The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 6: Sleep-Over

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Sleep-Over - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Fiction   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Slow  

I was like a nervous parent sending the child off to school for the first day of school. With a straight face bordering on a nervous scowl, she got out of the car. She went through the school’s front doors without looking back.

She came out of the same door with Helen and a great big, dimpled smile. During the drive home, mostly what Cheryl talked about was Helen and how nice most of her classmates were. She assured me that not once did she get anything wrong with her background either.

Things changed immediately at the house in only one way. Cheryl no longer seemed determined to have sex with me. She returned to the inept type of goodnight kiss she had done prior, but the goodnight kisses stopped altogether the last week of March. And not once did I wake up with her naked or otherwise on top of me. She continued working about the house and doing a little extra for extra money. And she kept moving the targets further out so she could stay one shot better than me.

To the community, I was a sales rep for Winchester Repeating Arms Company. When I had to travel for so-called conferences, Cheryl many times stayed at Helen’s. The other times, she stayed alone for the few days I was gone. Helen’s sister had developed a bit of a crush on me and was always sure to be there when I picked up Cheryl. She wore clothes as revealing as the weather would allow, or she invited me in for coffee when her parents were out. I could’ve easily taken advantage of the overtures and likely bedded the attractive high school senior. But I didn’t.

The reason for not taking her up on her many sexual openings was pretty simple. First, I didn’t need the complication of another person finding out what I did for a living. Second, she was still in high school, and while only thirteen years older, that was a lot at that age. But mostly because Cheryl wouldn’t like it and she would likely go back to trying to get me to have sex with her, too.

The second week of April, I had to travel. Cheryl had somehow convinced Helen’s parents to let her stay at our house with her alone. I had reassured Helen’s parents that they would be perfectly safe. Cheryl and Helen agreed that Helen’s parents could drop in anytime without calling first. I was getting ready to walk out the door, and the two teens thought I was out of earshot when I heard Cheryl say, “This is gonna be great. I only have a little work to do around the house. And the homework lately has been easy. So we’ll have lots of time to practice. I want to get good at kissing by my birthday.”
“Ooo, you want to suck face with Will,” Helen said. “Is John going to let you start going on dates after your birthday?”

“No, and no,” Cheryl replied. “I’m gonna tell you a secret that is bigger than our rubbing each other’s pussies.”

“Oh, you have your eye on one of the senior guys. I bet it is James.” Helen said, thinking Cheryl would go after the varsity quarterback.

“No, it’s John,” Cheryl admitted.

“John who? There are like two John’s in every high school class.” Helen pointed out.

“Not any of those Johns. My John,” Cheryl said.

“Your dad?” Helen sounded shocked.

“He’s not my dad,” Cheryl insisted. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad. She didn’t think of me as a parent. “He is only my guardian. And you can kiss and do more with guardians.” I guess not kissing me goodnight was going to be short-lived.

“Oh, he is so cute. Hell, I’d jump his bones if he weren’t gay.” Helen claimed.


“John, he’s gay. Or that is what Jane said.” Helen revealed what her sister thought about me.

“Why would Jane say that? He’s not gay.” Cheryl was adamant.

“I think Jane said that because she’s basically thrown herself at him. She did everything short of getting naked, spreading her legs, and telling him to have sex with her. Hell, I think any other guy would have had her by now.” Helen explained.

Not comprehending all she was saying, Cheryl said, “Yeah, naked and willing, won’t always get him to have sex with you.”

Helen put her hand to her mouth, saying, “Oh my Gawd, you had sex with him.”

“Hush, he’ll hear you,” Cheryl said. “No, but I tried.”

“You mean he’s seen you naked?” Helen was astonished. “Have you seen him ... you know, naked?”

“Sssh,” Cheryl said, holding her finger to her lips. “Of course I have. It is a small house.”

“Oh, you’re not telling me everything, are you?” Helen said, wiggling her brown eyebrows up and down. She followed that by lifting her pinkie up and down. “Is he big?”

“Oh yeah,” Cheryl said, complimenting me. “Now we have to get him gone so we can practice. Heck, one day you might need to be able to kiss good too.”

The whole conversation piqued my curiosity about what the girls were planning. Finding out would be fairly easy since the windows didn’t have much in the way of curtains. There was no need for them to be out in the middle of the woods. The animals in the woods weren’t interested in what went on in the house, but I was. Putting off my job for a day wouldn’t be the end of the world. Plus, my surveillance and outdoor survival skills needed the cobwebs brushed off.

The two girls met me at the car after I had packed a few new items to be used in the next twelve hours. I said, “Now you two be good. And Helen’s parents or sister will be by in the morning to make sure you two get to school. So I expect you two to get to bed early.” Their going to bed early would make getting going in the morning easier on me, also.

