The Chauffeur - Book One - Cover

The Chauffeur - Book One

Copyright© 2018 Pablo Diablo

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - 40 years old, divorced, bills becoming mountainous, David, an ordinary man, embarks upon a journey that leads him to a pinnacle that us mere mortals only dream about. Surrounded by beautiful and talented co-workers, he ascends quickly through almost unimaginable sexual adventure with incredible prowess and determination, culminating in "sexcess" at the highest level. Non-stop romp de Beauchamp! This is Book One of Four, a total of almost 700,000 words!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Tear Jerker   Workplace   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Violence  

As Tina and I left the office hand in hand, I smiled. I knew that I was in a much stronger position by taking care of Mr. & Mrs. Jaxson. They were wonderful people.

At this point, I was recapping, in my head, what has happened to me since I joined the Happy, Happee Limo Company:

· I’ve had sex with Sasha-my boss, Tina-her assistant, Paula-a colleague in the phone room, and Jill-the best driver in the company.

· I received a $2000 tip from Mr. Jaxson, just for doing what one is supposed to do to take care of a client.

· I’ve gotten a 100% pay increase due again to Mr. Jaxson, on the night of my very first day. My salary is now is a guaranteed minimum of $400,000/year plus tips and bonuses.

· I’m smitten with Tina.

· Sasha has used me for sex multiple times, at her discretion.

· Jill took me around to various top-end Hotels/Resorts and introduced me to key women that I must keep in touch with to further my career.

· I’m now the ‘talk’ of the office.

· My antics have started a new club... “The Fucked Unconscious Club”

Then, with a ‘ding’ the elevator opened to allow Tina and I to step on. We rode down in silence. My mind was way off in the distance. When the elevator doors opened, I was surprised that we arrived so quickly on our floor. We stepped off the elevator, Tina asked if I’m ok.

“Yes, actually I’m great! I have had an incredible two shifts working here.” I said, leaning in to kiss her.

“Wonderful. I want to hear it all,” Tina replied, smiling the whole time.

We will, but not here. There are too many recordings and listening devices.

“How do you know that I’m not hiding a recording device?” Tina joked.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to thoroughly search you,” I said, smiling my cheesy smile.

“Mmm, that sounds delicious!” Tina replied.

“Are you hungry? I’m starving, haven’t eaten since my second shift started.” I said without thinking.

“So, you did fuck Jill then.” Tina snapped back.

“Um, yes.” I said in an ‘I’m sorry’ tone.

The next few minutes, Tina railed on and on about how Jill gets all the sex she wants. Jill was such a slut. Jill was this and Jill was that ... blah, blah, blah.

At some point, I just tuned her out. I wondered to myself, why is she so jealous about Jill? What the hell had Jill done to her?

“ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME??” Tina barked at me.

“No, not really.” That made her even more mad, if that was possible.

At the next intersection, I made a U-turn.

“What the hell are you doing?” She demanded.

“Taking you back to the office. I’m not spending my two days off listening to a bunch of bitching and being miserable. Tina, I like you. I really do. But, maybe we are just not suited for each other. I’m sorry.” I replied.

For the next few minutes, we drove in silence. I glanced over at Tina. She was caught up in mixed emotions. On one hand, she was so jealous of Jill. On the other hand, she thought, she and I would spend the next two days in bed together. I saw a small tear forming on the side of her eye closest to me.

“FUCK” I thought to myself.

I knew I had just hurt Tina. I put the dagger right through her heart. I didn’t mean to do that, it just came out. Guess once you’ve been burned on love, you tend to circle the wagons around your heart.

As I came upon an IHOP, I pulled in and parked my car. I got a very bewildered look from Tina.

“What are we doing here? I thought you were taking me back to the office and dumping me off.” She questioned.

“We’re going to eat. Have an adult discussion, which at the end of WE will decide which way this car will be headed when we leave the parking lot. Fair enough?” I replied, as unemotional as possible.

“Yes,” Tina said sheepishly.

I got out of the car, walked around to her side, opened the door, and waited for her.

