The Stowaway's Keeper
Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn
Chapter 29: Human Toilet to Monster
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29: Human Toilet to Monster - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Teenagers Coercion Consensual Drunk/Drugged Reluctant Fiction Incest Brother Sister Humiliation Spanking Anal Sex Analingus Double Penetration Slow
Warning: This chapter is the most twisted one of this story to date. It contains water sports and scat. Plus further degradation of Dorothy which some may not wish to read. If so skip this chapter and pick back up with chapter 30.
(25 Minutes)
I knew we were coming to the end of Dorothy being our sex slave and toy. She had performed admirably. She had done all we demanded, including the train she had pulled. I was certain there was still more she could be made to do, but her cunt had been well used by the little league team. And seeing as she would need a shower, I led her into the bathroom. I would show her not only could teenage boys have fun degrading her. Yanking on the collar, I said, “Look up at me. You’re a whore. You enjoyed fucking all those boys. I could see it in your face. Now suck me like you did those teens.” I whipped out my cock and had her crawl over to me. She raised up and wrapped her lips around my partially hard cock.
Dorothy did a great job sucking me. She did it with a vigor I didn’t think possible after swallowing a quart of cum. It didn’t take long for her tongue and the back of her throat to entice my cum up from my balls like a snake charmer. I pulled out before I shot the last few wads my balls contained. “The excitement was written all over this here.” The opaque globs shooting from my cock were splattered on her face. “You like that. You’re excited by that, aren’t you?” I taunted. “Leave it there. Keep that excited feeling. We can bring up more teens to fuck you when I’m not.” The comment was clear to her that the streaks of cum were to stay and were forbidden to be wiped away. The last of my cum drained from my balls, and not even a cock ring could’ve kept me hard. But the terror of more boys coming to fuck her would’ve been a good way to end her time as a sex slave. I was ready to free her from her slave status when Pea said, “I can do better than that.” She said to Dorothy, “Look at me, slut.”
Dorothy did as told, not saying a word. Running down the bridge of her nose was my cum. It was on her eyelid, so she couldn’t open her eyes fully. She chose to mostly keep that eye closed. But her tongue went out to lick the cum rolling over her upper lip. “Crouch down on all fours, bitch.” Dorothy did as instructed and crouched looking like a big tan egg in the center of the tile floor. Pea stood with one foot on either side of Dorothy’s head. Looking down at the back of the brunette head. “This is what this slut is good for. She’s a fine toilet. The stream of yellow piss wet down Dorothy’s brown hair, plastering it to her head. It was followed by a short brown log hitting the back of her head. A second and third followed, making a small pile on the back of her head.
Dorothy stayed balled up, trembling at being shit upon. Pea stepped from her human toilet. She wasn’t finished with her humiliation of Dorothy. “Give me your hand. I need to wipe.” Dorothy’s hand trembled, reaching up. Pea took the extended hand by the wrist and dragged her up to her knees. The pile of shit rolled down her back and over her ass, landing between her legs on the white tile.
Dorothy tightened her arm muscles in an attempt to prevent her hand from being dragged between Penelope’s ass cheeks. Pea slapped Dorothy’s tit leaving a handprint on it. Dorothy had a pleading look like she was desperate for me to step in and stop Pea. I wasn’t about to stop her. This look was the most pathetic and unglued Dorothy had looked the whole night. A second handprint on her other tit was all it took to convince her. She was our toy to do with as we pleased.
Her hesitant hand wasn’t as hesitant going between Penelope’s pale globes. Pea said, “Now wipe it good.”
When Dorothy’s fingers came out brown, covered in shit. I thought Penelope would turn on the water and have Dorothy rinse her hand. She didn’t, and Dorothy didn’t put up any fight at all. But she again had tears form in her eyes when Pea ran the shit-covered fingers over the hopeless woman’s round cheek. The brown goo streaked down the side of her face., completing the look of Indian war paint. Her now cleaner hand was again used to wipe Penelope’s crack. Again, Dorothy’s fingers were wiped cleaner, using the other side of her face as the rag. One last time Pea dipped the still shit-covered hand to her asshole, getting more crap on her human toilet paper. The feces became Pea’s paint and Dorothy’s fingers her brushes. She spread lines over each dark circle on the teardrop tits, making stick figure-type eyelashes. A curved hook was fashioned starting in her cleavage and going down to her stomach. And a big, curved smile was painted on in shit just below her belly button. With what little was left on Dorothy’s fingers, she drew a circle just below the pile of shit that had come off the back of Dorothy’s head. Penelope said, “Now put your nose in the circle.”
The tears were streaking the shit on her cheeks when I grabbed her piss-soaked hair. I didn’t want her to associate this humiliation and degradation only with Pea. So I said, “Not yet. I gotta piss first. And we don’t want to ruin Pea’s pretty drawing. So you need to suck it down, bitch, and don’t let any spill.”
The pleading look took on verbal form, “Please no. Don’t do this to me.”
The flogger I had been carrying for the last couple of hours swung up, landing on her cunt with a snap. and missing all the shit spread out on her. “You fucking love it. Don’t act like you don’t, cunt. Now wrap those lips around me. I really gotta piss.”
