The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 18: Penelope’s Visit

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18: Penelope’s Visit - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Slow  

I heard a scraping of the key in the lock, which woke me up. I reached over to the nightstand and wrapped my hand around the grip of the pistol. I didn’t pull it from its hiding place but verified it was well within easy reach. The door cracked, and a redhead peered through, saying, “John, don’t shoot. It’s just me, Pea.”

I was shocked to see Penelope’s face peering through the door. I quietly said, “Pea, what are you doing here? Oh, never mind. Come on in and try not to wake up, Dorothy.” The door opened wider, having light in the hall illuminate Penelope while she walked past me. She looked as pretty as ever. Her breasts were larger than the last time I had seen her, and the small bump at her midsection had started to grow.

The door closed, lighting half of her sprint across the room. She ran through the room to the bathroom all the while saying, “This damn baby has me peeing every five minutes.”

Penelope was still in the bathroom when Dorothy woke up. She stretched and groggily asked, “What time is it? It feels like we just went to sleep. I still feel your cum coming out of me. And did I just see someone go into the bathroom?’

Penelope came back into the room from the bathroom. Shortly after, I pulled open one of the blackout curtains filling the room with light. The added light displayed my naked body to the two women. Including the dried pussy juices caught in my pubic hair, matting it. I should have put something on, but both women had seen me in the buff before. So diving for clothes would have made it that much more evident I was nude. I said, “It’s ten in the morning.”

Penelope stood next to the bed and Dorothy. Giving me a quick up and down, she smiled at my less-than-flaccid cock. Before I was able to introduce her, she said, “Hey, I’m Pea. Marco sent me here to check on John. He was worried that he was putting himself in danger for a pretty face.” Penelope walked over and opened the other curtain, fully bathing the room in light. She walked back to Dorothy’s side. “I can now report back to him. John isn’t putting himself in danger for a pretty face. He’s doing it for a gorgeous one.”

Penelope being Penelope, she reached down, without any warning, for the covers. She pulled them back, uncovering Dorothy’s nude body. Dorothy’s shock kept her frozen in place. And she had no time to cover her naked body in any way before the covers were back in place over her. Penelope looked up and down Dorothy, taking in all of her naked form. Penelope remarked, “Oh my God, you have a perfect body, too. I hate you so bad right now.”

I just shook my head at Pea and said to her, “I’m flattered Marco is worried, but I’m doing fine. So is Dorothy here. I’d like to properly introduce you to Dorothy.”

Penelope pulled the covers back again but then threw them completely off her and the bed. For a second time, she looked over the gorgeous body of my shocked former bedmate. I was more shocked than Dorothy at the second but permanent removal of the covers. But that shock didn’t compare to that of seeing Pea suddenly bend down. She put her lips to Dorothy’s tit and kissed and sucked on it for a few seconds. A shocked and somewhat dismayed Dorothy pushed her off.

Dorothy said, “What in the hell are you doing? Who are you, and how do you know John?”

Prior to starting her explanation of who she was, Penelope said, “I’m sorry. But when you see breasts as perfect yours, you just have to taste and see if they’re as good as they look. Or at least I do. And you taste better, making it even worse. I was hoping to find at least some flaw in you. But I guess I’ll have to hate you all the more for having no flaws.” Penelope persisted in talking to Dorothy, “I mean, here you are. You’re not just gorgeous. You’re gorgeous, with a morning glow to you. You know the look I’m talking about.” She turned to me for a second. “John, you know that look. You’ve seen it before. That look on a woman’s face where there can’t be a heaven. Because nothing can be better than what I experienced last night. And Dorothy, you’ve got that look. I had that look a couple times in the morning, but John can tell you I didn’t ever look as perfect as you do this morning.”

Pea realized she’d been rambling on, then began to explain herself to Dorothy, “As I said, I’m Pea. I’m a friend of John and Marco. Actually, John gave me to Marco when I was in trouble.”

When she said that, I immediately broke in and stopped the explanation. I worried that Pea might give too much information to Dorothy that I didn’t want her to have. I said to the woman, “I didn’t so much give her to Marco. It was more that I introduced them. She was having some difficulties with her sack-of-shit boyfriend and his family. And they were even bigger sacks of shit. So I got her out of the bad situation and introduced her to Marco. He was happy to make her acquaintance, and as you can see, she and Marco are now a couple.”

Penelope said, “Yeah. He knocked me up. And it’s awful. I’m now horny and have to pee all the time. Then there are the smells that make me want to puke that didn’t bother me before. I’m hoping all of that goes away sometime soon. It did the last times.”

