The Chauffeur - Book One - Cover

The Chauffeur - Book One

Copyright© 2018 Pablo Diablo

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - 40 years old, divorced, bills becoming mountainous, David, an ordinary man, embarks upon a journey that leads him to a pinnacle that us mere mortals only dream about. Surrounded by beautiful and talented co-workers, he ascends quickly through almost unimaginable sexual adventure with incredible prowess and determination, culminating in "sexcess" at the highest level. Non-stop romp de Beauchamp! This is Book One of Four, a total of almost 700,000 words!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Tear Jerker   Workplace   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Violence  

It was Sunday night. I was watching Sunday Night Football, not really paying attention to the game as I kept thinking about Monday. Tomorrow would be the start of a whole new career for me, a real big throw of the dice.

I made sure my best suit had come back from the dry cleaners. I picked out a shirt and tie, polished my shoes, and buffed the belt again.

I certainly was intrigued by what could lie ahead of me after such an over the top ‘interview’. My dick started to get hard just thinking about Tina and Sasha.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang, startling me back into the present.

“Hello?” I answered

“Hi David, this is Tina from Happy, Happee Limo. Do you remember me?”

“Of course, I remember you. How can one forget you?” I said with a bit of flirtatiousness in my voice.

“Sasha wanted me to call you and ask several things. First, did you have your attorney look over the contract? Second, are you ready for tomorrow? Third, and quite possibly most important, do you have a backpack?” Tina said in her smiling voice.

“Yes, my attorney looked over the contract and he pointed out an error. I was intending to discuss it with Sasha tomorrow. Am I ready? Well, quite frankly, I’m not sure. The job interview was unique, to say the least. And you, my dear, were delightful. I certainly understand why you are Sasha’s personal assistant. Finally, yes, I have a backpack. What do I need that for?” I answered.

I could hear Tina chuckle a bit. “Well, thank you! You are so sweet. I have been excited all week thinking about you starting tomorrow. Sasha says to be here by 9am sharp. No need to wear a suit as the first part of the day will be office time. Dress jeans and a white dress shirt should do just fine. The second part of the day is when you will need a suit again. The agenda is: Sasha will discuss various ‘other’ benefits you will receive. There will be paperwork that has to be filled out, like tax stuff. You will be introduced to the ‘day crew’ and we will go to lunch. After lunch, you will go home until 8pm. When you return at 8, you will look your best. Sasha and I will introduce you to the night group and you will ride with one of our best and most successful drivers. She gets to ask for personally ALL THE TIME. Any questions?”

“She?” I noted.

“Yes, Jill. She has been with us for a year now. She is THE MOST sought after driver that we have. You will ride with her on your first night. Monday nights are usually slow and steady, so you will have lots of opportunity to talk and ask Jill questions. Oh, and she likes to be interviewed too!” Tina said with a big smile and a small chuckle in her voice.

“What about the backpack?” I asked.

“Just bring it with you in the morning. Security downstairs will check it to make sure you are not bringing a weapon or drugs into the building. I will give you a list of items you will need to have in the backpack to bring with you for the night shift. Got it now?”

“Absolutely! Thank you, Tina, you have eased my mind about tomorrow. Sweet dreams and I will see you tomorrow at 9AM sharp!”

I hung up my cell phone. Turned off the TV and headed in to take a shower. Just hearing Tina’s voice made me horny. I stripped down and turned on the water to get it warm. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I needed to do a bit of manscaping. I reached under my vanity and pulled out the electric shaver. I plugged it in and turned it on.

I wondered to myself if I would get another chance with Tina. She was hot. Not that Sasha was an old bag of socks but, Tina certainly influenced my libido.

I finished my manscaping, stepped into the shower and felt the now hot water running over my shoulders and down my back. I wet my hair and shampooed it up. I soaped up my body, including my cock and balls. The warm water, the soap, and thinking about Tina got me hard quickly.

I turned and leaned back against the wall and used the liquid soap as a lubricant for me to masturbate.

I stroked my hard cock, slowly at first. I moved up and down the shaft. I closed my eyes and relived the ‘interview’ with Tina and Sasha. I found myself working my cock faster and faster, yearning for a reasonably quick resolution.

Finally, after a few minutes, I felt that tightening of my balls and that point of no return feeling.

“Oooooohhhhh”. I moaned out loud as my orgasm erupted. I shot several ropes of cum onto the shower floor. I kept stroking my cock until I knew that I was finished. I tilted the showerhead towards my spunk to make sure it all went down the drain.

I stayed under the water for a couple minutes more, making sure I didn’t forget to wash everything.

I got out of the shower, dried off, and headed to bed. I set my alarm for 6:30AM making sure I wasn’t going to be late on my first day.

My head hit the pillow and off into dreamland I went.

When the alarm went off, I opened one eye thinking what the hell was I thinking setting the alarm so early. I debated in my head, get up or take a few minutes more to sleep. My conscious wouldn’t allow me to go back to sleep. I got up and went to pee, thinking about seeing Tina and Sasha again.