“We promise,” the girls said in tandem, elbowing each other. “See you in a couple of days.”

I pulled away, seeing them in the rearview mirror waving goodbye. I drove around town, making sure I was seen. I made just as surely no one saw me make my way back. I used back roads and logging trails where possible. The trip made it twilight before I stopped and started lugging all the equipment I would need the mile to my base camp.

No fire or other form of heat could be used. The one-man tent was sufficiently decoyed that unless the girls knew it was there, they wouldn’t see it. The bugs on the windows were a bit harder to get attached without being noticed. (What I wouldn’t have done back then for today’s technology.) I avoided leaving any footprints around the house while putting on all the tiny transmitting microphones. For sight into the house, I had my scope, which made it feel like I was right inside with the girls. It reminded me, I should get curtains and close-able shutters for every window. I crawled into my sleeping bag and pointed my scope at the window through which I could see the whole living room. The headphones listening to the bugs doubled as earmuffs, keeping my ears warm in the twenty-nine-degree weather.

I caught the two girls as they had just finished dinner and were getting ice cream for dessert. Helen started the conversation by going down the sex path. “So are you John’s dessert most nights?”

“No!” Cheryl emphasized. “Actually, I think he thinks I am a bad kisser. That’s why I need the practice.”

“You’ve kissed him? You do that when trying to have sex with him?” Helen asked while scooping out the ice cream.

“Well, a couple of times. But mainly when under the mistletoe at Christmas and our goodnight kisses.” Cheryl answered.

“You mean you kiss him every night?” Helen sounded jealous.

“Not anymore. Like I said, he doesn’t seem to like them,” Cheryl said wrongly.

“What about you? You ever like his kisses?” Helen asked. It turned out to be the right question.

“Well ... He never starts them. And the ones he doesn’t like, I don’t like much either. There were two before I started school on the floor in front of the fire ... I really liked. They were really hot. I swear, I creamed my panties. Well, not panties since I wasn’t wearing any that night.” Cheryl relayed the synopsis of our kisses that evening.

“You’ve kissed him with no panties on?”

“Yeah, but we had on sweats that night.” I noticed she was being very specific, making it not a lie.

“Well, you should’ve turned the cream into ice cream. Jane says, once a boy gets a taste of her cream, they always want more.” Helen stated. “She said some girls are the same way.” Then, in a taunting manner, she held out her spoon full of the vanilla ice cream. “What to taste my ice cream?” I could barely hear the ice, as she had basically mouthed it.

“Maybe.” Cheryl wasn’t about to back down from the challenge. “But first, I have to know how to kiss. After all, they are called pussy lips. And you kiss lips.” I was glad to see she was at least using the right terms.

“Well, finish your ice cream, and then you can show me how the kisses you liked and didn’t like were different,” Helen said. Cheryl quickly finished her dessert, giving herself a bit of a brain freeze. She re-stoked the fire and put the blankets on the floor, like New Year’s and the night before school.

The two girls got on the makeshift bed. Helen said, “OK, now how did you do your goodnight kisses?”

“I don’t know the usual way. I don’t know how to explain it. I put my...” Cheryl started explaining when Helen butted in.

“Don’t tell me. Show me. We’re supposed to be practicing.” Helen said.

“OK.” Cheryl slowly leaned over to her friend. Helen had pursed her lips for a grandma’s kiss. It was obvious both girls had no idea what they were doing. Cheryl’s lips were pressed against Helen’s for about the same length of time she had pressed against mine. I could see she again tried to get her tongue in her partner’s mouth. Helen backed up once that happened. “So, what do you think?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t get that cream feeling anywhere. But I don’t know if a girl can give another girl that feeling.” Helen said.

“And you’ve got the cream feeling from a boy? A boy you haven’t told me about?” Cheryl looked a little hurt at the critique.

“No. I haven’t kissed a boy. I would’ve told you about that.” Helen answered and asked. “So what was the kiss that made you cream like?”

“Well, I can’t exactly...” Cheryl again started as an answer, not understanding describing wasn’t what Helen wanted.

“You’re dense. Show me.” Helen again cut off Cheryl’s explanation.

I could tell Cheryl didn’t like being called dense. She closed her eyes and bobbed her head as if she were shaking the information loose. She then leaned in and again put her lips on Helen’s. I could tell this kiss was different. She went slower, and her lips gathered in Helen’s lower one. There was obviously a tenderness in the way she moved her lips along the caught one. Helen’s reaction also informed me, Cheryl got it right this time. Helen’s hand went to Cheryl’s blonde hair, grabbing a handful while her other wrapped Cheryl’s chest, squeezing her tight.