As she got out, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Not overly passionate, but just to show that I’m still interested if we can work this out.

We went into the restaurant, which was nearly deserted. Only one other table with people. The other table was drunken college-age kids having a raucous time. They were loud, but I didn’t care.

I asked for a table away from them. The hostess/night shift manager walked us to a booth away from the kids. She tossed the two menus down and said she’d be right back to take a drink order.

Tina slid in on one side of the booth and I slid in to the opposite side. I debated in my head about sliding in next to her but chose not to, not yet anyway.

I flipped my menu open. Looked over the listings and decided to just have breakfast.

“Any ideas what you would like? My treat.” I said as I looked into her tear-filled eyes.

My heart sank. I knew I wounded her. My head was a spinning top. Lots of emotions running through it simultaneously.

“OK guys, what’ll you have?” The hostess/manager/now waitress asked, smacking her gum.

“Well, I see a wedding ring, so I guess not, “ I said, chuckling.

The waitress chuckled a bit, most likely at my stupid joke, thinking it would help her tip.

“I’m sorry Ruth. That was a bad joke on my part. Don’t worry, the jokes are bad and get worse as time goes on. Tina, what would you like?” I said.

“Let me have a glass of orange juice, water with no lemon, and the cobb salad with lite Italian dressing, please,” Tina said, still trying not to tear up

Then Ruth looked at me.

“I’ll have the man-breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes with maple syrup, and a large glass of pineapple juice, if you have any, if not then apple juice with a large ice water also no lemon.” I directed to Ruth.

Ruth smiled, still smacking her gums, and walked away.

I put my hands out on the table towards Tina, palms up. I was hoping she would reach out and put her hands in mine. But, alas, no.

“Tina, I do like you. I hope you know that. But there is more to me than what you have seen so far. Can you understand that?” I asked quietly.

“I guess so. I thought we were going along so well, but then you went and fucked Jill.” Tina said with a tone of anger.

“Tina, we’re not married. We’re not even dating, in fact, this IHOP would be our first date. I don’t know what happened between you and Jill for you to be so angry at me and upset with her. Which makes me wonder why is it okay for me to fuck Paula and have sex with Sasha at her whim? How do you find that ok, but not Jill? I’m lost here. Please explain.” I answered back as gently as I could.

There was a pregnant pause. Ruth arrived with our drinks and left again.

The silence was deafening. The college group got up, literally staggered to the cash register and began trying to put together enough money for the check.

“You’re about $20 short PLUS MY TIP,” Ruth barked.

I told Tina to be still, that I would be right back.

I got up and went over to the register. The college group was digging in their purses, pockets, opening their wallets, looking everywhere for more money.

“Look, if you don’t have the money I’m going to have to call the police.” Ruth barked at them again.

I walked up to the register and introduced myself. “Ruth, how much is their bill?”

“They’re about $20 short plus my tip,” she replied icily.

“Ruth, that’s not what I asked. How much is their total bill?” I asked again.

“Their check, ‘SIR’, is $67.50,” Ruth said, dripping the words with a tone.

“Fine, I’ll take care of their check, PLUS your tip. Good enough?” I answered her in a sarcastic tone of my own.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out one of the $100 bills I got from Mr. Jaxson.

The college kids were stunned. They all asked me for my name and where could they send the money to me.

I gave them a generic business card from the limo company. I wrote my name on the back, thinking to myself that I will never see them again. But I smiled and gave the card to a nice young lady who seemed to be sober enough to drive the group safely home. They asked, while Ruth was finishing the transaction, if I owned the limo company.

“Nope, I’m just the chauffeur.” I replied, smiling at them.

“No fuckin way” said one of the drunken college boys.

Ruth put my change down on the counter. $32.50. I picked up the ten, the two ones, and the two quarters and walked away. I left her the twenty for her tip. Coming from the restaurant industry most of my adult life, I knew Ruth had THE sucky shift and was being overworked by the company.

