Special Agent Morgan - Cover

Special Agent Morgan

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 1: Would you believe?

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Would you believe? - A male hypnotist becomes over confident and is eventually entrapped by the government and forced to join a special FBI Task Force dealing with hypnosis and mind control crimes. They soon encounter something they are not prepared to deal with. Still trying to come to grips with the results of that our over confident heterosexual male hypnotist is tempted by the submissive female. He learns too late that she is bait in the female dominate's trap. Will he survive Mistress's honey trap intact?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   Demons   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Sex Toys  

My team had managed to track down Brenda Stone in a matter of days. Once we had her location we put together a company that looked good on paper, but wouldn’t stand up to long term investigation, but by then we should have Brenda under arrest for bunko and fraud. The meeting was set up at the local Redmont hotel, their in-house security were aware and had helped us with the audio and video feeds we were going to use to record everything as it went down for the later trial.

When the time rolled around Brenda showed up and we started. Jane was playing the high strung female CEO of our company, I was playing George this time just her personal wimpy male assistant.

“I can’t really see how this deal could be a good investment for us Brenda.” Jane said, handing the paper work back to the woman seated across the table from us. We were here in our hotel room to hear a business proposition from Brenda who was supposedly the representative of this Offshore Cayman Island Bank.

First off compared to other Offshore jurisdictions, opening a bank account in the Cayman Islands is way more expensive than opening a bank account in say Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, Belize, or so many other jurisdictions. The overall asset protection and banking brand for the Cayman Islands itself is pretty misleading. It’s been built by Hollywood over time, and perpetuated by endless movie and TV show stereotypes about financial conmen, shady confidence men, and entrepreneurs with less than sterling reputations, and other people and/or companies who stash their ill-gotten-gains in the Cayman Islands as though it’s a steel bear trap that prevents the poor cheated investor from ever getting any of his money back from them.

If your looking into places that are actually known for their tax benefits, not just their reputation the US has plenty of states that offer fantastic tax incentives and asset protection without the baggage of international banking red tape. Delaware is basically the Cayman Islands without the stigma of being a “tax haven”. If you insist on going international, there is Singapore, or Switzerland, both of which have rock-solid banking systems and aren’t constantly in the news for shady financial practices.

The Cayman Islands banking industry is subject to extremely high, strict regulations, and those high fees aren’t even worthwhile. You can get the same or better services for your assets and financial protection in other jurisdictions than the Cayman Islands for less money.

Jane, my partner, is 26 years old, she’s 5 foot 11, 120 pounds, a slim super model brunet with no real boobs or butt to speak of for that matter, but very athletic. Think dusky skinned Brazilian super model and former Victoria’s Secret Angel Lais Ribeiro 34-23-33. Of course Jane wasn’t hired ... volunteered ... for her curves, or beautiful face for that matter, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Me, your asking, well I’m a 6 foot 1, slim 180 pound, nerdish little book worm type with big black horn rimed coke bottle lens glasses for this gig. And no I don’t normally wear glasses I have soft contact lens thank you.

The woman, our target Brenda, took the papers back, and put them in her briefcase. She nodded, and then closed her briefcase. Brenda looked something like Kylie Jenner, 5 foot 6, 120 pounds, 37-27-36 was my guess which I’m surprisingly good at. We had invited her up to our hotel room, which is wired for video and sound to talk about opening an Offshore bank account, and a new investment plan that she was eagerly promoting. It was not a great surprise that we found out that it’s merely a fancy pyramid scam.

“Is it a bit warm in here?” Brenda said next, as she began unbuttoning the two buttons of her dark gray business suit coat. Both Jane and Brenda were wearing women’s versions of the common business suit, or I could say Power Business Suit in their case, ha, ha, ha ... Two button wide lapels coat, high collared white dress shirt, preppy college tie, and of course pants. Oh, and of course 5 inch spike high heels that should be classed as deadly weapons instead of men’s wing tip shoes which I was wearing. Brenda’s were caiman or crocodile, and Jane’s were some kind of snake, maybe Python or Cobra.

