The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 31: Spankings

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 31: Spankings - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Slow  

This chapter has spankings and M/Dom.

Again, I turned into the long driveway up to the house. I was careful not to drive over the pressure plate in the middle of the cut-in road. I wanted to surprise the girls after the weekend away. I figured they would be lounging around the house eating either junk food or each other. I was hoping for each other. The look of shock and stuttering trying to explain themselves would be fun.

This time I was also in for a shock. Lawn chairs that were usually on the porch were out in the sun with the girls lying on them. They obviously were attempting to get a tan. Their bodies glistened in the sunlight with tanning oil. (Yes, in the 80s, getting a tan was the goal, not SPF8000.) And they looked fabulous. I couldn’t help but drool over their tight, nubile bodies. They were stretched out lazily, enjoying the feeling of the sun kissing almost every inch of their slender, not quite fully womanly frames.

When the girls realized I was there, their faces filled with the surprise I love to see. But they also got to see the shocked expression on my face. The two teens had on the smallest so-called bikinis I had ever seen. I had not imagined after Sheila had forced Cheryl into a bikini to be sold to the highest bidder, she would ever put one on again. Much less, she would wear one that made the one I had originally seen her in look like a hijab. Yet she was there in one that was far from something I would have expected.

Cheryl, though clearly embarrassed at being seen in her bikini, did what she could to hide it. She pulled up Helen, who was deathly mortified at being seen in what she had on. She tried turning away when Cheryl pulled her up. But Cheryl leaned in and whispered something in Helen’s ear. I could see her shake her head no a couple of times before shaking it yes. Still, they both turned back to me and suppressed most all of their embarrassment, though it was still on their faces. More on Helen’s, that Cheryl’s letting me know everything that would follow would be her idea.

They came running up in only the almost non-existent bikinis. They had left the towels they were lying on on the chairs. Helen reminded me of her mother. She was wearing only a stitch more clothing than Dorothy had on most of the weekend. My cock recognized the body and how it moved. It was like watching Helen’s mom all over again. And my dick began to respond in kind. I thought maybe concentrating on Cheryl would stop my tool’s progress. Her jiggling tits and barely covered camel toe did the opposite. She, like Helen, was the picture of sex.

As their hard, nubile, bronzed bodies ran, their equally firm tits jiggled. The shaking encouraged the puffy nipples to partially peek out. Their areolae formed provocative pink crescents. The rest of the peeking areola stayed covered by their tops. But lower, the sides of their slick teenage labia were not fully covered by bottoms, too small for an eight-year-old. The fabric was not designed for much in the way of moving. It slid down between the fleshy folds they had been covering. It was clear they had to finish shaving off what pussy hair they had left to wear the bottoms and not have any strands showing.

They hugged me with greasy bodies that smelled of bug repellent. I was happy they were too close to see my hard cock tenting my shorts without intentionally looking down. Unhappy, their excited bouncing on their toes while hugging me was smearing their lubed-up bodies against me. The movements had my shaft growing longer and harder. Both my thighs were covered in oil from the teens’ smooth, hard thighs. The heaven, at the top of each of the girls’ luscious thighs, scraped along me while their legs each straddled one of mine. Cheryl was the first to kiss me. She held me extra tight, her hand on the back of my head directing my lips towards hers. She pressed her excited lips to mine in what no one would call a hello kiss. Hello, kisses don’t last that long or involve a tongue brushing over lips looking for a way in. “We’re so glad you’re back. Did you have a good weekend?”

Before I could answer, Helen turned my head, steering me to her lips. She turned bright red before she too kissed me. It was unlike the one kiss I had given her days earlier. It had lasted a moment too long. This lasted seconds longer than hello. In fact, it even exceeded Cheryl’s, not just in length but in getting her tongue’s tip against mine. The immediate sexual electricity had her back away. She blushed a little. “Yeah, we’re glad you’re back.” I got the feeling Cheryl had put her up to the kiss, but the tongue was all Helen.

“Me too,” I said to the both of them. I then got a bit more serious. “Don’t get me wrong; I like being welcomed with sexy kisses by two attractive, nubile women as much as the next man. But what in the hell was that? And what in the hell are you wearing? Or should I say not wearing? If you’re going to wear so little, why not just go all the way to nude?”

