Tapestry Book 3: Poisoned Apple - Cover

Tapestry Book 3: Poisoned Apple

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 2: The War at my Fingertips

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2: The War at my Fingertips - Two major influences have left John's life. He's made deals with his Mother and Adoptive Father. Tensions are increasing with the Dragons. Two new spots are open on the cheerleading squad. There are even rumors the new band teacher is young and pretty.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Incest   Brother   Sister   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Grand Parent   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Petting   Teacher/Student   Violence  

Rooms have moods. Some of the time they’re placed there by the people within them, other times they come from the intent they were built for, I hadn’t quite adapted to the mood of my room at Robert’s. I’d slept her quite a lot before, but it was different today. Now, this was where I would sleep most nights and my attic room at the grandmother’s house was my escape. It was a matter of convenience, not comfort.

I still lay awake and stared at the glow-in-the-dark plastic stars Alex had gifted me and we’d taken the time to place in the drop ceiling of the basement. I’d insisted on conforming to actual star charts which meant buying three more packages as I built constellations. The truth was that stars were pretty new to me. In the various cities I lived you’d never see them; light pollution is a killer. I first really took note of them in Florida and came to enjoy them the night I was stranded on the sandbar.

I carefully disentangled myself from Alex, slipped on my night skin, and slipped out my private entrance. I could feel a pull towards Valleyview and the room I preferred, but decided to explore the shore along the river walking up towards the bridge that led to Stacy’s home and then back before swinging by my usual haunts; Beth’s home, Jill’s, Alex and Sarah’s, I saw Susan’s light on and was briefly tempted to knock on the sliding glass door. I refused. Things were awkward enough when I’ve stayed with the twins since ending our lessons. I considered popping up toward Amanda’s duplex in Fall’s Mire, but our encounters had only been going on for a couple of weeks and I wasn’t aiming at a night of vying for control.

I saw Sarah was awake and in the living room. She was grading papers. That sliding glass door I knocked on. She looked up and surprised and waved me in. I opened the door and took my normal place, “Isn’t Alex with you tonight?”

“Yeah, couldn’t sleep. Not my normal ‘have to walk’ thing, but the room’s mood ... felt off.”

“Sounds like you’re homesick.”

Am I? I suppose that makes sense. I loved the city of Manchester, but had little attachment to the row house. I loved the beaches and the bay in Florida, but didn’t care about the base house or the place on Tangelo Ave. The grandmother’s on the other hand is home.

“That makes a weird amount of sense.”

“You can sit till the album finishes, if it makes you feel better.”

“What is it? It’s not something you’ve played for me before.”

“Jazz Giant by Bud Powell. Alex said you’d joined the band. I was surprised it wasn’t the jazz band.”

“Deal I made with Moira. I didn’t know there was a Jazz band. I’ll be playing the piano in a couple of concerts.”

“You’ll have to let me know when. You play the piano?”

“Yeah. I can play the Piano, Flute, and Percussion. I thought about trying the guitar, but I’d be stepping on Scott’s toes.”

“Do you think you could play this?”

“If I had the music and some time to practice maybe ... maybe a lot of time to practice.”

She laughed, “At least you’re not claiming you’re a piano god.”

“I’m decent. It came pretty easy, same with the flute. I don’t get much time to play though. I suppose that’ll be some good coming out of the band thing. I couldn’t make a living off it or anything.”

We idly chatted while the music played. Eventually, I headed back towards Robert’s and Alex and sleep came a bit easier.

That Afternoon:

The new squad members were working out okay. Tracy was the better athlete and was far quicker to adapt to the amorous bits after the exercises were over. Truthfully, she was a dynamo. I still hadn’t done much with Mon as she was quite nervous about any bit of touching and needed Tracy there as a touchstone. I wasn’t going to press Monica, but I’d started keeping one of the smaller vibes GG’s excursion to the sex shop had garnered me to the front pocket of my bag with lube for when she was ready to try actual penetration. As such I was prepared when she said, “Stop.”

I turned to her sister, “Little one, can you grab the little pink vibe out of my bag? Front pocket.”

Tracy offered me the sweetest smile said, “Of course.” She then literally skipped towards my backpack. I had to admit Tracy was growing on me quickly.

Monica asked, “Why do you want that?”

“Well, you’re not really comfortable when we try actual penetration. So, I’m going to stretch you out, work you up some more, and we’ll use some additional lube even though you seem to be nice and wet.”

“I? Is it normal to do that? Trace didn’t need that. She just jumped on it and went to town.”

“Everyone is different. Tracy is brilliant, but you’re brilliant too. I want you to enjoy this. If it takes a bit of extra work to make that happen, I’m happy to do it.”

Tracy came back with two vibrators. One was my little pink model and the other was a bit bigger and black. She seemed excited, “Stacy loaned me this. She offered me the one she wears too. Do you know where I can buy one of those?”

I took the two toys, “I’ll get you one for Christmas, little one. Now, come help me with your sister.”

I watched her face glow with excitement, “What do you want me to do?”

“Just be her touchstone.”