Normally, pants worn by women would be refereed to as “slacks”, while men wear “trousers”, but today with Feminist Equal Rights and Politically Correct they are all trousers now. Just like all actresses are actors now, ha, ha, ha ... This even goes for the zipper placket. The placket is located on the front of men’s trousers, and actually serves a purpose, ha, ha, ha. The plackets on women’s slacks used to be located on the left side hip, but today they are all in front just like the men’s. Equality strikes again, ha, ha.

Feminist Equal Rights has won. Talk about a “Pissing Contests”, and double ended dildos, equality among the sexes has spoken, but I digress. This also went for the preppy college ties we were all wearing, Brenda and Jane were wearing red Alabama ties while I was wearing an orange Auburn tie.

“Yeah, it is kind of warm in here.” I agreed congenially as my gaze naturally drifted down and locked onto her generous exposed cleavage as she continued unbuttoning and loosening up her white dress shirt and school tie that was already clinging to her two fantastic assets like a second skin.

“You don’t mind do you if I loosen up a little bit do you, I’m just feeling sort of warm and I just want to cool off and get more comfortable and relaxed. Now Jane darling I have one final offer to make.” By this time her coat was off, folded neatly and discarded and the white dress shirt was wide open and almost undone, revealing that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Yep, you got it in one not even a bra.”

“Hey, I’m sort of conflicted about the bra thing coming from an era of social protest about bras. Women have protested the physical and cultural restrictions imposed by bras for years ... more like centuries actually. Back in 1968 feminist protested at the 1968 Miss America contest beginning the Burn-the-Bra anti-bra movement. It actually prompted manufacturers to rethink and market new designs that created a softer, more natural looking, and far more comfortable, bra believe it or not.”

“Being male I have always enjoyed the giggle of free hanging fruit, and sweater puppies, but over time gravity plays Hell with those two assets if they are not supported properly. I am not being a male sexist here, as we learned in grammar school by looking in National Geographic Magazines. It seemed that NGM explorers were always finding, or rediscovering, new or lost tribes in Africa, or the Amazon. When you saw the native women’s naked breasts unappealingly hanging down to their knees you suddenly developed an appreciation for bras.

Of course there is also the story of Jane Russell’s brassiere designed by Howard Hughes. The story goes that while filming the 1943 movie “The Outlaw,” Hughes, known for his engineering prowess, designed a special underwired bra for Jane to emphasize her impressive bust. Jane was 5 foot 7, 130 pounds, 38-24-36, 34D cup. He used curved steel rods to lift and shape her breasts, aiming for a seamless look under her clothes. However, Jane found the monstrosity too uncomfortable and impractical to wear and ended up discarding Hughes brassiere. She used her own bra, padding it out with tissues to achieve the desired effect. Jane, and the movie of course, was a great success.

Anyway my eyes were just naturally firmly glued themselves to her two amazing assets, but Jane’s eyes where glued to the big blue and white diamond halo pendant that hung between Brenda’s voluptuous breasts.

“Well thank you for ... umm ... thank you for ... ummm ... for coming... “ Jane managed to get out as she was slightly dazed by the abrupt display of so much naked flesh and then the bright blue flashing pendant laying between those exposed breasts. I guess we should get this out of the was before we go any further. First: Jane is not a lesbian, but she was Bi (bisexual) conscious, I ask you honestly isn’t everyone today. Second: there are both male and female homosexuals.

LGBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Queer is also becoming increasingly popular as a one-word alternative to the ever-lengthening string of initials, especially when used by radical political groups, some of which have been using “queer” since the 80s.

