The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 30: Fucking Weekend Ends

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 30: Fucking Weekend Ends - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Slow  

I guided her back to the bed, laying her naked body on it. She lay looking up at the ceiling, her teardrop breast still hard from all the libidinous sensations throughout the weekend. I informed her, “The weekend’s been over for several hours now. In case you lost track of time like I did, today is Monday.”

She smiled wide, pleased with herself. “Damn, we fucked the weekend away. It’s the first time I’ve done that.”

“Well, I guess we have. It’s probably a good thing Penelope showed up, or I’d be a dead man right now,” I jokingly postulated.

She rolled her head left and right instead of lifting it to look around. With a fatigued voice, she said, “Where’s Penelope? I think maybe she could sit on my face for a few minutes. I’m pretty sure I could still eat her and get her to cum.”

I had to laugh at what she was thinking. The Dorothy on the bed definitely wasn’t the Dorothy who walked in the door on Saturday morning. I told her, “Penelope’s getting cleaned up. She’s headed out shortly after we have breakfast. She’s going back home ... back to Marco. So I don’t think she’s available. Plus, you need to save your strength. You still owe me one long, slow lovemaking before we check out.”

“I do like that idea better than Penelope sitting on my face,” she said wearily. Half her butt and all of her legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. Her inner thighs were red and purple, scraped and spread far apart, lewdly as she said it. Adding to the lewdness was the mixture of sex juices seeping from her plump, red, and purple battered pussy lips. It oozed down across her equally light purple bruised ass, making a puddle of our debaucherous fluids on the floor. Even her knees had carpet burns indicating the licentious activities she had been engaged in. I turned and went to the bathroom. Penelope had left a good while before, and I wanted to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep in the shower.

I opened the frosted shower door, checking on Penelope. She wasn’t asleep. She was diligently cleaning all the night’s activities from between her legs. She looked at my dick while I stood in the shower doorway. “If you’re here to screw me, that needs to be in a completely different state,” she said, looking down at my cock. “Do you think I can get him ready for screwing?”

“Honey, I think you could get a hundred-year-old man hard and ready to fuck in just a few minutes. But I’m thinking there’s no reason to screw up such a freshly cleaned body. And don’t you have to get back to Marco? You have a report to give him. You have to tell him, I’m not in danger of being killed by my weekend guest.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I think she’s trying to fuck you to death. I know she’s tried to do it to me. Sheesh, that pussy of hers is lethal, as lethal as any gun,” she laughed at her own joke.

“Yes, but it’s not as daunting as staring down a gun. I’m sure it’d be a nice way to die.”

“Yeah, well, get out there and let her kill you some more.” I heard a knock on the hotel room door while she was talking. I couldn’t put on a towel and get to the door quick enough to answer it.

I was in the process of throwing on a towel when I heard Dorothy say absent-mindedly, “Come in.”

She had said, “Come in,” at the same time I hollered out, “Give me a second. I’ll be right there to sign the check and get you a tip.”

I heard the door open, and I couldn’t help but hope Dorothy covered up before saying, Come in. The sound made by the bellhop made me sure she hadn’t. “Oh wow.” There was a long pause before it was repeated, “Oh wow.” I imagined from his tone that the bellhop was a teenager.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I had imagined right. The lanky, pimple-faced blonde teen was gawking at Dorothy’s naked body. The boy stared at Dorothy’s tits and vagina, alternating his gaze. The tray was still in his hands, shaking. The plates clanged as he continued ogling Dorothy. Finally, he said, “I’ll just put this on the table. If that’s OK.”

“OK. Thank you,” I said, walking over to the table. The boy hesitated, one second longer than needed, still not really acknowledging my presence. He was too busy staring at Dorothy. “Let me get you a tip,” I said.

Just as absentmindedly as Dorothy had said to come in, the bellhop said, “No, that’s fine. No tip is necessary.”

I couldn’t help but think, “The peep show is more of a tip than you’d normally get.” But said, “OK, have a good day.”

He finally noticed my presence and blushed. His face instantly turned bright red. He said, “Oh, OK, you have a nice day too.” He was slow in walking to the door, glancing back over his shoulder the whole time he went.

The door closed, and I said to Dorothy, “You know that’s probably the best tip that boy’s ever had.”

“Probably was that,” she sat up and looked over at the table, sniffing.