I could feel her lips trembling as they surrounded my dick. Her tongue did no rolling of my cock, and she didn’t create any vacuum on it. I let the piss flow anyway, filling her mouth. She didn’t start swallowing, letting her cheeks bulge out, and some of the urine ran out of the corner of her mouth. The leather strands of the correction device landed hard with more of a snap than earlier on her cunt. She immediately began drinking down my stream. Gulp after gulp, she swallowed, pinching the base of my cock a couple of times trying to catch up. Finished, my dick did the last squirt. Dorothy knew she had better lick me clean before she opened her mouth and had me leave. Her tongue wrapped me and tastebuds scrubbed over my semihard rod and head. I pulled out before she could let me go as one more indication of who was in charge.
“Now, put your nose in the circle,” I demanded. Dorothy did as she was told, and the pile of shit above the circle was squished by her forehead. Her nose on the tile, I turned away. “Keep it there until we return.”
Penelope, adding a jab, said, “Have a good day” and closed the shower door. She finished wiping her ass with toilet paper and came out to see me at the table. Calm and business like she said, “I should have to piss in around forty minutes. You want to get her out then and clean her up.”
“Yeah, that should be enough time for her to have gotten the full effect. God, I hated doing that.” I stated
“For doing what you do for a living, you sure are a soft-hearted guy,” Penelope said. “She’ll get over it and likely know that lifestyle choice is not for her. And she won’t let anyone bully her into it either, after today.”
“You’re right, ‘cause I’d put a bullet in their brainpan after fucking them up for a few days.” I got angry at even the suggestion.
“Damn, you are a softy, in a scary kind of way. Remind me why I’m still walking around.” She asked only partially as a joke.
“Because I liked you from the moment I saw you. And you aren’t a bad person. Kinky as shit but not truly evil.” I answered honestly, though she already knew the why.
“I love you, too.” She leaned over the table and kissed me. She used the half-getting-up to fully stand and go to the bed, flopping back on it. “You know, she wore me out to the point I don’t think I’m even going to try and seduce you.”
“Good,” I said, putting my head on my forearms, resting. “Wake me when you have to piss.”
Penelope’s shake on my shoulder roused me. “Wake up, piss time. This damn kid has me doing it all the time.” Together, we went into the bathroom. I opened the shower door, and the smell of shit was overwhelming. But Dorothy still had her nose on the tile and her forehead squashing the pile of shit. The minute the door opened, she shook all over in fear.
“Rollover, cunt, and open your mouth,” Penelope commanded. “Time to rinse you off. Anything that gets in that open mouth of yours, I expect to hear gargled before it is swallowed.” Dorothy just looked up at us with a brown circle on her forehead and red eyes and nodded, shaking. Rolled onto her back, the pile that had been on her forehead’s resting place became her pillow. The smiley face of feces looking up at us Penelope once again straddled Dorothy’s head and pissed. She moved about starting the stream at the brown circle and working her way down her face. Dorothy whined to herself when the stream hit her closed eyes, rolling down her shit-covered cheeks. Penelope was good about directing her flow so only piss directly from her hole entered the open mouth below it. The sound of gargling happened as the yellow stream filled the back of our toy’s throat. The sound was still there when the piss stopped flowing and Penelope had stepped away. “Swallow bitch” was the indication the session had ended.
The piss had done little to dislodge the drying crap on Dorothy’s skin. “Ok, stand up,” I instructed, not with the callous sound of the previous hours. Dorothy had small tremors shaking her body. She was a zombie, and despite being covered in excrement, she still was a gorgeous sight.
The shower water took only a few seconds to reach the right temperature. Only after it was OK did I direct it at her. Dorothy continued to be in a trance as together Penelope and I started cleaning her up. For thirty minutes, we shampooed and scrubbed her. I tilted her crap-free head back and opened her mouth, letting the water flow. I expected it to fill her mouth and flow back out, rinsing her palate, but she immediately started gargling and trying to swallow the clear water. She whined and shook violently when she couldn’t swallow it down fast enough and gagged. Both Penelope and I realized at the moment we had truly broken her. Together from either side, we hugged her tense body gently. Both of us stroked her cleaned hair, attempting to end her trembling. I said, “It’s over now. You can relax.” I kept repeating it, and the shakes slowly ended.
For another ten minutes, the warm water beat down on our heads and bodies. At no time was Dorothy left untouched in a compassionate way. We lightly stroked and caressed that which we had beaten and abused for hours earlier. She not only lost the shaking and trembling but much of her ability to stand. So I turned off the water, and together, she was dried off. As the towel would run over one of the few marks we had left, tender kisses were applied. Nothing having the heat of sex was in the kisses; only care for her wellbeing was in the placement of lips on Dorothy’s body.
Fully dried, we carefully took her to bed and put her in fully naked. In the bed, she immediately closed her eyes and was gone. She looked so peaceful and innocent, cleaned up laying there with the red marks left during the previous hours covered over by the white sheets. I leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly and brushed back the strands of hair that had fallen across her face.
