A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter - Cover

A Tale About Love 1 — A Felicitous Encounter

Copyright© 2024 by Buzios

Chapter 13: A Deepening Relationship

Romance Sex Story: Chapter 13: A Deepening Relationship - A young German workaholic businessman meets a young girl on a party in Sydney, and with the help of a bottle of Grange Hermitage, a Porsche Carrera, and Joan Sutherland singing Casta Diva, they fall in love. There will be problems - her mother is a successful businesswoman, with whom he tries to close a big contract, but she does not like him at all in the beginning. At the end, however, they realize their love.

Caution: This Romance Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Slow  

The next two weeks were busy. We won a medium-sized account but lost a slightly bigger one. I visited the customer in Sydney, I could not convince him, however, to stay with us. His argument was that the competitor had a lower price. I showed him that just the change from one system to the other and the re-programming of practically all software was more expensive (and significantly so) than the reduction in the cost of equipment. It did not help, and I wished him good luck (later I found out that money had changed hands and when he came back groveling, he had to pay dearly). Our proposal to NT came along nicely and I was proud of our people; especially what Jim had done. What had been a Hail Mary pitch had turned into a very decent business proposal and if NT were to accept it, the deal would become a shiny feather in our cap. My boss approved the proposal, set a few limits on what I could negotiate, the CEO, Sir Allan Moise, was smiling and satisfied - after all, there was finally some real new business coming in - and I asked my people to set up another meeting.

My relationship with Maureen was wonderful and painful. Wonderful, because when talking at night, we saw how close we were in soul and heart. Painful, because we saw how far we were from each other in physical distance. I told her of the upcoming presentation to NT and even at long - distance I heard the glee in her voice.

“Leave it to me, darling...” was all she said.

I had tried to make the presentation as soon as possible, but there were some inexplicable obstacles, and when the date was set, I saw Maureen’s hand in it. A Friday morning!

We flew to Brisbane on Thursday afternoon and met our local colleagues for dinner and rehearsal. They had been involved in the planning, were happy with the proposal and were looking forward to the meeting. Maureen called me at night and wished me goodnight, telling me that tomorrow I could give my goodnight kisses on the appropriate places. She had also already prepared her bedroom for my visit; when I asked what her mother had said to this, she just told me, “I didn’t ask!”

Off we went in the morning to the meeting at NT. The receptionist was friendly, rather pretty, and served tea while we waited the obligatory ten minutes. Then we were ushered into the Board Room, austere like the rest of the building and where four directors of the company were waiting. Everyone introduced himself and then Eileen walked in. Actually, it was not Eileen, but Mrs. Monahan. She had dressed again in a severe business suit, elegant and impressive. She definitively was a stunning beauty if she wanted to be one, and she seemed to want this all the time. Maureen was not yet in her class; after all, she was only half the age of her mother, but she would never be outclassed.

“Mr. Winter, thank you for coming for this presentation. I believe that you have been introduced to my friends and I remember you and your colleagues from the last meeting. I also have been told that you have other commitments this afternoon, so it might be a good idea to begin.”

She said this with a friendly, but decisive voice and I could not help comparing the executive before me with the woman that had walked topless in front of me two weeks ago. What a difference - and what a stupid idea to think about at this moment!

“Mrs. Monahan, thank you for inviting us once more. We spent a lot of time on this proposal, and you will see that it has improved significantly. I’d like to thank your people who gave us input where we needed it, and we believe that it’ll show you that there is a great future for your company, not only in this region, but all over the country. You will be a real Nationwide Transport, and you will make life for your competitors rather unpleasant.”

And then I went into my presentation. It went well - points were raised, questions were answered, doubts were resolved and at the end, we looked at her and I said, “This is the proposal we can make to NT. It will require you to make some major moves in reorganizing your company, and we believe that everything you might require to think about is included in the document I have handed over now, but if there were anything you still need to come to a decision, we are at your disposal.”

And to my surprise, now the haggling started. What support would we give in case something went wrong? What warranties were we willing to give for performance? Who in my company would be the contact point?

And on and on it went, until I got up finally.

“Mrs. Monahan, we have given you our final proposal. I believe we are wasting your time haggling over these details; may I suggest that you study the document and if there were any doubts left, we could arrange another meeting. This doesn’t seem the right moment to discuss half a system analyst’s time for seven days - we are talking about strategy decisions.”

She looked at me with a funny kind of smile and to everyone’s surprise, agreed.

