The Chauffeur - Book One - Cover

The Chauffeur - Book One

Copyright© 2018 Pablo Diablo

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - 40 years old, divorced, bills becoming mountainous, David, an ordinary man, embarks upon a journey that leads him to a pinnacle that us mere mortals only dream about. Surrounded by beautiful and talented co-workers, he ascends quickly through almost unimaginable sexual adventure with incredible prowess and determination, culminating in "sexcess" at the highest level. Non-stop romp de Beauchamp! This is Book One of Four, a total of almost 700,000 words!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Tear Jerker   Workplace   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Violence  

I picked up all the items for my backpack from the list. The back pack was stuffed full. I put it in the car, so I wouldn’t forget it.

I decided that I was hungry but needed a quick shower before I start dressing for the night shift. Once again, I felt nauseated. I took a slug of Pepto to help calm my stomach.

While I was in the shower, I decided to not masturbate. Not enough time, I thought to myself. I needed to dress, eat, and get over to the office by 6:30pm.

After the shower, I put on my navy-blue suit along with muted yellow long sleeve shirt. I had picked out a tie and handkerchief earlier but was now rethinking that choice. I decide that I was just overthinking something as simple as a tie. I put the tie on and grabbed my wallet and keys to head to work.

All the way to work, I wondered in my head about Jill. Former military-what branch? Plainly spoken-to what extent? Most requested-why? I trusted Tina and, to a certain extent, Sasha. Yet, I knew that Sasha was management and Tina was staff, so ‘trust’ was like an egg, fragile yet sturdy.

I arrived at work. I was able to park on the first floor of the parking garage and was happy about that.

I debated on just going to the 12th floor to meet Jill or should I go to the office first? I opted for the office (quietly hoping to see Tina). Just the quick thought of Tina made my cock stir a bit.

I grabbed my backpack and headed to the elevator to ride up to the third floor for the crossover to the office building.

When I got to the crossover, I took a deep breath, still trying to calm my nervous stomach.

“Well, here I go.” I thought to myself.

The security guy remembered me from a week ago. He congratulated me on getting the job. He didn’t even look in my backpack, which I found odd, but none the less I got on the elevator.

At the 8th floor, I got off the elevator and headed over to the Happy Happee Limo office doors. Again, no handwritten sign, so I just walked in.

Tina saw me first and sprinted across the phone room. When she got to me, she leapt into my chest and kissed me passionately. I dropped my backpack and put my arms around her and kissed her back, intertwining my tongue with hers. I could feel her wonderful body pressing tightly against mine. My cock was at full mast with her in my arms. Gawd, she always smells so delicious.

“Is that hard-on for me?” Tina seductively asked.

“Absolutely!” I replied with a smile.

“No, it’s not. It’s for Jill, isn’t it?” Tina asked with a pouty tone.

“Tina, how can it be for Jill? I haven’t even met her. I have no idea what she even looks like. So, stop worrying, it is because of you and for you if you choose.” I replied.

Tina let herself get down off me. She stood in front of me, telling me that Sasha and Jill were waiting for me in Sasha’s office. My heart began to skip a beat. My head asking too many questions as I followed Tina and her beautiful body to the castle doors.

Tina knocked and walked right in to the office. I followed. I looked up to see Sasha sitting on the front edge of her desk chatting with a woman on one of her leather couches.

“Ah, Mr. David. I would like you to meet our best driver, Jill Morgan. Jill, this is our new employee, Mr. David. I have a few things to go over with Mr. David. Should take me about 10-15 minutes. Then he is all yours for the rest of the night. Sound good to you, Jill?” Sasha asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, sounds wonderful. David, I’ll be in the breakroom on my laptop when you’re finished with Sasha. Please come find me.” Jill said as she was walking out the office door.

I thought to myself, “HOLY FUCK!” She is drop dead gorgeous. 5’9”/long black hair with straight bangs above her eyes/clearly an overly endowed chest 36EE minimum/flat stomach/tight ass/athletic legs/ and she smelled like roses as she walked by.

I felt self-conscious thinking about Jill in front of Tina. I looked over at Tina to see her chatting with Sasha about something. Tina finished her conversation with Sasha and walked by me, squeezing my ass as she went by.

“Mr. David, we have to do a couple of things before I turn you over to Jill. We need to make you an ID card and code it for our electronics. I need you to sign your contract. You left without signing it earlier today. But the most important item is we need to discuss how to ‘service’ our preferred clients.” Sasha said to me.

“Well, let’s get started then.” I replied.

“Put your backpack on one of the couches and follow me to the computer room to make your ID badge. Oh, no, no, no. Stop. Let’s sign the contract first since you’re right here,” Sasha said.

