The Stowaway's Keeper
Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn
Chapter 35: Morning
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 35: Morning - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Teenagers Coercion Consensual Drunk/Drugged Reluctant Fiction Incest Brother Sister Humiliation Anal Sex Analingus Double Penetration Slow
The sheets covering us did little more than hide exactly the state of the bodies below it. All the lumps and shadows left nothing to the imagination of where hands were. Or what they were doing. Thank God, my hand’s placement on Helen’s sweet little round ass was stationary. Though I had been instinctively stroking the luscious naked flesh most of the night. My hand was still on Helen’s bare butt when Cheryl came to the doorway. It was still early morning, with the beginning of the sunrise’s glowed light just cracking through the windows. Even so, I was awake, enjoying the feel of the teen nymph pressed to me. Even in her sleep, the sated look from the night before remained on her face. I was sure mine had the look of sheer joy having the nymph form to me and her ass in my palm.
Cheryl came up to the bed after entering the room. She stared long and hard at me and her best friend and sometimes lover. Helen’s being draped across me was enough to bring a scowl to her face. She looked closer, following the bulge my arm made in the sheet. She followed where my arm took my hand. There were daggers of hatred when it became apparent my hand was on Helen’s ass. At which point, the only thing going for me was the sheet. It kept the reality of Helen’s sweet naked tush being groped by me from her. Without visual proof, she would likely assume the sweatshirt that covered her ass the night before was still in place and my hand was on top of it. Not that the sweatshirt was bunched up above her waist, and I was the recipient of the good fortune.
Going around to Helen, Cheryl tried to avoid waking me. She gently shook Helen’s shoulder. When the shake had its desired effect on Helen, she gave a disoriented “Huh?” to Cheryl.
Cheryl quietly and with a harsh tone whispered, “What in the hell are you doing?”
Helen, still not fully awake, answered and just as quietly said, “Sleeping.”
Cheryl was unamused with Helen’s answer and more harshly said, “I can see that. What are you doing in bed with John? You’re supposed to be on the floor.”
Helen again replied, “Sleeping.” With her own tone of displeasure, she further added, “Right now, just sleeping.”
The claws came out. And Cheryl was the first to use them. “I know that. I’ve been trying to get him to do something besides just sleep for a long time. So I know he wouldn’t do anything else but sleep with you.”
The tension was instantaneous in Helen’s muscles, which hardened against me. She took Cheryl’s statement ‘with you’ as a personal affront. Not happy with Cheryl, Helen growled low in both tone and volume, “Maybe he would and I wouldn’t. Or maybe I would since my girlfriend was in the other room having sex and eating my sister. Now go back to my sister and have her run her tongue through your slit and eat you. I want to have another go with John and his magical cock. I want to feel his meat going through me. His fat head stretching me in its glorious way. So go ... So we can get to it.” I really wanted to say something. But I knew better than to get between the two girls amid a catfight. One that would likely be over before breakfast.
“Oh, hell no. That’s not happening,” Cheryl said angrily, no longer worried about being quiet. She stormed over to the other side of the bed. Her footfalls sounded more like a little kid stomping because they were mad.
Cheryl lifted the sheet to see Helen’s uncovered hip and bare thigh intertwined with mine. I was sure the manner in which Helen had pressed her naked vulva just below my nylon shorts was visible. In that position, Cheryl could only guess if Helen was still a virgin. And if I were the person who had ended that condition. My hand on Helen’s bare ass probably made Cheryl’s mind think it was more likely than not; Helen wasn’t a virgin any longer.
They had gotten loud enough that faking sleep was no longer possible. So before Cheryl could get in bed, I said to her, “What the? ... What are you doing, Cheryl? You’re supposed to be in your bedroom. Not in here; you two are supposed to be separated and not talking.”
Somehow Cheryl took my question and statement as an invitation to join us in the bed, which she had gotten for me months earlier. Defiantly she said, “If Helen can sleep with you, so can I.” It was clear she understood the double entendre. She let the statement hang there for a second before adding, “And if we’re sleeping, we’re not talking to each other.”
Additionally, before getting into bed, I saw Cheryl hike up her sweatshirt. She just climbed in without saying another word, slid under the cotton sheet, and immediately nestled up against me. She threw her leg over mine. The silky smooth inner thigh, like Helen’s, brushed over the top of my thigh before it rested, molded to mine. She scooted up tight, pressing one of her half oranges into my side while the other one lay on my chest. The two legs between my thighs jockeyed for position, widening the opening between them.
