A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter - Cover

A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 16: A Fun Weekend

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 16: A Fun Weekend - A young German workaholic businessman meets a young girl on a party in Sydney, and with the help of a bottle of Grange Hermitage, a Porsche Carrera, and Joan Sutherland singing Casta Diva, they fall in love. There will be problems - her mother is a successful businesswoman, with whom he tries to close a big contract, but she does not like him at all in the beginning. At the end, however, they realize their love.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

When I woke up in the morning, I saw her already looking at me with a warm smile.

“Good morning, my love. You look so different when you sleep, not the driven executive, but the man I have gotten to know and to love. Please always stay this way, my love!”

She kissed me and burrowed into my arms again. She made a small grimace when she moved, and I asked her whether I had hurt her.

“Never, my love. You will never hurt me in your life. It is a bit painful now to move the lower part of my body, but you should understand this - after all, you are responsible for it! But it will improve fast, especially if you kiss it better!”

That was an open invitation to take the cover of her and stroke her soft body. I started with kissing her lips, and then slowly moved downwards, passing with tenderness her breasts, and ending up at her thighs. She slowly opened her legs, and I softly kissed her pussy and pushing her legs on my shoulders, I kissed her little back hole. She moaned and shifted her body to give better access but then moved back, away from me.

“It’s already better, my love. I loved it that you took my ass, but it’s something special; we should use as a reward for you or me, or for us both. Whenever you find smoked salmon and Grey Goose on the table for dinner, you’ll know what I want. But please don’t wait for me to ask for it - I know that you also have occasionally this need to do something different; all you have to do is tell me or show me what you want, and I’ll be open for your penis in every hole you want.”

She blushed and hid her head on my shoulder. All I could do was pulling her body on top of me and holding her as tight as possible.

After a while she looked up and said that she was hearing my stomach grumbling. Time to prepare breakfast! She kissed me and smilingly, offered her breasts for a caress.

“I like this, James. It’s what you said earlier - you kiss my breasts to receive pleasure and I’m happy to give you pleasure. For me the gesture of offering my breasts to you is almost as important as giving you my pussy - it’s an emotional, sensual, and loving feeling. When I give myself to you or when you take me, it is a more sexual but still loving act. And I need both - sex and love, and lots of both.”

She got up and after getting herself refreshed, asked me to do the same and then join her in the kitchen, just to keep her company. When I arrived there, she was standing in her long green slinky gown, with her breasts exposed. It reminded me of the Empire Dresses, where breasts were often exposed. It seemed that there was a small support to keep them up and exposed - not that they needed it, since they were proudly looking at me.

“I do love your outfit, but is it the only one you have? Do we have to go shopping?”

She jumped into my arms.

“When? Now? Today? Mom told me about two little boutiques that specialize in this. Can we go after breakfast?”

She smiled and calmed me down. ¨My love, I have another one in blue, one in grey and some other outfits. But they’ll stay for other days. I cannot give you everything at once! But if you want to take me shopping later, I am more than willing!”

She prepared everything and I was fascinated watching her move around. Her body was tempting in the transparent gown; her breasts shifted from one side to the other, and she never stopped smiling. This was paradise for me. When she was finished, she scolded me for not helping, but I said it was so nice watching her doing whatever had to be done that I preferred, and against my better upbringing, just to look and enjoy. She placed everything on the table - coffee, toast, jam, whatever you could find in a lonely bachelor’s home. Then she was ready and wanted to sit down opposite me, but I had a better idea.

“You’ve worked for all this - let’s do the following. We join everything on this side of the table, you’ll sit on my lap, and I’ll feed you. Isn’t that a better idea, my love?”

She looked at me wanting to do it, but she suspected that there probably were second intentions behind my offer. Actually, there weren’t, but who could know what would develop?

She came to my side, and I embraced her. “Thank you for everything you’ve done, my love. Sit down now and I’ll take care of you.”

She moved her gown aside and sat down on my lap, moving a bit around to find the right position. Then she said, “Coffee, James. One sugar and a touch of milk. Toast with orange marmalade.”

I provided what was demanded and got some coffee for myself. It went well for a while until the constant shifting of her body on my lap started other reactions in my body. I shifted around also to find my right position and she started to grin.

“I knew you had evil thoughts, James, but making love drinking coffee? And tell your guy down there that he’s knocking on the wrong door. That door is closed today. If he wants to enter, he has to ask kindly and come into the front door!”

I moved a bit more, my shaft asked politely, and slowly slipped into her. She was still wet, and it was easy to penetrate her; she helped by wriggling a bit and suddenly, we were joined completely.

“Coffee, my love, with one sugar and a touch of milk. What else can I offer you?”