I walked over to her desk, where she handed me the contract. I looked it over, just making sure it was the same contract. Sasha handed me a Montblanc pen. I held the pen for a moment, looking at it. I thought to myself that this pen probably cost more than half a million dollars.

I leaned down to the desk and signed my name. Sasha took the pen and signed her name. She buzzed her phone and asked Tina to step into the office.

She came right in. Sasha asked her to sign the contract as the ‘witness’. Tina took the pen, signed her name, kissed me, and welcomed me to the team. Then she left the office.

“Now, with that done. We can go make your ID badge. Follow me,” Sasha directed.

Sasha picked up the contract and headed for the castle doors. I followed and said nothing. When we stepped back into the main phone room, I realized that it was less than half full of young ladies on the phones. Clearly, not as busy as last Tuesday with I came in for my interview.

I followed Sasha to the computer room. She had me stand in a spot and the machine took my picture. We stood waiting for the machine to spit out my new ID. Sasha picked it up out of the tray, waived it over some sort of computer reader waiting for a green light to appear telling Sasha that my ID card was now coded properly for the specific places I would be allowed to enter.

Sasha clipped the ID card to an all-black lanyard and handed it to me.

“Place this around your neck until you leave the building. Then put it in your suit coat for safe keeping. If you lose this, you need to notify me immediately. This way, we can deactivate it so no one can breech our security. Do you understand Mr. David?” Sasha asked.

“Yes Ma’am. Since we need to talk about my service to our clients, should we talk as we walk back to your office or wait until we get there?” I inquired.

“We’ll wait until we’re back in my office.”

I followed her back to her office. She invited me to sit down on the leather couch that held my back pack. I sat after she sat down.

“Mr. David, let us talk about what you are willing to do and not do for our clients.” She said.

She asked me about how liberal my sexual appetite may be. She asked if I was straight, bi, or something else. (I said ‘bi’ but also explained that not since college have I done anything with a guy). She asked about whom I would not have sex. (Young children and animals). She asked what age, will I no longer be willing to please a woman? (I told her that really depends on the woman). She inquired if I was willing to have sex with multiple women or even a couple. (Yes, and yes). She wanted to know if I had ever participated in a threesome, foursome, or an orgy. (Yes, to all three). Would I be willing to stay late or come in early, if a client asks for me? (Yes). If I was offered a drug or alcohol no matter how little, would I partake? (Not while I was working and certainly not if it would affect my ability to work). She ended the questions with would I have sex or please a handicapped person (don’t know since I’ve never tried).

Sasha thanked me for my honesty. She buzzed for Tina and thanked me for my time and reminded me to take my back pack. Tina entered the office, took me by the hand, and lead me to go see Jill.

On the way to Jill, she pulled me into an unoccupied office.

“Did I hurt your feelings today when we were out in the hallway?” Tina asked sheepishly.

“Um, no. I understood what you meant. Was I a bit disappointed? Of course. Did I understand? Absolutely! Tina, you mean a lot to me. Your beauty, your charm, and your amazing smile make my heart flutter every time I see you. I know we’ve only known each other for two days, my interview and today. I don’t want to make anything difficult for you here. Nor do I want to screw up what appears to be a great job working here.” I said with my heart in my eyes.

Tina smiled, kissed me passionately, and asked if I had been given a schedule yet.

“No, not yet,” I replied.

“She said that she has already seen my schedule and ‘lucky us’ we both have the same days off on Tuesday and Wednesday.” She said with excitement in her voice.

She went on to ask if we could get together on our off days, away from work, to see how well we click away from work. IF, that is ok with me.

“Absolutely!” I responded immediately.

“Great” She kissed me hard, intertwining our tongues.

I reached around her and grabbed her beautiful ass.

“Do we have enough time for a quickie?” I asked.

“No, not really. I’m supposed to be getting you over to Jill.” She said in a depressed tone.

We stopped hugging. I collected my back pack and off we went to meet Jill.

While we were walking to Jill, I had an idea.

“Hey, since we both have tomorrow off and Wednesday off, maybe I could pick you up after work tonight?” I asked.

“Are you sure you want to do that? It might be late.” Tina replied.

“Tina, I will get to you no matter what time it is. Ok?”

“That would be wonderful.” She said excitedly.

“Where do you want me to pick you up here at the office or do you want me to come to your house?” I asked, hoping she said the office.

“Right here at the office. I usually get off about 8 on Monday. I will go home and pack an overnight bag and be back before you get here.” Answering, still giggly.

She hugged me and kissed me again. She opened the door to the breakroom. Jill looked up from her computer, smiled and asked if my time with Sasha was over for the night. I told her it was.

Tina wished me well and excused herself, closing the door behind her.

“So, you’re the new cock in the hen house, I hear,” Jill said with a mischievous grin.

“Huh, what?” I was lost.

