Big Female Trouble - Cover

Big Female Trouble

Copyright© 2024 by Sterling

Chapter 2: CDC Report

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: CDC Report - A disease suddenly descends on humanity. Women develop a serious illness which can only be cured by sexual intercourse, and it has to be with the right guy. No condoms, no pulling out, and he has to really want it. Bad luck? A sign from a God with most mysterious ways? Or could it possibly have been designed by a human with an agenda?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Clergy   Caution  

The syndrome has never been observed before menarche. Age-of consent laws have been suspended as part of the public health emergency. A man who has sex with a willing girl of any age who claims to have BFT is free of any legal jeopardy.

The syndrome has never been observed after well-established menopause. Chances of a woman being affected seem to vary approximately with expected long-term fertility. It has also never been observed in women with established pregnancies, nor have rates of spontaneous abortions changed.

The first patients to contract BFT did so 16 weeks ago. The symptoms keep getting more severe. It is typically debilitating after 14 weeks. There have been a number of suicides among those who cannot stand the pain. Among the cohort that has had BFT for 15 weeks, there has been 2% mortality from the syndrome itself. There have been no cases of spontaneous remission.

It has been known from early on that only an act of sexual intercourse has ever brought it into remission, though we now know more about what can make sexual intercourse effective.

All cases of remission have involved at least one act of intercourse where there were no hormonal or barrier contraception methods in place, and where ejaculation occurred inside the vagina. Sometimes a single act has been sufficient. On the other hand, in certain rare cases a dozen or more acts have not caused any remission of symptoms.

Preliminary indications are that for an act of intercourse to produce remission, the male must be intensely invested in the act and strongly desire it. The male must be mature enough to be producing viable sperm. Repeated acts of intercourse with the same partner seem to have no benefit in comparison to a single act. But the chances of remission go up strongly as the number of distinct partners increases.

Fortunately, given the need for a great deal of unprotected sex with multiple partners, a woman suffering from the syndrome can neither receive nor transmit any STIs. In fact, new STI infections in the entire population have dropped to virtually zero. Since this includes male-male encounters, it strongly suggests that the agent of BFT is in fact infecting the entire population.

It has been confirmed that women who are suffering acutely from BFT never get pregnant. However, some who believed (or claimed to believe) that they were suffering from it but were not have sometimes gotten pregnant. Since no treatment can be effective with any sort of contraceptive method, distinguishing real from apparent cases of BFT is vital for those who wish to engage in family planning.

Wanda was June’s first cousin, just three years younger. She had heard some tales from June about various experiences with BFT.

Now Wanda looked at her daughter. “Is something wrong, Rachel?” The girl kept scratching between her legs and squirming.

“No, nothing!” said Rachel, at once removing her hand from where she had been scratching.

Wanda had a sudden thought. Rachel wasn’t a little girl any more. She had just turned 14. Her period had started a year before. Could she have BFT? It did happen to girls that young -- she had read about it. It wasn’t common but it wasn’t terribly rare either. But if she really did, then before long the treatment was ... Not her little girl!

But she could tell. Rachel was clearly very uncomfortable. “Rachel, we’d better make an appointment with Dr. Chung.”

“No!” said Rachel. “It’s not that bad.”

“I know what you’re thinking. I’m thinking it too. But there are other reasons things can feel bad down there, and maybe you have one of the others and Dr. Chung could treat it.”

“But what if it’s not?” said Rachel. “I don’t want to ... yuck!”

“First things first. Let’s see Dr. Chung and rule out the other possibilities.”

Dr. Chung could find no other cause.

Wanda knocked on Rachel’s door, and after a brief wait let herself in and sat on the end of the bed. Rachel was at her desk, pretending very hard to be doing schoolwork. Wanda summoned up her best parenting demeanor. “You know the score. I know the score. You’re obviously miserable. You want to tell me how you feel?”


“You want to talk to a therapist? Dr. Seward again? Or someone else?”


After a pause, Wanda said, “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you tell me the things you think I would say, and tell me what you think of them.”