I heard the shower water go off and the door open. Penelope yelled out from the stall, “Is that coffee I smell? God, I could use a cup.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen Penelope move so fast, drying off. Which was amazing considering her moving jerkily, groaning at various movements. The towel hanging from above her tits, she reached down. She picked up a coffee cup. “I love this stuff first thing in the morning. Sometimes it’s almost better than sex.”

Quoting a movie I’m not sure which I said, “Then you’re doing it wrong.”

Penelope laughed, “I didn’t know you could do it wrong.” She looked at Dorothy inquisitively, “You look fine just a minute ago. Did you move too fast sitting up?”

I saw what prompted the question. Dorothy was a little green around the gills. She shook her head no. “It’s the coffee. For some reason, it smells horrible. And. It’s making me feel kinda sick.”

Penelope grinned wide, remembering what I had evidently forgotten. She said, “Oh, then I guess I can have yours.” She quickly downed her first cup. She picked up the cup that was to be Dorothy’s. Just about as quickly as the first cup, she finished off the second. Looking at me, she said, “Well, dummy, drink that. The smell is making her sick.”

I found it strange that the smell of coffee didn’t bother her any other time, but now it suddenly was a problem. I hadn’t put together what Penelope obviously had. I would have liked to savor my coffee slowly like every other morning, but instead I did as Penelope suggested. I quickly and carefully drank down the hot black brew.

Within five minutes, Dorothy had lost much of her green gill look. She groaned as she gingerly walked to join Penelope and me at the table. She just as carefully sat in the closest chair, a barely noticeable “augh.” She opened a lid covering the plate in front of her. The breakfast Penelope had ordered for all of us brought a smile to Dorothy’s face. There was a large look of appreciation on her face. “Mmmm, I love eggs first thing in the morning.”

Penelope again snickered a little. To herself, she said so quietly I couldn’t quite make it all out, “So does John’s sperm.” At least that’s what I thought she said.

We sat there eating the omelets, talking about how we all hated to go home. We talked while Dorothy scarfed down her egg at three times the rate of Penelope and me. When she finished hers, she reached over and took bites from my plate without consulting me. After she had finished half my breakfast for me, she finally realized what she was doing. Embarrassed with herself, she looked at me ashamed of her actions. “You don’t mind sharing your breakfast with me, do you?”

I just laughed, “I guess not. But it’s going to cost you.”

Penelope said, “You know that threat only works when the person you’re threatening wasn’t planning on screwing you in the first place. I’m pretty sure that’s already on her agenda.”

Finished with my omelet, Dorothy took a forkful of my hash browns. “You can add this to my tab.” We all laughed and continued our conversation until it was time for Penelope to get going. She quickly found the clothes discarded over twenty-four hours earlier. She slipped them on, giving us one last view of her perfect naked figure with the hint of a baby bump. She came back over to where I was still in my towel. I stood up and gave her a hug and kiss. “Drive safe. And don’t boss him around too much. He’s a good guy despite his flaws.”

She gave me a second kiss. It was a quick peck on the lips, and said, “No promises. But I will tell him that Dorothy is only a danger to your dick, not to your life.”

“You do that,” I said, letting her loose. She went over to Dorothy, who quickly stood up naked. She pressed her naked body to Penelope, hugged her tightly, and gave her a long kiss. It was far from a peck. She said, “I’m so glad you came to check on John. It’s been great having you here. We’ll have to do this another weekend.” She looked over at me, “And we might even have to invite him.” Her comment rang in my ears like she was leaving from a church-sponsored weekend retreat, not a weekend of free-for-all sex.

Penelope smiled and also sounded like she was exiting the same church retreat. “Yes, I’d like that.” She gave Dorothy one more kiss. This time, like my second kiss, it was just a quick peck. “You two get home safe, also. In the meantime, don’t do anything I wouldn’t approve of.”

As Penelope turned the door handle, I said, “That leaves the field pretty much wide open. You know that, right?” She turned and grinned at me but said nothing, slipping out the door. Dorothy and I were alone for the first time since waking up the previous morning. We continue talking at the table about almost everything. We discussed the girls and things back at home. The whole time, avoiding the elephant in the room. We avoided discussing how we would approach each other once home. Could we make it like the weekend never happened and maintain the act?

