The Stowaway's Keeper - Cover

The Stowaway's Keeper

Copyright© 2024 by HppyHrryHrdn

Chapter 11: Coming Home

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: Coming Home - In the 80's, John was looking to go some place no one would know him. He was not planning on starting his new life with a 14 year old girl. She and her friends keep his life anything but mundane, despite his best intentions to keep it that way at his new home. Codes will change as story progresses.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Fiction   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Analingus   Slow  

Getting home from the long drive, I opened the door to be met by Cheryl and her askew skirt and blouse. Behind her, still sitting on the couch, was Helen. Her clothing was in the same condition. I had intentionally driven over the pressure plate in the driveway I had installed for her safety. It set off the alarm that somebody was coming to the house. The two girls had evidently used the time to redress in a hurry. As I stepped through the threshold, Cheryl jumped into my arms. I held her in my arms, enjoying the feeling of her small tits pressing into my chest and her legs that had wrapped around my waist.

I kept my arms around her chest, squeezing her tight keeping her aloft, instead of holding her up by her curved ass. And although Helen was there with us, for the first time, I leaned down and gave Cheryl a drawn-out kiss. Cheryl didn’t seem surprised, nor did she try to French kiss me as our kiss lingered well past four Mississippi. Cheryl broke the kiss. I would’ve let it last forever, absorbing the love and innocence of the young woman attached to me. It was restoring my faith that there could be goodness in my life.

Cheryl unlocked her feet that were behind me and unwrapped her leg from around my waist. We looked back over at Helen, who was still on the couch. Helen stared at us in surprise at our open display of intense affection while she was there. I finally said, “Well, you can come and give me a hug too if you’d like. After all, you’re part of the family. I think you spend almost as much time here as you do at your other house.”

It was Cheryl who said, “It’s more.”

Helen took a second to think about the invitation and statement. She mustn’t have thought of us as family or that we would think of her as such. In a couple of quick steps, Helen had replaced Cheryl in one of my arms. Cheryl had stayed firmly attached to me while Helen hugged me around the neck. For some reason, she accepted that she was part of the family and came to join Cheryl and me. She even accepted me giving her a quick kiss on the lips. It was meant to be just a quick peck, letting her know she was welcome as family. But as it had been the first time with Cheryl, the kiss lasted just a hair longer than a quick greeting peck on the lips should last.

The two girls continued hugging me until I finally said, “Okay girls, it’s time. We have to get the car unpacked. Or should I say I have to get the car unpacked, and it’s getting late.”

Cheryl, letting go reluctantly, asked, “Does Helen have to go home?”

It was Helen who said a bit shakily, “Unfortunately, yes, I have to go. Jane is probably already on her way to take me home.”

Cheryl said, “If she’s part of the family, isn’t this home too? I mean, she could stay here tomorrow then.”

I said, “Sure. She’s going to home number one tonight.” Then to the brunette, who still had her arms around my neck looking at me puzzled, “If you want tomorrow, you can go ahead and plan on spending the night at home number two.”

When Helen’s sister, Jane, came to pick Helen up, she got out of the car even though it wasn’t necessary. I could see that she had dressed in such a way as to get my attention. All of her long legs, and then some, were clearly visible up to the Daisy Duke shorts she was wearing. She had also tied her shirt just below her ample breast, showing off a flat stomach and midriff. Being a good host, I said to the provocatively dressed woman, “Would you care for some coffee before you take your sister back home?”

I don’t think Jane could hear it, but I could hear the other two girls in the background chattering. Their not-so-quiet whispers about Jane and her attire. They both said she was obviously still trying to get into my pants. I could tell Helen was not happy with her sister trying to edge in on me. I thought it was actually kind of flattering that the two young teens were interested in me. As a way to tweak them both, when it came time for the two brunettes to head home, I got up and gave the taller of the two sisters a long hug to say goodbye.

While I did so, I felt Jane put her leg on either side of mine. She wrapped her calf and stepped so that her smooth calf was wrapping the backside of mine. She ground her pelvis into my groin as her calf moved ever so slightly, lightly stroking up and down on mine. When the gorgeous brunette finally stepped back and away, I could see an equally fine-looking younger teen ready to explode at her sister for being so forward with me. I wondered how the argument between the two, which I knew would surely happen in the car, would begin.

I was fairly sure that Helen wouldn’t reveal any secrets or desires she might have had about me. I hoped that even when angry at Jane, she would be very cautious about what she said to her sister. If it appeared as if she was attracted to me, Jane would likely inform their parents. Which in turn would cause them to limit Helen’s time at the house with Cheryl. If it were only me and the two girls at the house, her spending the night would likely end immediately, causing Cheryl pain.

Evidently, she had approached the subject well enough. The next evening, Helen was there with Cheryl and me for dinner. And she once again spent the night. The two girls frolicked on the floor for hours before going to sleep in each other’s arms, knowing full well that I could hear them in my bedroom.