Dorothy was still in shocked disbelief at the forwardness of the attractive redhead. Yet, even naked, she carried on like nothing unusual was happening. She said to Pea. “Oh, I was that way too. I seemed to have to pee all the time for the whole nine months. From the minute the sperm hit its target, I wanted to puke any time I smelled coffee. But the horny lasted only eight of the nine months. The last month all I wanted was to squirt the puppy out.”

Penelope looked at Dorothy somewhat in shock and asked, “You have a child?” She looked at me next, saying, “She has a kid?”

Dorothy just smiled at the uninvited stranger and said, “Yes, I have two daughters.”

I added, “And you can’t really call them kids. One is 18 and one is 14, so young ladies is more appropriate.”

At which point in time, Penelope said to Dorothy, “I definitely hate you. Nobody who has an 18-year-old daughter should look that incredible. What did you do start popping out babies at nine? Hell from head to toe, and everything in between looks delicious. I may have to see if all of it is as tasty as it looks. I’m definitely going to start at that pussy of yours. It is absolutely gorgeous.”

Even after all Penelope had said and done, Dorothy was still taken aback at the forwardness of Penelope. She appeared shocked; Penelope wanted to eat her, a complete stranger. She looked around her for something to cover up with, but the covers were all at her feet. She grabbed the pillow on my side of the bed and put it over her. Dorothy adjusted the pillow multiple times, trying to cover her tits and vulva at the same time. It was too small for that. She decided to protect her pussy from the crazy woman who wanted to eat her, which was the best bet.

I looked at Penelope and said, “Do you think Dorothy could get up and we could get dressed? Then we can continue this conversation. After which, we’ll have some coffee.”

Penelope said, “Yeah, I remember mornings when we did that. Ok, we didn’t get dressed or talk, but we did have coffee.” She looked over at Dorothy, who was still holding the pillow hiding her vulva. “We usually had coffee in bed so we could get back to screwing more quickly. There was this one waiter who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old. He about came in his pants when I answered the door nude.”

Pulling on a robe, I said, “Pea, I’m sure Dorothy doesn’t want to hear this.” I tied my robe and got one out of Dorothy’s suitcase and handed it to her.

“Yeah, you’re right, girlfriends don’t want to hear about previous partners,” Pea acknowledged. She picked up the phone and, before pressing the buttons, asked, “So two coffees, and three eggs, and bacon to keep your strength up. All on Marco, of course.”

Dorothy tossed the pillow aside and got up quickly. Just as fast, she slipped on her robe. It was silk and short. It clung to her tits, showing the outlines of her puffy nipples. Tied around her waist, the red silk garment hugged her hips, and her round ass ending at its crease. Her legs looked extra long and sexy as she walked to the table.

When Penelope put the phone down, Dorothy said, “I could hear a little more. And I’m not John’s girlfriend.”

“Not his girlfriend? Penelope asked. “He isn’t the one-night-stand type guy. So who are you?”

“I’m a neighbor. His daughter and my youngest are best friends.” Dorothy answered.

Penelope looked over at me, confused. “Daughter, what daughter?”

Dorothy didn’t let me answer, “You didn’t know he has a ward, Cheryl? She’s a cute fourteen-year-old, a real sweet girl.”

“Really,” The tone in Penelope’s voice said she knew there was more to it. “And your youngest, she’s fourteen. What’s her name?”

“Helen and her sister is Jane. They’re both very fond of John,” Dorothy said. “So, I guess that means all the Fields’ women are.”

“Fond, huh,” Penelope said sarcastically, “and fond gets you a morning glow. Good to know.”

“No, nothing like that. John is just helping me out,” Dorothy explained to dispel the innuendo.

“Oh, that is what you’re calling it,” Penelope smiled. “I know he can be very helpful.”

“You want to elaborate on that?” Dorothy asked.

“OK, ladies, I’m standing right here,” I said, hoping they would quit talking. The knock on the door brought coffee and breakfast. It stopped their conversation for a while. The three of us sat around the small table. Dorothy and I had our breakfast and coffee, and Penelope had her breakfast sans coffee.

As we ate, it was Penelope who started in with the questions, “So Dorothy, John is helping you?” The innuendo was thick.

“Yes, he is,” Dorothy said, putting the last bite of egg in her mouth. “More than I thought he could.”