It was strange sitting there having breakfast, talking about what to do today and at the same time, making love very slowly. There was nothing sexual, it was just pure pleasure. Whenever she moved, I could feel it deep down, and when I moved, she fidgeted and stopped talking. When we were close finishing our breakfast - and I really fed her whatever she wanted - she said, “Now do me!”

She started to move faster, up, and down, and sideways, and then her muscles grasped my shaft firmly. She trembled and came, and I came with her. It was not an earthshaking climax, but it was a wonderful expression of deep love.

She leaned her head back on my shoulder. “What am I going to do with you, James? If we end up making love every time we touch each other, how will we survive?”

“My love, what a wonderful way to die! But seriously, we’ve to make up a long time we were apart, and I’m certain that in in another universe, far, far away, we will become an old couple, capable only to look at each other. Let’s try to avoid this as long as possible, please?”

She moved a bit, and I slipped out of her. She stepped away and took my penis in her hand, still covered with our fluids. She cleaned it with her fingers and licked them, and reaching down once more, wiped the creamy liquid from her weeping slit and offered me her finger. She was serious and I did not hesitate and licked it clean. She was satisfied; whatever she was willing to do, so was I. We were one.

After putting the food and dishes away and having a shower, we were ready for the day. She called Eileen, I made more coffee and then we sat in the living room and this time she stayed away from me.

“By the way, my mother sends her regards and wants to tell you that her puppies are well looked after. They get massaged each morning and night, but she says that if they were not to get very soon some close attention, they would be very, very lonely.”

She leaned back and gazed at me.

“James, can we talk about something very serious? I’m still confused about our - yours and mine - relationship with Mom. Is she our lover? Is she your lover? After all, she gave herself to you and her last words were that she is totally yours, like I said to you? Will she be my lover?”

She looked at me. She wanted to tell me something, and at the same time, she hesitated. Then she took a deep breath.

“I’ve got to tell you something and you’ve to promise to hear me until the end. Tuesday night I was so lonely after talking to you, that I started to cry. Mom took me in her arms and tried to console me, but I continued to cry. I got up and went to my bedroom and Mom followed me. She lay down beside me and told me that everything was all right, that she understood my loneliness - after all, she felt your absence, too - and that I should look forward to my trip to Sydney. Then she kissed me on my lips and on my breasts, saying that she would substitute you that night. It was nice and I enjoyed it, and I turned to Mom and made the same. Then we fell asleep embracing each other. James, what will happen in the future? How will we relate to each other and for me the only important question - what do you feel about me and Mom?”

I knew that this question would be coming one day, and it was sooner than I had thought. I took her in my arms and led her to sit beside me on the couch.

“Come here, my love. I’m confused about certain aspects of our relationship with her, too, but I’m also absolutely certain that I love you, and that you love me.”

¨Let me try to explain what I believe about your mother and me. She was very lonely when we met; I believe that she was still in a deep depression about the loss of her husband and only the responsibility she felt for you and for her company kept her going. Then we met and you changed to become a happy person, extrovert instead of grumpy...” she mumbled that she had not been grumpy, and I said that she had been, too and in a bad way, “ ... and perhaps something in her shifted.”

I tried to find the right words, but it was difficult.

¨Remember that I’m an economist, not a psychologist, but I’ve dealt with many people and problems in my life. Perhaps she thought that there was a light at the end of the tunnel and when I met her in the office, she saw that I was not one of these arrogant yuppies, but an experienced business executive, and the way we structured the proposal made her look at her company a second time.”

I reached over and took her hands in mine.

“Then we went for our picnic and later she and I had a long conversation where she acknowledged that she understood our love and our future. She was certainly a bit sad comparing our happiness with her loneliness, but she accepted the situation. In my opinion, the turning point was when she asked me to stay the day in her home. The breakfast, the games we were playing at the pool, and then when suddenly she was topless. In the first moment, she was scared, but you calmed her down and I did behave like a gentleman; not staring but admiring. She accepted the situation and suddenly she was proud to be beautiful and admired, and I’ll not forget how she walked away from us - confident that she was also accepted in our circle, safe and unashamed to show her body.”

Maureen nodded, agreeing with me.

“The next time I came to Brisbane she was much easier with me - she told me that you had told her everything we were doing together.”

“Not everything, James.” she interrupted.

“Well according to your mom, you told her everything, at least of what had happened on our picnic. And she told me this with great satisfaction. Can you imagine my feeling hearing how you kissed me on my penis and made me come? How I had responded with your pussy? How you liked freckle hunting?”

Maureen looked down, getting red all over.

“But that’s another story.”