I walked back to the table where Tina and I were sitting. First thing I noticed was her smiling again. Well, that’s a step in the right direction, I thought to myself.

I sat down back on my side of the table.

“It’s nice to see you smile again. I was worried there for a few minutes,” I said to her.

Just then, Ruth showed up with our meal. She was so different now. She politely put our meals down on the table, offered ketchup, hot sauce, or more dressing for Tina’s salad. We declined them all, thanking her, and she went back to one of the booths where she was rolling silverware.

We began eating. I looked at Tina, wondering if I was going to have to carry this conversation on my own.

“Tina, you didn’t answer my questions. What gives? You bring Paula into the office for me to fuck, you bend over for me to fuck, hell, even Sasha keeps using me for her pounding and yet you are upset with Jill. I do not get it. Please explain it to me.” I inquired.

Tina began, stuttering a bit trying to hold back tears, “Sasha owns me. I am her personal servant/sex slave. Everything she wants from me she gets without question or objection. I brought Paula in because I just knew that you would enjoy her as much as I have ... Jill, well, Jill is another story completely.”

I sat there, puzzled still. “So, explain to me how Sasha ‘owns’ you?”

“Well, that’s kind of a long story.” Tina replied sheepishly.

I looked around the restaurant. No one except Ruth and the short-order cook behind the counter prepping something.

“We don’t have to be anywhere, so keep going.” I suggested.

“Um, OK. Several years ago, I was in a horrible relationship with a guy. He was physically abusive, mentally abusive, and worst of all, he had me have sex with all his friends, work buddies, and other random guys. I was raped repeatedly by his work buddies as he laid passed out from too much drinking. One night, that I really remember as if it was yesterday, they laughed and told me that I was going to ‘pull a train’. I ended up having hard painful sex with more than 15 guys that night, that I can remember. They whored me out. They called their buddies, who showed up. They tied me to the bedposts, stripped me of my clothes. They had their way with me and it hurt a lot. This went on for an entire night. They put duct tape over my mouth to keep me from yelling for help. When my ‘boyfriend’ woke up, he saw me having rough sex with two guys that he didn’t even know, as his friends had all left. He went into a rage, calling me everything he could think of. He beat me within an inch of my life. He beat me so badly that one of the guys that was fucking me called the police. When they showed up, he told them his side of the story and they arrested me. Here I was bleeding, battered, broken teeth, black eyes, dislocated shoulder and so much other stuff it pains me to just even think of that night.” Tina explained as tears rolled down her face like a river.

I was stunned. I didn’t know if I should even hear the rest, but I gently said, “Tina, if you want to stop here, that’s OK. I understand.”

“No, no. I’m going to tell you how I got here. In jail, I met Jill. She heard my story and offered to take care of me and help me. That’s when I met Sasha. Jill and Sasha talked a bit. I couldn’t hear their conversation. Sasha posted my bail. They took me to the office. Cleaned me up. Called a doctor. Told me to lie down on one of the couches in Sasha’s office. I fell asleep. When I woke, there was a strange man with a black bag standing over me with a stethoscope, listening to my heart and my breathing. Jill, Sasha, and the doctor all talked away from me. The next thing I knew, Sasha had me give the doctor a blowjob as payment for making a ‘house call’. Jill took me home with her. She let me live with her for a couple of months. Sasha hired me as her personal assistant. She made me sign a contract just like you did, only mine had a clause stating that I was the property of Sasha and Happy, Happee Limo company. Sasha explained to me that now she owned me. I was to do everything and anything she wanted, when she wanted, and how she wanted. I had no say in the matter. If I tried to quit, fight back, or run away, she would find me and have me pull 10 trains a week. She called a big Italian guy into the office to prove to me that she could do it. He pulled out a huge cock, the biggest I had ever seen, even bigger than those guys in the porn videos. He grabbed my pants, pulled them down, and raped my ass. No lube, no gentleness, just hard sex that left me bleeding. All the while, Jill stood there and did nothing. There, you now know everything, David. Are you going to take me back to the office now that you know my story?” Tina said with tears streaming down her face.

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