Rachel suppressed a quick smile, then started imitating her mother’s voice. “It’s natural ... If you’ve got your period your body is old enough. In other times and place girls got married -- and got fucked -- at that age.” It was kind of shocking to hear such a good imitation of her voice and what she might have said. And the ‘fucked’ -- in this conversation she should let it pass. “And while usually we’d say your mind and emotions aren’t ready yet, this is a medical emergency, and we have to bend the rules. And since we know it’s just a medical treatment, we can get around some of those emotional issues.” Rachel returned to her own voice. “But mom, I just do not want a boy to stick his dick up in my ... my kitty. I don’t want it!” Wanda felt a surge of parental anger -- she didn’t want any boy violating her little girl either! And that little girl word she used for it, “kitty”, caused a sudden pang of sadness.

Wanda thought it was time to bring up the idea of sedation. But Rachel got there first. “I know I could get knocked out, but I’d feel like such a wimp. ‘Ah, c’mon,’ she said in a harsh man’s voice, ‘it’s just a dick up your cunt, just a little squirt, don’t be such a sissy. In a couple years you’ll want it -- you’ll see!’ Wanda saw no reason to correct her daughter’s language. Given the reality, if she wanted to vent her anger with obscene words, that was her right.

“There are men who specialize in doing nervous girls,” her mom said.

“No, I don’t want to feel like a sicko.” She paused and gave a big sigh. “What about a guy who’s never done it. Like my classmate Jeff ... Or Ethan.” She laughed. If Wanda recall correctly, Ethan was kind of shy and awkward. He was also her age, so the chances were low that he was old enough to make the sperm that would do the job. “Even if he’s not enough of a man, at least I’ll get used to doing it, right?”

Wanda sat hard on her maternal instincts. “That sounds great. You want to ask him yourself, or get someone to make inquiries?” No one likes rejection, and young egos are more fragile.

“I’ll handle it.”

Rachel ushered Ethan into her bedroom and shut the door behind them.

“Ethan, I’m nervous as all fuck, and have no idea what we’re doing, but I figure let’s just do our best and see what happens.”

Ethan gave a grateful smile. “Yeah, that’s the way I feel too ... So, should we strip? I hear you can do it if the guy just sticks it out through his fly and up under the girl’s dress and around her panty crotch.”

Rachel felt a bit offended by Ethan’s proposed method. “Would it gross you out to see me naked?”

“Oh, I’d love to see you naked!” said Ethan, then, “I mean, if you don’t mind, it would be OK,” evidently realizing his first version had sounded more eager than he intended.

“I’m really happy you wouldn’t mind seeing me naked.” Rachel smirked, but then added, “I’d like to see you naked too.”

Having come in front outside, Ethan had socks and shoes to remove, while Rachel had been barefoot, so she was naked quicker than he was, and slid under the covers. When he turned around she saw his cock was sticking straight out, which was pretty scary. She smiled and lifted the covers, inviting him to join her underneath.

“What about getting you ready and all. I don’t know how, but I’m willing to learn.”

“I took care of that already,” she said. “You just slide it in and let nature take its course.”

“OK,” said Ethan with a lusty smile, turning over onto her. She found the tip of his twitching dick and aimed it at her pussy hole. She felt a moment of revulsion, but let it pass. It was natural. Her body was made for it. She would surely love it when she got older. The revulsion came back, but she closed her eyes and tried not to let it show.

Ethan’s thrusts were gentle, each one pushing his cock up into her just a bit more. “Oh, God, that feels fantastic!” he said. He started stroking in and out, a bit faster. Then he gasped and held his cock still. She felt it twitch up inside. She felt the extra wetness and knew he had just peed inside her. Gross. Ethan’s pleasure was written all over his face. “Was that OK?” he asked. “That’s what happened when I let nature take its course.”

“It was just right, I think,” said Rachel. After a moment she thought about the big piece of boy that was stuffed up inside her. It didn’t feel bad. “Can you go in and out a little? Just for me?”

“Sure, Rachel,” he said with a smile, and the meat went in and out gently. It had gotten a bit soft after he had peed in her, but now it got hard again. She felt the thing going in and out. It was incredibly gross. But it felt good. It felt both gross and good at the same time. It was natural, of course. The grossness faded away naturally. “Um, can I just let nature take its course again?” he said.

“Sure,” said Rachel, giving him a hug. She’d kind of asked for it, and this nice boy meant her no harm. He was doing what came naturally, and with her legs open wide and arms around his back, she was doing what came naturally too. She liked the feel of it up in there. She liked to feel it getting harder, and to feel him get more excited. Suddenly she liked everything about it. In a couple minutes nature took its course and his penis shot the stuff of life right up into her, where it would do its job and start a baby -- had everything else been lined up right.

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