Together, they moaned. Their lips stayed attached as their hands started stroking each other’s backs. The movements took on a fractiousness of what could only be desire. They mutually laid each other down on the makeshift bed. Laying side by side, their legs fought to intertwine, neither appearing to know how. “That was like the kiss John liked,” Cheryl said between heavy breaths.

“God, I can see why. I swear you have me creaming.” Helen admitted, through her heavy breathing. “Why don’t you kiss him that way all the time?”

“I don’t know. The girls at my old school said you have to use your tongue when you kiss.” Cheryl said, not giving away too much of her past.

“I don’t know why. If you cream this way,” Helen said. Then she asked, “Can we do that again?” Then she added, “To practice.”

“Sure to practice,” Cheryl dove back into Helen’s lips while Helen did the same. I think they hit their lips together harder than they planned, but soon they had lightened their pressure and moved seductively along their full lips. Their hands again roamed over each other and down over each of their butts. They grabbed and squeezed each other’s globes, massaging and pulling their pelvises tighter together.

They continued kissing and squirming their bodies against each other. Their faces were getting more and more flushed as they got more and more into each other. The moans and groans got louder in my headphone-covered ears. I, too, was enjoying the girls’ kisses as my dick got hard under me. The longer they went on, the longer and harder I got.

The two broke apart, staring at each other in amazement and panting. Helen’s hand was the first to move from hair to skin. She slowly brushed her fingers over Cheryl’s rounded cheekbones and down along her jawline. Helen’s fingers under Cheryl’s chin drew their lips back together slowly. There was a passion I could see and hear in their kiss, as if they realized the practice was over.

Cheryl was the first one to tentatively put her tongue on Helen’s lip. She lightly pressed it on the full upper lip. Helen didn’t pull back but squeezed Cheryl to her tighter. This egged on Cheryl, and she got more adventurous with her tongue. She quickly flicked it over Helen’s when Helen’s lips followed Cheryl’s into an open-mouthed kiss. Cheryl apparently liked the sensations it gave her. She let her tongue slide over the brunette’s tongue, longer and deeper.

Helen basically growled her longing and tried doing the same to Cheryl. But her wanton desire drove her tongue in fast and hard, unlike Cheryl’s sensual, slow, intentional movements. Cheryl pulled back at the suddenness of Helen’s invasion. Helen panted and looked shocked at Cheryl’s backing away. She panted, looking shocked at herself. “Sorry, I’ll do better this time.”

She again put her lips on Cheryl’s. Shortly after, she had learned her lesson, and the girls’ tongues rolled over each other. As they did, their bodies did the same. They started rolling over one another in the firelight. I watched the two make out like lovers for over twenty minutes as bodies rolled over each other, first one way, then the other. Their pelvises were pressed together the whole time. Yet they were moving up and down, as well as their contact, tightening and loosing.

During a stop, Cheryl said, “Oh god, you have me creaming so hard.”

“Me too,” Helen agreed. “And my nipples itch.” She put her hands on her covered tits and rubbed and pinched them, rolling the cloth and nipples between her thumb and forefinger.

“Shit, so do mine,” Cheryl admitted. “But I thought I was just being a freak. They itch worse than they ever have.”

Helen let her right nipple out of her fingers and put her hand on Cheryl’s shirt, where her nipple was poking out the fabric. Pulling and twisting the nipple like she had done her own, Helen advised, “This made mine feel better.” The second her covered nipple was tugged on, Cheryl plastered her lips to Helen’s. Again, her lips moved on Helen’s like a girl who had been doing that exact thing for months.

Cheryl was the first to suggest the next step. “I’m hot, and I think it would feel better not on my shirt.” She reached to her shirt’s hem and pulled it up and over her head. Her chest was bared to Helen, and Helen’s hands again went to Cheryl’s nipples. Cheryl moaned loudly and kissed Helen as her chest was massaged and her nipples were squeezed. “Oh hell, Helen, I swear I can’t cream anymore. Gawd, my pussy is tingling so bad.” She froze for a second in what looked like a mini-orgasm.

When she could move again, Cheryl began tearing at Helen’s shirt’s hem. She cajoled her partner, “It feels so good on your skin.” Helen wasn’t about to stop her shirt from being removed. I could see the utter joy in Cheryl’s face as her bare breast touched Helen’s. Their nipples ran across each other a second before their lips again pressed together and their mouths opened, sharing moans, spittle, air, and lastly, tongues.

It was then, I noticed Helen had thinned down some since Christmas. She was starting to develop her breasts, and her torso was starting to thin down around her waist. Soon, she would have the full-hourglass figure of a woman. But now, her tits and nipples were cones sticking out, looking for Cheryl’s. Helen’s nipples were smaller than Cheryl’s but a darker shade of pink on top of her equally-sized breast. I knew, in the long run, Helen’s tits would be bigger than Cheryl’s, as they had been developing for a shorter time and were already half grapefruits like Cheryl’s.