From my research I know Jane comes from a military family that goes back further than just the American Revolution. Her father is a two star Marine general in Japan at the moment, and her mother is a full bird Marine Colonel, “BAM”, (short for “Badass Marine”), a playful nickname used to refer to female Marines. Her mother is part of the Marine Security Detachment assigned to guarding the US Embassy in Moscow, Russia. Jane is an only child, and was mostly raised by the Corps. Jane was raised more as a son, the general didn’t have, than a daughter that he did have. Because of this Jane really does have sexual identity issues I may have to straighten out one day.

There is an exquisite genetic control behind a honeybee’s fate in the hive ... from the lowly sexless drone to the almighty queen ... which is literally the peak for evolutionary scientists exploring how multiple mutations, or alleles, of a single gene called the complementary sex determiner (csd) can have a profound influence on honeybee society. They traced the data back over evolutionary time and found that a novel csd function affecting sex determination arises about every 400,000 years. For all intents and purposes Jane might as well be a sexless drone or mule.

By the dictionary a mule is: A: a hybrid between a horse and a donkey especially the offspring of a male donkey and a mare. B: a self-sterile plant whether hybrid or not. or C: a usually sterile hybrid. I don’t know how they raised Jane but she is really damaged goods. Jane tries her best not to even think of sex as anything other than the explantion in the biology textbook. I would really like to know what Freud would make of Jane.

And yes, they say they have AIs now that can mimic aspects of Freudian psychoanalysis. One example is ELIZA, an early AI program created in the 1960s by Weizenbaum. ELIZA simulated a Rogerian psychotherapist, which is somewhat different from Freudian psychoanalysis but still focused on understanding and reflecting the user’s statements.

Anyway back to our latest case, I could see Jane’s whole mind was captured by this thing hanging from Brenda’s neck. It was round, 2”, maybe 2.5” in diameter. The center was a blue diamond the size of a Robin’s egg and the outside edge was dozens of these small white diamonds that encircled the big blue diamond in the middle, and boy was it a sparkler as it caught and reflected our room’s lights back into our eyes.

There was also, well for me anyway, a high pitched squeal like someone running their long fingernails across a blackboard that was giving me a headache. Then somebody else turned on the thing’s internal lights and the white diamonds in a circle around the big blue diamond started swirling. Well that’s the only way I can describe it, and don’t you dare ask Jane to describe it. If you do all you’ll get is Jane mumbling “beautiful, beautiful... “, and going back into a deep trance that they can’t seem to get rid of. Well our professional team of deprogrammers, we have some of the best headshrinkers the government can find, can’t get rid of anyway. Of course I haven’t tried my hand at it yet because Jane really enjoys her trance time. Anyway back to our latest gig.

“Yes. well I may have something else to offer the two of you. I notice that you are looking at my pendant Jane. That you are focusing all your attention on my pendant. It is situated in a place that is very eye catching, isn’t it?” Brenda started her hypnotic induction. The pendant was dazzling enough, but they had added some kind of flash to it to make it even more so.

“Yes.” I murmured back like a good little hypnotized subject and she moved her right hand to stroke her breast and then gently move the pendant so that it reflected it’s blue flashes directly into both mine and Jane’s eyes.

“Thank you for coming... “ Jane murmured back slower, and quieter this time, but never taking her eyes off the flashing pendant.

“There’s no hurry to have me leave Jane. You must be under a great deal of stress in your job as a important CEO. Why don’t you just sit back in your comfortable executive chair and relax for a moment. Just relax and let all your worries and cares drift away. Why don’t you just gaze at my pendant and relax for a moment. Relax and gaze deeply at the blue diamond pendant. See how it reflects the room’s light. So fascinating, so easy to watch. Relax. Let the tension drift out of you, as you relax into the soft blue glow. Focus on the pendant Jane. Focus on its soft blue glow.” At this point Brenda was focusing mostly on Jane.

“George, you may focus your gaze where I know you want to, as long as you let yourself relax, forgetting all your worries and cares. You’ll do that for me won’t you George.” Brenda directed me.

“Yes, Brenda.” I mumbled back obediently.

