The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 37: Refusal

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 37: Refusal - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Slow  

The two girls had barely started their work by the time the same blue Impala set off the pressure plate, coming back twenty minutes later. I wondered why Dorothy was showing up so early. And while the car was still moving, I saw there were not just one but two lovely brunettes in the car.

I am not sure which one of the four females had my dick start rising. I hadn’t looked at the younger girls in their bikinis lately. But as the car drove up, I couldn’t help but see Helen bending at the waist, putting down a rock. Doing so, she was giving me a fantastic view of her round ass covered in smudges of mud. She had been sufficiently bug-bitten and had whelps on most of her body. Cheryl was basically the same way, but she was on her hands and knees. Her perfectly rounded ass stuck up as she moved stones into position. Either view was enough to make a dead man’s dick stand up and salute.

But then there was the eighteen-year-old brunette with a body that even under a sweatshirt this morning felt incredible. Her hot twat humping along my cock was still fresh in my memory. I could do nothing but wish she had come to visit when I had my normal sleeping attire on. Her uncovered cunt would’ve felt spectacular on my full naked dick. As it was, her getting out of the car in short shorts, showing off her long legs, and her tube top showing off her midriff was enough to make me hard. I would’ve been that way even if I hadn’t experienced her movements on my cock earlier in the day.

Lastly was Dorothy; even at thirty-four, her body was still smoking hot. She wasn’t going to be outdone by her mini-me. Her legs looked just as luscious and long coming out of the sarong she had worn during our last interlude. And she had skipped a shirt in favor of just the bikini top, which hid about an inch out from her areola. This was clearly not the mom bikini she had worn in Calgary. She had raided one of her daughter’s drawers, getting the light blue pieces of fabric secured to her body by strings. It left the rest of her teardrop for me to ogle. And not just me but Cheryl and Helen as well.

I was stuck trying to figure out which one I should divert my eyes from so my cock would stop tenting my shorts. Jane came bounding around the car, her tits bouncing under her tube top. It was evident she had chosen a bikini top as her bra. It was failing the job of suppressing the jiggle as she bound around. “Hey John, long time no see,” she joked.

“Hey, what are you two doing here? Not that I don’t love having you here. I just wasn’t expecting you,” I asked, smiling.

“Well, I thought I’d come to check on my daughter. I understand there was a bit of an argument this morning after she was found in your bed.” The statement sounded like an accusation, but the broad smile on her face said differently. “I’m hoping she did as she was directed.” The inference was as subtle as a sledgehammer.

“I’m guessing an eighteen-year-old little bird told you this,” I said, looking over at Jane, who blushed and looked at her feet. “The same little bird that upset Helen by acting not so much inappropriately but unthinkingly with her girlfriend. For lack of a better description. I am assuming the bird neglected to say she too ended up in my bed with the other two girls. And no, Helen didn’t do as told. But neither did Cheryl. They have an appointment where ankles will be warmed by hands.”

Dorothy’s broad smile and the twinkle in her eyes ended when I explained all that had gone on. She looked at her eldest daughter; her eyes narrowed. “Left a few things out, didn’t we?”

Jane never looked up from her feet and quietly said, “Yes, ma’am.”

I butted in before Dorothy could say anything else. Quite outraged, Jane had done exactly what I had told her was one of the most unacceptable things to do. She talked about what went on at the house while not at the house. The fact it was Dorothy she talked to was irrelevant. I told Dorothy as much. “Dorothy, I specifically told your daughter discussing what goes on here when not here was one of the worst things she could do. Yet she seems to have gone and done it anyway. So after today, I don’t want her here even to pick up Helen. I hope you understand.”

“What?” Jane objected loudly. Then, trying to make excuses, she continued, “I was just telling Mom. She has the right to know what Helen is doing.”

Dorothy was pissed. She spat out, “That is not why you told me. You were hoping to get Helen in trouble. It is as simple as that. And I can’t have it, so you can’t come here and get your sister if needed.” Dorothy turned to me, “Can we go in the house for a minute?” I nodded my approval.

She then pointed to the front door and barked at Jane, “In!”

I had noticed the other girls were doing their best imitations of being invisible. But Dorothy still wanted to see Helen. “Helen Alexis Fields, get your ass over here,” Dorothy bellowed as Jane walked to the house, not looking up.

Helen came up to stand in front of her mother, looking scared. Evidently, I couldn’t tell if Dorothy was upset with her daughter or excited to see what I would do with her. Cheryl came running up with Helen. Dorothy twirled her finger, indicating Helen should turn around after getting a good look at her front. She saw Helen had bug bites near her ass crack and close to both her covered areolas. The bumps from bites that were on the uncovered parts of her labia were especially large and red. Cheryl was not much better. “It is nice to see you look appropriately bug-eaten,” was Dorothy’s initial comment.

“But you have another punishment coming, don’t you? One you’ve earned.” Dorothy asked of her youngest.

“Yes, ma’am,” Helen replied, grinning. I don’t think she intended to. She just couldn’t hold back her excitement at knowing it was coming.

“Well, I was going to ask John if he would let you out of your punishment long enough to go to the lake for a swim. But now I hear both my daughters are misbehaving.” Dorothy looked at me. “I was looking forward to the lake, though.”

I quickly mulled over my response. I was inclined to let Helen and Cheryl go swimming. They had done most of what I had asked of them as far as yard work. And honestly, I wasn’t that put out with them for staying on the bed after I told them to get out. I like the nubile bodies pressed up against me. “I’ll tell you what. The two girls here grab their ankles and get two swats. After which I will head to the swimming spot with them. You can take care of Jane in there while we’re gone. And meet up with us afterward.”