We finished Cheryl’s new room a few days later. As I expected, the first night she spent in it, she wasn’t alone. Helen had come and stayed with Cheryl on the new double bed. They may have slept two hours if that. It was the following day that she spent the first night alone in her new room. Even then, she only made it until 3:00 a.m. For the first time in some time, she crawled in the bed with me. I think that to not raise my ire when she did so, she did it still fully clothed. She was in her nightshirt, though she had no panties on beneath it. Plus, she stayed on top of the sheets but under the bedspread, whereas I had both covering me. Having been awakened, I groggily asked her, “Cheryl, why are you in here when you have a perfectly good bed all to yourself in your room?”

She replied, “I got lonely. There’s nobody there with me.”

I sleepily said in reply, “When you were on the couch in the family room and Helen wasn’t here, you were alone. So what’s the difference?”

She answered, “I don’t know. It’s just different. Then there was only your door, which was always cracked open between us. And if I listened hard, I could hear you breathing. And now there are two doors, and you’re so far away that I can’t hear you. So you can’t hear me, either.”

I had to laugh, knowing there were teenagers everywhere who loved the idea of closing their doors and being isolated from their parents or guardians. I told her, “You know you can always just leave it open, and it wouldn’t be a problem.”

Cheryl still disagreed with that idea. “It’s just not the same. I know I’m being a brat, but I liked hearing you sleep when I wanted to.”

Her sentiment was really rather sweet. And I let the sweetness get to me. I had hardly said, “You know we could take off all the doors and have no doors in the house if it meant you’d stay in your room all evening.” When she replied.

She asked, “OK, first thing in the morning?”

Since the two girls had moved their frolicking and making out to Cheryl’s room and would be doing so in the future, my full-length mirror would no longer give me a reflected performance. I figured that losing my bedroom door would not be a big deal. I did, however, say to Cheryl, “Don’t you think Helen will want the door? Not everybody is as open and unabashed as you.”

She told me, in no uncertain terms, “Helen will be fine with not having a door.”

Sleep not fully out of my eyes. I made a bad joke. “Does that include the bathrooms? Or are you planning on us being exhibitionists?”

I was surprised when she said, “Yes, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for them.”

Fully awake at that point, I told her, “I think for now that’s one step too far.” Again, my mistake was saying ‘for now’ because, at some point in the future, those words would come back to haunt me.

Cheryl was done talking and snuggled up to me. She gave me a long, tender kiss before saying, “Good night, John. See you in the morning.”

Cheryl had snuggled into me for the first time in a while on a bed. I noticed as she threw her leg over my thighs that when my hand ran down her back and over her bedspread-covered body, it was becoming longer and sleeker. The curve on her ass was more womanly than before. Her hips and roundness to her ass weren’t those of the 90-pound preteen I found in the back of my car. She was now likely a hundred and five pounds, and the additional fifteen pounds were added in all the right places as she grew taller.

In the morning, true to her word, my lovely sleeping companion was up after giving me a quick kiss on the lip. Saying good morning, she was up. Without even putting on her panties, she was in her nightshirt and had a screwdriver in her hand. She was prying the door hinge pins out, removing her door. She no more got it down, and while I was still making coffee, she had mine down as well.

The next time Helen came to the house, she noticed that Cheryl’s door was no longer in place. She asked me, “Did Cheryl do something bad or slam her door? Is that why her room no longer has a door?”

I’m sure my look said I didn’t understand her question. “No, I think I was the one who must have been bad.” I patted my bedroom door jam, “because I seem to be missing mine as well.”

She looked at Cheryl and gave her an inquisitive look of, ‘What the hell is going on?’. Over the months, the two girls had developed the ability to read each other’s minds. Cheryl responded aloud to the unspoken question, “I don’t like the idea of being closed up in a room by myself. And if John’s room doesn’t have a door, the whole house is just one big room. And then I’m not sleeping in the room by myself when you’re not here.”

At that point, I then understood why Cheryl had insisted that my door come off as well. However, it didn’t make sense in terms of why it had been okay those many other days and nights. But when I thought about it, I never fully closed my door. Somehow, I had always wanted to be available if she wanted me.

That summer, Cheryl and I found a small, not-so-shallow lake, about fifty acres, back in the woods, two miles from the house. It was perfect for swimming, even though the water that filled it was from the runoff of snow in the hills and a hot spring. The water wasn’t very cold, but it wasn’t warm either, just enough that the water was cloudy.

So when I first suggested we jump in, she said, “I can’t really swim. I can dog paddle a little, enough so I don’t drown, as long as I can stand up.”

I almost laughed at her statement, “Good to know. But how did you get to this age and not know how to swim? Anyone your age should’ve been taught. And when we first met, you were in a bikini. Why did you have one of those if you don’t swim?”