“You are right, Mr. Winter. Let us look once more within NT at the proposal, and we will advise you not later than Thursday about our decision. By the way, my secretary advised me that somebody called and advanced your afternoon meeting to one pm, and you will be picked up at the hotel. I had planned to offer you lunch, but I understand your meeting is urgent. So perhaps your colleagues will accept to have lunch with me and my staff. We will certainly meet again, and I can repeat my offer.”

I did not know about any afternoon urgent meeting but could imagine who had organized this - I just wondered that her mother had agreed. So, I thanked her again, praised her staff for the wonderful cooperation they had given us, told my people to enjoy lunch and that I would see them in Sydney, and left to get to the hotel.

When I walked into the lobby, there she was, dressed in a bit conservative white blouse and dark blue skirt (but there were two faint points in her blouse that said everything), wearing the ring I had given her, and she embraced me chastely. A kiss on my cheeks and in a low voice told me to hurry. “Wait until I get you home! There are some people here I know, and I don’t want to start any rumors. Pay your bill and get into the car!”

Picking up my things, I did as I was told, and we walked to her car. I helped her in and when I sat down on the passenger side, she roared off. She drove for a short while, turned into a small side street lined with trees, and turned off the engine. “Now, my love, I can give you a decent kiss.”

And she did it with great enthusiasm and my response was not far behind. Then she sighed and took my hands and placed them on her breasts. “These missed you so much, you cannot imagine. Hold them and kiss me again.”

It took us some time to come up for breath again and she said that her first desire had been diminished, but not quenched. So off we went to her mother’s house, and she took me directly to her bedroom.

It was pretty and full of light streaming in from the two windows looking out to the garden. There were the feminine touches - colorful cushions on the white linen on her bed, a sideboard with a photo showing us sitting in Luigi’s restaurant (with the Grange bottle placed prominently on the table), lots of books on two teak shelves, a comfortable easy chair before the sideboard, and a big poster of ‘Norma’ on the wall. How did she get this so fast?

In the middle of her bed sat a big stuffed teddy bear, visibly old, loved, and used.

“James, this is Mr. Bear. He has been with me since I was a little child; a friend of my father gave him to me.”

She picked him up and hugged him.

“My love, he has been my friend forever - he stayed with me in good times and bad ones. During the last years when my mother and I had our problems, he was the only comfort I had. I cried and cried, and he held me close loving me.”

She kissed his nose.

“Bear, this is James, my love, my heart, my soul. You will never be forgotten, but now I have James caring for me and loving me. Please accept him as your friend also.”

She handed him to me, and I held him close.

“Mr. Bear, thank you for looking after my love. She needed the solace and I’m very happy that she had you. She said that you never will be forgotten - I add my promise to hers.”

I kissed his forehead and handed him back to Maureen. She looked at him, at me, and back at him.

“James, you can call him Bear. Both of you are family.”

There was a serving tray with sandwiches and a bottle of sparkling wine beside the chair, but she ignored it. She turned to me and slowly opened one button on her blouse after the other until it was completely open.

“Will you help me, darling?”

Turning around, she asked me to open the clasp of her bra and letting the blouse and the bra fall to the floor, she embraced me tightly. Then she slowly opened the zipper on her skirt and pushed it down leaving only a tiny little G- string hiding her pussy. Then she started on my clothes and in a few seconds, I was standing before her, completely nude. She took me by now erect shaft, led me to the bed and lay down.

“Take me now, my love! I want to be yours! I missed you so much!”

I pulled the G-string down and looked at her from her luscious red hair to her smiling lips and her huge green-golden eyes, her heaving breasts with the puffy areolae, her open legs asking me to come in, and her face smiling contentedly. I was where I belonged, in the arms of my love and ready to love her. I pushed forward and placed the tip of my penis to her opening, and she widened the spread of her legs even more. She was wet all over and as my shaft was eager to be within her, it needed only one push and I slipped in - I was in heaven again! I loved her gently at first, but she wanted more, and I increased my speed and force. Suddenly, she heaved up and pulled me in with all her force, and following her lead, we both exploded at the same moment. She had said that she had wanted to be filled up and she definitively was now.

After a while, my penis slipped out, and a gush of our liquids followed. She rolled over, covering me, and smiled. “Now this is what I call a hello-and be-welcome greeting! Let’s do it again?”

She looked at me shaft, now somehow reduced in size and mumbled that this was not right. She shifted down and looked at it.