I’d eaten her to a pair of orgasms earlier, so it was less about lubrication and more about experience by my estimation. So, I started with the smaller vibe and began to stroke the exterior of her mound occasionally slipping it up to her clit. Eventually, I added a finger without complaint, then a second, then I started to tease her entrance with the pink vibe. I turned the black one on and used it to resume the teasing and stroking as I penetrated her with the pink.

Tracy’s excitement was endearing, “That looks like so much fun! You’ll love his cock, Mon. It’s the best feeling ever!”

I chuckled. When I got her to start breathing in rapid quick exhales I swapped the black one with the pink one and began to penetrate her with the midsize vibe. Mon finally spoke, “I like that ... it’s nice.”

“Speak your mind, Mon.”

“It’s ... It’s dirty.”

Tracy interrupted, “It feels good, Mon. Just do it. It’s not dirty. It’s not wrong. Do you really think what we do is wrong?”

Mon shook her head, “Talking. I’m supposed to be a lady.”

I leaned in for a kiss and took the opportunity to switch the black vibe for my cock. The black vibe was still a step down from my girth, but I made do with what I had.

“Mon, I’ve been with a few ladies and not a one hasn’t been willing to talk about sex or during it. Tell me what feels good and what doesn’t so I can make this experience better for you.”

I began a slow gentle pressure till I was inside of her to the hilt. That was about 8 times as far as I’d gotten the previous week. Mon’s voice rang out, “Ooh ... that ... that feels nice. You’re still stretching me, but it feels good not painful.”

“Once you’re more used to me you won’t need all the work up. We’ll bring the toys with when you want a roll in the hay till then. Don’t worry, I keep lube in my bag all the time.”

I was slow and gentle. I wanted Mon to enjoy it, but I found myself watching Tracy’s face. It was almost like she could feel the pleasure I’d finally managed to coax out of her sister. Her sister enjoying herself was putting her in a state of bliss. I managed to coax to out of Mon before I finished. Though, I ended up shoving my tongue down Tracy’s throat.

We cleaned up and rejoined the group. Beth had taken practice a lot more seriously since our third-place finish. She’d even borrowed a book on weight training and had purchased a set of lady’s dumbbells for the squad. At least I assume they were lady’s since they were various shades of pink and purple. Jill, Stacy, and Beth were using those as I made it back to the main stage. Lis was just sitting on one of the mats.

“So, who’s my ride?”

Lis was close by and answered, “I’ll take you.”

I smiled at Tracy, “Hey, Little one? You wanna pull a round robin and tag? You could spend the night in my bed.”

Beth put her dumbbell back on the tiny little rack and put on her ‘in charge’ voice, “Not tonight. You’re coming with me.”

Tracy begged, “But I wanted too.”

“Next time, little one. And why am I going with you dead or alive?”

Beth shook her head in disgust at my reference, “My dad’s been pestering me to invite you to dinner since the thing with the shrooms.”

“Ok, you can’t tell him I politely declined? Ooh, or you could say I got hit by a falling meteor.”

Lis turned away from me, “You should go.” I got the sense she was mad at me, but I wasn’t sure why.

Beth declared, “My Dad won’t take ‘No’ for an answer. So, you’re coming.”

I briefly considered a bit of siren, but settled on “Hopefully, something edible then.”

I gathered my stuff and followed her to her sporty red sedan and hopped in. From what I could tell her family wasn’t any better off than any of the other girls, but she was most definitely spoiled.

As we passed Amanda’s duplex I asked, “Tactical Report?”

“My Dad’s name is David. Be polite. He’s ex-military and an amazing man. My mom is a bit nosy, but she means well. She’ll probably be happy if you do your ma’am thing.”

“My Ma’am thing?”

“Where you go all super polite around people you don’t know. Why is that anyway?”

I had a flashback to a web belt session. I shook it off and calmed my breathing as quickly as I could then brought on the cold. “I have my reasons.”

“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“You zoned out and got all tense for a minute, and you were breathing hard.”

“No need to worry about me, Darling.”

“Tell me the truth.”

“You’re not going to let this go are you?”

“I never let anything go. You should know that.”

“Mum’s the word.”

“Fine. I can keep your secrets.”

“It’s called a flashback. Basically, reliving a memory like you were still there.”

“And the memory.”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answered.”

“I didn’t.”

“It was not long after we were in the row house. I was downstairs. He’d taken me into the closet he called his ‘dark room.’ Like the kind to develop pictures. Put me on my knees and shoved my face into the corner of the closet so I smelled nothing but cedar, then pulled off his belt and made my back into his canvas while reminding me that I’m not allowed to be rude.”

“Jesus, Doz ... I didn’t ... I didn’t mean.”

“It’s fine. It’s not your fault. I’m used to it.”

We arrived and she quickly drug me upstairs to her room. I presumed it was to minimize my contact with her parents. She put on a video. That was the first time I watched her favorite film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She did elbow me in the chest when I sang though.

When her mother called, we filed downstairs. There were five people at the table. Beth was to my left, Deirdre of the sorrows to my right, ‘Linda’ Beth’s mother was across from me, and the man mountain (apparently David) was next to her. I managed to avoid making a joke about Linda’s name, a fete I am still proud of. The seat at the end, opposite Beth, was open.

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