Cheryl answered for both of them. “We thought you’d want to see you were missed. And we’re happy you’re home. And we’re in our bikinis. Aren’t they great?” She overcompensated for the embarrassment of being seen in them. She twirled around quickly, giving me a full view of her body. Helen, on the other hand, was now trying to become as small as possible out in the middle of the driveway. “They’re protecting our nips and pussies. It really hurts when you burn those. Plus, nude, you don’t get tan lines to show off.”

“With where those lines are going to be, I don’t know who you’re going to be showing them off to,” I said sternly. “And I don’t think I remember giving you money for a bikini. Because I would’ve remembered giving each of you a buck seventy-five.”

Both girls determined I was crazy and, in tandem, questioned, “What?”

“Well, surely you didn’t spend more than a buck seventy-five on those. I know I could make them with two half dollars, three-fourths of a dollar, and some fishing line. Not that I’d make them or spend anything buying them. Where in the hell did you find those? And Helen, do your parents know you bought that?” I asked.

Helen’s regarding me as crazy was replaced by the expression of horror, “Oh God, no. They can never know. I’d be a dead woman.”

Taking both by a shoulder, I moved them away from me so I could look them in the face. Which I struggled with. Their hot, shiny bodies had only the bare minimum of their erogenous zones covered. It made it hard not to ogle. “OK, if your parents didn’t buy them. And I know there is no way in hell I did; when and where did you get them?”

I suspected Helen was the easiest to break. I only had to stare at her with a scowl. “We got them when we went shopping.” She blurted out after only a few seconds of scowling.

Cheryl broke in. Daggers were shooting from her eyes as she eyeballed her girlfriend, “Helen, if only your legs were as easy to get open as your mouth seems to be. Well, actually, they are.” She grinned at her mostly nude girlfriend, who turned red in embarrassment. Further covering up for what Helen had said, she attempted a positive spin on the purchase. “We got them off the discount rack.”

“The stripper pole discount rack? I don’t remember taking you to any strip joints to buy clothing. If that is what you call what you have on.” I said running new kittens into the blender, keeping my dick and shorts from big top status.

Helen couldn’t help herself, blurting out, “No, when you bought us our other swimsuits.” Kittens were no longer necessary as my anger began rising.

“The day I specifically said, Buy a swimsuit you can swim in, and no bikinis.” The anger at the two girls for disobeying me continued rising. My face had gotten hot and flushed. “And how did you pay for them?”

“The money you gave me,” Cheryl said unapologetically. “I figured we got the first one cheap. So the bikinis were our reward for not spending a lot on the swimsuits.” The phone rang just before I lost my cool at her free-spending logic.

Before I ran into the house, I told the girls, “Stay.” Inside, I picked up the handset, stretching the coiled cord attached to it. I knew who would be on the other end of the line. The door was still open, and the girls could hear anything I said. Thus, anything but a standard greeting would draw suspicion. “Hello. This is John Wick.”

The voice coming through the receiver sounded extra sexy. It was evident Dorothy was in the mood to play. “Well, hello, sensei. This is your willing student, in need of more training.”

I didn’t reply to her proposition directly. I was fairly sure the girls were eavesdropping. Sounding chipper, I said, “Dorothy, I’m so glad you’re having fun on your trip. There is always so much to see and do when you are away. What can I do for you?”

Dorothy got the hint but still said, “It’s not what you can do for me so much as to me.”

“Yes, I’d be happy to, but...” I responded.

Dorothy cut in and said, “They’re listening, aren’t they?”

“Yes, and right now, I’m so mad at the two of them I can’t see straight. It definitely wasn’t what I was planning on coming home to,” I said to the mouthpiece.

“Sorry to hear that. I’ll make sure I make it up to you when I get there. I’m betting a good fuck and blowjob will cure all ills.” Dorothy postulated with one last slutty reference before putting on her mom voice. “So what ill did the girls do?”