“I remember you, darling, but you were much larger the last time I saw you. What happened? Do you need some tender care?”

She touched my penis gently and started to rub it, still covered in our juices. It seemed to wake up and wanted to say hello to her. Hello to you, too, she seemed to respond and gave the tip a kiss. This made my shaft wake up completely and ask for the complete treatment. She did not hesitate and engulfed it in her mouth, massaging the shaft and the tip with her lips and her tongue.

Suddenly she sucked it in deeply and my penis commanded a deeper pleasure, and she agreed. She sat up, reaching down to our joined body, and giving my penis the right direction to her opening. There was no hesitation at all now and I rammed it in. She moaned and sank down on my chest, pushing me into her. I embraced her tightly and felt her shudder when she came, and that made me come also. She stayed in my arms for a while moving a little on my penis and prolonging the pleasure.

“Well, I needed this urgently, and it seems you needed it also. By the way, how was your day?”

I stared at her, not believing the change of subjects, but there she was, still on top of me with me inside her, and asking about how my day went?

“Do you want details or are summaries sufficient? The presentation to your mother went well...” and I started to move again. She closed her eyes and mumbled that this was unfair but continued to move with me. I put my hands on her breasts and started to twirl her nipples between my fingers. Remembering that she was very sensitive there and moving up a bit more, I sucked one breast into my mouth and massaged the other one with my hand. Now she whispered, “This is definitively unfair, love, but continue, please!”

When I bit down gently on one nipple and pulled the other one out a bit, she shuddered and came again.

“Please, James, just lie with me for a while and hold me tight. My urgent need is satisfied at least for the moment, and now I need your love, your arms around me, protecting me, your heart caring for mine, and your body close to mine.”

After a while she looked at the watch and said surprised, “It’s already 4, “30. We must have slept a while without realizing it. Get up, Mother must be waiting!”

We had a quick shower with no fooling around, and changed into comfortable clothes, with Maureen wearing a blouse tied beneath her breasts and a white tennis short and showing a lot of skin in between. Coming down to the sitting room, we saw Eileen sitting there reading a book. Eileen had also changed into some white shorts and a silk blouse, transparent enough to show most of her lacy bra.

She looked at her watch.

“Mr. Winter, how was your 13, “00 hour meeting? Was everything satisfactory? Did you get what you wanted? Any complaints about the service?”

Maureen blushed deeply and responded that I had received everything I wanted, and that she was even paid some bonus for her services. Then she blushed even more and ran into the kitchen.

I felt a bit uncomfortable myself, but first took my time to greet her. I bent down and kissed her on her cheek.

“Hello, Eileen, I missed you and it is wonderful to see you again, and this time in our own personal world, away from business.” She smiled and took my head in her hands, pulling me down.

“James, welcome back in my home. I love to see you here!” Her kiss was an invitation to explore what she expected from me, and I enjoyed teasing her tongue. She agreed to play, and only a discreet cough reminded us that there was another person in the room. “Hello, Mom. Busy already?”

Eileen glanced at her. “Did you not say that we are family now? And that family can kiss each other?” Maureen nodded, but added that kissing was one thing, open seduction was another matter completely.

Eileen protested. “I was not seducing him, just saying hello. If you, my daughter, however open that door, may I come in, James?”

I wanted to get out of that discussion as fast as possible.

Maureen saw me without a clue and decided to help. “Mom, I´ll make tea, but please behave when I am absent!”

This gave me a chance to discuss a subject dear to me. She got up, told me to wait a bit because she would help Maureen to prepare tea - serious discussions needed tea - and after a few minutes they came back with the tea and some finger food. I recognized the service; it was a Rosenthal Red Rose tea service and I had seen it before in my grandmother’s home.

She smiled when she saw me looking at the cups. “You see we have some of the best German things already in this house, James.”

Maureen laughed. “And I’m adding another German to it!”

Now everyone smiled, but I had serious matters to discuss - I asked her to sit down beside me and after the tea ceremony had finished, I started.

“Eileen, I’ve told you before that when I saw Maureen for the first time, I thought that she was an obnoxious and revolted girl and her first remarks confirmed this. What raised my interest were first her huge, beautiful eyes and then the stubbornness she showed in the way she dismissed me. She was quite right, but it annoyed me, and I cannot reject a challenge. So, I decided to show her how wrong she was and when I left her that night at the hotel, I thought that ‘obnoxious’ could be substituted by ‘interesting’. The next day I added pretty to her name and when she left Sydney I was seriously drawn into her net. When we met here in Brisbane, I added beautiful, charming, and fascinating - I had fallen in love. Her visit in Sydney did me in - there was no running away from her and I knew that it was not anymore just falling in love with a woman, but loving that woman, and that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I asked her to marry me and to my intense joy, she agreed. Eileen, my courtship was like viewing a DVD in fast forward, but at no moment I felt wrong or sorry.”