“He does have stamina, doesn’t he?” Penelope replied. “On the way to Marco’s, we slept maybe three hours a night. I’m thinking you didn’t even get that last night.” I wished Pea wouldn’t bring up Marco. Talking about him was a can of worms I couldn’t have out in the open.

Dorothy didn’t seem to notice the Marco part of Pea’s comment. She was too busy turning a bright red, embarrassed. “Oh yeah, that he does. But he is helping with more than that. He is taking care of the issues I have with my brother and husband.”

Penelope looked at me stunned. Then back to Dorothy. “He’s taking care of your issues with your brother and husband.” There was a calm seriousness in her next question, “And just how is he doing that?”

Dorothy glanced over at me. “You don’t mind if I tell her, do you?”

Pea raised an eyebrow and stared over at me. The unasked question in her head was, ‘Why is this woman deferring to you? What have you done to her?’ stayed in only in her head. I, on the other hand, did say to Dorothy, “It’s your story to tell. So if you want to go ahead.”

It was amazing just how much she had changed in less than twenty-four hours. Even coming back up to the room from the pool, she immediately stripped after turning on all the lights in the room. She had made sure the curtains were fully open and said I was to worship the goddess. She stood before the window and looked out into the darkness, pressing her body against the window while I got undressed. She spread her legs wide so I could crawl between them and eat her. Which I did with gusto even after seeing the trail of mixed juices on her inner thighs.

I spent almost half an hour with Dorothy’s chest pressed to the window, as was the back of my head, as she virtually sat on my shoulders. She came twice from my bouncing her clit around and massaging her full pussy lips with my oral ones. The second orgasm had her weakened to the point of having most of her torso pressed to the cold glass. The top of her short pubic hair also pressed the glass, as the window kept her erect. I was behind her, an ass cheek in each hand pulling them apart, licking her from cunt hole to ass hole and back when the first flash went off. Dorothy’s eyes were closed, and her arms were raised and pressed to the window. She was too far gone to notice or care about the likely tourist on the street taking pictures.

Her third climax came via that same window. She turned around and kissed me. Our tongues were doing their dance. She again started her poor technique kiss. But it progressed quickly, turning our tongues’ slam-dancing into the Russian ballet.

She had bent over instead of getting on her knees and pressed her hot, slimmed cunt against the window. She humped up and down on the window the best she could, keeping her cunt’s lips on the cold glass. All the while, she took my dick between her other lips. Both her head and hips went up and down opposite one another. My fingers went through the hair on her head and brushed the hair on her cunt. One group of fingers ended up wrapped with long strands of hair. The other slime coated, her clit rapped on unmercifully. The glass ended up with a streak of pussylube, and her throat ended up with multiple streams of cum going down it.

I ended carrying her limp body to the bed after the cold window brought on a mild climax that took the last of her energy. Once there, I started again venerating her body with my lips. I worked my lips over her foot and up her leg’s curves. The path led over her hip to her breast. She squirmed when my lips tickled her stomach, draining even more of her energy reserves. The flesh of her full breast was enticing as it passed between my lips. All of her breast was sucked into my mouth a little at a time. At her elevated nipple, I suckled for a few moments before I continued up her body.

At her lips, our kiss was long and sensual. My hands had taken over where my lips had left off on her body. The reactions of her body to the caresses of my lips and hands were one of yearning for more. The flesh under my hands and lips trembled with excitement that exceeded her body’s capacity to contain it. The reserved gasp and moans expressed the desires my mind had for her. Only my cock needed a while before I could give her the unity of our flesh she wanted.

I needed an hour before I went at her lips a second time. Her pussy poured out juices prepared for my dick that was half hard. I would’ve tried inserting it into her tight vagina but was enjoying the feeling of her body in its inflamed state. I kept her in the state, turning her over and bathing her back and butt with kisses. My tongue ran with my lips, tasting the mix of her sweat, oils, and hint of chlorine still on her skin. Over her body, I slithered up her back, weighing her down. Her smaller body was pressed into the mattress. Her cheek in my palm, I turned her head to her shoulder, where I left the nape of her neck and devoured her lips.

When my finally stiff cock slid up through her ass crack, she whined, “Please not my butt,” as if I had forgotten it from earlier. But her husband had obviously conditioned her that a hard cock while she was on her stomach meant an ass fucking. I would break her of that concern yet.

I did raise her up to all fours and said, “I know.” It was the last thing I said to her before running my dick slowly into her velvet sheath. She whined and groaned at my entering her again. But nothing she said during the insertion could be understood. She had dropped her arms and filled a pillow with her face.

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