“It is really hard to explain. I wish there were some way you could see what they are in. They are a buck seventy-five for bikinis.” Sure, she wouldn’t understand the reference without seeing the girls. “Think two half dollars and three-fourths of a dollar. Basically, you’d have what they are wearing. And this is after I told them not to buy bikinis. On top of that, they spent money I had given them for swimsuits on them. I think I’m just going to take Helen home. Then I’ll figure out what I should do with Cheryl to punish her. I’ve never had to do anything that required me to punish her since she came to live with me.”

Dorothy sounded worried. She said, “Please keep Helen with you. Frank would let her go with my brother. And feel free to punish Helen however you feel necessary. The two of them are equally guilty.”

“Yeah, I’ll keep her here for you to pick up. And I’ll think of something for their punishment.” I said, twirling the cord.

“What they need is a good spanking,” Dorothy suggested.

My voice went to little more than a whisper. “Aren’t they too old for me to do that? I mean, isn’t it kind of inappropriate for me to be doing that at their age? Some people would think it is a bit perverted.” I was surprised Dorothy had suggested such a punishment and that it turned her on at the same time. But the girls hearing me talk about it with a hard cock would be hard to explain away. As well as embarrassing.

“They were counting on you thinking that. Teen girls can be devious little hellions and harlots. Trust me, I know. I have two of them. And while I wasn’t a bad girl ... Well, at least until this weekend ... I knew how to get some things I wanted. And our girls definitely know how to use those hot little bodies of theirs to manipulate men. And honey, you are all man.”

Being sure I understood her correctly, I asked, “So you don’t care if I punish Helen for lying and intentionally disobeying me?”

Dorothy’s voice coming through the speaker was clear and strong. “No, I don’t mind. If anything, she needs to learn to obey her elders and do what they tell her unquestioningly. And her dad won’t do what is necessary. He’ll talk a good game and ground her, but that is all he’ll do to his princess. So, I think your spanking her will do what all his grounding and talking to won’t. And the sooner it happens, the better. So it’s not just fine with me but needs to happen immediately.” The sexual overtones I don’t think were lost on Dorothy. Earlier, she had offered her oldest daughter for sexual training for her own good. Now, she seemed to be offering her youngest’s ass for the same reason.

I was right on the sexual overtones. Dorothy added, “Plus, I’d like to hear her getting spanked when you do it. And, please make sure she is in her bikini and over your knees. But if you use the flogger, try not to enjoy it too much.”

Stunned and not sure what I should say, I went with saying, “OK,” into the black handset’s microphone. I couldn’t help but consider that somehow over the weekend, I had broken her, and the repaired version was a bit of a sexual deviant.

Dorothy then said, “OK, before I talk to Helen, just know I plan on disobeying you as often as I can. And I hope you put me over your knee, teaching me to obey you, too.” Dorothy was definitely hinting at being a pseudo-submissive. I couldn’t imagine her going all the way to being a sex slave ever again.

“I’ll keep that in mind, and I look forward to it,” I said, ashamed I was fantasizing about having the three Fields women as concubines.

“Ok. Now please call Helen in and hold the phone out so she can hear me.” Dorothy instructed, veering far from the sexual submissive; she clearly wanted to be for me.

“Cheryl and Helen, come in here,” I called to the open door. Shortly after, the two mostly naked, oily teenagers came in with their eyes down. “Helen, your mother wants to talk to you.”

Putting on a cheery tone, Helen said to the handset I was holding, “Hi, Mom.”

Cheryl jumped in just as happy sounding, “Hey, Mrs. Fields.”

Dorothy didn’t return the pleasantry in kind. “Girls. I’ve been delayed a day. So I’ve asked John to let Helen stay one more night.” Cheryl raised an eyebrow at Dorothy’s calling me John. I wasn’t sure if it was Dorothy using my first name or if her voice softened the slightest bit in doing so. “But I understand there is a problem with your behavior. Helen, I won’t have that. And since you are staying there and you disobeyed Mr. Wick, I informed him he should punish you his way. But first, he is going to carry out my punishment of you now.”

I wasn’t ready for Dorothy to say I had agreed to spank Helen. I hadn’t specifically said I would. But, Dorothy was going to say it was Helen’s punishment. I quickly added, “And Cheryl, you’re going to share in whatever punishment Helen is to receive. After all, you two were in this together.” I hoped tossing Cheryl into the mix would make the spanking seem less perverted.

