Enslaved by History - Cover

Enslaved by History

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Further exploration of the dark world of Edward Pembroke. The underground market for sex slavery continues to operate in the 21st century for those with money and dark hidden desires.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Crime   Incest   BDSM   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Squirting   Revenge   Transformation   Violence  

Julia Duncan loved having a reason to come home. After being a workaholic for so many years, all she had were fleeting flings and superficial connections. But now, she finally had a reason to return home every day, even if it meant subjecting someone else to the most vile and disgusting interactions imaginable.”

“Darling, I’m home. Are you pleased to see me, baby girl?” Julia’s voice was sickly sweet as she checked her monitors and then entered the basement of her London townhouse. Inside, she found the defenseless 14-year-old girl, dressed in the skimpy, obscene school uniform, crouched down over a jigsaw puzzle. Alice Carter, at 5 feet 3 inches, was seven inches shorter and 30 kilograms lighter. With Julia in heels, she was nearly a foot taller, towering over the cowering young girl.

Alice had jumped and cried out in misery when she heard the footsteps approaching. She started to shake, terrified of the violence and disgusting acts that would follow. She hadn’t finished the jigsaw puzzle—there was still a corner left to piece together—and now her fingers were trembling as she desperately tried to fit one more piece in. She hoped that completing it might mean one less punishment.

“Alice, you didn’t say hello to your mummy?” Julia’s tone was dangerously sweet.

“Hi, Mummy,” Alice’s voice caught in her throat, barely a whisper. She was terrified of this woman, this madwoman. She had long since stopped correcting her, knowing it was pointless. Her real mother was staring out at her from the picture on the unfinished 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle.

As Alice worked on the puzzle, it felt increasingly unsettling to piece her mother together. Filling in her face had been a heart wrenching experience, but as she moved on to other parts of her mother’s body, the task took on a different, more disquieting tone. She had noticed with some foreboding that there were many flesh-colored pieces yet to be placed.

When she had to fit together the pieces that formed her mother’s breasts, it felt deeply uncomfortable. The discomfort grew with every piece that revealed more of her mother’s body. The more she completed, the more distorted the image became. Her mother was naked, displaying her vagina with her fingers, pulling the flesh apart with her legs spread to the camera. Her face was laughing, with a sick, lustful glint in her eye that she recognized from her interactions with men. She even recognized that look from when she had flirted with “Philippe,” the same man who had kidnapped her, trained her, and...

“Oh, I see you missed some pieces around the edge, but you still managed to complete the body. That’s good!” Julia remarked as she walked over in high heels, her business suit emphasizing her long legs as she stood beside the crouching girl. Tall, powerful, and commanding, Julia looked down at the petite and blonde Alice. She ran her fingers through Alice’s soft flaxen hair. “But you didn’t finish it. Were you being naughty?” Julia bent down and whispered into Alice’s ear, her tongue gently teasing her inner earlobe. “I hope I don’t have to check the camera again. Were you playing with yourself and wasting time? We had a long talk last time about what happens when you fail your tasks. It’s surprising that you failed when you know what the consequences are,” Julia mocked, her eyes wide with feigned surprise.

“Please ... I’m sorry. I worked really hard. There are so many pieces, and they all look alike,” Alice stammered, trembling and tearful.

“Maybe you were distracted by this naughty woman. Does she look familiar?” Julia asked, running her strong hands through Alice’s hair, massaging her scalp as her nails dug in, dragging along her skin. She pulled Alice’s head closer as they both looked down at the jigsaw puzzle. “That’s a very sexy-looking woman. Did you get a little too caught up in watching her? Hmmm?”

“No ... no, I couldn’t do that...” Alice whispered.

“Couldn’t do what?” Julia pressed.

“She’s ... she is...” Alice stuttered, struggling to find the words.

“Who is she? Hmmm?” Julia insisted.

“I don’t know,” Alice sobbed, her tears flowing freely. She couldn’t deny that the woman was her mother, but she also knew the punishment that would come if she admitted it. Julia would get angry. She was trapped, unable to understand why Julia seemed to enjoy hurting her so much.

“This whore,” Julia spat, “stabbed me in the neck when I was 18 and tried to kill me after breaking my heart,” she said softly. “Now, well, she is a whore, as you can see...” Julia’s tone softened slightly as she bent down again, her face close to Alice’s, studying it, admiring how similar she was to the woman in the puzzle.