“Don’t you know anything? Bikinis are for getting a tan in, not swimming. And the bitch put me in it,” she said defensively.

Referencing Sheila I wondered how the roaches made out. I felt sorry for them being locked up in the box with that bitch. Pushing the thought out of my head. “Sorry, I forgot, but you never learned to swim?”

“No, Dad always said he would teach me, but then he never had the time. And Ryan wasn’t old enough to teach me. Then, when he was, he was more interested in screwing the stepbitch than teaching me.”

“Then how about we jump in and I’ll give you the first lesson?” I suggested.

“But I don’t have on a bathing suit,” Cheryl quickly pointed out. Just as quickly, she added, “But we could go skinny-dipping.”

“How about we strip down to our underwear instead?” I was not surprised she skipped right over that possibility. “I’m sure they cover more than that bikini ever did.”

“Well...” She hesitated, blushing. “I kind of don’t have any on.”

“I am assuming that is because you forgot to do the wash. Or you’ve outgrown most of them and were going to tell me later today you need to go buy some?” I said, knowing both scenarios were improbable.

“Yeah, we’ll go with those,” she said, getting less embarrassed. “In the meantime, there is always skinny dipping.”

I didn’t think it was proper for me to be teaching Cheryl how to swim when she was skinny-dipping. It would require my holding her afloat many times by the top of her sternum and by her pelvis at the top of her pubic hair. Which wouldn’t be an issue if she had on something. Otherwise, the possibility of hands going where they shouldn’t be was high. “No, I think we should pass on it today. Tomorrow, I will take you and Helen into town, where you can go buy a suit. And get some more underwear, so you aren’t in this predicament again.”

Still, only the tiniest bit ashamed, she said, “Yeah, that won’t help. It will still happen.” I let her statement pass without comment, as it was true, and we headed home.

With school out, Helen was over early. Cheryl couldn’t control herself. “Guess what we found. There is a lake about two miles from here, and it is perfect for swimming.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of it. But it is almost impossible to get there,” Helen stated. “All the paths have steep hills that are impossible to either get down or go back up. So nobody ever goes there.”

“Na-huh, we found a way that is really pretty easy. And John is going to teach me to swim there.” Cheryl contradicted her friend.

“You don’t know how to swim?” Helen, for the first time in a long time, sounded superior.

“No, I can doggy paddle.” Cheryl tried sounding proud of her ability. “He would’ve started yesterday, but I didn’t have a swimsuit on. And he wouldn’t teach me if I was skinny-dipping. So we get to go shopping today for a suit. Then he said, we can go swimming.” I had never said anything about going swimming right after she got her suit, but it sounded okay.

“Oh, but I didn’t bring my suit. Actually, I don’t think I fit in it anymore.” She again thought they were out of my hearing range. “Last year, I didn’t have any titties. Now I at least have some, but they’re still not very big.”

“They fit my mouth perfectly,” Cheryl said.

She must have also lifted Helen’s shirt and pulled her bra away, attaching her mouth to her girlfriend’s tit. I heard the struggle, and Helen gasped, “Damn it, Cheryl, you’re gonna get us caught by John if you keep doing that ... Oh, fuck, it does feel so good ... No, damn it, quit.”

“But you fit so perfectly and taste so good.”

Helen’s next comment was unexpected. “I guess I can skinny dip away from you while John is teaching you to swim.”

Sounding possessive, Cheryl said, “No, you can swim in your bra and panties, though.”

“I have a bra. I don’t have panties. Remember, you said they just get in the way and are hard to get off? And aren’t missed by anyone, unlike a bra,” Helen’s comments explained Cheryl’s lack of them the day before, though she hadn’t seen Helen. I don’t know, though, who she thought would have a hard time taking them off her.

“Maybe I can talk John into getting you one too. One, you can leave here.” I would have said her motives were pure, but I don’t think she liked the idea of Helen being naked with me while she wasn’t.

“You really think so?” Helen sounded ecstatic at the idea. “Daddy’s hours were cut, and he is saving every dime so we can go east and see family over the fourth. So he probably wouldn’t get me one. Not until he was sure I’ve quit growing.”

“Then we definitely need to get you one so you can go with us. John is more likely to go if there are the two of us. So I will get more lessons. And once I get good, I can talk him into skinny-dipping. I know he’ll say no to skinny-dipping as long as he is teaching me.” Cheryl explained. To me, it sounded as if she wanted to learn to swim purely so she could go skinny-dipping with me afterward.

Cheryl left Helen in her room and came and started to try to persuade me to buy Helen a suit too. I listened to her like I hadn’t heard them earlier and made her work for the new suit for Helen. Without Helen’s knowledge, she said, “If you buy one for her, we’ll wash the car every week and make dinner every night for a month. And clean up the kitchen afterward.”

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