Cheryl implored, “We’re sorry, and we’ll pay for the suits.”

“Yes, you two will,” I said. “But we’ll talk about that in a minute. But, right now, Dorothy has the floor.”

Out of the handset’s speaker, Dorothy continued, “Helen, it’s bad enough you spent money that wasn’t yours. But you did it on something you were told specifically not to buy. For that, you’re going to be spanked. You know, if I were home, I’d do it, but since I’m not ... John will. Now, Helen on his lap, face down, butt up for your spanking.”

“Mom ... No, can’t it wait until you get home? Or have Dad do it?” Helen pleaded.

Dorothy didn’t sound happy her daughter had said no. I had gotten a kitchen chair and was in the process of putting it in the middle of the floor. Dorothy’s voice came from the handset loudly. “Helen Anne, I don’t want to hear another word out of you. You know your father would never do it. And it needs to be done. You need to learn your lesson. Now I expect to hear the smack of your butt without another word from you.”

“But Mom. I’m in a bikini. And there isn’t much to it.” Helen confessed. “And it is embarrassing.”

“Helen. Now!” came one last time from the phone.

Cheryl looked over at me, reading my face. “God, you’re not serious. It was just a bikini.”

“The bikini is just part of it. The other reason for the spanking is that you two did specifically what I told you not to do.” My tone was even, angry, and determined.

Cheryl bowed her head. “Helen, we did wrong. I guess we have to pay the piper. John, we’re sorry. We won’t do it again. Helen, I’ll go first if you want.”

Helen was already sniveling when she answered, “Yes.”

Cheryl took tiny steps to get to me. Her steps were so small; even with basically nothing supporting her firm tits, they didn’t jiggle at all. She looked forlorn as she lay across my lap. The underside of her tits rubbed my outer thigh before her tight, greasy stomach pressed on the top of them. She squirmed a little side to side as my cock hardened and pressed into her ribs. All I could see on her perfectly round ass was the oil sheen and nothing else. The thin strap of the bikini was wedged far down in her crack when she lay over my legs.

I guess she was expecting a lecture before the first strike of her ass cheek. Her body was still relaxed, waiting for the lecture when the first pop of my palm on her smooth ass occurred. Cheryl wailed, “Oww,” and her whole body tensed. Her back bowed as her legs shot up, kicking. Her ass was rock hard under my hand. I had chosen to keep it where it landed, choosing a maintained blow instead of the glancing type. The flesh rapidly turned hot under my palm before I raised my hand up.

Cheryl had approached the spanking like it would be no big deal. She had been spanked and beaten by her stepmother and brother. But they were either overly agitated or striking her for the fun of it. I was easily twice as strong and was controlled in my manner. Cheryl howled when my hand left her ass for the first time. “God no ... No more. I’m sorry ... I’m so sorry.”

Her ass stayed tensed, drawing in its sides. The tension gave it a new definition I found as sexy as when it was relaxed. The one bun had an angry red handprint on it as her feet kicked wildly in the air. The second pop ended with my fingertips wrapping down into her ass crack with the bikini’s string. Again, Cheryl wailed, and I felt the flesh under my palm heat up. While my hand was still attached to Cheryl’s ass, I detected the tiny tremors of her butt muscle.

Cheryl turned her head up to me, tears flowing from her red eyes. She was bellowing, “Oww! I’ll be good.” As I raised up and landed the next blow. She was squirming and twisting in my lap, her slick stomach sliding along my thighs. The sight and feeling of the nubile teen writhing on me was making my cock harder. I had to finish spanking Cheryl before it became too obvious I was getting turned on despite my best intentions not to. The last two came in quick succession, covering the parts of her ass that weren’t red yet.

I noticed my legs were covered with whatever tanning oil was on Cheryl’s stomach, which smelled like bug repellent. Cheryl moved deliberately, and the underside of her firm tit slipped across my thigh. Despite the greased skin being dragged over, the ovals covering her nipples dislodged. She continued moving carefully and didn’t move her butt much, getting off me. She was sniffling with tears going down her face when she stood next to Helen. She was all consumed with the pain in her ass and left her tits uncovered.

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