“You’re just like her,” Julia whispered, her eyes looming large as Alice tried to avoid her intense glare, feeling the suffocating presence just inches from her face.

“And you won’t break your mummy’s heart, will you? You won’t leave me? You’re going to be Mummy’s special little girl for the rest of your life, won’t you?” Julia whispered as she hugged Alice tightly, crushing her with strong arms, her nose pressed against Alice’s face, sniffing her skin.

Alice just tried to breathe. There was nothing she could say that wouldn’t risk angering Julia.

“Hmmmm, you taste so sweet, smell so nice! You remind me of the woman in the puzzle, haha.” Julia glanced down at the image of Victoria again, her explicit, obscene pose glaring up from the floor.

“Why don’t you kiss the mouth of that woman? Hmm, bend down and kiss her on the mouth.”

Alice felt awkward as she bent over the jigsaw puzzle to kiss the mouth of her mother’s image.

“Now,” Julia commanded, taking advantage of the girl’s vulnerable position in her short skirt, running her hands over Alice’s legs and up to her ass. “Her tits next.”

Alice moved her lips to the image of the breasts and nipples, kissing softly as she felt the larger woman’s hands moving over her ass cheeks.

“And now, what about that spot between her legs?” Julia said with a smirk.

Alice cringed. She had looked at and wondered what the few bright red jigsaw pieces might have been, but as she assembled the flesh-colored pieces to form her mother’s breasts, stomach, and thighs, she soon realized that these pieces would eventually make horrible sense. She had avoided it until she had no choice, until there was a gaping hole left for the red pieces to fill in between the thighs. Matching the intricate details—the red sinews, the varying shades of flesh, the delicate veins, and the contours of the labia—was humiliating as each piece brought the intimate anatomy into sharper focus.

Kiss it!” Julia demanded, her voice rising.

Alice hesitated before reluctantly bringing her lips to the parting of her mother’s legs on the jigsaw puzzle, her eyes momentarily drifting to the belly button.

“Hahaha! I think you find her hot, don’t you? Don’t worry, you’ll soon be just as hot!” Julia laughed as she cupped Alice’s gently swelling breasts with her hands, kissing Alice’s neck. Her grip tightened, nails digging into the soft flesh, while her lips sucked hard. Julia’s teeth then sank into Alice’s neck as her lustful feelings intensified. Alice gasped as the teeth bit deeper into her skin.

“Ooowww!” Alice cried, but Julia didn’t care. Her thoughts flashed back to the near-fatal cut to her own neck in Italy all those decades ago as she bit down on the neck of the perpetrator’s daughter. Her hand moved down again to Alice’s buttocks, running over the faint, imperceptible lines where she had recently given her a light whipping. “You are so sweet, Alice,” she said, rubbing the lines on her bottom. “If someone couldn’t see these marks on your ass,” she lifted up her skirt to look, “they’d think butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth,” she murmured cruelly. “But I know the truth. I know you’re a naughty little slut. You need discipline, don’t you? Or maybe you like it. Maybe you didn’t finish that jigsaw because you wanted Mummy’s attention on your body, hmm?”

“No, please ... I almost finished it. I just needed another fifteen minutes,” Alice cried, overwhelmed by the unfairness of not knowing when this woman would appear. Earlier, she had spent fifteen minutes wailing and punching the walls in frustration, not knowing when Julia would come back.

“But you failed, Alice,” Julia said, grabbing a portion of flesh from Alice’s buttocks and twisting it. “Naughty girls have to be punished. Otherwise, I’d be failing as your mummy!” She giggled and stood up, walking casually to a rack where a thin cane made from a willow tree branch hung. Her high heels clicked as she pulled it out, admiring the instrument. “I think if I mark that beautiful bottom any more, it would be more punishment for me than for you. I think we need to consider ... other parts of your body to punish. Stand up and hold out your right hand!” She swished the cane through the air.

“No, please...”

“No please what?” Julia suddenly strode over to her and slapped her hard across the face, sending her sprawling.

“No ... no! No! No!” Alice cried, bawling on the floor, her legs splayed out, her little white panties exposed as she lay on her back.

“How do you address me, you stupid little bitch?” Julia hissed venomously, holding the cane as if she were about to strike Alice’s face with it. Her powerful frame loomed menacingly over the poor, defenseless girl on the ground.

“Mummy! Mummy! You’re my mummy!” Alice wailed, forced to concede to the humiliating and abusive title for her tormentor.