“Don’t worry about it. It was a bad joke,” Jill answered.

“Can we go somewhere private to chat a bit before our ride?” I asked.

“Sure. How private are you looking for, big guy?” She said, smirking.

“Anywhere we won’t be disturbed for a bit.” I replied as deadpan as possible.

“C’mon, follow me. I know where we should go.” Jill responded.

We walked out of the breakroom and down a short hall, around a corner, around another corner, down a long hallway to a lone office. Jill used her ID to unlock the electronic door, switched the light on, and invited me in.

I sat down in a traditional office chair with Jill sitting in another one about 3 feet from me, facing me.

“Well? What do you want to talk about?” Jill asked.

“This job and you.” I replied, surprising Jill.

I started by asking her what she had heard about me.

“Well, you apparently know how to please a woman. The gossip is that you’re packing a 9 inch cock. You made Sasha cum so much she had to beg you to stop fucking her, which, by the way, has never happened before. You have fucked two girls, Tina and Paula, into unconsciousness. You are polite and a gentleman, which seems to make you the target for virtually every woman working here to want to have sex with you ... Oh, and you have shown great affection towards Sasha’s assistant, Tina,” Jill said, smiling the whole time.

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. I should have known that I was being too obvious about my feelings towards Tina. Now, everyone knows our business, or at least they think they do.

“What have you heard about me, David?” Jill asked.

“You are the number one most requested driver here. You are former military. You will make an excess of $600K this year. You have been employed approximately 14 to 15 months. You are clearly Sasha’s favorite employee and you’re generally known for keeping your mouth shut. Am I close?” I said, kind of feeling like the cat who ate the mouse.

“Well, you don’t seem to know much about me sexually, though.” Was her reply.

“So then tell me.” I replied in a smart-ass tone.

“I’d rather show you,” Jill said.


We both stood up and wrapped our arms around each other, pressing our bodies together. Our lips met in a slow, gentle kiss. She leaned in and cupped my face gently, all the while kissing me. She gently bit my bottom lip.

My hands began to roam over her body. She let go of my face and began unbuckling my belt. In one deft move, she unclasped my pants, unzipped me, and had my pants around my ankles.

She knelt in front of me, putting her fingers inside of my boxer shorts and pulled them down to lay on top of my pants. I’m sure I looked silly. Suit coat, long sleeve dress shirt, tie, socks and dress shoes.

She took a firm grasp of my cock. Licking the underside of the shaft started my cock to awaken. She swirled her tongue over and around the bulbous purple head. Her other hand started stroking my balls gently. After my cock finally sprang to full attention, Jill parted her lips and lowered her mouth over my entire cock in one move. She licked, sucked, and slurped my cock. I felt my cock go past her gag reflex of her mouth and into her throat. She swallowed my cock head without incident.

I gently caressed her head. It suddenly crossed my mind that I had not masturbated before coming to work and thus I may not be able to hold out very long. Jill had an exquisite technique for giving a blowjob.

I decided to change tactics. I reached down and lifted her up by her arms, forcing her to abandon the blow job.

She looked quizzically at me, as if to say ‘what, I’m not doing it right’? I leaned in to kiss her again. I began unbuttoning her white dress shirt, unclipping her bow tie, and reaching inside of her shirt to put my hands on her amazing chest. I thought to myself that I have never had a woman who had such an endowed chest.

Thankfully, she had a front clasp bra on. I flicked the clasp, and the boobs were unleashed. I bent my head down and began licking and sucking on her tits. While I was doing that, I slid her blouse and bra off her.

I spent a large amount of time licking her nipples and areolas. I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. Her hands were now massaging my hard manhood. I felt her rub the pre-cum drops up and down the shaft, making me feel even more horny.

I moved back up to kissing her. She seemed to really respond by the kissing. I gently licked and kissed her neck, nibbled on her ear lobes, and gave her small little kisses across her forehead and nose. As I was kissing her, I felt her tense up and shudder.

I thought to myself, “did she just orgasm”? I had to know, so I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Jill, did you just orgasm?”

“Oh yes, did you feel that?” she said, looking into my eyes.

I kept kissing her. Softly at first, then a bit harder, till finally we were French kissing with force and passion.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. We froze. It was Sasha.

“Jill, is Mr. David in there with you?” she queried.

“Ah, yeah. Why? Do you need him for something? We were having a private conversation,” Jill said, lying through her teeth.

I was rushing to put myself back together. I had my boxers up, my pants back up, my shirt tucked in when without warning, the electronic lock clicked and the door flung open. There stood Sasha, smiling.

Jill hadn’t quite reconstructed herself. Her bra was back on and her blouse was on, but only two buttons had been re-buttoned.

Sasha walked in and flipped the door closed behind her.

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