Even though I masturbated before going to bed, I knew I had to, at least once, masturbate before I got dressed for my new job.

I sat down on my desk chair with a towel underneath my naked body. I reached over and coated my left hand with baby oil. I cursed to myself, wondering why they put ‘childproof caps’ on baby oil bottles.

I began to stroke my now hard cock. I closed my eyes again thinking of that wonderful interview and Tina’s tight, wet, delicious womanhood. I began stroking my shaft up and down with the baby oil coating my cock and making it feel so wonderful.

Using my other hand, I began tickling my balls. I ran my hand around the purplish head of my rock-hard cock. Faster and faster, I jerked my manhood. I kept going and going until I felt that wonderful twinge letting me know the end was near. My cock swelled and cum spurted out. My cock spewed 5 ropes of jism, all of it landing on the floor.

I held onto my cock for a couple of extra minutes until I felt myself getting soft. I looked down at the mess I made and shrugged, hoping that there would be more to come (or cum) at the new job.

I got up and got some paper towels to clean up the mess before I jumped in the shower again to prepare for work. I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing that I had not shaved yet. I was still nervous, thinking about the first day ahead of me.

I did the triple S (as my dad would say: Shit, Shower, and Shave). I did as Tina requested and got my best jeans and a white long sleeve dress shirt out. While in the closet, I picked out another shirt and matching tie for the night shift to go with my suit.

I dressed and put on cologne and headed to the kitchen to eat a bit before heading out to my new job. Since I hadn’t driven to the office building during morning rush hour, I was unsure of the amount of time it would take me to get there. I decided to leave at 8am, giving me an hour travel time.

After eating a simple meal (Froot Loops and milk), I rinsed out my cereal bowl and spoon but left them in the sink.

I grabbed my back pack, the contract, and my cell phone and headed out.

Traffic, as expected, was horrible. I arrived at the office building at 8:41, but parking during the day was not like the night time parking situation. Thankfully, I saw a parking garage connected to the office building. I went in the garage entrance, pulled the ticket to get the ‘arm’ to raise, then whispered to myself to hopefully find a parking spot quickly.

I climbed 4 floors to eventually locate a parking spot. Thankfully, I was parked next to the elevator. I took it down one floor to the ‘crossover’ bridge to the office building.

As I entered the office building, I immediately ran into the security desk. They politely asked to look inside of my back pack. They took a quick peek and sent me on my way.

I took the elevator back to the familiar 8th floor, nervous as hell.

Lots of people in the elevator, not like the interview night when I was alone.

The bell rang for the 8th floor and the doors opened. I got off the elevator and headed to the doors of Happy Happee Limo. No handwritten sign on the door this time, I noted.

I reached for the door latch and to my surprise, it was easy to open. I went in and stopped at the door, looking around for a familiar face. A short red-headed woman approached me saying, “Welcome to Happy, Happee Limo. What brings you to us?”

“Um, it’s my first day. I’m supposed to see either Tina or Sasha.” I replied.

“Oh my, you must be the new guy for the night shift. David, right?” she said with a devilish grin.

I was stunned. I stood there for a moment before answering, “Yes, yes, sorry. I didn’t expect anyone to know my name.”

“Are you kidding? After your ‘interview’? Everyone in the office knows. You’re becoming a cult hero already.” She said with a chuckle to her voice.

I was stunned. A what? Did she say, ‘cult hero’? As if I wasn’t nervous enough before, now I’m bordering on nauseated.

“Let me take you back to Sasha’s office.” She said with a wink to me and more of that devilish grin.

I followed silently, noticing a few ladies peeking up from their computer screens and whispering to their neighbor. I just smiled back and chuckled to myself, ‘cult hero?’.

The short red head knocked on the castle doors and walked right in. I saw Tina first. She came over to me and squealed with delight.

“DAVID!” she exclaimed.

“Hello, my darling,” I said, with an air of flirtatiousness in my voice. I smiled and gave her a kiss while she was hugging me hard.

“Sasha stepped out for a meeting and will be back in a few minutes. I’m supposed to give you the five-cent tour to meet everyone. When Sasha returns then we will start the boring paperwork and go over other stuff. At noon, we’ll go for lunch. Like I told you on the phone last night, you’ll go home after lunch and come back at 8 tonight for your ride along with Jill.” Tina went over with me in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Are you ready for your tour?” Tina inquired with a big smile on her face.

“Before we start, may I ask you a couple of things?” I said sheepishly.

“Of course, if I’m not allowed to answer the question, I’ll defer it to Sasha. She will answer all your questions. Fair enough?” Tina replied, still smiling.

“Um, ok, fair enough. First, how does ‘everyone’ know about my interview? Second, what have I gotten into here? Third, and finally, are you single?” I curiously asked.

Tina, now smiling her beautiful smile, “Yes, I’m single, but Sasha frowns on employees dating, if that is where you were going with that. We can have sex, but dating requires ‘permission’. As for your interview, of course everyone knows! The girls who came in to clean you and Sasha up that evening are big gossips. They are twin trouble. I’m guessing you didn’t even realize that they were twins, did you? As to your second question, I’m afraid I will have to defer that one to Sasha. When you ride with Jill, ask her after Sasha tells you her answer. Why Jill? She is former military and is very plain spoken, almost blunt when chatting with other employees. She’ll give you her opinion without any political correctness. Does that answer your questions?”