“Good girl,” Julia cooed, her demeanor suddenly softening into that of a gentle maternal figure. She crouched down, her knees barely apart, giving Alice a glimpse of the black knickers beneath her skirt as she soothed her. Leaning in, Julia licked the tears from Alice’s cheeks. “Give Mummy a kiss to show her you still love her.”

Alice had no choice but to comply, pressing her lips to Julia’s. Julia’s large, ruby-red lips were much fuller than her own, and as they engulfed Alice’s, Julia’s tongue slipped into her mouth. Alice knew she had to respond, reluctantly letting her own tongue meet Julia’s.

“Mmmm, you taste so nice, and you’re so pretty. Now stand up!” Julia commanded.

Alice stood, her eyes fixed on the thin, evil-looking white cane.

“Now, count the pieces that are missing and still on the floor. Do it now!” Julia ordered.

Alice picked them up and counted, knowing there would be some sick game involved. When she reached twenty-two, she cursed herself for being so close to finishing a 5,000-piece puzzle.

“You’re sure it’s twenty-two?” Julia asked, her voice laced with skepticism. “Do I need to check? If I check and you’re wrong, I won’t be happy.”

Alice checked again, trembling. “Yes, Mummy, it’s 22.”

“Ok then, sweetheart,” Julia smiled again, her tone suddenly maternal. “I’m going to give you eleven stripes on each forearm and hand. It will hurt, but it won’t affect what you do down here, and it won’t mark you too much. Now hold out your left arm straight!”

Alice groaned, closed her eyes, and held out her left arm. She felt the air move as the cane was swished back and forth, and then came the pain, the noise, and the burning sensation.

“Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! It hurts! It fucking hurts!” Alice cried out, hopping from foot to foot, clutching her arm, wincing, and crying.

“Don’t you fucking curse at me, young lady!” Julia snapped, grabbing the girl’s face and twisting it. “You never use foul language in front of your mummy!”

“Sorry, Mummy ... it’s just that ... it hurts so much. I’m sorry, I won’t fail again!”

“You were warned, and you failed. Now obey your mummy and hold that arm out!” Julia demanded.

Alice bit her lip and kept her eyes shut as the repeated blows rained down on her forearm and onto the palms of her hands. She hopped from foot to foot, clawed at her own hair with her free hand, and even bit her fingers—anything to distract herself from the pain that was invading her very soul.

“Other arm, now, come on!” Julia commanded.

This time, Alice could hardly lift her left arm. As her right arm was brutally struck again with the cane, she could barely bring her bloody left arm to her face to console herself.

Julia’s face twisted into a wild, animalistic expression—a glaring enigma of madness and evil, feral and unhinged—as she struck again and again, savoring the sound of Alice’s screams. As soon as she finished, a wave of dark pleasure surged through her, nearly bringing her to climax as she released the cane and took in the sight of Alice’s bloody arms and her horrifically pain-stricken face.

As Alice clutched her arms and crouched down, sobbing, Julia nonchalantly set the cane aside and calmly began to undress. She removed her business suit jacket, unbuttoned her blouse, and stripped down to her bra, flexing her arms and placing her hands on her hips. She stared down imperiously at Alice.

“Now, no moping, Alice. You deserved that! Thank your mummy for disciplining you.”

“Thank you ... Mummy,” Alice said, breathing heavily, her gaze lowered.

“Now, come here and unzip my pencil skirt. Reach around me and take it off.”

Alice looked at Julia’s strong figure—her toned stomach, powerful arms, wide hips, intimidating legs spread apart, and her proud, commanding face.

“Yes, Mummy,” Alice whispered, shuffling forward, her face pressed against the fabric of Julia’s pencil skirt as her still-burning, numb arms reached around. Her hands were so sore and numb that it was difficult to work the zipper, but finally, the skirt dropped. The soft fabric was replaced by warm, dark flesh, and Alice found herself face-to-face with Julia’s panties. Suddenly, Julia grabbed the back of Alice’s head and forced her face into her crotch.

“Aaaa,” Julia sighed with pleasure, lifting her head upward and rubbing her mound against the features of the girl between her legs, gripping her hair once again.

“Now, my feet are killing me,” Julia said, moving back and sitting on a little sofa. She lounged back, arms outstretched, her legs sprawled out. “Take my shoes off, Alice, and give your Mummy a foot massage.”

Alice couldn’t help but partly admire Julia’s long, strong legs as she shuffled forward again. She took one heel off, then the other, and held Julia’s feet in her hands. Julia stretched one leg out, toes splayed, as she relaxed while Alice began rubbing her feet.