At this point she reached behind her neck and undid the gold chain that held the pendant. She then brought it up, and leaned forward so that the pendant was now dangling directly between hers and Jane’s eyes.

Happily I let my gaze leave the pendant and return to the wonderful sight of her freed tits, she also had some really nice nipples. For the next few minutes she talked exclusively to Jane, until finally Jane’s eyes shut and her body went limp. At that point I heard my name called again.

“Continuing to relax. With every breath you take you relax deeper and deeper. You are deeply entranced by my breasts aren’t you George.” Brenda asked, but it was more a statement that a question.

“Yes.” I answered back quietly. I have to admit they were indeed impressive as far as tits and nipples go.

Of course my professional opinion, I never got an actual chance for a hands-on-examination mind you, was that they were surgically enhanced. Meaning plastic surgery breasts, which refers to reconstructive and/or cosmetic surgery performed on the breasts to change their size, shape, and/or symmetry. The most common type of plastic surgery breasts is breast augmentation, which involves using breast implants, or fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts. Breast augmentation can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction and/or pregnancy. It can also include breast reduction and breast reconstruction after cancer.

Judging by their lack of “natural giggle” my money was on silicone implants which may be advertised as, “last forever and natural feeling”, but are much firmer than the natural thing. Admittedly, I haven’t been able to test out the new fat transfer breast augmentation product.

The original DOW silicone implants were advertised as “lasting forever”. The silicon gel was contained in heavy duty plastic custom shaped bags. In theory the human body was never exposed to the silicone gel. But the bodies immune system attacked the plastic as a “foreign body” and soon the gel escaped which lead to the immune system going completely out of control. This was autoimmune disease.

Maybe with this new fat transfer thing the body’s natural immune response to foreign invasion by other cells is neutralized. Fat transfer breast augmentation is a breast augmentation option that uses liposuction to remove fat cells from your body and inject them into your breasts, increasing the cup size. This procedure poses fewer risks than augmentation with silicone implants. It is a good option for women who are looking for a relatively small increase in breast size and would prefer natural results. Of course that small size increase maybe why it isn’t that popular.

Of course there have been hints/rumors for years within the highly lucrative reconstructive and/or cosmetic surgery and fashion field that hint that a branch of the Artificially Grown Meat field has come up with the perfect answer to the needed implant material problem.

Rhinoplasty, Breast augmentation, Eyelid surgery, Tummy tuck, Face-lift, Breast lift, Forehead lift, Ear surgery, Lip augmentation, Breast implant removal, Breast reduction (men), Chin augmentation, Upper arm lift, Thigh lift, Cheek implant, Lower body lift, Buttock lift, all require the use of implants. What if these needed implants could be made from natural materials. A bone implant from your naturally grown bone cells. Your breast implant from your naturally grown breast cells. Your buttock lift from your on naturally grown butt cells.

Cultivated meat, also known as cultured meat, is genuine animal meat (including seafood and organ meats) that is produced by cultivating animal cells directly. This production method eliminates the need to raise and farm animals for food. Cultivated meat is made of the same cell types that can be arranged in the same or similar structure as animal tissues, thus replicating the sensory feel and look, and nutritional profiles of conventional meat.

Dutch scientist Mark Post unveiled the first cultivated meat burger on live television back in 2013. Two years later, the first four cultivated meat companies were founded. The industry has since grown to more than 150 companies on 6 continents as of late 2022, backed by $2.6B in investments, each producing cultivated meat products for consumers. Dozens of more companies have formed to create technology solutions along the value chain.

Decades of accumulated knowledge in cell culture, stem cell biology, tissue engineering, fermentation, and chemical and bioprocess engineering preceded the field of cultivated meat. Hundreds of companies and academic laboratories worldwide are conducting research across these disciplines to establish a new paradigm for manufacturing commodity meat products at industrial scales.

