A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter - Cover

A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 18: Squeak! Squeak!

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 18: Squeak! Squeak! - A young German workaholic businessman meets a young girl on a party in Sydney, and with the help of a bottle of Grange Hermitage, a Porsche Carrera, and Joan Sutherland singing Casta Diva, they fall in love. There will be problems - her mother is a successful businesswoman, with whom he tries to close a big contract, but she does not like him at all in the beginning. At the end, however, they realize their love.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

I discovered that now it had become much more difficult to be alone in my flat, but there were still traces of Maureen’s perfume on the pillows and I buried my head into them, feeling lonely but happy. Maureen called me every night and Eileen often chipped in with a few sweet and some wicked comments.

The next morning was business as usual; SNAFU is the appropriate American term. I had to convince a customer not to cancel his order, and all I was able to do was to delay a decision. The problem was not completely our fault, but one of my people had cooperated actively to increase the mess. I called him in, closed the door and gave him hell. Then I asked him what he would do to bring the customer back.

He looked at me, swallowed and offered to go to the customer and apologize even for things he had not done. I agreed and said that I would go with him since the responsibility was mine, too. He should arrange a date for the meeting immediately. He did not leave smiling, but visibly relieved that it had not been worse, and that I would accompany him to the customer.

I had lunch with another potential customer and went back to the office for the meeting on NT. Frank had asked his boss, Sir Allan, to participate, because we would need resources from other departments and eventually, other countries. It was a good meeting; Mary Ann had everything ready at my disposal, everyone participated, and we received support and praise from all, and ended with another meeting date, set when I would have to present a draft plan on goals, timing and requisition of resources. The next meeting with NT was set for two weeks hence, and I had to go back with a detailed proposal.

Sir Allen asked Frank and me to come to his office, which was quite stately furnished, as it was proper for the CEO of an important company. He had added some personal items - two paintings of the Australian desert and as a contrast, a lovely drawing of an English landscape. There was a photograph of his wife Ellen on his desk and a few flowers lightened up the austere picture. All he wanted to ask was how I was feeling about all this, after all, my future mother-in-law had become a very important customer! Were there any doubts in my mind that I could handle this without internal or external problems?

I replied that I had thought this through several times, and I was confident that both my company and NT would come out well. I repeated also that Peter had been involved from the beginning and would stay involved, and I insisted that Frank would come to the important meetings, too. I did not comment on Frank’s fascination with Eileen; I believed nothing would keep him away from these meetings!

Things went well during the week; I did a lot of videoconferencing to explain the deal and ask for commitments on resources, and slowly the project came together. I had delegated some of my normal activities, too, and Jim did his best to give me enough time to fine - tune my presentation.

I had my nightly calls from Maureen and occasionally Eileen stepped in also; they were anxious for me to come back to Brisbane and have the first Project Meeting - Maureen for obvious reasons, Eileen with her priorities mixed between love, sex, and business. It was fun to speak with her and hear those priorities battling in her.

I was also happy to hear from my father; he sent me a rather austere letter, wishing us luck hoping to see us soon, and he wished us the best of everything. Unfortunately, there was also a letter from his doctor, advising that his health was getting worse and that it might be a good idea for me to visit him soon.

On Friday morning I had the big Board Room filled with people from all divisions and one visitor from abroad - my specialist on logistics from headquarters. I went through my four - hour presentation and question time began. I was prepared for most questions and even the ones I could not answer immediately were discussed and a satisfactory conclusion was found with everyone adding comments and suggestions.

At the end, Sir Allan got up, thanked us for the patience and cooperation, thanked me for a job well done, and agreed to have us present the updated version of our project presented to NT next Friday. He wondered for a moment why we had to wait until Friday, but Frank - thank God! - jumped in and replied that this was done on NT’s request. They wanted to set up everything within their company and needed that time; after all, it was a dramatic change in their procedures and a very significant investment in human and material assets. He would accompany us to the meeting and hoped that once this meeting had resolved any outstanding issues, we could pull out all stops and go ahead (I wondered for a moment whether he would say ‘full force ahead’, but he stopped at the last moment).

I was exhausted; it had been a long week with long working hours and a tremendous amount of pressure and went home a bit early. It was still nice weather but threatened to become a thunderstorm later at night. All I wanted now was to get home, change, get myself a Bourbon, put my feet on the table, and relax. Later, I would call Maureen and tell her what happened.

When I went up to my floor in the elevator, suddenly I felt, however, that Maureen was nearby. I remembered the first time we made love and when I discovered that I could sense her presence even when she was in another room, and this was again a proof of how much our souls had intermingled. It was strange, however, that my feeling was much stronger than hers; perhaps it was a sign that I always could protect her? I heard music when I opened the door.