“I was hoping you would talk with Jane and give her maybe another chance ... Maybe after displaying to her how serious an offense it was.” Dorothy said, giving me an indication of what she wanted me to do.

“For Helen’s sake, I will speak with her,” I stated for the two girls to overhear. Directly to them, I said, “You two grab your ankles.” I walked up to the two girls who had not argued and bent down freely, wrapping their hands around their ankles. “Clearly, you two know what you did wrong. Do I need to go over it?”

The bent-over girls had their two dirty, perfectly lithe asses stuck up. Each had nothing but the string of their so-called bikinis pulled tight up into their cracks. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jane standing in the front doorway, half in the house, half out. I could also see the shock and horror on Jane’s face. I don’t know if it was from the fact that the two girls did so, so quickly, or that Dorothy said nothing at Helen doing so. But if Jane had looked at her mother at that moment, she would have seen her run the tip of her tongue over her lower lip in what could only be described as excitement. They nodded their heads only to follow it with shaking them no. “Which one of you wants to go first?”

As per usual, Cheryl spoke up first, “Just do it and get it over with.” She didn’t sound like she would be learning anything from the spanking. But I walked up to the bent-over girl. When I blocked Dorothy’s view, she moved to get a better view of the girls’ butts. I stroked my hand over the taut skin of the firm curve, which felt exquisite under my palm. Cheryl grunted and squawked when my hand no longer caressed but landed firmly on the place; I had just finished caressing. Her skin turned red where my hand landed. I could almost see Dorothy salivating at the sight.

The second swat on Cheryl’s ass was the same as the first, only on her other butt cheek. It elicited the same response from Cheryl. She cried at the sharp pain in her butt that became a short-term stinging burn. She remained bent over, her tears falling onto the ground below her. If Dorothy wasn’t aroused earlier, she was after the second and final swat of the gorgeous ass. She shifted back and forth on her feet, barely able to contain herself.

Helen was trembling when I went to her bent-over frame. She made a good show of begging me not to swat her ass with, “I promise not to do it again. You don’t have to spank me. I’m so sorry ... Please.” I couldn’t help but think her dragged-out ‘please’ was not a plea to not spank her. It was instead a request for me to do it in the way she preferred. Not to just contact her ass but to make her pussy lips sting as well.

Helen scooched her feet a little wider while she was bent over. The extra distance opened her pelvis up more. Her bug-bitten labia stuck out as her micro bikini bottom’s patch of fabric slipped up between the plump folds. Dorothy could clearly see her daughter was opening her cunt up to me, yet she said nothing. Helen wailed as the first smack of her ass stung my palm. It thoroughly reddened her butt cheek, which warmed under my hand. I gave that cheek a slight squeeze before it moved back to once again make contact. My hand off her ass, Helen again wailed as tears streamed down to the ground, “Please!”

Again, she was not begging me not to spank her. She was begging me to spank her in her preferred location. She always liked the slow-burning sting in her butt after being spanked. But it didn’t compare to the thrill of the sting and feel of her heart throbbing in her bloated red pussy lips after they were struck. I didn’t disappoint her. The upward swing landed squarely on her fat labia. I felt the firm folds being smashed and part slightly as they were squashed. The moisture that had built up in anticipation of just that moment left my fingers wet.

Dorothy clearly saw where my hand had landed. And heard the muffled moan buried under the squall that came at contact. The pleasure-filled moan lasted longer than the squawking that came from the smack. I felt a pair of knowing eyes bore into me from where Dorothy stood. “I’m not sure that actually counts as punishment,” she said quietly to me.

I nodded in agreement with her statement. “Girls, stand up. We’re done.” At the same time, I heard the front door finally close, leaving Jane alone inside.

They wiped the tears out of their eyes, careful not to get dirt in them. I waved my hand outward. “Go ... head to the lake. We will be there soon.”

Sniffling Cheryl drew my attention to her attire. “Like this?”

“If you want to go ... Yes, like that. If you don’t want to go, there are some vines growing around the shed that need to be taken care of. You can get to work on them ... Like that.” I said it, fully expecting what happened.

Helen and Cheryl quickly scurried towards the path to the lake. Over their shoulders, they said in stereo, “See you there.” Hand in hand, they ran off, though they shouldn’t have been holding hands.

“No talking to each other,” I yelled after them. I knew they wouldn’t follow the demand. It was a reminder they were only on a walk from the doghouse.

The two girls were out of sight before Dorothy and I were at the front door. She looked towards where the girls had run off with clasped hands. Sure, no one was looking; she grabbed my cock through my shorts. “When do I get a spanking like Helen got? You can fuck me until I’m delirious and begging you to stop afterward.”

Before opening the door, I threw cold water on her desire for a long session of fucking. “Well, you’re going on a ten-day trip, and before that, I have the girls here. And they’re out of the doghouse when Helen gets back. So they will be spending every minute together when she does. So the time for a good long fuck will be a ways off.”

I was about to open the door when Dorothy stopped me, smiling. “Then a couple of quickies will have to suffice.” I nodded and opened the door.

Going into the house, Jane was nowhere in sight. She was likely back on Cheryl’s bed. Dorothy looked around and turned serious. “What do you want to do with Jane? I can’t have her banished from here. Is there any punishment that is severe enough that you would reconsider it?”

Meeting her gaze, I answered, honestly, “I don’t know. I can’t have someone here who doesn’t respect my rules and privacy. I know what I would do if she were anyone other than your daughter. But I can’t do that to her.”

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