Dorothy finally stood up groaning, “You, Penelope, and the team stretched and put me in positions I haven’t ever been in before. I’d never even considered even half of the unusual positions I’ve been in lately. If right now is any indication, I think that I’m going to be really sore tomorrow. So I’m going to take a long, hot, relaxing shower. And clean up a little before we start the process of going back home.”

I knew the process of going back home included making love. It was what I told her would be the last thing we did before we left. I countered with, “What do you say we go to the hot tub instead? It’s much better at relaxing and reinvigorating your sore muscles. Even the ones you didn’t realize you had.”

She didn’t care much for my idea. I could tell she was thinking the hot tub helped make some of the sore muscles. She gave a different excuse. “That means I have to get dressed or at least put on my bathing suit.”

“You don’t have to get dressed. You could go down, naked. I like you naked. You’re gorgeous naked. In fact, I think any guy that might show up would like you naked as well. Most of the women would like you naked, too. A few won’t, but fuck them. They’d just be jealous. But if you feel like you have to put on your bathing suit, you know that’s on you.”

She gently smacked my arm and said, “You’re so funny. But yeah, I guess we can go.” She then said what I thought was her original objection. “But again, that’s part of what made me as sore as I am.”

“Granted, but I think it’ll do you a world of good,” I assured.

“OK,” she walked over and grabbed the suit from the floor. Where it had rested for the past two nights, having been forgotten after it was removed from her body. She then wrapped her sarong around her waist as well, putting a towel over her shoulders.

“Damn, you’re not going naked,” I teased.

She again lightly slapped my shoulder. “No, but evidently you are. Are you planning on going in just the towel?”

I gave her my best evil grin. “I didn’t say anything about me not wanting to go naked. Don’t you like me, nude?”

“Oh yeah, I like you naked. I’m sure the other girls would like you naked. If they showed up. Hell, some of the guys would like you naked as well,” she parroted.

“Point taken,” I said. I went and found my suit and pulled it on, leaving the towel resting over my shoulders.

Dorothy walked funny and groaned most of the walk to the elevator and again on the steps to the pool area. I didn’t ask, knowing her pussy had been thoroughly used over the previous forty-eight hours. It was likely most of where her pain came from, though she had been stretched and tied up in some challenging positions.

At the hot tub, we were the only ones there. It was early on a Monday morning, so it wasn’t surprising. We got in warm, bubbling water. After I set the timer on the wall, the jets kicked in. Unlike the previous time, we only had our legs touching as we leaned back in the seats. This time we used the jacuzzi for its intended purpose of recuperating instead of foreplay. Both of us leaned back against the wall, soaking away the soreness. I saw Dorothy stealthily put her hand down to her bikini bottom, moving the fabric covering her newly bald-cunt lips. She was letting her slit get the full feel of the bubbles and jets. But, mainly, it let the previous hours of sexual juices yet to spill out of her slowly float away as it gradually oozed out.

We soaked, relishing the feel of the water on sore, overused muscles. Neither of us spoke, delighting in the silence of each other’s company. After ten minutes of silent marinating in the bubbling cauldron of chlorine water, Dorothy broke the silence. “In case I don’t get a chance to say it later, thank you for having me come this weekend.” She realized her double entendre after she said it. She corrected with, “I don’t mean it that way. I mean, thanks for inviting me away for this weekend. It has been both exciting and informative.” She took my hand in hers. Her fingers intertwined with mine, and she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She said nothing more, evidently drawing strength not only from the water but also from the contact of my hand in hers.

When the hot tub’s timer timed out, the jets and bubbles all stopped. Dorothy wasn’t awake to notice the soothing jets of water, and millions of bubbles were no longer caressing her body. She jumped with a start when I said, “Hey sweetie, time’s up. I guess we can head back up to the room.”

More relaxed than before, she raised the hand, not holding mine. She looked at its fingers, then showed them to me, not letting go of my hand. “They could use a little more wrinkling. What do you think?”

I looked at the fingertips that were plenty wrinkled for a couple of seconds. “Well, you’re not too waterlogged yet. I guess another thirty minutes won’t kill you.”

She again said, “Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.” She let go of my hand, knowing I had to climb out of the huge pool of water to reset the timer.

The jets and bubbles came back to life immediately when I turned the knob to the maximum time. For a second time, I stepped back into the water. I again sat next to Dorothy. And she once again put her leg over mine and grabbed a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers like the contact was her lifeline.