“She must have felt her sexual needs when you told her how satisfied you were, and she probably opened up some more. Then we went dancing and she just floated in my arms. Can you imagine her thoughts? She was in the arms of a man she liked, she had kissed, who had kissed her and not just a little buzz, but a kiss with deep feelings, and she was dancing the night away. She must have been happier than she had been in many years! And at the end of the night, when she came into our bedroom to thank us for everything, you invited her to stay and she fell asleep in my arms, with my hand on her breast!”

Now it was my turn to close my eyes and remember those moments - happy moments, I must say.

¨I felt during the night that whenever I moved and my hand slipped, she took it and placed it back where she thought that it belonged. She was safe, protected, and happy. In the morning, when you showed her what I expected from you when you left my bed, she copied you, saying that now she was family. She was getting so excited that she offered herself to me and I had to remind her that she was not you and what I had promised to you. She must have been terribly disappointed but accepted it.”

Maureen looked at me, trusting, loving, but also hesitant. What would I say?

“I was really surprised, no, shocked, when she asked to be treated exactly like you in protecting your body from the sun, and I must say you went too far, my love. There I was, having refused to make love to her, and you offered yourself in front of her to me to make love to you - not really to the last step, but not very far from it, and then you stimulated your mother to do it with me. And then things got complicated - she sucked my penis, and you helped her. I did not know what to do - it was a wonderful feeling being caressed and kissed by a beautiful woman, but I started to wonder where this would lead to.”

I shook my head, remembering those moments. But there was a smile on my lips...

“Then you had that long discussion with Eileen, and it seemed that you had offered me to her - not on a permanent basis but as a temporary loan. You wanted it, I accepted it, and Eileen suddenly changed her bond from her dead husband to me. This frightens me - nobody should be able to change so abruptly. But she did it and I was now the man she loved, and she wanted to be mine, to be taken whenever we wanted, and she had long lonely years to compensate. I have to admit that making love to her was wonderful, and I felt the black cloud that had surrounded her heart and soul, slowly vanished. She was a different person now, wide open to me and what I wanted.”

I wondered whether she understood my concern, but it was a very serious problem, impacting our lives.

“And that’s the problem, Maureen. I don’t want her as a second wife, as a permanent companion to us. I want you, and you alone! I know that I may have fallen in love with Eileen, but I don’t love her as I do you. I cannot do this, Love.”

She nodded.

“Falling in love is wonderful - you think about her, your heart skips a bit when she appears, and her smile can lighten up your day. Loving a person is all that and much more - you want to spend the rest of your life with her, have a family, concede matters when you want to win, and whatever happens, even after a big fight one day, you cannot let her go. She’ll be always in your heart, and you know that you will cherish her forever. This is what I feel for you.”

Maureen nodded again; her eyes boring into me.

“So how does your mother fit in? It depends on you, my love. If you want to accept what she wants, I’ll take her in my arms, I’ll happily make love to her, I’ll return her love, and I’ll protect her. But understand - you are my only priority in this life; she might one day be the second but never the first. If, on the other hand, you feel uncomfortable with this, I shall step back and keep her as a good friend. Think about her, but first think about you and me.”

She looked at me and started to cry; then she jumped up and threw herself into my arms, kissing me with abandon.

“James, my love, I’ve thought about this for some time now and discussed at least a part of this with Mom. She’s more in love with you than you believe, and she did not lie when she said that she was yours, totally and without limits. She also knows the danger of intruding and complicating the bond we have. She offered to step back and be a friend, but I saw the tears in her eyes and the pain in her heart. I know that your love for me is different and deeper, and you’ve confirmed it now once more that I’ll always be the center of your life, as you are my heart and soul.”

She leaned back and I was drowning in her eyes, full of love.

“Let us go forward without any carefully laid out plans and take life as it comes. When you want to make love to Mom, do it with pleasure and happiness. I will applaud you both. When you want to take me, do it with pleasure, happiness, and love. And when the three of us are together, let’s have serious fun!”

She kissed me again, this time with more dedication, and then jumped up.

“Come on, let’s go shopping!”

I groaned - like for most men, to me shopping in a mall attached to a woman is not a pleasurable experience and protested, but without avail. She pulled me up and said to have a shower and that she would drive. What about the ‘I hear and obey, my lord and master´? It had simply vanished.

I told her, however, that there was one thing I wanted to do - I wanted to send a message to my father. He had been ill for some time now, and I had provided the best health care in a nursing home I could find in Germany. I had written him already that I had found a wonderful woman and that we were going to be married. Now I wanted to introduce Maureen to him.

“My love, get dressed like you would go to a formal lunch, as my father is a very formal person. I will get the camera and we will record a hello to him.”

