake up, you will come out of trance and call me. When you hear the sound of my voice from the phone I will give you permission to cum. You will cum the best and the hardest that you have in your life, thinking of me, knowing that I gave you the wonderful mind-blowing orgasm. You may start now.” I ordered Carla.

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