I got up and went on my knees before her.

“Eileen, you are Maureen’s mother, and I would like to ask your permission to marry her.”

She looked at me a bit stunned and then started to laugh.

“James, I’m certain that nothing I could want or say would stop you from taking my daughter away. Remember what I told you about the blessing - or curse - in our family? She’s yours now, for better or for worse, and there is nothing I can do. So why ask me?”

“Eileen, darling, first you are her mother and I do not want to create any differences between us and you. We will have children in the future, and I want to have a grandmother for them, who will help to educate them and perhaps even spoil them occasionally. And secondly, you are also a top businesswoman, intelligent and respected. You would be an example for our children. And last, but not least, you are a stunningly beautiful woman, and I want to please my eyes with you for a long, long time. I want us to be family, trusting each other. And if what you said about the blessing is true and I am the lord and master of my wife, I want you to make certain that I never will abuse that faith that Maureen has in me; I’m certain that you can and will tell me whenever I step out of line. Let me promise, however, one thing - and I always keep my promise - I will always keep Maureen safe and happy.”

She had stopped laughing and gazed at me for a long time.

“James, what I see in you and Maureen, is the same relationship that my husband and I had - love, happiness and trust. Actually, it is quite cute to look at you two - there seems to exist no other person in the world outside of you two. It is charming, but please consider other people, too. You gave me some background on your relationship with Maureen - let me tell you about my side.”

“When I realized what had happened with Maureen, I asked my people to investigate you - that was my duty as a mother. Professionally, you came out well - young, intelligent and a driving executive, ready to move upwards fast, respected by your colleagues. When it came to you as a person, there was practically nothing, however - reserved, quiet, and no real friends. I was worried, but Maureen persuaded me to meet you and see for myself. James, you had changed Maureen from a rebellious and grungy girl...” Maureen protested, “I was not grungy!”

Eileen laughed and repeated “Grungy is the right word, my dear. Well, in any case, you changed the grungy girl to a happy woman, who came back to me as my daughter, and that alone would have conquered me. The way you treated me, the respect you showed in the office and the class and elegance in my house, convinced me that you are the man for Maureen. Yes, I give gladly my permission to marry her, and I, too, want to be a part of that family you want, and I promise that I shall be a good grandmother to your children.”

Maureen, who all this time had looked from Eileen to me and back as if she did not understand one word of the conversation, squealed, and kissed me; jumping up she kissed her mother also.

“Come here, James, give Mom a kiss - remember that you are family now. Actually, give her another one since the first one she stole already.”

Considering the subject and semi-formality, I got up and gave Eileen a kiss on the cheek - both she and Maureen looked at me and she asked, “Is that all you can do?” So I kissed her lips chastely and Maureen stopped me.

“Do you remember what I said the last time? You can kiss Mother whenever you want or whenever she wants to kiss you, this doesn’t bother me. I know you and I do know her. Let me show you what I believe a kiss is...” and she kissed me long and deep.

“Now go ahead and show Mom that you know better.”

I looked at her asking for confirmation and she nodded; there was a hint of what she had said before - that her mother needed attention, that she had been alone all these years without anyone to love or care for, and that Maureen wanted me to draw Eileen out of these years of sadness and grief. And who am I to reject kissing a beautiful woman?

I drew her into my arms and kissed her deeply, with my tongue invading her mouth and my arm gliding down her back. She hesitated, but suddenly shrugged and leaned into me. She opened her mouth wide, inviting me in and her tongue battled with mine. She pressed herself against me, her breasts against my chest and I could feel her nipples hardening. We only stopped when we realized that we had to breathe occasionally and then she looked at me and blushed, leaning her head on my shoulder. I looked at Maureen and she nodded and applauded smilingly, stepping close to me. We stayed embraced and it was wonderful to feel the bodies of two wonderful women, their breasts thrusting into me, their hair tickling my nose, and both relaxed in my arms. They both looked at me and gave me little tender kisses on my face and my mouth. Their faces were the image of happiness and contentment.

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