The manufacturing process begins with acquiring and banking stem cells from an animal. In our case the human being is sampled and the cataloged cells frozen and stored. These cells are then grown in bioreactors (known colloquially as cultivators) at high densities and volumes. Similar to what happens inside an animal’s body, the cells are fed an oxygen-rich cell culture medium made up of basic nutrients such as amino acids, glucose, vitamins, and inorganic salts, and supplemented with growth factors and other proteins.

Changes in the medium composition, often in tandem with cues from a scaffolding structure, trigger immature cells to differentiate into the skeletal muscle, fat, and connective tissues that make up different meats. The differentiated cells are then harvested, prepared, and packaged into final products. This process takes between 2-8 weeks, depending on what kind of meat or product is being cultivated.

By the nature of its more efficient production process, cultivated meat is expected to have a variety of benefits over conventional animal agriculture. Prospective life cycle assessments indicate that cultivated meat will use significantly fewer natural resources and will reduce agriculture-related pollution and eutrophication.

One study showed that cultivated meat, if produced using renewable energy, could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 92% and land use by up to 90% compared to conventional cattle. Additionally, commercial production is expected to occur entirely without antibiotics and is likely to result in fewer incidences of foodborne illnesses due to the lack of exposure risk from enteric pathogens.

Over the next decades, cultivated meat and other alternative proteins are predicted to take significant market share from the $1.7 trillion conventional meat and seafood industry. This shift will mitigate agriculture-related deforestation, over harvesting the ocean, biodiversity loss, antibiotic resistance, zoonotic disease outbreaks, and wholesale industrialized animal slaughter.

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into two main categories: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. With this new growing process there is no triggered auto immune response because the added material is the same DNA, genetic material. Also, since it is skeletal muscle, fat, and connective tissues, and not a shapeless liquid, it can be sculpted into any shape we want.

“Yes, you are entranced by my womanhood. You must know that women are much stronger than men are George. Being stronger you know women must be obeyed. It is your lust that makes you males so weak, you lust for me and so you must submit to me. Will you submit to me George?” Brenda was directing me now.

“Yes.” I answered back quietly again.

“Good. Now let your eyes close and submit to my womanhood.” She finished, and with that I let my eyelids close. As I sat there I heard her talking to Jane some more for a few minutes and then she returned to me.

“When I snap my fingers you will wake up. I have convinced Jane that my offer is very attractive. You agree that it is, don’t you George?” Brenda directed me.

“Yes. I agree.” I said, then I heard the sound of fingers snapping beside my ear, and I opened my eyes and looked around. Jane was looking around too, and appeared slightly dazed still. Brenda across the table was fully clothed again now.

“Actually, now that I think about it that plan would fit in with our current situation. Don’t you think so George?” Jane asked for my approval.

“Oh yes. It’s a good plan. I feel strangely compelled to sign it.” I said, in my best emotionless hypnotized voice and resisting the urge to laugh.

Brenda then smiled and removed the paper from her briefcase, and handed it and a pen to Jane. Jane signed it, and the woman took it from her and slid it across the table to me. “Now you sign it Eddie.” She directed me.

She offered the pen to me and I reached for it. Then in one swift practiced motion, one that I had been practicing for weeks for dramatic effect, I snatched the pen from her with my left hand and slapped the handcuff on her with my right hand. Practice does make perfect sometimes I congratulated myself on a job well done.

“What are you doing!?!?” Both women screamed at me at the same time in shock, and then anger I guess.

“You’re under arrest, you have the right to remain silent and a lot of other constitutional rights which I’ve been too lazy to memorize. Here are some cards with your Maranda and Escanbeto Warnings. Somebody else will get around to filling you in on them later I guess, ha, ha, ha.” I told her and laughed. And yes, some smartass in the DOJ had the Maranda and Escanbeto Warnings reduced to fit on standard business cards, 3.5 x 2 inches. Yes, it was extremely small print, you might even actually be able to read it if you had a good magnifying glass, ha, ha, ha.

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