And there she was - my Maureen in all her glory, with a big smile on her face and her arms stretched out to embrace me. She wore a slinky long gown that emphasized her slim figure and was thin enough that I could see her proud breasts with her nipples already standing up. She kissed me with her eyes closed and when I received her tongue, I was lost. She was here, and she was mine! We stood there for a few minutes until she stepped back and said that she needed that - she could not stay in Brisbane and wait for me to appear. Thank God for airplanes!

I kissed her once more and told her to let me shower and change. She followed me into my bedroom and watched me taking my clothes off and going into the shower stall. To my surprise she did not join me, but when I came out, she made certain that every spot of my body was dried gently. I changed into some casual clothes and sat down in the living room, but first I got myself a shot of my preferred Bourbon and for her a glass of white wine.

“I love it that you came to Sydney, but why didn’t you tell me?”

“If I had told you, would you have been 100% focused on your presentation or would you have been slightly distracted? I care for you, my love, and little sacrifices can bring large rewards! And one of my rewards was that I took your Porsche out for a spin! What a wonderful car! But I was careful as I promised, my love!”

She came closer, put her head on my shoulders and my hand on her breast. Her hair tickled me and the perfume she wore was light and spicy - as she was. No makeup - just my Maureen and nobody in this world was more beautiful. She wriggled around until she found the right position, which started to wake up other parts of my body and asked to tell her my week.

I had told her already most of it in our phone calls, but it was so different and so much more pleasant to talk to her with her in my arms. She seemed to enjoy it, too, since an occasional little satisfied groan escaped her when I played with her nipple, but we managed to stay on our subject and when I told her about the praise from Sir Allan, she kissed me again to confirm that I was a great guy.

This could have gone in a certain direction we both obviously wanted, but then Eileen called to see where her daughter was and how my day had gone. I told her that Maureen was in my arms and that she would see the result of my day next Friday in Brisbane. She seemed to be a bit upset that she would not get any additional information on my presentation, but I reminded her that professionally, we represented two different companies with the same aim, but different methods. She would see, and she would be satisfied. Before she hung up, she told me that she loved me, that I should say hello from her to George, and would I please make certain that Friday would come very fast? And then I heard some faint rustling and she said, “Wuff! Wuff!” and hung up.

We both laughed and I kissed her long and deeply.

“This one is for Eileen. Please give it to her!” She blushed but responded with enthusiasm.

We discussed what to do for dinner and when she suggested going back to Luigi’s, I agreed. She started to change when we heard a loud thunder - finally, the thunderstorm had arrived. She looked at me and smiled.

“Thank God, I went out and bought some food. There is never anything useful in your fridge! You need a woman to care for you!”

She was a very tempting reason to forget dinner - she had just undressed completely and was standing in front of me, completely nude. I looked at her and as always, was completely overwhelmed.

Her lustrous red hair was done up, her eyes were sparkling and full of love for me, and her lips were smiling. Her - no ‘my’ - breasts were proud and perky, her areolae puffy as I liked them and her nipples hard as a rock. Her opal pendant was around her neck and the ring on her finger. Her hips were slim and her pussy wet and inviting. Her long legs were tanned and well turned - she must have been running again. I sank down slowly and followed the contours of her body with my mouth, touching her shoulders, her neck, her breasts with the alluring tips, blowing some air into her belly bottom, coming to rest at her pussy, working hard to gain entry (and she helped me opening her legs) and finally gliding to her feet, and then slowly moving up again. When I moved closer to her pussy, she grasped my head and pulled it closer, starting to whimper how much she had missed me. And when I touched her pussy lips, she only said, “Yes, please!”

And then my stomach growled - repeatedly and loudly to remind me that I didn’t eat anything the whole day. She looked down at me and could only say, “No, not at this moment! Please, no!”, but it growled again, only this time even louder.

She smiled, shrugged, and said, “Someone is telling me that there are other priorities for this moment!” and pulled me up to give me a kiss.

“Let’s go and eat something but remember where you were - you can start there again!”

She looked for something to wear and selected the gown she had worn once already in my flat. It was the long black gown that exposed her lovely breasts completely, and she applied some shiny dark dust in the valley between her breasts emphasizing the swell of her mounds, and then pointing out her puffy areolae with light beige and the points of her nipples with a fiery red point. The opal pendant hung between her pert breasts, giving an additional glitter to the picture. She looked at me and smiled.

“I know how you like to look at my breasts, and to touch them. They’re yours, my love.”

We went to the kitchen and while I poured a glass of wine for us, she prepared dinner. Nothing fancy, some cold cuts, bread, and cheeses, but tasty and looking at her whilst she moved through the kitchen, I knew how much I loved her.