It was plain; she wouldn’t let Helen have more flesh pressed to me than she did. And her bare, bald pussy lips on the skin of my thigh were just like Helen’s. But unlike Helen, hers weren’t wet from masturbating with my fingers. Cheryl’s delicate labia were wet due to the session she’d had with the woman she left back in her bed.
I looked down at the two girls who were glaring at each other across my bare chest. I was glad they had at least put away their claws. Still, they were where they shouldn’t be. “You two know better than to be here with me while Jane is in the house. Now if you don’t want severe consequences once our guest is gone, then Helen, get on the floor. Cheryl, back to your bedroom.
Not in their usual, perfectly synchronized voices, they said, “I don’t want to.”
“Now or consequences,” I stated forcefully.
In perfect harmony, they said, “Consequences,” and hugged me tighter from either side. At that moment I realized, when it came to the two teens, I had lost control.
“Fine, when Jane is gone, you two will face the music,” I let them know in no uncertain terms.
Helen, instead of closing her eyes and accepting her choice, plainly didn’t want to wait. She was by all appearances hoping I would change my mind about waiting until Jane left. When I didn’t, she questioned. “Why are you waiting until Jane is gone?
Cheryl jumped in as well, “Yeah, and why can’t we be in bed with you when she is here but can be when she isn’t? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical?”
I answered all the questions at once, explaining to them, “It’s more a function of propriety than hypocrisy. Punishments and other things are done only in the presence of members of the household. After all, not everybody needs to know everything that goes on here.”
Cheryl was still damn mad at Helen for being in the bed with me alone. She cattily said, “Well, Helen’s not part of the household, and she’s in the bed with you.”
“Yes, she is. And I put her in the bed to sleep with me.” I knew Cheryl would take it the wrong way, and that is what I hoped for. “I couldn’t leave her alone, crying on the floor. Which she was doing because the person she really wanted to be with she couldn’t. But she could hear the love of her life doing God knows what in the other room with her sister. Which was just plain cruel. So I picked her up and brought her to my bed. She needed someone to care for her and to show her love and solace, so I did last night. And I am glad I did.” I rotated my head to look into Helen’s big brown eyes that were still open. To Helen, I said, “I don’t say it very often, but you’re a wonderful young woman, Helen. And I loved our night together.” I could see Cheryl getting green with jealousy as I described much of Helen’s and my night. I kept it just this side of the truth, letting Cheryl fill in the gaps.
I didn’t improve Cheryl’s mood any when I clarified Helen’s status. “And Helen is as much a part of the household as anyone could be. Without being directly related to me.” I stressed the directly related letting Cheryl know while she had chosen to be a member of the household, so had Helen. She was also chosen by me. “She has done as much as anyone to do so. Not just because she spends over half her time here.” I smile at the brown-headed girl. “You’ve understood the rules and have done as good of a job as anyone else at following them. And when you haven’t, you haven’t given me much grief in accepting your punishment. Not just that, but you’ve come to understand and have adjusted to how the culture around here works.” Turning back to the blue-eyed girl, “So, like it or not, Helen is part of the family.”
Cheryl was jealous and perturbed by my statement. She showed it by pulling herself tighter to me. She covered more of my body with hers. “Fine, but I was family first.”
“Yes.” I acknowledged her position within the family. “Now you’re already on the hook for one spanking; let’s not make it two. So either close your eyes or prepare yourselves for some seriously red butts.” I said to both girls. I was sort of concerned Helen would take the making her ass more red option.
Thankfully, she just glided her hand over my chest and closed her eyes. Seeing Helen’s move, Cheryl did the same thing but upped the ante by scraping her bald pussy lips on my thigh just below the seam of the soccer shorts. Helen felt the blatant hump on my leg and did one of her own, but much more subtly, on the same location of my other thigh.
Both young women on my chest had their eyes closed, ready to nap as well as compete with every move of the other. Barely over a whisper, I said, “You two are going to be the death of me. You do know that, don’t you?” They didn’t answer, and within fifteen minutes they were breathing rhythmically and shallowly, no longer humping on my leg. Their pussy lips, though, were stuck to me.
While we dozed, Jane had been left in Cheryl’s room by herself. The almost twenty-something woman woke up. Her external heat source was gone, and she had come looking for it. I woke from my catnap when I heard the first low, “Cheryl ... Cheryl, where are you?” The volume of the question got louder as Jane got closer. She didn’t say anything, but the floorboards creaked as she stood in the room’s doorway.
