A Resume for the End of the World
Copyright© 2024 by Ryan801army
Chapter 15
We gathered around the table for planning during lunch. There was the idea of getting a few of the MRAP style armored gun trucks from on post as a way of securing the roads leading into the compound. Another thought was mentioned for at least a future idea: electric or at least hybrid vehicles. Right now gas and propane were still relatively easy to get and would last stored for roughly a year before starting to have performance issues. As long as we had a way of generating electricity we would be able to have electric vehicles as a mode of transportation. It may mean expanding our footprint a bit, but we still had space either within the compound or one of the neighboring houses that we had already expanded to for cattle and chicken care. Obviously the MRAP idea seemed the more pressing as it affected increasing our security.
Lindsey spoke up with another new idea. “We should get more radios. Have them as a way to open communications with some of the other survivors we scouted. We know we’ve got enemies out there, but we may also have potential allies. Food storage we’re good on, and can always go back and get more prepper food. But what if we drop off a box and a radio as a first show of good faith? We’re probably not the only people who have had a run in with the President and his crew.”
Brandi was the first to respond. “More radios should be easy enough. Maybe this time get police band radios. I doubt many others would be after those and they’re not as complex to use as Army radios I’m assuming.”
I considered it for a moment. After a career in the Army it was hard to consider a radio as complex, but then I had to figure out security and different frequency types. “You’ve got a good point. Plus the police radios should have a better range than our store acquired ones.”
Gonzo nodded his head in agreement now. “Plus the worst thing is we end up being out a radio and a box of food. Once we get a radio for each of us as well as a couple spares, say six total at least to hang onto I don’t see an issue with handing a set out to survivors. It might even make it more secure than the standard commercial radios we’ve been using and like we gave to the Prez.”
It didn’t take long to agree that it was a good plan. Our previous scouting trip has already identified at least a few options. It might be questionable to trust immediately, but with radio communications we could at least start. Plus if we just dropped it off it would let them know we already knew where they were and would give us a strong negotiating stance.
I spoke up now to add my thoughts to things. “We’re starting to get to good positions on things. While I’d like to say we can count on the compound here staying secure, we need to start preparing for either outgrowing it hopefully or being overrun. I think we should start giving thought to a different location. Something we can secure for now and provide with enough provisions that if we have to evacuate here we have a fall back point with some provisions. Though I hate losing the commercial freezer.” I didn’t like the thought at all, above any of the others this was my home and had required years of financing, planning, and building. Not to mention it could be difficult finding something that would have things like a commercial sized walk in freezer like we had in the basement.
Silence followed my words as they were considered. Gonzo, not surprisingly, was the first to speak up. “Something we can secure, something that gives us room to expand into if not add things to it. We still want to be able to use solar power I think. Maybe a business? Something where we can have storage space as well as living space. Maybe we seize one of the distribution centers?”
It was Lindsey who shook her head at that. “Part of our advantage so far is we haven’t been found. Bigger is a nice thought, but distribution centers will be at least an eventual target as people get needing more food. Maybe a community area like a gated community we can secure and occupy?”
We seemed to be going around the table with the discussion. Now Brandi spoke up next. “Gated communities would have too many places to breach the walls and too much cover to use. But as for the freezer space, having a commercial freezer is nice but we can get numerous large freezers and move them into place. Hell, we could even get a freezer truck and switch it to run off battery or solar power. We can also use RVs or mobile homes and have things we can power off solar there also.”
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