Big Female Trouble - Cover

Big Female Trouble

Copyright© 2024 by Sterling

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A disease suddenly descends on humanity. Women develop a serious illness which can only be cured by sexual intercourse, and it has to be with the right guy. No condoms, no pulling out, and he has to really want it. Bad luck? A sign from a God with most mysterious ways? Or could it possibly have been designed by a human with an agenda?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Clergy   Caution  

A decade after its first appearance, science had advanced enough that they began to understand how the BFT virus worked. But all attempts at making a vaccine were in vain.

Then an extraordinary thing happened. When the will of one George Sandwell was released from his attorney’s office upon his death in 1998, it included an extraordinary letter dated 1993. He claimed that he had deliberately fashioned the BFT Virus. His claim was accompanied by sufficient technical evidence that the experts soon judged that his report was genuine and not a hoax or delusion.

You can thank me for getting rid of all the STIs. No one thinks that was a bad idea, right?

Why did I do it? The world had gotten so there was just not enough fucking going on. Not enough guys got to mount their girl and fill her cunt with sperm. Because girls got pickier and pickier. Have to get your girl in a perfect mood. Get permission and ask every step of the way. And women were using sex as a reward to men for doing what they wanted done, and it was getting worse.

Women’s rights? That’s good stuff -- in most ways. But guys are always going to want to fuck more than women will, and society’s gotta let us. Otherwise we men go crazy. Or turn into little wimps. So for you girls who didn’t want to fuck so much -- I gave you a reason. A little bug that you guys named BFT. It made you real uncomfortable unless you got fucked. And not just by some one guy. You had to shop around, a lot of you. Let lots of dicks dump sperm in your cunts.

Not everything went quite accordingly to plan. Really sorry to the girls who died or suffered a whole lot. But as they say, can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

In the bad old days, men ruled everything. We traded women like pieces of property. We decided who got to fuck which women. After a war, we’d kill your men, grab you for ourselves, and fuck you until you had our babies. And for women, putting up with it was better than getting all righteous and leaving no offspring.

But deep down, we knew women were just like us. Worth just as much. It was hard not to give women all the same rights. And of course that includes the right to decide who gets to fuck you and when. That was the good part.

But then it got worse for men. Being big and strong was useful in the beginning to fight off the other men and steal their women or at least keep them from stealing ours away from us. Then it was important for clearing land and plowing fields. Then for digging ditches and moving heavy stuff around. But then machines did all that. Then what we needed was people who were smart. Women are just as smart as men. But then came the value of “emotional intelligence” -- understanding people and working with them. And women were better at that! So what was left for men to do? A lot of remedial work for their inner nature. Learn in each generation to not be violent, treat others people well, and above all don’t oppress women. And now and then, if you were a good little dog, a woman would let you fuck her. Women used their vaginas as wrenches to fine-tune men to be just the way they wanted them.

And of course they decided exactly how many babies to have and when. When it came to that most basic part of human interaction, they get to decide everything. My BFT bug complicated things. You’ve got contraception, so you still get to decide exactly whose babies to have and when. Though I made it a bit of a headache to prevent babies. There couldn’t be any obstacle to babies except for my precious virus itself when it was active. But for the rest of the time you had to be sure to start up again. I’m pleased that birth rates are up. Babies are good.

So I gave the men back a little power, but not too much, really. Rape is still a crime. No woman has to let a man do them if she doesn’t want. Of course my “gift” kind of put a finger on the scale. It made it so women needed to be fucked, and of course only men could fuck them. So the men got a little bit of leverage back. And got to do a lot of fucking. Men can’t really be men unless they can do a lot of fucking. If you guys find a cure some day, I hope women will hold to a truth about men. Men need to fuck a lot. It’s quick and doesn’t do you any harm. Feels kind of good to you too, actually. Why not let them? One concession to the way men are made.

Maybe a little compensation for us not treating you like property any more?

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