“Fuck, that feels good. Don’t fucking stop!” Julia said, her head lying back, staring up at the ceiling in complete relaxation. “Aaaaa, yes.”

Julia’s feet were so much larger than Alice’s that her small hands could barely wrap around them. “Now, baby, use your tongue—lick my foot,” Julia whispered softly, her voice almost dreamy, as if she were half-asleep in a state of gentle ecstasy.

Alice hesitated, her hands trembling as they struggled to grip Julia’s large foot. The stark difference in size made the task feel even more daunting. She glanced up at Julia, who was now reclining with her eyes half-closed, lost in her own world of bliss.

Tentatively, she leaned down, her lips hovering just above the arch of Julia’s foot. The warmth of Julia’s skin radiated against her face as she extended her tongue, lightly grazing the sole. The taste was a mix of sweat and faint traces of perfume, not entirely unpleasant but undeniably humiliating. Alice closed her eyes, trying to detach herself from the act as she began to slowly, methodically lick up the length of Julia’s foot.

Her tongue traced the curve of the arch, moving with deliberate care. She could feel the slight roughness of Julia’s skin under her tongue. With each lick, she tried to keep her movements steady, sliding her tongue between the toes, feeling the softness of the skin there, the slight give as she pressed gently.

Julia sighed contentedly, a soft murmur of pleasure escaping her lips as Alice’s tongue worked its way around the ball of her foot. Alice continued, moving slowly, lingering just long enough to avoid provoking any displeasure. She licked the heel, her tongue gliding over the firm surface before trailing back up to the toes, her small hands still gripping the foot, holding it steady as she fulfilled the degrading task.

As she repeated the process, Alice tried to focus on her breathing, each inhale and exhale a reminder that she had to endure this, that she had to get through it. Her tongue continued its journey, tasting every inch of Julia’s foot, each lick a small surrender to the overwhelming control the other woman held over her.

Julia, now fully immersed in her own pleasure, barely whispered, “Good girl ... don’t stop.”

Alice obeyed, she didn’t stop, knowing that to do so would only bring more pain, more punishment. So she licked, the slow, methodical movements of her tongue the only thing she could focus on, trying to block out everything else.

“That was amazing,” Julia said, reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra, letting her large breasts spill free. “Now, suck Mummy’s tits. Come on, baby, get your milk.”

Alice now tasted something entirely different—from the sweat and roughness of Julia’s feet to the softness of her plump breasts. She suckled on the large areolas, feeling the hard nipples pressing into her mouth. Julia looked down, stroking Alice’s blonde hair with a twisted sense of affection. Her eyes drifted to the picture of Victoria Carter on the jigsaw puzzle lying on the floor in the middle of the basement. As she gazed at the image of Victoria’s breasts, Julia thought about how Victoria would feel if she knew that her daughter, who had once nursed at her own breasts, was now nursing at Julia’s. An evil smile spread across Julia’s face as she relished the sensation of Alice’s tongue and the act of her sucking.

Julia sank deeper into the sofa, her buttocks now hanging over the edge. “Now, Alice,” she murmured, her voice low and commanding, “take Mummy’s thong off and lick my pussy.”

Alice moved off her captor’s breasts and brought her face between Julia’s legs, carefully pulling the black elastic thong down over her hips. As the thong slid down Julia’s legs, a wave of erotic musk filled the air like steam rising. e Alice hesitated for a moment, the heady aroma overwhelming her senses, but she knew she had no choice but to continue.

With the thong now discarded on the floor, Alice leaned in closer, she tentatively began to lick, her tongue tracing the delicate folds with careful precision. Julia let out a low, satisfied moan, her hand instinctively moving to grip Alice’s hair, guiding her deeper into her fleshy long lips.

The taste was intense, salty and musky, as Alice obediently licked and kissed every inch of Julia’s most private area, her movements slow and deliberate ... Julia’s moans grew louder, her body responding to Alice’s touch with increasing fervor, as she pushed Alice’s face harder against her, demanding more.

Alice’s mouth continued its journey, lapping at the tender folds enveloping her nose as she delved through the intricate layers of flesh, foraging through the moist, musky depths of sinew and warm fluid. She sucked on the swollen labia, feeling them plump and juicy against her lips, filling her mouth with their taste as she continued her intimate exploration, every movement driven by a mix of obedience and necessity.