Penelope was sitting on a towel on the floor in front of an empty chair. She held up a second towel and a hairbrush, shaking her head at my actions. “That isn’t something you do to a weekend fling, or, as you two have said, a weekend student learning about sex. No, that is something you do to someone you care about. Marco does that when he thinks I’m asleep. He’s a big softy, too. Scary at times, but never like you.” It was amazing how she could read me and say things to me other women would never think of saying. “Now do my hair.”
The brush was going through Penelope’s partially dry, thick, curly red hair when she finally asked, “So what’s next for her? And what are your plans when you two leave here and are back in the real world?”
I always hated it when Penelope asked the hard questions. While the first one was easy, the second one I was unsure of. I worked out the answer aloud, “I know that she’s married. And that long-term affairs never end well. So that is somewhat of a pickle on the affair front. And together we’d have to work that out. So for your second question, I don’t know,” I told Penelope. “For the rest of this weekend, what little is left. I think I’m beat, and so are you. So I figured a couple six hours of sleep. Maybe after that, while you go get us some food because men and women cannot live on cum alone. I thought I’d explain the last 4 hours to Dorothy and make love to her for the following two.”
“Yeah, I think two hours of slow lovemaking after an exhaustive explanation of why the past four hours occurred might be wise. She’ll likely be fine eventually. That magic cock of yours has a way of making women forgive you almost anything. But unfortunately for you. She’ll love you even more ... I don’t envy the task ahead of you.”
“I think I kind of stepped in it this weekend, didn’t I?” I asked.
“Yep, at least with me, you handed me off to Marco. While I did love you and still do, I knew from the beginning that nothing could ever come of it. I was supposed to be dead, and you were supposed to be the one making me that way.”
I ran my fingers through her hair and said, “Well, I’m glad you’re not, and let’s not talk about that ever again. She leaned her head back between my legs, looking up at me.
Her neck craned backward, and she asked, “Can I say just one more thing about that?”
I replied, “Sure, one more thing.”
“I got really lucky they hired you.” With that, she turned her head, kissed the inside of my thigh, raised her head back up, and let me finish drying her hair.
Hair dried, Penelope crawled back where she had started on the right side of the bed. I did the same on the left. It felt like I had just closed my eyes when I woke to the feeling of something moist and hot on my cockhead. The warmth was followed quickly by the feeling of taste buds scouring over my piss slit. Lips also slid further down my rod. I looked over at the clock and saw barely 2 hours had passed since I had laid down. It also informed me that dinner was going to be out of the question. That maybe we really could survive on a diet of orgasmic juices. I then looked down, expecting to see a redhead on my cock, but found a brunette instead. I looked over and saw that Penelope was still asleep, evidently exhausted from the earlier activities.
I thought that Dorothy was still under the impression that she was a sex toy for Penelope and me. And that was the reason for the blowjob; I hadn’t asked for or demanded. It was just what I assumed she thought was expected. I pulled her up off my dick despite her attempts to keep my cock between her lips. When she finally had given up the blowjob, she quickly came up my body, snuggled up against me, and kissed my neck. “What you don’t like it?” she asked.
I quietly responded, “No, I love it, but I don’t expect it. The stuff earlier was just to show you what it’s like to be someone’s sex slave or toy, if you will. You don’t have to continue. Treating you like that wasn’t really something I enjoyed doing. But, I thought that since we are showing you all the different ways that people experience sex, you needed to experience it. Plus, with what I’ve heard, you could’ve easily fallen into the category of somebody who enjoyed it or was convinced to become one.”
She quietly said, “No, it’s not something that I’d consider being for the rest of my life. But, had I not escaped my brother, it could have easily happened. I will admit I do like it when you spank me. And I really like that thing with the leather straps. I’m not sure why, but it burns so good when it hits my butt. Your hand, though, is also kind of nice. It gives it almost the same sting that just burns through my soul.
“That thing is called a flogger. And it’s nice to know that you actually enjoy at least some of it. I kind of got the feeling you would, after your reactions to being tied down to the bed earlier.”
Dorothy replied, “I think I kind of like both of them equally. I could see doing them with you again under the right circumstances.”
I got a little concerned when she said that she could do it with me again under the right circumstances. It implied she was hoping that the weekend we were involved in wouldn’t be a one-time thing. And as much as I hated myself for it, I too hoped it wouldn’t be a one-time adventure. I didn’t have the heart to tell Dorothy what I was thinking. Instead, I said, “Yes, if it’s the right circumstances and, most of all, done with the right mindset, most all sex can be enjoyable and fun.”
I went on to tell her, “So the stuff from earlier, you don’t have to continue. And actually, it’s not really my thing. So I’m kind of hoping you don’t want to continue with that type of sex play. So don’t feel like you have to give me a blowjob if that’s not what you’re truly into at this moment.”
She raised up, lightly kissing me. “No, I thought for the rest of the time, we have left, I might play the part of a nymphomaniac. I’m just not really sure if it’s going to be an act or not. Since getting here, I’ve discovered I really love sex in most all its forms. And until it’s time for us to leave, I want to experience as much of it and in as many different ways as you can think of. Though I am done with the sex slave thing.”
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