I gently shook Dorothy’s shoulder for the second time when the bubbles and jets stopped. “Dorothy, time to wake up. We need to head up to the room and get ready to leave.”

She groaned as she stretched. Pressing her heels to the bottom and shoulders on the tiled edge, she planked her body in the water. One arm stretched over her head, she groggily said, “Wow, I guess I was more worn out than I thought. But this feels wonderful.” With her muscles tensed, she held the position for a moment before letting her butt rest on the seat again. The contentment on her face was evident. Like a child staying up past their bedtime, she asked, “Can we stay here a little longer?”

I held the hand in mine up so she could see our fingertips. “Fully wrinkled. So nope, time to go. We have to pack and have other things to do before we head out. So, up and at them.”

I stood, our arms bridged from the clasped hands. Dorothy bolted up onto her feet. “You should’ve led with the having other things to do. That’s worth leaving for.” There was water cascading down her heat-flushed body as she stood there. I noticed she had forgotten about her bikini bottoms, which she moved from her folds. She added, “I’d love one last screwing before heading home.”

I nodded towards her exposed, hairless cunt. “And you thought maybe we could start here? ‘Cause that is definitely tempting.”

She then realized her coin slot was showing and looking ready for a deposit. She turned red, embarrassed, and finally let go of my hand. “Oh, shit, I forgot,” Dorothy said, sounding like the mom she was. She dug the fabric that was supposed to be covering her out of the crevice formed by her pussy lip and thigh. She had no more finished straightening the bottoms over her smooth lips, and Mom-mode left the building.

The previous night’s woman came out to play. Her whole body language changed, as did her attitude. She played peek-a-boo with the bottoms. Each time she showed me her pussy, she said, “You know you want it.” After a minute of the childish play, she left the blue fabric in the crevice she had pulled it from. Her cunt showed, and with much effort, she waggled her hips. “So how about we do it now? A good hard fucking right here and now. We had fun the last time we were here.”

“And when people come in to use the jacuzzi?” I asked

“Fuck ‘em. Well, not literally ... Actually, maybe literally. I haven’t had the chance to watch you with another woman when I wasn’t being screwed. I liked it that way, but it might be nice to watch without the distraction. For that matter, you’ve only seen me fuck another live dick on my knees. Maybe you would like to see a different position out of me.” Her tempting me with her pussy continued while she spoke.

“So let me get this straight ... You want me to fuck you hard, hammering away at your pussy ... Or have some other guy do it while you’re not on all fours while I watch ... Or you’ll watch while I drive my dick into another female ... Or lastly, you fucking some guy next to me while I fuck some other female, which we’ve already done.” I laid out the scenarios using females intentionally. Girls might have led to thoughts of Helen or Cheryl, and I didn’t need that thought in her head at that time.

“Oh yes, any of those.” She had continued the exhibition. Her finger slid down her slit. It disappeared into her at the bottom of the folds.

I seized her wrist and removed the finger from her pussyhole. “You don’t want any of those.”

She was adamant when she said, “Yes, I do. I want to be fucked long and hard before we go home. And, right now, works for me.”

I recovered her pussy with the inappropriately placed apparel. I was just as adamant in my reply. “No, you don’t. And I’m not going to fuck you. I will go with you to the room and make love with you. But there will be no fucking, screwing, or banging.”

“But I want to fuck,” she whined.

“That’s too bad. And why do you want to fuck so badly anyway?” I wondered. She was making the nympho version look tame.

Dorothy sat on the jacuzzi’s tiled edge. “Because I can’t do the other with you. Or should I say, I can’t have that be the last thing we do.” She sounded panicked. “A fuck would be better. I can’t look back on the weekend and remember the last thing being what I’ve wanted for years. A kind, gentle lovemaking would be cruel. Fucking, I can look back on it and not think of everything I’m missing. Plus, it’s going to be hard enough not to come to see you every time I’m the slightest bit horny. And how am I supposed to act? As it is, when I see you, I know I’ll be thinking of you being in me and wanting it again.”

“I guess I get that.” But lovemaking or not, I’d be thinking of fucking her every time I saw her. And her mini-me was at the house all the time, tempting me. “And for the other, we’ll figure it out.”

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