While their hands and tits were busy rubbing on each other’s tits and nipples, Cheryl moved to Helen’s neck. Helen leaned her head to the side, exposing her slender neck to my ward. I watched Cheryl attach her lips to Helen’s neck over and over, sucking on her nubile flesh. I worried about it. She was new at making out and likely didn’t know the limits of young, tender skin to suction. If she left marks on Helen or Helen did to her, their lives would be turned upside down at school. I just had no way of warning them, not that they would’ve cared at that moment.

Slowly, Cheryl moved further down Helen’s neck to her clavicle. Helen evidently knew and wanted Cheryl to get to her destination. The destination was obviously Helen’s nipples. Helen was now the one doing the coaxing as her chest heaved. “Please, Cheryl, my nipples still itch and are so hot. Kiss them, please. Maybe it will stop the itch.”

Cheryl, panting equally hard, answered, “Gawd, I hope so. Mine are burning too.” She continued a trail of kisses down over the rounded tit. Only at the edge of her friend’s delicious-looking areola did she stay a long time, sucking. When she moved, it was evident there would be a hickey there the next day. Again, she wouldn’t complain, having enjoyed what had put it there. Cheryl finally put her lips to the hard eraser; she had been unwittingly teasing. Helen bowed her back and stuck her small chest out the second Cheryl’s lips touched her sensitive flesh.

Helen groaned, and her mouth opened, letting out an, “Ah.” She froze her mouth open and bowed up, obviously orgasming from having her tit sucked. When Cheryl’s mouth left the cone with its hard eraser point, it was left with a sheen of spit. Helen’s hands had seized Cheryl’s blonde hair, yanking her face toward her other tit. She mumbled in a sexual frenzy, “My other one ... Kiss my other tit ... Please now ... God, it feels so good.”

Cheryl had been used sexually for the gratification of men and boys. She had never been given the chance to have the buildup of sexual desire within her. So I was witnessing a young teen’s sexual awakening at the hands of her friend. She pulled Cheryl to her tit, where Cheryl too was experiencing consensual pleasure for likely the first time. Cheryl did as her friend asked and sucked on the girl’s other tit. With her freed hand, Cheryl stroked, intuitively rolled, and pulled on the nipple she had left. What I hadn’t expected was Helen’s, “Oh hell, do that again. Bite me ... Bite my nipple again. It feels so good.”

Cheryl did just that and pulled it out from the small orb it was anchored to. Over and over, she did this to the moans of Helen and, ultimately, a second arching of her body and the nipple-sucking orgasm that came with it. Cheryl, having her friend lay still, went back up to her lips and again began making out with the frazzled teen. Between kisses, she huffed, “I like your tits. They tasted so good.” Cheryl rubbed the two orbs and squeezed each of them as if to emphasize her point.

“God, you kissing them has made my pussy so hot,” Helen said. “It’s never felt that way, even with you rubbing it. God, it’s deep inside. It feels so ... weird, but good. You’ve gotta feel that feeling in your pussy.” Helen’s comment made me realize that when they spoke of rubbing each other’s pussies, they had been doing it through clothing. That was the only explanation for her saying it felt better than the rubbing.

“Mmm, you’d do that?” Cheryl asked before putting her lips back on Helen’s.

“Oh, yeah, I so want to,” Helen said once their tongue bacchanalian was put on pause. Her lips were then pressed to Cheryl’s neck. She, like Cheryl, appeared like she didn’t know where the line was between hickeys and sensual, hot, non-marking kisses. If in the morning Cheryl’s neck and clavicles weren’t purple, it was because Helen’s sucking on the nubile flesh moved away each time, with only seconds before it truly would be. Helen’s lips and tongue traveled over every inch of her friend’s neck and face.

Unlike Cheryl, Helen attacked the dainty ear lobes, which had been half covered in blonde hair before she started. Cheryl’s reaction was immediate and positive when the full lips captured the lobes before going up over the ridge. From what I saw, Helen was learning fast, basing her next moves on her companion’s reactions. I think she would have spent hours with her lips lovingly going over Cheryl’s face, ears, and neck had she not been guided down.

Helen kissed a trail to Cheryl’s firm hemispheres with their coned tops. She went around the developing flesh, sucking on the underside of the tits that hadn’t even the first crease of a teardropped shape. They were pure mounds of flesh being sucked in between the lips of the youngster. She did a figure eights, passing under and over each tit, sucking and licking the baby’s smooth skin. With each figure, she went higher on the mound until only the cone was left to kiss. Cheryl’s breath was labored as she gasped and panted before Helen’s lips ever touched her nipples.

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