“Mostly. Can you give me an idea of who to avoid saying anything to because they are such gossips, like the twins?” I asked.

“Of course. When I take you around and introduce you, I’ll introduce them as the ‘friendly, chatty type’ so you’ll understand. Fair enough?” Tina replied.

Clearly, she is smart as a whip. We left the office for Tina to be introducing me to the day staff. The very first person I meet is a lady who is probably reaching her mid-40s. Petite, short blonde hair, cute smile and small athletic type chest. She had the appearance of someone who works out regularly. She was introduced to me as Paula.

Paula stood up, took off her headset and reached out to shake my hand. She made some small talk after saying hello. Tina reminded her she needed to get back on the phones. Paula smiled and excused herself and went back to work.

Tina took me around to everyone in the room. As she told me in the office, she introduced me to only 3 more ‘friendly, chatty types’ which gave me a sigh of relief.

Just as we were finishing the round of introductions, Sasha walked back into the main room. She came over to me and asked me to follow her back to her office, which I did without a word.

“Mr. David, it is such a pleasure to see you here. My, don’t you look less, hmm, what’s the word? Stuffy. You clean up and look much more relaxed today versus your interview.” Sasha said in her strong accent.

“Tina texted me with information that you have questions. So, please ask. I want any objections out of the way right from the start.” She continued.

“Wow, ok then, I have several questions. Most of them are just curiosity, but a few of them are concerns. If you don’t mind, I will start with the concerns first.” I said in a non-emotional tone.

“Go ahead Mr. David, please.”

“Let me start with the contract. My attorney pointed out that the dollar figure in the contract is not what we discussed. In my interview, you offered me a sum of $200,000 annually. Yet, in the contract it says $300K. Did I miss something?” My curiosity quite peaked.

“Mr. David, the $200,000 is your ‘guaranteed minimum’ with the $300,000 figure representing what we ‘expect’ you to make annually. The better you do, the more you’ll make,” Sasha said with a grin.

“I’m sure my Tina told you that you will be with one of my best drivers, Jill. She is our most requested of the entire drive staff. With tips, bonus’, and other ‘perks,’ Jill will make in excess $600,000 this year. I expect you to make that much and maybe even more, depending on what you’re willing to do to service our clientele,” Sasha continued saying.

“And?” Sasha questioned.

“Well, let me just lay all of my cards on the table. In no particular order, here goes: 1. Why are employees forbidden from dating? 2. What have I gotten into here? 3. What is the list of stuff I need in my back pack? 4. Why did you request ‘no condoms’ when Tina, you and I had sex? 5. And finally, (looking at the clock seeing that it is a little past 11am) What ‘service’ will I be performing and on which of the clientele?” I said with a bit more authority in my voice.

Sasha sat pensively for a couple of minutes before inviting me to sit with her on the long red leather couch against the wall. She said that being behind her desk always made her feel too much like a corporate whore.

I walked over to the red couch and stood there until Sasha joined me.

“Please sit, Mr. David.” She directed.

“Now, Mr. David, all of those are reasonable questions. It’s good to see you have a bit of common sense by the questions. Not everyone does, I assure you. To answer your first question: Employees are not ‘forbidden’ from dating. We just strongly discourage it. Why? Mostly because of our history. We’ve had people in the past that once they start dating, everything changes. One partner wants the other to quit working here. Feelings are hurt easily and usually one of the dating couple becomes jealous, which causes much tension here at work. Second, my favorite of your questions, you have gotten into one of the most lucrative limo businesses ever in the history of the United States. We pay our staff top dollar and our drivers make more money than the combined sum of any 3 drivers of other limo companies. As you probably suspected by our interviewing technique, full service is what we provide to certain clientele. Before any customer steps into your vehicle, we will know all about them, for your safety as well as ours. We don’t necessarily break the law, but we bend the hell out of it.” Sasha said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She continued saying, “Mr. David, you are worried about ‘no condoms’? It has more to do with Tina being allergic to latex. Her wonderful pussy swells up, and she gets a rash inside of her. I don’t want any of my staff to suffer because of the job. Make sense, Mr. David? Finally, what service you will be performing will determine what you are willing to do for the clientele.”

“Um, Sasha, I apologize for interrupting, but can we head to eat as I am famished and really didn’t eat much breakfast before showing up here?” I said.

“But, one question ... do you need food or me?” She said with a very wicked grin,

“BOTH! And Tina too, if she’s allowed.” I shot back.

“TINA, come in here.” Sasha bellowed.

The door opened. Tina walked in with that cute lady Paula accompanying her.

“My Tina, Mr. David, asked if you could join us for lunch?”

“Absolutely! Am I allowed to bring Paula with us?” Tina inquired.

“That will be fine. Is it ok with you Mr. David?” Sasha asked.

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