She saw me looking and came over to give me a kiss; I used the opportunity to take her breast in my hand and lift it to kiss it also. She said, “The other one, too!” and turned a bit so that I had access to her other breast. The red points were suddenly gone, and she licked my mouth to wipe off the makeup that I had kissed away.

We sat down at the table, and I thanked her for her effort. There was an item missing, so she got up from her seat at the other side of the table and coming back, she looked at me and said that I was too far away. She pushed me back a bit and sat on my lap saying that this was better. We fed each other and she told me what had happened to her during the week - her studies, her friends and that she wanted to introduce me to them, her relationship with her mother, which was better than ever, and that perhaps at night she would tell me what happened there. When she moved around, her contact with me got closer and closer, and she felt that my response was already looking for other things than food. She smiled and wriggled more, and my shaft went from hard to harder.

“Take off your shorts, my love. This can be much more comfortable!”

She pushed her gown up to her waist and sat down again and to my delight it was much more comfortable and pleasant that way. She kissed me, put her head on my shoulder and whispered, “Tell George that he has to decide what he wants. The back door is closed needing lubrication, but if he knocks politely, the front door is wide open for him!”

So, George knocked politely and was invited in. If it was enjoyable before, it became quite delirious now. She moved to get something from the other side of the table; when she sat back George entered as deep as was possible and moving around, she started to feel aroused. The smell from her pussy was getting stronger than the perfume she was wearing, and I felt some fluids leaking out. Then she started to tremble, closed her eyes, embraced me, and came with a contented sigh.

“This is the way to have tea for two, my love! But poor George is still waiting for his turn, and I can´t do this to my best friend! Let’s clear this away and I’ll make certain that he’s as happy as I am!”

It took just a few minutes to have the kitchen clean again and we retired to the bedroom. She took off her gown, lay on the bed and spread her legs wide. “George, it’s your turn now. Come and get it!”

I bent down and kissed her. “Where did I stop before?”

She pointed to her pussy, and I went to the edge of the bed and slowly kissed my way from her feet to her thigh. She had come already once and was wet and hot with arousal and when I arrived at the junction of her legs and blew some air over her pussy, she trembled again, and more fluids came spurting out. I made myself comfortable and started to kiss her pussy with enthusiasm; she adjusted herself for me and her lips opened wider for my tongue to enter.

I loved her juices; they were light and spicy, and it seemed that she had a lot of them for me to enjoy. I licked and kissed, and one finger entered her. Her clitoris appeared and wanted attendance and I complied with great delight. She arched her hips and suddenly told me to stop this nonsense - she wanted me now.

So I obeyed and entered her slowly. When I bottomed out, she smiled satisfied and then she started to moan and whispered, “Oh God, yes...” and when my fingers found her nipples, already erect and waiting, I rolled the hard points, and she arched her chest into my hands. As I started a rocking motion, she hummed her approval as I cupped her firm breasts. I glanced into Maureen’s eyes, seeing trust, happiness, and something deeper radiating back at me. I responded, not knowing exactly what I communicated, but seeing it was something good from the little smile that played at the corners of her mouth. I tried to fix this moment in my mind and to appreciate everything that was happening. I had a beautiful woman in my bed, I was deep inside her, and we were clearly happy to be together. Her pussy slid around my cock, driving a stream of fiery pleasure that flowed throughout my body. I could see the pleasure flow through her body as well, and I could feel the tension in her nipples as they moved under my fingers.

I relaxed as much as I could to allow Maureen to catch up to me. However, her smile turned wicked as she picked up the pace on my shaft, arching her back to grind deeply into me. I felt the signs of a one-way trip to orgasm, so I gave in to the sensations. Maureen’s look changed to satisfaction as she saw that I was lost.

My skin tingled, my muscles tensed, and I clamped down to prolong the climb. Finally, the pressure was too much, and I crunched up, squeezing my eyes tight as my shaft throbbed in sweet agony. She tightened her inner muscles, adding even more pressure to the base of my dick.

“Oh, God.” I moaned, and then I grunted with each blast of cum into Maureen’s clutching pussy. I forgot everything as I filled her with my seed.

After a long while, I opened my eyes. Her eyes positively danced back at me, as she was immensely pleased with herself.

“You see, my love, what you can do to me! You don’t always have to put me first; I love it when you take me, and I can feel your explosion deep inside me!”

Now she was also really turned on, and I felt her hips starting up again and she pulled me down for a deep kiss. Once more I rolled her nipples between my fingers, and she gasped in pleasure. She lifted her legs to place them around my hips and pressed down sharply.

“Yessss...” she breathed as I increased the pressure. I was still stiff and took the hint, twisting the hard nubs in time to Maureen’s motions below me. This time, I got to watch her climb to orgasm. Her eyes lost focus, a blush spread down her chest, and her muscles tensed. We found the right rhythm to increase our pleasure like a heaving wave and she hunkered down, held her breath, and then exploded.