Julia pulled her legs up, gripping the backs of her ankles to expose herself completely. “Now, baby, lick Mummy’s bumhole!” she instructed, her voice filled with authority and anticipation.

Alice hesitated briefly but knew she had no choice. Slowly, she lowered her face further between Julia’s legs, her breath trembling as she approached the new target. The overpowering scent and sight were overwhelming, but she forced herself to continue, her tongue making tentative contact.

The taste was sharp and earthy, a stark contrast to what she had encountered earlier. Alice fought against the urge to pull away, her tongue moving cautiously around the sensitive, puckered skin. Julia responded with deep moans, her grip on her ankles tightening as she encouraged Alice. Alice’s well practised tongue circled the pulsating ring of flesh, the scent and feeling of the wet pussy still against her nose.

Alice’s tongue ventured further, gradually entering Julia’s anus. The initial sensation was tight, but she continued, easing her tongue deeper inside with measured strokes. Each movement brought her into contact with the warm, moist interior of her ass, and she felt the subtle contractions as she explored further.

As Alice’s tongue traced the inner contours, Julia’s body writhed with pleasure. “That’s it, baby. Eat my asshole! No part of Mummy’s body is off-limits to you!” Julia urged, her satisfaction evident as she played with he clit.

“Oh, fuck! I’m about to come. Wrap your mouth around my pussy!” Julia pulled the girl up by her blonde hair just in time for her pulsating and throbbing pussy to be right in position as she let out a burst of liquid into her mouth, causing her to cough and sputter. “Oh yes!” Julia screamed as she came all over Alice’s face. “Fuck!” She then brought her mouth down and passionately kissed Alice, tasting her own juices.

Julia’s lips were still tingling from the passionate kiss she shared with Alice. “That was amazing, darling,” she murmured between soft kisses on Alice’s lips and neck. Her body was still trembling from her intense orgasm “Just make sure you keep this up, my dear. If I start to believe you only perform after a beating, well ... you can guess what will happen.” She let out a wicked giggle as she looked into Alice’s wide, fear-stricken eyes, getting lost in their bright blue color.

The larger woman’s dark, imposing features dwarfed Alice’s smaller, more delicate form. Each kiss from Julia, with her intense, dominating gaze and commanding aura, seemed to swallow her up.

“Now, Mummy’s special little girl needs to cum too, so Alice, take that cute little uniform off, and slice those adorable little panties off, and join me on the sofa...” she patted the cushions.

Alice did as she was told, slowly undressing to reveal her delicate, slender figure. She slipped off her plaid skirt, and her blouse followed, exposing a smooth, snow-white stomach that curved inward to highlight her rib cage. Her gently rounded breasts, crowned with perky cherry-topped nipples, led up to her swan-like neck. Her slim hips and slightly jutting pelvic bones centered a hairless mons between her legs, with just a small, barely visible slit that Julia hungrily eyed. Her thighs, slender and soft, tapered down to knobby knees and dainty little feet. Her small, graceful wrists bore a subtle, delicate tattoo on her right wrist, marking the origin of her status as one of Edward Pembroke’s verified products.

Julia didn’t wait for Alice to sit down. She pulled her onto the sofa and lay on top of her, kissing her passionately while running her hands over the girl’s body. Overwhelmed and helpless, Alice allowed herself to be dominated and mauled. With Julia’s hands and mouth all over her, Alice barely made contact with Julia’s skin. Her smaller arms and legs were spread out, and she could only weakly tap at Julia’s hips and back with her little hands, her knees barely making an impact.

Julia lowered herself aggressively slurping and biting at Alice’s breasts. She sucked the tender flesh from her ribcage and nipped at her nipples, stretching the sensitive skin as Alice squealed, a mixture of pain and fear in her voice. The contrast between Alice’s small frame and Julia’s overpowering presence left Alice feeling utterly helpless. There was nothing she could do to stop Julia doing whatever her raw desire led her to.

Julia forcefully spread Alice’s thighs apart with her hands. She dug her fingernails into Alice’s pale, tight flesh, gripping it firmly as she stretched her out. With relentless determination, Julia pushed Alice’s legs into the air, exposing the firm and taut skin of her inner thighs. The tension and resistance in Alice’s muscles were palpable as Julia pulled her legs further apart, revealing a hint of the pink, fleshy opening between Alice’s stretched pussy lips. Without hesitation, Julia thrust her tongue into the little slit, eagerly exploring every inch of Alice’s most intimate area inside and out.

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