In my bedroom doorway, a look of shock crossed Jane’s face when she saw the blonde and brunette hair spread out on my chest and shoulders. The sheet was pulled up under the chins of the owners of the fanned-out locks. Nothing of the two girls plastered to me, but their sleeping faces were visible. Cheryl had a bit of drool running out between her parted lips onto my chest. Quickly behind the aghast expression came a slightly shrill, “What’s going on here?”
Both Helen and Cheryl jerked awake from their drifted-off catnaps, startled by Jane’s question. Their eyes opened wide. Jane again, in the same tone, asked, “I said, what is going on here?”
Helen, being still aggravated with her sister, was the first one to respond, “We’re here sleeping with John. What does it look like?”
I tried toning down Helen’s insinuation. “The two of them decided to crawl into the bed with me for some reason. Despite the fact, they aren’t supposed to. Is what’s going on.”
Jane looked at the two girls and me all bunched together. I’m sure we resembled the aftermath of a three-way. She asked, “Does this happen often? And is this why Helen likes to stay over here so much?”
“No. As I said, the girls are supposed to stay on the floor when they’re in here. But for some reason today they thought the bed would be a good place to be. They really should get out now.” I answered Jane’s question.
The two proved one more time they were basically the same person. They both went, “Aww ... we like it here. You’re nice and warm.”
“But it’s July,” I said in response.
“Yes, but we like it. Don’t make us go,” Helen whined.
Jane did a second critical look at the two snuggled up to me. Her look of derision softened. She said, “Don’t make them leave on my account. But Cheryl and Helen, you have to know how wrong this looks. If you two were in bed with anyone else but John, I’d think you were being taken advantage of.”
Helen answered her sister’s concerns. “Oh, believe me, he isn’t taking advantage of me or Cheryl. If anything, we take advantage of him. On occasion, we even get him to take us to the lake.”
“To wear those bikinis that are a little more than dental floss?” Jane questioned. “It’s a good thing John’s gay. Or I’d tell Mom what you’ve been up to.” I noticed she didn’t say her dad. Maybe she was afraid of what I would do to him if he came at me angry. Those were things I would never do to a woman. I had Marco for that.
I was thinking that when I felt the first bite in my pec as Cheryl buried her face into me. I could feel the strain in her holding back the laugh. Helen ended up doing the same thing on the other side. She had found the statement just as funny.
“Oh yeah, I wouldn’t want to make your mom upset. I think she might put a hurting on me.” I said, trying not to grimace at being bitten. “Now girls, time to get moving.”
Jane stopped the two nymphs from exiting my body and bed. “Hell, let them stay, and I might have to join you three. Though I’m not sure how I’m going to fit. But it looks like you’re having fun just piled up.”
“Yeah, I guess we are. And I’m sure you’ll figure something out. These two always seem to. So come on, join the fun,” I said.
“But three’s a crowd,” Helen said, trying to keep Jane out of bed. And doing it in the most diplomatic manner I had ever heard out of her.
But I was figuring that if Jane was in bed with us as well. It would look less odd in her eyes and likely wouldn’t go any further than the current discussion or the front door. “Helen, it’s already a crowd. So, one more makes it a gathering or party.”
Jane seemed to like the idea that it would be a party. “I’m definitely joining the party.” She came to the foot of the bed and perused how the two girls were joined to me. She was evaluating how she would join in on smothering me with female bodies. She took the route I really didn’t expect. She pulled out and lifted the sheet from the foot of the bed. Ducking her head underneath the released sheet, she crawled up between my legs. I could feel her hot breath on my gym shorts as she wormed her way up. In doing so, my legs, which were only slightly spread and held open by two younger women, were compelled wider.
Her further progress up and over my pelvis required the females on either side of me to make a bit more room. I had expected an acknowledgment of some type as her eyes passed by where both Helen and Cheryl had their bare pussies pressed to a thigh. Yet, nothing was said, but I couldn’t be sure she had seen the pussy lips pressed to me.
Jane’s tits were comparable to her mother’s. I got the same erection from her covered tits as I did from her mother’s uncovered ones, just a day earlier. I began wondering, while my cock ran in the valley of her pussy’s cleavage, if the Fields women were ever going to let my cock remain in its unhardened state for more than a couple of hours. So far, it didn’t appear as if that would be the case.