“Ahhhhhh!” she wailed, and she jerked and quivered through a powerful orgasm. Her face contorted in concentration as she tried to deal with the forces whirling within her. I watched her, fascinated by the expressions on her face - love, trust, excitement, enthusiasm, but principally love.

I was happy again - my love had given herself to me.

We stayed joined together for a long time, occasionally rocking through a spike in the afterglow. I let my hands drift over Maureen’s legs, back, and ass, feeling the smooth skin as she purred beside me. I loved feeling her so close, and it was hard to let go. We kissed, and smiled, and laughed, and kissed some more.

She looked down when her favorite friend George finally slipped out, followed by a flood of creamy liquids. She smiled and said, “Look at the poor little guy. One moment he’s all powerful and the next one he’s small and crinkled. Let’s see what I can do.”

She moved down carefully because after all, our juices were slowly dripping on our bed. She took my shaft in her hands and gave the tip a little kiss, then glancing at me, took it in her mouth.

“Delicious” was all she said and dedicated herself to the cleaning of my shaft. Even with this special attention it responded only weakly - after all, it had expended all its energies in the last minutes. Then she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, with our liquids dripping down her legs. “Come on, lazy one! Let’s have a shower together!”

I followed her and when we were in the shower stall, she looked at me and opened her lips for a kiss. I knew what she was waiting for - would I accept her kiss after she had swallowed my seed? I smiled and kissed her hard and she was satisfied. We made certain that every spot on our body was cleaned carefully (George showed the first signs of life), and we dried each other gently. When we went back to bed, she stretched herself lazily and purred content.

“This is the way to finish a day, my love. Thank you for all you have given me. I really needed this.”

“I was more than happy to help. Let me know whenever I can be of help.”

“Always ready to help a girl out?”

I laughed. “Always ready to help you out, my love. The truth is that I’ll always count myself lucky just to be with you, making love or not.”

Her eyes softened. “Thanks, James. She kissed me again, slow and tender.”

“I’ll dream well tonight.”

“I, too. Good night.”

Maureen turned, and after kissing the tips of her breasts, I spooned behind her, drifting off with thoughts of how lucky I really was.

Morning came, and I awoke to find Maureen’s sparkling eyes looking into mine. I kissed her lightly.

“Morning, my love. Last night was again wonderful. I’m so happy to be with you, my love, you cannot imagine. And looking at you looking at me - this is the best way to wake up.”

“Last night was better than wonderful - there are no words I can find easily to describe what I am feeling. All I know is that I love you and I’m with you - and by the way, George is my best friend now!”

We discussed what to do during the day and I had a brilliant idea - I would get Peter to invite us to dinner.

“Do you remember that he called you a little mouse - may I suggest that we show him who you really are?”

She jumped up, smiling maliciously and very excited about the idea.

“May I go to a good hairdresser? Mom knows someone here in Sydney. And I’ll have a manicure and a massage and a face mask and ... Why are you looking at me that way?”

“I thought I had you for myself today and now you are planning to go away for how many hours? Hairdresser, manicure, massage, and what else? Six hours? Seven? Just to impress Peter? Be yourself and he will be overwhelmed!”

“My love, I want to make a glamorous entrance. Long dress, makeup, the whole deal. May I do this at least once? I’ll show him what a little mouse is! I’ll make it up to you later, I swear!”

What could I do? She jumped out from the bed, jumped back again, and gave me her breasts to kiss, leaned down and kissed George.

“Hi, best friend. Good morning and thank you for taking me last night with love and strength! I love you, too; not as much as James and don’t be sad, there is nothing or nobody I could love as much, but you’re always very welcome in me!”

She ran to the bathroom, yelling that I should make breakfast because she had no time left. I wondered what had happened to the lazy morning cuddle but did as ordered. She came to the kitchen dressed in a very proper blue top, tennis shorts and some running shoes. Giving me a quick kiss, she stuffed herself with toast and jam, drank black coffee and vanished to the living room to make phone calls. The only thing left for me was to clean up and see what she needed now. She told me that she had called her mom, and that Eileen had arranged already time in a spa for massage, etc. etc. Would I please get her there? She was late already and I better hurry.

I got her there in record time and she jumped out.

“I’ll call you when I’m ready! You´ll have to dress formally and tell Peter that I want to go to the most elegant restaurant in Sydney!” and there I was, all alone in my car without knowing what to do. I went back to the flat and called Peter.

“Peter, my friend, Maureen is in Sydney and wants to go out to dinner with you and me. She said that you still owe her a dinner from the night you expulsed us from your house. May I suggest that you pay your debt, and she wants the most elegant restaurant in town and formal clothes!”

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