She nodded and without saying anything funny, had her shower and came back to the sitting room where I had set up the camera. She had dressed in a white blouse, with my pendant showing in her modest décolleté, a black narrow skirt and black sandals with high heels; as always, she was beautiful. I had also thrown on some casual clothes, and I must admit we were a pretty couple. I sat her before the camera and told her to be her normal self and not to be worried. Father was formal, but he was still a man, and she would just overwhelm him with her beauty - a bit of flattery always works. We sat before the camera and started.

“Father, this is Maureen, my bride and future wife. We are very happy and looking forward to being a family soon. I know that you cannot come to our wedding, but we’ll send you a video with all the detail and I promise that we´ll speak before. But here is Maureen.”

“Mr. Winter, I am Maureen Monahan, and James and I will marry in a few months. We are very happy together and I know that I’ve found the man of my life. There’ll be problems, but we will work things out and I’ll always support and follow James whatever happens. Mr. Winter, James came to my mother and asked for her blessings for our marriage. I’ll make certain that James and I will visit you before the ceremony and we’ll ask for your blessing - this is important for me and for us. I hope that this will be soon.”

And she leaned her head on my shoulder and said goodbye. I turned off the camera and said to her that she never would stop surprising me - and please would she continue doing this?

The shopping was not too bad. She actually tried to drag me into Victoria’s Secret, but there are certain limits I will not cross. We had coffee and cheesecake, looked at the people passing by, commenting on some of them, looked at shops and the accessories she believed were necessary for her mental health - handbags, shoes, belts, scarves and whatever took her fancy - and after a few hours we went back. She was more accustomed now to the Porsche and drove well, and her joy in running this machine was well worth my worries about what could happen. We took it easy in the afternoon and Maureen made a light dinner; considering the few ingredients she found in my kitchen, she did really well.

At night we made slow and easy love and slept in each other’s arms.

The alarm clock woke us up and when I saw the time, I jumped out of the bed. It was late and Maureen had to hurry not to lose her flight. I told her to hurry, but she only looked at me and whistled. I remembered and went back.

“Where does my lady want her tribute?”

She looked at me. “If you do what I want, we’ll not leave. Kiss your breasts instead.”

And I did with pleasure and dedication. She moaned, trembled a bit and shoved me off. “Go and have a shower - I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” And to my surprise, she was.

I had prepared a cup of coffee (one sugar and a touch of milk) and she grabbed a toast, saying that there was no more time. The taxi I had called was waiting for her and after one last kiss she was away. I missed her already!

Working hard was helping me to force myself to concentrate on hard issues and decisions, and not to moan about being lonely. NT was not the only customer I was responsible for, and when in the middle of the week we won another small contract, everyone was satisfied. Then Frank called me in.

“James, our lawyers in Brisbane called me advising that NT agreed to the draft contract with only minor alterations. You did well! Congratulations on a job well done! There is only one little problem - Mrs. Monahan called me this morning with the confirmation but demanded that you will have to be the contact point and supervisor of this contract. I told her that you are a marketing guy, but she insisted - you had made the two presentations that had convinced her to go for our proposal, and she wants you to finish this. What do you think?”

I was surprised but could understand her position. I had told her to bet the company, and she wanted me to be at her side. This had nothing to do with emotions, but she demanded the full commitment I had promised.

“We have to do this, Frank, but give me fifteen minutes to see how we can do this.”

I went rapidly through the options available and went back to my director.

“Frank, we can do it this way - I’ll dedicate a maximum of two days a week to this contract as it is too big to lose, and just work more hours on my other customers. I would recommend that I take Jim Albright and give him at least temporarily more responsibilities, so that I can delegate some administrative and preparatory work. It will remain my responsibility, but I’m certain that Jim can handle it and it’s a good chance to test his capacity.”

Frank agreed after a short discussion and off I went to talk to my people, Peter included.

“Guys, we got the job. Congratulations! And I feel sorry for you for all the work we’ll have to do in half the time we believe will be possible. NT will demand our full dedication. They’ll tell us when they want to sign the contract, and then it will be twelve hours work every day until we see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, advise your dear ones that life will be difficult in the near future.”

I distributed the work to be done among them, and then dismissed the smiling crowd. They did not know what was going to happen to them! I asked Jim and Peter to stay and told them what I had agreed with Frank. Jim was happy with the semi-promotion and Peter promised to help when possible and necessary. He reminded me to include Mary Ann in my plans - she would be essential to handle the administrative problems, and there would be many of them.

Frank called me later and said that NT wanted to sign the contract on next week´s Friday and they had invited us all to lunch in Brisbane. He would come, too, as well as the Controller.

I called Maureen and gave her the story, but she knew already and hinted that her mother had already decided that the Brisbane meetings would always be on a Friday or Monday - did I get the meaning?

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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